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Code not implemented or not working as intended: Integrate Google Map in Swift - jkgfjm‎ - 2018-11-06 06:28:14Z
This may be off-topic, it's got CV but I don't know enough about nn and ml. Simple Python Neural Network - hlapointe‎ - 2018-11-06 03:59:49Z
@Peilonrayz I gave it a CV because OP didn't provide any description
Makes sense I guess, thanks for adding a comment
Lacks concrete context, attracting code-dump answers Elegantly exclude part of an operation from the last iteration in a loop - Kerndog73‎ - 2018-11-06 07:15:46Z
and it already has five answers... unbelievable :-]
OP not willing to provide more context :( codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/207054/…
ok, how are you doing the trick with the link to the question so that it shows its title?
Requires GreaseMonkey or similar
When you first use it, you need to point it at this room (before that, it's pointing at "Stack Exchange room", whatever that is).
I see, you're cheating - thx ;-)
@t3chb0t Not cheating - simply lazy. It's an important skill in software development!
1 hour later…
@Mast Why is it important to close those questions fast exactly? They do stay on the site even if you close them btw.
@SimonForsberg Closing sooner prevents people from answering bad questions and making the mess harder to clean up.
Clarfied that the author does not believe the code to be broken codereview.stackexchange.com/q/206798/9357
Code not implemented or not working as intended: EOFError: Ran out of input, what does it mean? - Shun Lushiko‎ - 2018-11-06 14:32:39Z
3 hours later…
@200_success How does the mess become harder to cleanup? Delete the entire question - done.
What SE policy allows you to delete questions with upvoted/accepted answers?
I can understand that you want to close questions sooner, but I disagree that those two questions that @Mast mentioned were "littering the site" that bad.
@200_success Not self-delete, but mod-delete. Although if it's answered and closed I don't see a big point in deleting it.
Furthermore, we don't allow the code to be modified once answered.
Umm… you should probably review the rules.
@200_success Yes, that can indeed become messy.
@Mast That's not a comment, that's a close reason. What is the point in copy-pasting the exact words that show up in the close reason?
@πάνταῥεῖ How do you define "success"? What's successful to you? What would your dream outcome be of all this?
Also, FYI:
Personally I see nothing wrong with this question and I have reopened it (after it having previously gotten some reopen votes) — Simon Forsberg ♦ 22 mins ago
@SimonForsberg It can take hours before a question gets closed. In the meantime, OP has the chance to fix it.
I don't like closing questions. I prefer OP fixing them.
They can only do that after we've told them something's wrong.
Most simply have never seen the help center.
@Mast And how do you think they will feel about that comment once the question is closed and they see that you are using the exact same words in the comment as exist in the close reason?
Code not implemented or not working as intended: determine how many years he has served the company so far? - jade‎ - 2018-11-06 16:47:22Z
@SimonForsberg I don't know. This isn't Feeling Review, so that's outside of my scope of expertise. Feel free to enlighten me.
@SimonForsberg Success in the sense to get rid of stuff like the above quickly.
@πάνταῥεῖ Such terrible questions don't deserve a comment, but heck, let's leave some anyway. They're cheap.
@SimonForsberg I disagree, the code lacks context, is incomplete and the variables are not initialized; it's useful only to the OP, I as a c++ beginner couldn't learn anything from it because I'm not able to deduce their types... it's a guessing game
you should have waited with reopening it
This item is no longer reviewable.
alecxe reviewed this 2 hours ago: Reopen
Stephen Rauch reviewed this 3 hours ago: Leave Closed
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ reviewed this 3 hours ago: Leave Closed
@Mast I just want you to think about it. It's not Feeling Review, but people who post code here do have reasons. Personally, if it would happen to me I think I would feel disappointed that someone just copy-pasted the close-reason. Once the question is closed, such a comment doesn't add any value at all or any additional information to the OP.
it doesn't look like everybody was of the same opinion
@t3chb0t It had two reopen votes. When in doubt I prefer to lean on the site of keeping it open. Feel free to add a new close vote and/or start a discussion on meta if you disagree.
@t3chb0t What about a C++ expert?
@SimonForsberg My experience with leaving tailored comments is it takes a lot of time and on most questions it's not worth it.
@Mast Worth it to who?
@SimonForsberg Toby knows his C++ and he left a comment.
@SimonForsberg I thought this website is for everyone and not private consulting :-\
@SimonForsberg The world. Asking questions is a privilege, not a right.
If anyone asks why a question got closed and they don't understand, I'm quite willing to help out. Absolutely. Done plenty of times in the past.
Posts can be re-opened.
@SimonForsberg if I could vote again I would have already done that...
But a question that doesn't fit the rules, doesn't belong.
Either it's made to fit the rules, or it goes.
We can't become the next SO.
@Mast Toby also didn't reply to this comment, but might have been the person who upvoted it:
@TobySpeight It's OK. I'm sorry for saying that. The problem is that I was looking for advice about a pattern that is repeated multiple times in different contexts. That's why I wrote code to print a vector. This question is off-topic. — Kerndog73 5 hours ago
@TobySpeight Please can the people that down-voted the answers on that question because they're off-topic rather than because they are bad please vote on the merit of those questions, now that it has been re-opened.
@t3chb0t Sure it's for everyone, but that doesn't mean that everyone has to get something out from reading any question.
@SimonForsberg If OP states the question is off-topic, I can't understand why you thought to re-open it anyway.
@Mast A privilege that requires 1 reputation.
23 hours ago, by Mast
Just hope we don't make it worse trying to make it better.
@SimonForsberg If you got a better idea, there's meta.
@Mast I believe that was a typo.
@SimonForsberg this is exactly how it should work - questions should be comprihensible to any casual reader and contain enough information for them to make their own research - with this one however, this is not possible
It's sad this room is necessary and it's not my weapon of choice. But we got to do something.
@Mast ... or what?
Too many lousy questions that shouldn't be here stay around, so it's harder on the reviewers to find the answer-worthy questions. I want to make it easier on the reviewers, always have, that's why we hunt down what needs fixing and hope OP fixes it.
We can help OP fixing it.
But they will have to put in the effort.
@SimonForsberg or will have a nice website with a bunch of useless crap
Stack Overflow is failing.
I will do what has to be done to make sure CR does not follow the same route, regardless of whether it's the popular thing to do.
We have to uphold the rules, the only quality we can enforce, to prevent the floodgates of crap washing the site away.
Code not implemented or not working as intended: Bluetooth button - محمد الفواز‎ - 2018-11-06 17:33:51Z
And again, if OP wants to fix their question, sure, we can help. We've done it before. We close questions, we don't delete them.
@πάνταῥεῖ Yay, more crap.
Oh, I forgot, sarcasm is illegal nowadays.
Booooo, more crap.
@Simon I agree with @Mast. At SO we've seen that evolving amount of VLQ questions over years and with increasing popularity of the site. That's why we engage here to prevent the same for CR.
Code not implemented or not working as intended: Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) in MIPS32 assembly code - Dio Tsolakou‎ - 2018-11-06 17:37:15Z
There does seem to be a flood of completely off-topic "fix it for me" questions at the moment. I guess that in many places, it's the point in the academic year when the first exercises are falling due. Please let's do what we can to welcome the good questions, improve the borderline questions, and expunge the unsalvageable ones.
But we only need to draw attention here to things that might attract answers before they reach site standard.
The rest should be fine through the standard queue mechanism
@TobySpeight Yes, as mentioned we see that pattern for years at SO. Always starting in late september, and another peak at february.
@πάνταῥεῖ September is eternal.
@SimonForsberg I disagree - Elegantly exclude part of an operation from the last iteration in a loop lacks some of the basic essentials for a question (and explicitly says in the text words to the effect of "my real code is different). But I don't want to get into a revert war, so I'll just duck out of this one now.
^^ Agreed.
I think there's a quite good question behind it, and I'd love for it to be allowed to escape from its cocoon and fly like the butterfly it wants to be.
We don't close questions because we dislike questions. We close crap to give the rest a chance.
Some questions are beyond hope. Others can be repaired, but often aren't.
If anyone has a suggestion on how to improve the latter, sure, go for it. Until then, we do what we must.
@Mast Can you tell me what's off-topic about this question? codereview.stackexchange.com/q/206981/31562
@SimonForsberg Could you upload and ink a screenshot for us mere mortal < 10k users here please.
@SimonForsberg I'd have preferred a non one box, but well.
@πάνταῥεῖ I don't. I use the built-in upload image functionality, that's it.
Now, do you see anything off-topic about that question?
@SimonForsberg Looks like lacks concrete context for me, also the OP didn't explain what specifically they want to have improved with their code. Probably homework.
@πάνταῥεῖ How is it lacks concrete context?
The title has the request for improvement
Concrete context means how this code should be used in a real world application IMO, correct me if I am wrong.
For some values of "real world application"
Is a programming challenge a "real world application"?
These kind of titles is too common for CR IMO, nearly every question wants that.
Yes, I'm not saying it's a good title.
@SimonForsberg Insufficient explanation of the goal.
> Given an array A, with dimension N, 1<=N<=100000, A[N] within range of [-100000, 100000]. At first there is a pointer at position K (in the beginning K=0), and M=A[K], and we say the pointer will jump to position A[K+M], and call this a "jump of a pawn`. If at any moment, the pointer jumps out of the array, we must return the steps of jumps it takes. If it will never jump out, return -1.
How is that not sufficient?
I'm not blind, thank you.
Didn't say you were.
@SimonForsberg Terse at least. I've read it a couple of times before VTC and read it even more times now, and the block of text is finally making some sense.
We have an array, and the pointer will jump. If it jumps out, tell how it got out. It will jump to a position equal to the old + whatever value is in the current position.
If it doesn't jump out, -1.
If it does, return amount of steps required.
Worthy of a downvote? Definitely. Worthy of a VTC? You got me in doubt now.
How much is sufficient.
No explanation about the approach, at least. It's not exactly self-explanatory code.
@Mast Sounds like my job here is done.
@Mast True, but that doesn't make it off-topic.
@SimonForsberg Depends on how you explain the rules, I'd say. It's grey area IMO, and in that area mistakes and judgement calls are made.
@SimonForsberg To quote mighty monkey:
> Please don't be offended that we put your question on hold.
@Mast I didn't say that was what they might be offended by.
@200_success OP probably barely tested the code. Funny enough that's another grey area for close-reason territory.
I agree that specific question has code so bad I'm hard pressed to come up with a test case which would pass, so closing it seems appropriate. The code is absolutely not ready for review.
But had OP provided such test-case, I couldn't see a reason to close it based on our current rules.
Depends on how blatantly broken it is. The Al Gore mail question yesterday failed on the given test case, so I considered it off-topic. The Connect 4 post that I asked to reopen earlier actually fails to detect diagonal wins, but appears to work for horizontal and vertical wins, so I consider it passable. This Hangman seems not to work for any word, so off-topic.
@TobySpeight About this:
Your edit invalidated an answer, which is against the question-and-answer nature of this site. See What should I do when someone answers my question?. — Toby Speight 3 hours ago
Feel free to roll back invalidating edits.
@SimonForsberg We should probably revisit the ML meta, shouldn't we? Get something conclusive on the table.
If we don't, it's simple. Not reaching the accuracy is like failing test-cases.
I think there's some leeway in there, but we need consensus on it.
70/100 is something different than 30/92.
@Mast Can you link the ML meta?
@SimonForsberg Sure
A: Announcement: New chat room CRCQR

Simon ForsbergThe progress so far... This room has been ongoing for a little more than two days now. In this time, there's been 24 requests to close and 1 request to reopen. Some questions had comments that were just copy-paste of the close reason. I consider this not being helpful because of a few reasons: ...

If some of you down-voted this question I would like you to revisit those votes:
Q: Excel VBA to download from IE Database Stops Responding

TBoulzfirst time using Code Review, although I have been active on StackOverflow, hope I'm in the right place. I am putting together Excel VBA code that using information from various columns on a worksheet to search for a document on a company intranet site, and save the document as a PDF, then move ...

The question got Mathieu-approved.
@SimonForsberg I know, I specifically asked for the VBA guys to check it.
After which it got closed and re-opened.
@Mast I usually do roll back such edits, but this one was slightly problematic as I'd asked if it was correct before the answer was posted (when it might have been okay to correct it).
@TobySpeight I'll leave that your call.
@Mast Sure, people should read the help center. But no effort in the world is going to make that happen.
@SimonForsberg Providing a link to it is a good start I'd say. Because most new users don't even know the help exists.
@SimonForsberg On this:
People should read the terms of conditions of services and programs they install as well, but that won't happen.
Did you notice I'm linking to that exact same question 3 comments higher
@SimonForsberg That's up to whoever has to clean up that mess. This one is ours to do.
@200_success Thank you for that useful material, I think someone already noticed us earlier. I appreciate your participation a lot here BTW.
@SimonForsberg Avoid one-boxing please.
For Meta references it's OK BTW
When I was a moderator, my philosophy was to close questions swiftly, with the hope that they could be fixed and reopened as soon as possible. I hope that this initiative helps the community to do the same.
@200_success Sure, I know that you've been moderating at CR. That's why I appreciate to see you here of course.
@πάνταῥεῖ I think one-boxing when requesting something people may overlook should be fine.
@Peilonrayz I believe we should soon have a room meeting how the SOCVR FAQ could be adapted for our particular intends.
That makes sense, we're still in an infancy atm
@SimonForsberg I believe it's a bit too early to judge about a progress. On the other hand I probably announced the room a bit too early here also. Though I wanted to address a broader audience to make them aware of. Just give us a little bit more time to improve everything. — πάντα ῥεῖ 1 min ago
@rene who's one of the major initiators of the SOCVR made me aware of those things in the early days of that room was setup.
in SO Close Vote Reviewers on Stack Overflow Chat, yesterday, by rene
@πάνταῥεῖ a meta post, chat events, boilerplate comments you can leave under relevant meta posts (when they happen, so don't go commenting back to the future), write relevant meta answers where you mention the room, add a link to it in your about me, keep the room alive with either discussion or relevant meta posts. See how this room struggled in its early 6 to 8 weeks./months.
in SO Close Vote Reviewers on Stack Overflow Chat, yesterday, by rene
see for examples: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/search?q=socvr+user%3A578411+is%3Aa
@200_success If you're willing, I'd like to add you to the list of ROs here to support moderation.
Sure, I'm OK with that.
@Mast Sorry, no, I did not realize that.
@200_success ty, you're very welcome.
Code not implemented or not working as intended: HTML/CSS simple site - gjfgj12‎ - 2018-11-06 21:40:02Z
Code not implemented or not working as intended: Taking a single max value from a txt file - paweljvn‎ - 2018-11-06 21:47:30Z
Hopefully I am sober enough to attend that room meeting at the upcoming saturday ;-)
Borderline asking for code not yet written: document-root centralized phpmyadmin
Lemme poke my head in here to also drop a note re: comments on Simon's answer:
Welcome @Vogel612! Attention is appreciated!
in The 2nd Monitor, 11 mins ago, by Vogel612
Folks: small mod note here. Comments are not a chatroom. The sheer volume of comments suggests that we should discuss this answer somewhere that's more suited to discussion. Thanks! — Vogel612 ♦ 3 mins ago
@πάνταῥεῖ Care what you wish for :)
Attention isn't necessarily Aufmerksamkeit in the good sense
@Vogel612 Ty, appreciation expressed again!
@t3chb0t Code Review is not a site only for beginners. If you as someone not familiar with a language do not understand what the question is about, you should not VTC
@Vogel612 Well, I am aware CM mods and Network wide mods where made aufmerksam. I still believe that everything here is all within the policies and rules, and their asses are safe ;-)
IIUC you actually poked sleeping beasts on twitter, soo ...
@Vogel612 Though authors of code should be expected that they know what exactly they're doing.
@πάνταῥεῖ which was not really in doubt with the particular question that the discussion was about
@Vogel612 @Shog9's response was pretty cool as always IMO.
I am not raising calls for torches and forks, just installing a better forum (and yes for that cases it is) to better moderate possibly off-topic questions at the SE Code Review Q&A repository.
@Vogel612 Appreciate to see you here joining the discussion of course. May be you have some gifts to leave for my already poor Meta announcement.
I already dropped a mod note on one of the answers. I'll stay out of the discussion, at least for now
Code not implemented or not working as intended: rearranging words to create palindrome python - khaled siam‎ - 2018-11-06 23:11:18Z
Attempt to generalize concrete question to apply to hypothetical situations (with edit war) codereview.stackexchange.com/q/207035

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