Any idea how we can implement the things that other sites are implementing????
in fact.. Any idea how we can translate for example the post in ru to somewhere we can understand not ru speakers?? I dont think we have a ru-esp speaker.. not even a ja-esp... we have a couple of po-esp, so no problem there...
@gbianchi I think it's not an easy to answer question. My personal approach is to use google translate to read, and then ask additional questions to the authors. I hope somebody will come up with a better solution.
@NicolasChabanovsky in SOen there is a validation for questions with code only, I made a [feature-request] to add it to SOes but didn't get any answer. Do you think it's worth it to include it on the issue list to the post?
Hi @gbianchi! Could you please tell me if there is anybody from SOes community living in Barcelona who wants to meet? Occasionally I will be in Barcelona from November 2 to November 10. I would live to meet SOes users :)
Sad Story: There was an Area 51 Stack Exchange proposal for a new SO in Turkish and it got closed after being six years or so in commitment. It got the 100% need a long time ago.
@HenryWHHackv2.1.2 Based on the A51D post, it seems like they're still aware of it and have added it to the list; they just closed and deleted the proposal to stop inflating people's hope for it.