To be quite honest I could say she was conscious the entire time she was growing, but yearned not for motion like a person would, but for sunlight, and that was all she needed. If I rolled with that, I could say she has patience such that one could say "Wait here for me, I'll be back soon" - then walk off, forget or be unable to return, and she'd be sitting there quite patiently for a day or two.
Traditionally, CharGen for this game has involved the player creating a GDoc file in which to write the mechanics (aspects, skills, stunts) and linking it so everyone can see.
Then we talk in chat about what he should put down.
If I made her forceful I could imagine saying: patient but insistent are traits of hers. She can wait for a very long time - could wait longer than most - but won't. She exists because of something very important. She almost certainly has racial memory derived from her ancestry, and so would simultaneously feel like someone extraordinarily new to the world, and someone who has been here a very, very long time. And old people don't take shit.
She is, also, a plant. Plants can live for a very, very long time. She would have a much different relationship to time than someone who lives only fifty years.
(it is possible she will grow and age and develop bark and become something much less human, but that's another matter altogether)
Hm. Your other aspect should be about this: "Racial memory gives her the perspective of someone who has been here a very long time, and yet simultaneously is new to the world. She has both wisdom and naivety, or to put it another way, is old and inexperienced."
Her racial memory is distinctly not her own memory. It's there, and accessible, but it is different from the memories of her own experiences. So - she brings new eyes to the content of her racial memories.
Maybe I'm jumping ahead farther than I should but I think I'd like this lady's stunt to be concerning the fact she's a Protector of the Forest (an aspect we may have to... unpack?) and/or A Light in Dark Places
I may leave this one remaining aspect blank for now?
Stunt-wise, aspects are good for inspiration but stunts don't have to be linked directly to aspects... though unusual stunts may need an aspect that justifies them.
> Careful: A Careful action is when you pay close attention to detail and take your time to do the job right. Lining up a long-range arrow shot. Attentively standing watch. Disarming a bank’s alarm system.
@trogdor No. Your Stack Exchange login is entirely disconnected from your Google login, other than you use the same username and password on both. Logging in on one doesn't affect the other, your config and profile on one doesn't affect the other, etc.
If you have an aspect that is obviously anti-sneaky, then give the Sneaky approach a +1 and Flashy a +0, and urge me to invoke your unsneaky aspect for a bonus (granting you an FP) on the opposing roll every time you try something sneaky.
Or more drastically, self-compel auto-failures without rolling.
Okay. She phosphoreces (or can do so?). That is both anti-sneaky and flashy, I guess, if she's trying to sneak through somewhere whilst phosphorescing.
> Flashy: A Flashy action draws attention to you; it’s full of style and panache. Delivering an inspiring speech to your army. Embarrassing your opponent in a duel. Producing a magical fireworks display.
So what do you recommend for my +0 and +1's? I am a little lost :(
I see I can either give her a flashy aspect with a +1 in flashy, and that's good, but it would also be good to have a flashy aspect with a +0 in flashy.
So if I have an unsneaky aspect that you can compel (say, you compel that she phosphoresces whilst trying to hide in the dark), I could deliberately put a +1 in Sneaky so that you would compel that whilst I try to sneak, but I'd still have 1 better on the score than if I had a +0 there.
And between 1 and 3 stunts for free; after that you have to start spending Refresh.
Stunt templates (pp 31, 32).
> Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], I get a +2 when I [pick one: Carefully, Cleverly, Flashily, Forcefully, Quickly, Sneakily] [pick one: attack, defend, create advantages, overcome] when [describe a circumstance].
> Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], once per game session I can [describe something cool you can do].
I might go with something like: Because I am a Protector of the Forest, once per game session when I succeed with style on a Forceful defence, I can [something equivalent like inflicting 2 stress??] instead of taking a Boost.
But then I read that a Boost lets me place an aspect which is really useful!!!