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Only if you shout something too. [grin]
> Not today dragon!
Yes. Roll.
+6 vs +1
Spend, spend, spend some Fate points?
hurt hirt hurt goes the knight?
Can I spend a point to invoke Rocks? The dragon gets caught up in the rocks on the hill?
(Although if you have to go, you could let yourself get taken out.)
@C.Ross yeah, it stumbles on a rock or something.
and trying to see if I could invoke the screams for free
The Princess will happily pass you a tag.
The screams give me a sense of purpose (Can’t ignore the needy) and I put all of that into absorbing the blow?
I like it.
So now you're at +5/+6.
yeah, and I'll take the one stress
Much more acceptable.
why does the dragon increase the NPC pool by 4? it's already spent a lot on awesome stuff
And down one FP, right?
@trogdor We can talk about that later.
Motivated by the lady behind him, Lord Northface takes the blow on his shield, sending vibrations up his arm. It'd hurt a lot worse if the dragon hadn't stumbled on a rock while executing the spin.
> Lord Northface raises his shield, bolstered by the knowledge there is a needy princess behind him, and wheels his horse to take the blow on his shield, as the dragon slides in his spin.
ok guys, got to bail, sorry
@BESW do what you need to to play
No problem. We'll figure something out.
Take care!
@trogdor It is very unlikely that you can succeed against the dragon alone.
You have a clawed-up face and some stress. You might do well to concede.
It'd give you two FP.
You'd have to grant a major concession though; what might that be?
Alternately, if you want to move to a different character... om nom nom.
running away and leaving the princess to it would be a worthy concession I think
We could just keep playing it out and see what happens.
my other character idea is a wolf hunting something in the forest, my idea was it would be a "white stag"
I am having trouble deciding, to be perfectly honest.
Then let's keep playing the scene.
Either you'll decide, or the scene will decide. You can concede any time when the dragon isn't rolling and resolving an attack.
and in FAE there are only the minor consequences?
and generally you only have one?
No, you still have mild (2), moderate (4), and severe (6).
why would I get 2 FP for conceding now?
Because you get 1 for conceding and 1 for each consequence you took in the conflict.
Princess's turn, I think.
She'll place an aspect on herself: "Unthreatening." This isn't histrionic, so she's got no mod.
The Princess swoons strategically behind a rock.
Kirby, you're up.
I think conceding at this point is entirely reasonable
Conceding at any point in a fight with a dragon is reasonable.
But is it what you want to do with the character?
I has a plan
Okay, so Kirby's going to run off and leave the princess and the knight to deal with the dragon he ticked off.
and it will chew on his conscience
Okay then. Kirby gets to start his next session with 5 FP and an unshakable aura of jerkface.
Please narrate his ignoble retreat.
Kirby stands up after his little mauling by a dragon.
he looks around and see's it has started to lay into a knight that just showed up out of nowhere.
and the princess is characteristically cowering and yelling her head off
it is the perfect time to run, so he does just that
....I thought he was blind.
he tries not to make any noise while everyone is distracted, and once out of ear-shot, he books it
hears then
yeah it would be hard to see it
in any case
I think he likely will still be able to tell someone on a horse just galloped in
the princess is still SCREAMING her head off
of course no surprise there
and the dragon is obviously leaving him alone
so, slightly different means
but I think he still gets the important point
so, sneak off a small distance, then run for it
probably hitting several humiliatingly placed trees on his way out
Sounds good to me.
The dragon will no doubt keep Kirby on its "To Eat" list.
if it finds him again I totally expect that
but for now
it has someone else to deal with
And maybe Kirby will be a little more careful about taunting dragons in the future.
and, he now has something specific to eat at his conscience.
Are you going to change or add an aspect?
namely leaving a stranger to clean up his mess, and a princess unsaved
I would like to
is change or add more appropriate?
You may do either, or both.
I'd suggest fiddling with the "disaffected" bit of his High Concept.
It's a little... detached... for a Fate character.
how about guilty?
he has run away so many times from so many things now
I thought of that
Unpack the "guilty" part as a separate aspect.
but he DID mess with a dragon
on purpose
that works
Then an aspect about his guilt....
Do you want him to start trying to make good?
that is the point
What about making Uncontrollable Visions a regular aspect, and making his trouble something like It's Time to Step Up?
That's not perfect, but it's the idea.
that's actually pretty good
maybe not worded exactly like that
but something along those lines
Aspect: "Maybe I am an asshole..." :)
argh, don't mind me.
(that was mostly kidding, BTW)
but we need something that says he is actually going to try now
Trouble: Big Mean Jerkface.
Trouble: Maybe I shouldn't just leave people to die?
a bit wordy
@BrianBallsun-Stanton That's a bit specific.
that too
trouble: "no man is an island"?
That's a bit... vague...
just throwing stuff out there
"It's Time to Step Up" is our base concept.
Well, what is the source of his trouble?
what's fundamentally wrong?
He feels bad about running away and letting other people handle messes he made.
He wants to become more responsible.
and or just running away in general
well, why does he run away?
he ran from his home, and then from the cave he ran to
to get away from people, and this last time yes, to leave a problem he himself caused
He's impulsive and temperamental and doesn't like people, which gets him in trouble. But he just runs away whenever it gets too hard to deal with.
well said
@BESW Trouble: I don't want to clean up my messes.
imples messes, intentionality, and a source
it doesn't exactly cover what I want
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Trog wants to come up with something that says he wants to now, but is having a hard time kicking the irresponsibility habit.
I want something that will be compeled to get him to HELP people
not just to run away more
I really want to be able to clean up my messes.
implies striving
Looks good.
Can be compelled and invoked for doing it... and failing to.
that seems to cover everything
High Concept: Blind Impulsive Seer/Oracle
Trouble: I really want to be able to clean up my messes.
Aspect: Uncontrollable Visions
Aspect: I Always Take My Time
Aspect: Grumpy old man :)
thank you guys
he isn't old
@BrianBallsun-Stanton He's in his early or mid twenties.
... really? Cause wow, that's how I'm seeing him.
He's definitely a grumpy old man at heart.
you try growing up blind
Heh. Aspect: Grumpy old man at heart :)
That's an awesome aspect.
@trogdor ?
I like it
that's kinda a lot of aspects though isn't it?
You can have up to five: High Concept, Trouble, and three others.
So that's the full lot.
I've fleshed out the dragon's aspects.
High Concept: Proud Young Dragon
Trouble: I Want To Grow Up Now
Aspect: Student of Dragon Etiquette
Aspect: I Fought a Knight!
Aspect: Looking This Good is Hungry Work
aaand now (for given values of now) Sang needs to get what she needs from the dragon
thank you so /very/ much
Do I detect a modicum of sarcasm?
I'm still fiddling with its stunts.
Taking away the extra stress; two mild consequences and the ability to clear one of them is more interesting.
"Because I am the size of two horses" is awesome justification for anything
I am not sure it should have "I fought a knight" yet?
so far it has only been a scuffle
Shh. It totally counts, and are you going to tell the dragon different?
Trogdor? heck yes
you forget yourself good sir
But yeah, if Ross's next session is a direct continuation, that aspect will be ignored for the duration.
not that I think it is a bad aspect
Ross's character IS a nobly born adventurer
making him basically a knight
He changed his high concept to Reluctant Knight, partly to have an aspect that implies "mounted."
my case stands
he is a knight
I have no problem with the aspect
it may just be a little premature
What's the story at the moment?
I'd like to try a hand at making a character though I figure knowing where things are at is important! :P
... then I notice the discourse link. click!
@BESW Might be good to mention the FATE Dice plugin in your thread about the game :)
2 hours later…
@JonathanHobbs Ah, yeah. I'm pretty far behind on updating Discourse.
2 hours later…
@JonathanHobbs [poke]
no one here but us Trogdors
@BESW le [poke]
@JonathanHobbs Sounds like you want to do some CharGen.
hi Trogdor, I am not a trogdor, so I don't know whether there being more people than trogdors in this room now makes you more or less lonely, but hello!
@BESW I think so yes
I am up to reading the story in which a Lady asks Kirby a question
I also have a certain degree of affection for the "In which..." method of titling so I am delighted you have been using it
I like it too, and it's a convention of the source material.
@BESW Really!? :D
This princess is quite funny, also.
@JonathanHobbs Aye.
I only said that it was just us Trogdors because you appeared to not be in the chat at the time
@JonathanHobbs "In Which Cimorene Refuses To Be Proper and Has a Conversation with a Frog."
@JonathanHobbs Keredwel is a slight exaggeration of several tertiary princesses from the books.
Goog day all!
@trogdor That would have appeared to be the case because that was the case just as it appeared! I was on the bus home.
(If she ever finds herself in her own element, she'll prove to be relatively competent... but the Forest really isn't likely to provide.)
@Cat Hi.
I must have missed the frog
Sigh, looks like I missed more fun over the weekend
Hi @Cat! I've been catching up on the stories and quite liked your style of dealing with the wizard. c(:
Hahaha, thanks
That was before his power up. I doubt I'd get away with it now
@trogdor No, that's the title of the first chapter of the first book.
that would also explain the name
which I did not recognize from our pool of PC characters
@BESW "FAE doesn't seem to have the "declare a story detail" use of FP that Core does, so I'm loathe to bring it in until a need is established through experience" -- from here
Create an Advantage lets you "Create a new situation aspect", and an aspect appears to be enough to make it the case that a man is out of ammo simply by that aspect existing. Does that count?
Yes, probably. FAE has changed a bit since I wrote that, and I've come to understand it better.
The idea that aspects make things true without invocation--like running out of ammo--is less compatible with DFRPG, which is where I learned Fate.
Are Fate points ever used to create Aspects like that?
(I haven't reached the part which talks about their uses)
In DFRPG, yes.
I haven't seen anything in FAE about it.
It's in Core, though: page 80.
Jenny's aspect...
> Aspect: The best way to the heart is through the stomach
I don't know whether to read this bearing in mind she cooks, or that she's an assassin.
(I suspect it's both)
@JonathanHobbs It's Brian. Yes.
Haha, alright.
I'm going to go AFK a little while.
@C.Ross it might be useful to add chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/8403 to the script's allowed pages
> Conceding at any point in a fight with a dragon is reasonable.
@Sohum At one point I considered using the aspect I'm a dragon.
@BESW I am a fan.
It's a bit broad and generic, so I probably won't ever use it.
oh, sure, but it's not like he needs additional power :P
Very much in line with Dogs in the Vineyard's "I'm a Dog."
@Sohum I keep waffling up and down the power curve on it.
I saw that "him" :P
but yea, hm
for instance, in his original bits with Sang, I didn't get the sense he was that Clever
Clever, but young, is the way I wound up playing it.
Very inexperienced.
I suppose I Want To Grow Up Now is compellable
Yeah, and it's a student of dragon etiquette, a proud young dragon.
yea, okay
A lot of PCs and NPCs undergo shift as the player/GM gets comfortable in them.
> "And I think you're a fool," retorts Zemenar, he moves smoothly and confidently into his lie, "You know why only a fool steals a wizard's staff, don't you? They're filled with all manner of deadly traps. Give it to me and I won't set them off." Sanguine shrinks back, looking at the object in her hands. — The FAE game
> True Answer: Because I am an oracle, once per game session I can accurately answer a question someone asks me spontaneously, whether I knew the answer or not. — Kirby's character sheet
> "You Do Not Take A Wizards Staff Because It Deflates Their Ego And Impedes Their Magical Powers" intones the Oracle, responding to the unintentional question of Zemenar. His voice changes to the normal crabby tone, "They most certainly cannot "trap" them with magic!" — The FAE game
Words cannot express how much I love what just happened here
There was much applause from the group at the time, as well.
As you can see, the best aspects/stunts are designed to be specific in scope but wide in application.
@BESW I can see it. I can imagine Kirby lost in the middle of a desert with a stranger, waiting for the guy to get around to remarking "how the bloody hell are we supposed to get out of this mess?" so Kirby can find out what direction will get them somewhere safe.
It's a very fun little power.
Let me know when you'd like to do CharGen.
I could do that now?
Yeah, why not?
I am only up to page 19 of the FAE book though.
I've run several people through this without them having read Fate at all.
So just say the word.
I considered this concept on the way home, not 100% on it: mischevious forest denizen who plays with both sides (to whatever their ends). The sort of character who will help out Zemenar against Wil, and then Wil against Zemenar, and both know the denizen will just use something they learn in the process to help another out, and it might come back to bite them in the arse, but their help right now is very valuable.
Not 100% on that because I think that sort of character is very charming, but I don't know if it makes for a good PC.
(In fact I think it might not)
It would be very difficult for the other players, I think.
Yes, among many other complications: such a character is very useful at creating mischief and plot complications in the future whilst helping things along now. They're a narrative device that probably doesn't do so well as a continuous character.
But you're interested in playing a nonhuman, right?
Yes indeed
What about it attracts you?
The escapism, on one level. I have a friend who has an affinity for being human in games and will very likely take that if it is an option (and one that is not terrible). I have an affinity for not being human. I like the opportunity to escape from, well, Humanity, and how it works. I'm attracted to playing a nonhuman because, well, they can play by a different set of rules.
I considered briefly a robot, because that is out of place enough I find it funny. A wooden machine man, or what have you (a wooden warforged sorta thing, really). But I think I'm most attracted to playing something that actually belongs in the forest due to the inherent chaos of such an environment.
I've generally encouraged players to design characters who are new to the Forest, for a variety of reasons, but nothing's set in stone, so we can see how it works.
Let's see... Fantastic or enchanted animals, gnomes, dwarves, elves (the short stubby bloodthirsty kind), witches, magicians...
You could be a guardian who's had his treasure taken.
A guardian of what sort?
@BESW Are witches and magicians human?
(What sort of fantastic and/or enchanted animals are there?)
@JonathanHobbs Depends on the story, so... in the Forest, it depends on the witch or magician.
@JonathanHobbs What kind of fantastic and/or enchanted animals are there in fairy stories? You could be a prince turned into a toad, or a squirrel with a loud mouth, or a lion tasked with guarding a pond that turns everything that touches it to gold.
I was thinking that if you were some kind of magical guardian (animal was on my mind, but you could be a gargoyle or statue or the like, I suppose), and someone came and took the thing you were supposed to be guarding...
A guardian would be native to the Forest, but not so familiar with it because he spent his time in one spot.
He'd have a solid direct Desperate Quest objective, which could tie into any of the villains quite easily.
(or an Ent who went to take a nap and woke up an eon later to find the forest had changed completely and a family of squirrels had decided to make a home out of its left ear?)
@JonathanHobbs What's his Desperate Quest? Finding an arborist?
@BESW Haha, that would be more or less right. Or on his terms, a druid. The trees need someone to speak to!
There probably aren't a lot of druids in the Enchanted Forest. They prefer less back-talk from the wildlife.
(More than likely the sort of druids who lived in Europe, with little magic if any at all. An arborist, but not in the same words.)
@BESW Hahaha.
There's a witch who belongs to the witches' gardening club...
... and a wizard who enjoys setting half a clearing alight. ;_;
@JonathanHobbs You don't need magic to understand the trash-talk that Enchanted Forest wildlife can dish out.

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