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Q: New Year Algorithm 2019 on International Sites

Nicolas ChabanovskyInternational communities have one very remarkable initiative that began several years ago on Stack Overflow in Russian: we celebrate the beginning of the new year with a contest for the best questions and answers with the algorithm tag. The contest lasts for all of January and consists of two se...

@fedorqui Hi! Thank you for the questions. Let me answer them. (1) I thought it was fixed. I wrote to my colleagues. I hope they will tell me what should I do to fix the issue. (2) I thought that you with @@Shog9 came to some conclusions and was off the process. Shog9 knows about the topic way more than I do.
Third question is the most interesting one! =) It is implemented in the engine in a very minimalistic way: we need to provide a list of ids in the following format "soen_id=soes_id, soen_id=soes_id,..,soen_id=soes_id". This string then will be added to the site settings on SOen and Spanish speaking devs will see a box that says that there is an answer on the site in Spanish.
We use it on SOru: ru.meta.stackoverflow.com/q/4857/6 (please, clink the "run snippet" box). We have collected more than 500 same questions between SOs.
@NicolasChabanovsky Hi!! Great for 1), let me know if I have to do something regarding 2)
@NicolasChabanovsky this is veeery cool! In es.meta.stackoverflow.com/a/1321/83 we have 45 mapped questions. Do you think we can do something out of it? If it is possible to implement, I think people would really like to have such thing in SO pointing to SOes. Not sure how it is working in SOru, but I imagine a big stream of users can come this way
@fedorqui It's already implemented!
How we do it on SOru: users add comment in a special format under a question on SOru that has an equal one on SOen "association: link.to/question/on-so-en". Then from time to time folks ask me to update the setting string. I go to our internal SEDE and query all comments that contain the "association:" string. Then I run a script (on ru.rudevs.ru) that generates a new value for the setting string ru.rudevs.ru/setting-string
What do you think whether it will work on SOes?
Could you please clarify what was the decision that you came up with Shog9? What you were planning to do? @fedorqui
@NicolasChabanovsky coool! This is a smart way to do things : ) So it is just a matter of going through the list in es.meta.stackoverflow.com/a/1321/83 and writing this specific comment association: link.to/.... Is it OK if I start doing it? I think it can work very well
@NicolasChabanovsky Shog9 explained things from chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/48697016#48697016, then I replied with my idea in chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/48723210#48723210 and nothing else happened. Not sure if I have to do anything else (Meta discussion was successful, I would say, with several upvotes to the proposal)
Yes, exactly! By the way, it could be any word. On SOru we use "ассоциация: " which means "association" in the Russian language.
@NicolasChabanovsky maybe we can use this word with some extra text, to prevent false positives. For example, asociación SOen - Soes.
@fedorqui The problem is that as I understand it's technically not possible. This is way I suggested to talk to Shog9 directly.
@fedorqui I think the better option is just one specific word (that means "association" in Spanish, for example).
@NicolasChabanovsky OK. It is asociación
It's easy to find, the is clear, and it's easily recognisable by other users.
@NicolasChabanovsky well he said:
Jan 25 at 17:30, by Shog9
But there's no way to say "block this tag if this other tag is not present", or "warn about tags matching this pattern unless other tags matching another pattern are present"
@fedorqui Nice! Let's use it then.
@fedorqui Does it mean that it's not possible?
but I think some generic approach like this can work well: Warning: if you are asking about Python, please do use the [python] tag, together with the specific version if needed and the framework if you are using one. It would show in all questions containing any python*.
@NicolasChabanovsky exactly, it is not possible. But my thinking is that we can use a more generic approach that covers the case
Could you please clarify if I understand you correctly. You are suggesting to add the waring above to all questions that have python tag on them?
@NicolasChabanovsky Almost. I would say python+, that is, whenever it is python plus some other character. Not sure if doing it for python alone may be too much
What if a user has added [python], then [python-2.7]?
@NicolasChabanovsky yes, that is true. But since the warning is generic (remember to use [python] together with a framework tag if necessary...) it still can look OK
Could you please discuss it with the community? I understand that the was a discussion but to me this one seems different. I think as soon as we add that waring there will be a lot of python devs who will not like it. Probably they would not agree with something. I think this is a good question for meta.
@NicolasChabanovsky OK. I will do
Sorry, I think I met something like that before and users were angry that we had not asked them before doing a thing. I would like to avoid such situation.
Thank you!
@NicolasChabanovsky yes, of course! All in all, we know people tend to be angry with changes they do not like haha
1 hour later…
Yeah, it happens.. all the time =(
@NicolasChabanovsky I updated the question and asked for feedback in case someone suggests something better: es.meta.stackoverflow.com/q/3860/83 Let's check in a week or so
3 hours later…
@fedorqui Could you please tell me if you think we need to feature it?
It took some time for me to find where was the update =) What do you think if we highlight the new version of the suggested implementation? Or even ask it as a separate question?
@NicolasChabanovsky I pinged the 5 top users in the Python tag through comments in their last Python answer, now one already answered
@NicolasChabanovsky you are right. I just moved it up and put bold on it
in fact this user recommended using python.* so that it does not trigger for python but it does for python..., like python3 or similars. I think it is a good idea
in case this worked, we could also implement similar warnings for tags such as sql-server.*, php.* and so on
7 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in title (63): --------->MAVEN, POM.xml <-- by jorge java on es.stackoverflow.com

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