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[fiddles with Fate system tags]
I just noticed our room has the and tags but not the tag
It's less than 24 hours old.
room topic changed to FAE game room: Enchanted Forest Campaign forum at:discourse.problematic.io/category/enchanted-forest [fate] [fate-accelerated] [play-by-chat]
Do we want too?
Probably not necessary?
I see no reason to limit ourselves.
I'd like to invest the time into becoming familiar with Core as well as FAE, eventually
I'm currently reading Fate Core
Let's tag practically: when we start doing stuff, we'll add the tag.
[waits expectantly for activity to begin]
@BESW I'm fleshing out my daring dragon-fighting biplane pilots as we speak, and I think I want to do it with Core
So, when you use Full Defense (FC.159), do you have to wait for your turn to declare it?
(We're running EF in FAE largely because it seems simpler to run in chat.)
room topic changed to FATE game room: Enchanted Forest Campaign forum at:discourse.problematic.io/category/enchanted-forest [fate] [fate-accelerated] [fate-core] [play-by-chat]
Okay, I get the hint.
Oh, I was just joking :)
(although I am curious about that question)
From what I've gathered so far, Core isn't significantly more complicated in play, it's more complicated in character creation
@BraddSzonye From the example on that page:
> On Ryan’s turn, he has Zird do a full defense—normally, he’d be able to defend and get an action this exchange, but instead, he gets a +2 to his defense rolls until his next turn.
Yeah, I saw that in the example.
@BraddSzonye Core has a lot more fiddly-bit rule exceptions.
So I'm wondering whether it means you defend until your next turn, or only until the end of the exchange.
> ... until his next turn.
Aha. That conflicts a bit with the rule, which says “all defend actions for the exchange”
> In an exchange, every character gets a turn to take an action.
The example is more like “all defends until your action in the next turn”
Going turn-to-turn is probably simpler in play
I think the intent is "until your next turn" instead of "until the bottom of the initiative count."
Rather than remembering to do things at exchange boundaries
Which one is more fun?
Fiddly-bit exception example: In FAE, invocation bonuses cannot be stacked on one aspect under any circumstance. In Core, there is an exception for free invocations; they can stack with each other and with FP-expending invocations.
The other alternative that makes sense (ignoring the example) is to declare full defense at the beginning of the exchange.
@BESW What circumstance does this rule prevent?
but that seems like more of a hassle and harder to anticipate the need than going turn-to-turn
@JonathanHobbs Spending three FP on one aspect.
@JonathanHobbs point+free invoking an aspect for +4
@BraddSzonye It would also, speaking from my limited experience in chat play, be hard for people to "speak up" at the right time.
FAE has some odd fiddly bits too though. Like, players only pay for compels against PCs, whereas in Core they pay for compels against anybody
If we made the space/time for it, it'd usually just slow everything down for no effect.
So, invoking the fact I'm a Guardian twice for a +4, and the fact my opponent has a twisted ankle twice (once free) for another +4?
@BraddSzonye Yeah, I'm still wrapping my head around all that.
Yeah, I think the example is better than what the rule implies
@JonathanHobbs Right.
Instead you'd have to find some other aspect or two to spend the FP on.
This is why having five character aspects can provide more power.
But I could totally say "I'm a guardian, and I gave you a twisted ankle", spend one fate point, and get a +4 to my attack roll, right?
And in Core, you could do that for +6.
because those are two different aspects.
@BESW Okay, yeah, I can totally see that now.
two fate points plus one freebie.
(Or did I get that wrong?)
@BraddSzonye Right, that's pretty significant.
One aspect per FP spent, with an exception for free invokes in Core but not in FAE.
There are circumstances I'd get two free invokes on an aspect I place, right?
(I think that falls under creating an advantage with style)
Oh, I got the PVP compel and invoke rules mixed up again.
Would I be able to do both those invokes at once under Core, PLUS spend a Fate Point on the same aspect?
@JonathanHobbs Correct.
@JonathanHobbs Ummmmm. Let me check.
From the "teamwork" section, page 175: multiple free invocations from the same aspect can stack.
Free Invocations, FC.70
From the Veteran's Guide: Free invocations now stack with a regular one or stack together with other free invocations on the same aspect. Further, an aspect can hold more than one free invoke at a time.
Dang, so that's totally legitimate?
(Or would it disappear after my two free invokes)
...I have been Doing It Wrong.
@JonathanHobbs it would not.
@BESW Oh no!!
What've you been doing?
(Also wow I am impressed by the amount of power you can draw out of an aspect)
@JonathanHobbs Aspects only disappear after being invoke for free if they are boosts, which by definition only grant one free invoke.
@JonathanHobbs Zemenar could've stomped a couple of defenses because he had With Style invokes I was holding back on due to thinking I couldn't stack 'em.
Yeah, you can get +6 or more out of a single aspect, more if multiple people advantage it
Fate characters are designed to be hypercompetent when they need to be, provided they're willing to suffer at other times.
@BESW Wow, okay then.
@BESW Finals Week, FATE style
In fact...
Compel: miss class
Compel: sleep in class
Compel: fail quiz
Compel: procrastinate on paper
Oh, the PVP fate point rules are even a little wackier in FAE
Look at all these Fate points for the final exam!
Suddenly college makes sense.
FAE: You get the fate point when another player invokes your character aspect against you. Core: You get the fate point when anyone (including GM) invokes any attached aspect against you.
FAE: (nothing) Core: Players have to pay for compels against other characters.
hold on
you can stack more than one FATE Point onto a single aspect for a single action?
@trogdor No.
Actually, I'm not sure about that second point – “When an aspect is compelled against you, the person compelling it offers you a fate point.” Perhaps that means one of their own points, as in Core.
You can stack free invokes with each other and up to ONE FP on a single aspect for a single action.
@BraddSzonye It should.
@trogdor But in Core, not in FAE.
I R confused
In FAE, you can't stack invokes of any kind on one aspect.
In Core, free invokes don't count toward the one-invoke limit.
OK, on second glance, the compel costs work the same, they just breeze over it in FAE.
@BraddSzonye This is a problem with FAE.
it's designed to be quick to learn/play
not to be perfect as possible
Seems like FAE works best with one player who knows Core well (and can keep the dfferences straight, if anyone cares about them)
I suspect most players wouldn't mind the Core rules bleeding into FAE.
I agree
I think it is mostly meant as an introductory thing
you learn it, and suddenly you know basics of Core
it runs things differently in some areas
@BraddSzonye We've already got it a bit.
so I guess that is what BESW means
I generally prefer FATE's presentation because I love how they explain the game-philosophy *why*ness.
But FAE's easier to start with and simpler for chat game.
Darnit, why did the dice script stop working for me? Hm.
stopped for me too
was working just today
Oh. The room name changed.
oh godmit
It's no longer fae-game-room
Ooer, sorry.
Is that built into the script?
You can open it up in a text edit program.
so that it only works here
Aha yes.
Yep, just did that, works for me.
In tampermonkey
what program, can I edit it in add on settings
Are you using tampermonkey?
using FF
Ah dunno how to do that one
@trogdor Try Notepad. [grin]
Open the .js file in notepad, change the link, then reinstall in FF.
@BESW You might be interested in Extreme Consequences, FC.166
Game room name changed from "FAE" to "FATE." .js dice script must be changed accordingly.
yeah I know
gimme a sec
@BraddSzonye Ah, yeah, DFRPG did that.
there we go
pretty simple fix
Grats on 6 shifts.
you got 0
I got 2
where am I getting 6?
Oh, right. Sorry, not actually paying attention.
invoked+free aspect ;)
but we have no context
Where is Brian's fat fate dice link?
I could have more or less than 4 in that stuff
May 27 at 3:18, by Brian Ballsun-Stanton
How is that script different?
(I love SE chat's search function.)
@BraddSzonye Red -, green +, fatter symbols.
May 27 at 2:37, by Brian Ballsun-Stanton
user image
Didn't work right for me, though.
ahh, better
Hm, those are hyphens, not minus signs :D
<-- typography nerd
@BraddSzonye I need to be one of those....
There, fixed it!
Sadly, my college didn't get a really good typography professor until after my schedule got locked in pretty solid.
Ooh, making them bold worked out nicely too
...I wish I knew more about coding.
But it's less related to my profession than typography, so at a choice...
Code makes the rockin' world go 'round.
I made fat red & green symbols by changing the code :)
I am thinking about getting out of the industry and becoming a construction worker. Or a nun.
After my current client flays me alive, of course.
why would they do that?
Eight weeks into a twelve week contract and I have done the equivalent of... two weeks of work.
that would do it
Turns out, having a wife and kid is more demanding on my time than not having a wife and kid.
@Problematic I feel your pain.
@BESW cheers, brother.
I keep remembering what it was like two years ago when my dad was really bad off, and wondering how I stayed alive.
die.html('<span style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: bold; color: #C00">–</span>');
die.html('<span style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: bold; color: #080">+</span>');
^ for fat red & green symbols, you can replace script lines 25 & 28 with these
Sigh. Fixed-width fail.
Hmm. I thought I'd downloaded some line-editing program, but apparently I quite rightly thought "Why in the world do I have this?" and deleted it.
[counts lines]
Are you using tampermonkey?
I downloaded it, but that's not using it.
If not, it's the lines right under “if (count < 3)” and the next “else if”
@BraddSzonye Thanks.
Now with real minus signs!
Aw darn, didn't work?
Well, I'm seeing the minus signs.
Totally broken or just no change?
Colors, though...
Neither color nor bold seems to have changed.
Which browser?
I probably failed to copy-paste properly.
It's possible. Are you seeing the plus signs?
If not, it's broken :D
I am.
Refreshed page?
No, just figured out three fails in a row.
[slowclap for self]
Bah, I fudged the file too much. [redownloads]
> User script must be UTF8 encoded.
Getting that as an error?
Editor must have changed the encoding
Hang on
I was using TextEdit, so possibly.
But it worked just for fiddling with the fae/fate http.
Here, use this for the first line instead:
die.html('<span style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: bold; color: #C00">&ndash;</span>');
And second line the same you copied before?
Using &ndash; instead of a dash character should avoid encoding issues.
No error message....
I take it that worked.
Can I see a screenshot of what you've produced?
I have no idea how to contribute the changes to the website
One moment.
neat. c:
Umm. I think I can do this...
I can't upload to the fancy userscripts website, but I can upload my file to GDrive or something.
Here, you do that.
Might want to bump the version number too
to 1.2 or something
I'm just an arts major. I know nothing.
Oh, there's a problem with that
There was another character that the editor mangled apparently
here, i'll put my version in drive
(and chatroom name fix)
@BESW I'm a pretty good artist for an engineer, and a pretty good engineer for an artist
@BraddSzonye I can hold my own in conversations on most topics, but the extent of my coding is a little BASIC in middle school and reading Computer Power and Human Reason.
If you were inventing a big dinosaur-inhabited island, would you put it in the Atlantic or in the Pacific?
What era?
Late 30's
Yep. Near R'lyeh.
...or Indian.
Mu is the name of a fictional continent that was once believed to have existed in one of Earth's oceans, but disappeared at the dawn of human history. The concept and the name were proposed by 19th century traveler and writer Augustus Le Plongeon, who claimed that several ancient civilizations, such as those of Egypt and Mesoamerica, were created by refugees from Mu—which he located in the Atlantic Ocean. This concept was popularized and expanded by James Churchward, who asserted that Mu was once located in the Pacific. The existence of Mu was disputed already in Le Plongeon's time. Toda...
Although R'lyeh might be too far south for dinos.
Pacific has advantage of lots of islands.
Aye. Changes the power dynamic a bit, but that's probably okay.
The furthest west arm of Mu is labelled "Ladrones," which is an old term for my island chain.
Mythical Continents Ancient Greek * The most famous mythical continent is Atlantis. Like Hyperborea and Thule, Atlantis is ultimately derived from ancient Greek geographic speculation. Mayan * The name of hypothetical vanished continent Mu originated from the first attempted translation of the Madrid Codex, one of only four remaining Maya codices. Sanskrit * Something similar seems to have happened upon the discovery of the Sanskrit literature by Europeans. Louis Jacolliot claimed to have learned from this literature about a sunken continent called Rutas. This in turn seems to h...
Consider Lemuria.
....lost continents are a very casual hobby of mine.
I see that.
The Dictionary of Imaginary Places was a great boon for GMing.
.... making this script run on the Transcript page is proving rather... hard
oh. maybe I'm trying to do it wrong
I got it running in the transcript.
I'm having trouble installing the new version from GDocs...
I'm seeing all -s.
Did I really roll two -4s in a row?
No sir.
Okay, so the drag-and-drop didn't work; instead it just loaded the text into the browser.
You had blank plus blank plus, then minus blank plus minus
What was the drag-and-drop?
So I tried Tampermonkey, with which I am entirely unfamiliar and couldn't find a "load" button, so I copy-pasted into the "New Script" section...
And now I have -s.
@JonathanHobbs Drag the .js from the desktop to Chrome's "Extensions" page.
That's how I'd been installing before.

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