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Q: Requesting ideas for Adventures in Time and Space tag

BESWWe have a question about Doctor Who – Adventures in Time and Space: The Roleplaying Game. So far as I can tell, it's our first. I gleefully ran to tag it, hoping to use something like "adventures-in-time-and-space" to differentiate this from The Doctor Who Role Playing Game (and to a lesser exte...

Screw San Francisco's hills. Seriously.
@Problematic s/San.*s/California/
Probably that.
"Screw Californialy" then
Which sounds like a bumper sticker
oooh, greedy regexes.
"Doctor Von Neumann's little machines weren't really much of a problem until one of the interns accidentally left out the U flag when he compiled."
@Problematic hehehehe
just bought a car
@Problematic 88 olds cutlass
nothing says broke like a car nearly as old as you are :)
No shame in that.
@Problematic nope, and it only says it has 85k on it and it runs quite nicely. So that's an upgrade on 268k w/o transmission
@waxeagle has the odometer rolled over?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Based on the appearance of the car, and the car history report I don't think so, but it's a distinct possibility with the fact that it's only a 100000k odometer
Probably took somebody to the store and back once a week for a lot of years :)
@Problematic it's an old person kind of car.
No doubt
@Problematic anyways, I was looking for something that will get me to home -> daycare -> work -> daycare -> home 5 days a week. This will do that for a while.
so far I've managed to avoid having a car payment, I was thinking I was going to have to pick up one. But I've managed to avoid it for the time being at least
Nice. I would trade my car for that right now.
@Problematic what do you drive?
Mazda 3. Definitely wasn't thinking "carseat in the back" when I bought it.
@Problematic lol, one on the way? I was looking at the 5 door mazdas if I had decided to go new
@waxeagle nah, he's 7 months now. My wife has to slide all the way up, because I can't fit the carseat behind me and still get in the car :)
@Problematic gotcha. Good to know, will definitely add the 3 (and consequently the 2) to my can't get one of those because carseats list
Yeah, I never, ever thought I would utter the words "I wish we had a van" until we had a kid.
@Problematic lol yeah. I know that feels. I've got a 4yr old and a 1yr old. Our main around town car is a 97 taurus that is plenty big enough. But my daily driver was a 95 civic that was too small for 2 car seats. The Olds is big enough for the carseats, but I don't know how long it's going to last
3 hours later…
Newest Core/FAE dead-tree-arrival estimates (US): two weeks until shipping, and 10 business days in the mail. For international shipping, add { (apathy / patriotism) * ( GNP / [# of regimes in last decade * 1 million]) * ( 2 if euro = true, else 1.5) - bribe/10 } days.
@ObliviousSage Why'd you delete your suggestion? I thought the dialogue was valuable as a record of why the tag avoids the "dr" abbreviation.
@Problematic Hi!
@BESW - I'm astounded that the FAE community was confused that players would naturally use their characters' highest strengths by preference.
I think it's less "surprise that it's happening" as "not sure what if anything to do about it."
Keep in mind, "the FAE community" just got a LOT bigger very suddenly.
death to the fleshy ones.
it's a gaming community, of course they want to roll highest stats
@BrianBallsun-Stanton isn't that pretty much everyone?
@trogdor potato, po-tah-to.
or do you just mean the really fleshy ones?
like fat people
or all the mammals
Select * from world, really?
I'm not picky.
I just start burninating some of em then
sort out the mess later
3 hours later…
a 1 vote answer... accepted... over a 34. and granted a bounty... there is no accounting for taste
Wait, what?
A: In D&D, A PC became king. How do I keep him in check?

ExtrakunContrary to what most people think, being a King doesn't make you the supreme ruler. A quick game of Crusader Kings would enforce that. Here's what I would do Define, loosely, the political structure of his realm and his obligations. A king has obligations to his people; he can't just take ever...

I mean, technically it's not a bad answer... but... um
@Brian Yeah, but we're not
We're using OpenID
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Something tells me Standback is in line for a shiny new badge.
@BESW (and I am, with 3 more votes...)
but yes, he'll earn a gold if the accepted answer reaches 10
[laughs at @BrianBallsun-Stanton]
yes yes
bah. go go gadget mod powers activate
go go gadget burninate
11 messages moved from FAE game room
@JonathanHobbs ....no.
okay, option 1. Try to figure out why my external HD isn't mounting
Option 2. Buy a new one tomorrow
(I love that clip so much. It is everything that was wrong with Myst III in 12 no-context-needed seconds.)
that's all usb 3'd
2 hours later…
@Sam Hi!
Has anybody here played A Song of Ice and Fire? Is it any good? I love the series on TV, and I am busy reading the first of the novels, and the setting seems very good. But I would like to get more info before spending my hard-earned money...
@Sam A search of the tag reveals that few of the people who have shown experience with the game frequent this chat.
You might be able to ask @BrianBallsun-Stanton to see if there's someone he can summon to chat.
@BESW that's not a particularly good use of blue-goo. But... it depends on who.
Gomad is the only one I really recognize.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I have a USB 3.0 external HD that a while ago would not mount when I plugged it into a USB 3.0 port. Worked fine on the USB 2.0 ports.
@JonathanHobbs And this is why Tanenbaum's evaluation of bandwidth is still so hilariously true.
@BESW Haha, very much so. 8) I presume you may have seen this XKCD What If mentioning the Sneakernet?
Of course!
so a) I'm going to be getting myself a new drive
cause yay, the usb port in the back is woggly
and b) getting my backup data off the drive is going to be ... annoying
@BESW Thanks, I will do a search!
@BESW I deleted it because I'm vain and tend to delete any of my posts that don't look like they're going to get me at least 1 rep. However, your point about value to the community seems sufficiently flattering for me to undelete it for preservation.
@ObliviousSage Thanks. I do think it's very important; otherwise there'll be no sense of why in a discussion about tags being too long the most obvious abbreviation was overlooked.
Afternoon all
I'm looking for advice on how I choose a 'correct' answer for the trivia question I have on meta
particularly given the strong disagreements there are between the various parties that have posted answers and/or comments
@Phil Generally, the answer you as the asker found most helpful.
but I'm conscious that that might not be the actual correct answer
given that meta is used by users to help decide what their behaviour should be when forming questions and answers
@ObliviousSage If you edit SSD's comment into your answer, it'll preserve it and make the answer even more useful.
@Phil Yeah, but a conscientious citizen is going to remember that "Accepted" means 1 guy liked it, while votes are a better indication of community opinion.
Don't give the green checkmark more weight than it deserves. [grin]
fair enough :o)
2 hours later…
sweet D&D Next is part of the contest :)
@BrianBallsun-Stanton populist badge anyone?
maybe a few of them :)
ah we've gotta take the accepted answer up to 10?
[squee] Brendan Eich is on stage right now, apologizing for JavaScript (again)
@Problematic could they pick a better gorram name. The current one is too confusing
blink I think his parents chose that one.
@Problematic no for JavaScript :P
Ooohh, got it.
Why is "JavaScript" confusing?
Because non-technical people put "Java" in the job requirements when they mean "JavaScript" and then I cry.
@BESW and because Java and JavaScript are unrelated (though they do share some syntactical similarities).
the name JavaScript was a marketing ploy because Java was a big deal when what would become JavaScript was first released.
(it wasn't coffeescript, that's something different)
@waxeagle JavaScript was introduced in Netscape Navigator as LiveScript. It is correct to note that the Java in JavaScript was a marketing effort designed to capitalize on Java's rise.
@Problematic Eich is apologizing for what? Javascript is the most widely used Lambda language in use. It has some shortcomings, but it's not "awful"... Crockford's book Javascript:The Good Parts documents them pretty well.
@javafueled he was just... apologizing. He built it in ten days, there's some stuff in there to apologize for.
@Problematic agreed. if you haven't read it, do pick up Javascript:The Good Parts
I have, and I think Douglas Crockford is a legitimately crazy person, but not necessarily wrong.
"Crockford" is a tragic name for someone with Opinions.
@BESW especially if some (but not all) of their Opinions are Out There.
It's a worse name than Greenblatt.
1 hour later…
Service unavailable
@BESW "tasteless and offensive"
(that's from my web filter :))
@BESW can you host it here?
Eh, it's not that important. Just a mildly amusing joke about EA.
Gordon Ramsay says, "This risotto is so unfinished, EA tried to publish it."
bwah bwahhh
@BESW lol
hi @Heather what brings you to these parts?
@waxeagle /hi, just nosing around to see how this place works :)
@Heather cool. welcome to the site btw
@waxeagle Thanks :) finding it really useful and handy. Blame Tynam for me being here!
@Heather ah Tynam, I like him. Haven't seen him around in a bit. He ran a game for us a while back though
@waxeagle Great guy, he's our regular GM, I've got a lot to live up to!
@Heather awesome.
Q: How come my name doesn't show up in the reputation leagues?

blueberryfieldsWhen I look at the reputation league for the RPG site on stack-exchange, I can't seem to find my username. How come it's not listed?

4 hours later…
@BrianBallsun-Stanton So earlier today I got an email from a former player of mine asking for help statting up The Red Knight, a lesser deity in the Forgotten Realms that claims dominion over Tactics. Evidently his low-epic party wants to kill her and sit in her chair.
What I sent back to him was sadistic and cruel >.>
Should be able to report the results of the fight within the month, though.
what is it with sitting on a god's chair?
my group had to fight a demilich who was sitting on the chair of the Raven Queen
@trogdor I recall hearing about this battle. IIRC one of you didn't make it
he sat on it
it wasn't even the dang fight, he sat in the chair XD
he basically killed everyone but my bugman too
which I thought was harsh of the DM
cause none of the rest of us sat on that chair
but you know, it was kinda appropriate.
@trogdor Raven Queen and all
the reason "one" of us didn't make it was cause he brought us back after
well those of us that died anyway
but the bugbear who sat on the chair was retired
which I think was also appropriate
I don't think we actually HAD more than one PC death before that incident.
and that was scripted because the player of that character had left, and thought it was an appropriate way to end his adventuring career
to be entirely fair, our DM was a big part of the reason we didn't die too often, I think.
there were some things we had done that might have justified killing at least a few of us
@trogdor generally 4e isn't designed to kill PCs very often. You either have to do something incredibly stupid, or be facing a BBEG
that is what I mean
we did some stupid things
1 or 2 of them, I think, might have justified some of us dieing, but not necessarily a party wipe
we didn't do anything party wipe stupid, unless you count the chair sitting
but that was one guy
my definition of party wipe stupid is that it should actually be the entire party engaged in something dumb enough to kill them all, not just something one of them does that kills everyone
I realize that distinction is a pretty fine one, but it is an important distinction in my opinion

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