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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 17:00

"I still think you're very rude," the dragon says to Kirby bluntly.
"well so are you"
"I'm a dragon. I don't have to be polite to people I can eat. I think I might eat you."
"just try it then, when you choke to death I will be the one laughing"
The dragon licks its lips and stares at Kirby. Scones don't last long in a dragon stomach.
Sanguine quietly continues collecting firewood, and keeping an eye on the Princess.
The princess is lamenting her dismal situation, her manly lost love, and the fact that people now seem to be questioning even her lineage.
"now would be as good a time as any to take your own fate into your hands you know, instead of crying like that, you could actually go where I told you to look"
"Hey! I haven't decided if I'm going to keep her or eat her yet, but there's no call to be telling her to run away!" The dragon is incensed.
Sanguine tenses. She didn't go to all this trouble to lose the princess to some soon-to-be-eaten ... ... guy.
"And you're rude to everyone, aren't you? I really SHOULD eat you, just so the forest is a politer place. I'm also hungry."
(Point of order, I do view the PvP lamp as being lit. tell me now if it's not.)
(that's up to @trogdor.)
"well, if you think you can manage that and also run after her at the same time"
"do me a favor, run now please" ( I do have a favor)
"Oh, don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't get away." Pipes Sanguine from behind the hill. "I'm good at capturing people."
(Also, point of order, the Head Wizard of the Society of Wizards would not feel confident about his success going head-to-head with a youngling dragon. Just so we're clear.)
"you needed plenty of help last time girl"
well it isn't as though the dragon is being clear on the subject
it is even swinging between keeping her and eating her
and it has ended up threatening to eat both of us now
(My point is that this is not a confrontation that you want to become physical. I will happily TPK if you provoke a dragon into open combat. So... Initiative for social combat seems appropriate at this juncture.)
my point is that running looks like one of the best options if no one actually supports
(Since no one seems interested in, yanno, calming the dragon down.)
so far sanguine has only thrown on the side of the dragon
and the princess is not being very helpful (not like I was expecting anything)
Yep. Sanguine is firmly on the side of the dragon.
So, the scene. Social combat, dragon on the hill, with a readied oven. The princess is next to him, and the blind oracle is some ways down the hill, but in easy conversation distance. Sanguine is sneaking around behind the hill.
somewhere around there
probably not too far away
And we call it here, since I don't really want to do a combat tonight.
Okay, sounds good.
social combat, but yeah I get the point
To Fate, there's no difference.
@trogdor Please re-read Making the Right Decisions and consider why I'm asking you to.
but you can at least see my point?
I am not exactly swimming in reinforcements here
also, on point of fact
That's... not why I'm asking you to read it.
I don't think I have read this before
(There is a easy way to defuse this in narrative, BTW, and that's let the cake be baked. Its our call of PvP or no PvP and I'll back your decision either way)
Yeah. Bascially if the oracle gives on the shouting, then we can turn this into a negotiation instead of a "flee you fools"
or if he gives a sign of helping Sang beyond the dragon, that will alter her priorities.
Or if you say no conflict, I'll.. .figure something out.
Mmm. Also, the dragon would respond well to an apology.
Lots of choices here, cause we control the narrative.
@trogdor This is your choice. Apologize, back down, give Sang some sign of allegiance, something to keep the dragon from deciding to eat you both because it's easier.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton beyond the dragon?
I don't quite understand what you mean
@trogdor She's backing the dragon, cause the dragon owes her a favour. If you show that you can find where her objective is, she'll try to intercede on your behalf. Many options. Do you want this to be a conflict to show that you're stronger in will than the dragon?
I can work with that
I just gave the dragon its aspects.
Right now, you've basically refused all offers (in the context of improv) so she (and I) don't see much point in working with you.
High Concept: Proud Young Dragon
Trouble: I Want To Grow Up Now
Aspect: Looking This Good is Hungry Work
sang mentioned the dragon owing her a favor
don't throw it all on me
he can ask her what she wants
and when she tells him, he will know that she still has to "find" this witch
and he can offer to oracle that
well, we'll open the next scene with that.
it is getting late.
And we need to figure out what happens if our next scnee doesn't have us both.
Pre-commit, as it is.
I suggest that if you run a scene without me, the princess has bolted and I've taken off after her, and it's you and the dragon.
well, if it's that, I will have to think of something appropriate
@trogdor Yep. But this means we don't have to both be here for the next scene, but we can be. That way there's options open.
I think it's only polite, given the structure of this game. And I'll try to find some improv resources, cause this is a little more open-improv than most games. The basic assumptions of "party to support" don't hold.
but I know what I will do if both of us are here next time
and thats half of it
@trogdor oh?
Let's precommit that, too
I just said it
@trogdor okay, so I open with an spontaneous question that you Answer
I might open asking YOU why you need a dragons help
fair enough. Okay, that's a wrap.
Kirby sorta needs to make the first move, the way things are going, I think
@trogdor works.
if that is not how you want to do it, then we can work it out another way
but that is what it looks like to me
Okay, minor milestone... lets see
Nope, basically happy with jenny as-is
...Hm. Yes, I shall make the dragon a beast stat-wise.
Stunt: Because I am a dragon, I have two extra stress boxes.
Stunt: Because I am a dragon, I have a second mild consequence slot that can only be used to reduce physical stress.
Stunt: Because I am a dragon, once per game session I can clear a mild consequence as a free action.
It's not too overbearing in social conflicts, but the instant it starts swiping at you with those big Flashy claws...
3 hours later…
That was... amusing.
And hard to follow.
I probably shouldn't have run that.
Two new features I thought of while reading: typing indicators, and some kind of narrative token
Also different channels, so OOC comments can be ignore or discerned more easily
I concur.
Of course, keep them as generic as possible.
You should have the final pdfs in your inbox now.
Not yet.
Do you know how the PDF versions are going to be licensed once the print versions go out?
"The text of Fate Core System will be available under the Open Gaming License and a Creative Commons Attribution license." Probably CC-BY.
Is that what you mean?
Because Evil Hat is awesome.
[no citation needed]
I'm a bit nervous to tackle the realtime editing aspect of the project
I imagine other people are also working on some kind of Core app, but I have no idea how to find them or if that would be a good idea.
@Problematic ? I may not know enough to understand why that's specifically an issue.
Just new ground. Complicates things, but it'll get figured out.
@BESW probably there are, but this one is ours
@Problematic Our precioussss.
Maybe Hobbs has experience with that end of things? I'm not sure what his specific expertise is.
@BESW Precisely.
@BESW it sounds like we have a few people with development experience, yeah. I'm going to open source it just as soon as I have enough to share.
Would gamedev.se be useful?
Hmm. I'll see if Some Guy wants to/can help out.
Ah, he's calling himself Melon now.
Still no PDFs. The intertubes must be clogged today.
He's an IRL friend who was in my 3.5/4e campaigns before he left island for school. He first introduced me to rpg.se, and is majoring in game dev.
@Problematic Do you have Skype or something? I could try that way.
@BESW Oh, nice. I'm not sure how far we're venturing into game dev territory, but more eyes on the problem could be nice.
(I could also be your Interesting Chat API!)
@BESW I do, though I'm about to head out for a while. Let me find my skype address or whatever
Looks like my username could be... aionaever?
Skype's UI isn't the greatest.
Got it. You can delete that now if you want.
Yeeeah, I spent two years not updating.
@BESW I have a few points of contact on the internet, and I don't consider them very private because I can ignore them if I want.
Granted, I did learn to live with the new UI a bit less unhappily after learning I could have an independent contacts window.
@BESW I don't think I knew that.
Window -> Contacts Monitor.
... well how about that.
I also figured out that I would have independent windows for individual chats. Yey!
But I have to re-open all windows except the main one every time I start up.
But yeah, I think a "typing" indicator is a must, if it's feasible. Maybe not for the MVP, but ASAP after.
For the narrative priority token... maybe something generic like the ability to highlight a particular player or something? So it can be used for other things too.
Like a "focus" status?
Ahh, hold that thought. Going out with my family for a Sunday morning stroll :)
I ought to be asleep when you come back, so ttfn.
Thanks again for the PDFs. Sleep well.
@SomeGuy Hi! The interested parties at the moment are @Problematic and @JonathanHobbs.
@BESW Hello! Minor correction: Major is Comp Sci, game dev is just spare timey-wimey stuff
I sit corrected.
@BESW cough
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 17:00

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