@BrianBallsun-Stanton do you know if this is a change in chrome 27 specifically? the script currently works on my chrome 26, no tampermonkey, with the trivialest injection possible
> You must figure out why your character is going to keep getting involved in these more dangerous things. If you don’t, the GM is under no obligation to go out of her way to make the game work for you—she’ll be too busy with other players who made characters that have a reason to participate.
@trogdor You've designed a character who wants to be left alone. He's got no handles for the GM to force him into conflict and no reason not to walk away when it does happen.
Today is the last day that Evil Hat lets Core KS backers change their pledges, but they only accept Paypal for upgrades. I want to upgrade to physical copies of Core and FAE.
To unlock my old account it wants information on a card I already closed (and I have no evidence its account number corresponds to the one on their file anyway), despite that it also has information on a more recent card (I know this because I can't attach the same card to two accounts, so making a new account backfired).
@BESW I'm wondering - are FAE and/or FATE systems you can (or should) run with little to no pre-game GM preparation? What's the level of involvement a GM needs to have pre-game?
Especially in contrast to, say, D&D 4e where I have to plan out an entire span of encounters.
Depends a lot on how much prep you're comfortable not doing.
But: world creation is explicitly a collaborative project. And when designing setpieces GMs are encouraged to only do broad strokes, to encourage players to use declarations to fill in the details with their own ideas over the course of the session.
@JonathanHobbs If you'd like a demonstration, I could improv a (probably silly) one-shot with you later tonight in a setting determined at the time (or as we play).