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@C.Ross aaah
Chrome 27, tampermonkey, requires an explicit change of script injection
So it works if you frob the options correcty.
awww, bad roll :)
I see - - - +
mmm, personally I'd have used something nice and heavy like arial bold...
@BrianBallsun-Stanton good :-)
but that's trivial to tweak personally
is the total title working for you?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton do you know if this is a change in chrome 27 specifically? the script currently works on my chrome 26, no tampermonkey, with the trivialest injection possible
Demo picture for future reference
@Sohum yes, 27
grumble new Chrome update scheme ...
@C.Ross otoh, having tampermonkey set correctly works just fine
mmm, this, I believe is a good time to inject some webfonts
anyway, g'night all
No squinting for me :)
Actually, with a bit more hackery, I'm sure we could use the fate kickstarter dice.
wait, how the ...
@Sohum It is my belief that it is a chrome 27 thing. But it works with tampermonkey with the right settings
Cleffer. Very cleffer.
but yeah, nice fat crosses for when my eyes go blurry, with a bit of style to them
oh wow, with the right font, 3em works beautifully.
Can't you just skip the protocol detection bit and just use a // prefix?
for which bit?
um, nominally? But when I tried it it was all grumpy
Oh browsers.
I like the fat font.
3em with coloured dice and a hint of embossing
I mean, it's not a very good emboss, but..
I've got no idea how to do an inner-shadow on chrome
So out of curiosity... are you lot open to running one-offs of other FATE/FAE settings?
I would be up for it if I was available at the time
on a case by case basis
oh man
of course, the issue with running one-offs of FATE would be all the characters that would need to be created each time
and I would assume each game would have a different setting, so making characters ahead of time isn't too practical.
If the aspects are kept simple, three-aspect one-stunt FAE characters can take five minutes.
@Problematic What news re: web app?
but I spent more time than that on Kirby and he isn't working out too well the way he is
> You must figure out why your character is going to keep getting involved in these more dangerous things. If you don’t, the GM is under no obligation to go out of her way to make the game work for you—she’ll be too busy with other players who made characters that have a reason to participate.
@BESW temporary hiatus for sick family and a client job that's quickly becoming... urgent. Should have time this week to make a push on it though.
@Problematic Ooh, my sympathies.
@trogdor You've designed a character who wants to be left alone. He's got no handles for the GM to force him into conflict and no reason not to walk away when it does happen.
I'm heading to a conference in San Francisco and nights should be good hacking time.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Can you share your Fat Fudge Kludge?
@BESW fattest fudge? Yes.
Regarding a one-off, I'm cooking up a bit of wacky "escape from prison asteroid" hijinks.
how the bloody hell do I fork something on userscripts
@BESW I have thought of 2 ideas so far
one is "replace him with my other idea"
and the other is a combination of his own dependance on others because of lack of sight, and his sympathy for other people
like the princess that was just handed over to a dragon
@trogdor The FAE CharGen pages are focused on the mechanics, but the corresponding Core section has a lot more of the philosophy.
but I kinda already get what I am missing
what I need is just to implement a fix
@BrianBallsun-Stanton so what do I do with this?
@trogdor invoke yog-sogoth?
@trogdor What browser?
chrome 27 is mildly more annoying to install this on, but should be fine
@BrianBallsun-Stanton This looks nothing like your screenshot?
@BESW this?
Your Fat Fudge.
yes? It should work? I've tested it on... my browser. End of list.
Same on Chrome and Firefox.
okay, so the font isn't loading
which chrome are you using?
sorry, I really can't support this right now.
it isn't chrome
v. 27.0.1453.93.
No problem, just whinging.
is there something else I am supposed to do?
I have the script, but it isn't doing anything
@trogdor You installed greasemonkey, right?
first thing I did
Now you click the install button here: userscripts.org/scripts/show/168580
@BESW set tampermonkey to expert mode?
And then refresh this chat page.
there we go
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Ahah, you're assuming I'm using something smart.
yep, that is working like a charm
Yeeeah, tampermonkey looks scary.
@C.Ross and @Brian Nice work on your scripts ;D
@JonathanHobbs mine's 2 lines of css. Kudos goes to @C.Ross
[stabs PayPal in the face]
@BESW Whilst I am not for a second going to wonder "isn't that a bit of an overreaction?" I am going to wonder what it was for! What was that for?
Today is the last day that Evil Hat lets Core KS backers change their pledges, but they only accept Paypal for upgrades. I want to upgrade to physical copies of Core and FAE.
...Paypal says no.
Vehemently, tauntingly, and cruelly.
Oh dear. ;_;
To unlock my old account it wants information on a card I already closed (and I have no evidence its account number corresponds to the one on their file anyway), despite that it also has information on a more recent card (I know this because I can't attach the same card to two accounts, so making a new account backfired).
@trogdor You don't have Paypal, do you?
never took the time
It's not like I can't order them from the site later, but I'd like to do it as part of the KS.
@Problematic Thanks for the rep bump!
Sweeet. I've enlisted an old RPG friend's Paypal account.
...I need to entirely rebuild the wizards in this campaign.
They should have explicit "I have a staff" type aspects.
isn't it implied by an aspect saying they are a wizard?
and what happens when they lose it temporarily
That's why I need to do this: I want to explore item aspects.
items as aspects,....
2 hours later…
that's just awesome
except for the horrible roll
@trogdor I win at losing.
@BESW I'm wondering - are FAE and/or FATE systems you can (or should) run with little to no pre-game GM preparation? What's the level of involvement a GM needs to have pre-game?
Especially in contrast to, say, D&D 4e where I have to plan out an entire span of encounters.
@BESW hah yes you are
it is actually a little better in that department
but that is because the workload can be shared with the players
That third dice was just the eye of an Old One from the Far Realm blinking at us
if your players are not interested in helping "make" the world
its not that much better
and 3 rolls in a row are just so bad
I am inclined to agree
Depends a lot on how much prep you're comfortable not doing.
But: world creation is explicitly a collaborative project. And when designing setpieces GMs are encouraged to only do broad strokes, to encourage players to use declarations to fill in the details with their own ideas over the course of the session.
A lot of it depends also on how much you can get your players to do that.
It, at the very least, is easier than 4E prep
If they want a GM-made world, then prep still isn't as intensive as 4e prep, but it'll still be noticeable.
depending on the PC's
If they like being part of the creation process, you can do it all on the fly during play.
@BESW I would hope for this. Especially since that means we could really just have sessions whenever we like.
(We being my group.)
Also, if you're good at making up aspects quickly, you can do a full GM-designed game on the fly very easily.
@JonathanHobbs If you'd like a demonstration, I could improv a (probably silly) one-shot with you later tonight in a setting determined at the time (or as we play).
@BESW I appreciate it, but tonight wouldn't be a good time. I'm just going to busy myself reading the FAE book
1 hour later…
testing for far realm influence
we're all good
at least there is a plus in there this time
you cheated
jeez took long enough to get a positive roll
I was starting to think this was not really random
watch me get 4 pluses
... Okay that actually happened
who did you have to burninate to get that roll on que?
i... don't know. i may have just mastered zen and gained reality-warping enlightenment-fuelled mind powers?
[presses the back of his hand to his forehead] I'm getting a message... a message from Nur-ab-Sal! Hobbs will fail to command his next dice roll!
i command the dice to have results
Everybody knows Nur-ab-Sal is full of it.
afk a little while
I call 2 0's a
+ and a -
so close
2 hours later…
so @BESW when you will be around to run a game?
sigh in the office
Time zones.
Okay, what times are you available?
I'm actually free at lunch today (Noon - 1PM, EDT)
and generally can be after 9PM EDT
Lunchtime is in about 2 hours, then?
(checking my time zone conversion tool.)
Okay, so lunch is out; even if I'm up at 2am, not a good idea to GM at such an hour.
But! 9pm is my 11am. This is much more reasonable.
@BESW k, I'll talk to the powers that be and we'll see
I have some errands to run, but they aren't time-sensitive so... name your time between your 9pm and 1am.
I think I can free up a couple hours in that time slot any time over the next three days or so.
i couldn't have hoped for better
(I am most amused)
The Internet is surprisingly lacking in Nur-ab-Sal fanart. Huh.
Lots of medallions though. I could've foreseen that.
Heck, Nur-ab-Sal could've foreseen that.
2 hours later…
@Problematic Hey.
5 hours later…
3 hours later…
best roll I have had in 2 days
same as a few
but tied for best
ah no, I got 2 + with 2 0

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