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I'm thinking this stunt may be a little too narrow: Because I am Scrappy, I get +2 when I Forcefully attack when I am outnumbered in close combat.
that is pretty narrow
Seems like it should either apply to another action or apply to other kinds of conflicts. Perhaps ... when enemies gang up on me.
To give it social utility.
stunts are supposed to be narrow in some way, but you are narrowing it more than it needs to be I think
Yeah, I just threw it out there.
keep in mind, that ,at least so far, the PC's conflicts have been with one superior opponent, rather than many inferior ones
and I don't think you need to add in the "when I am outnumbered" thing
Perhaps ... when I'm in an unfair fight
something less narrow than outnumbered possibly
The basic idea was that she's the sort of person who can hold her own against gangs and bullies
Like Ender (only less vicious)
Ender from Enders Game?
maybe BESW can help you
He had a knack for busting his way out of unfair fights.
cause it seems to me you may be restricting the stunt just a tad
Pretty sure I am :)
but I dunno how it could be fixed
... when people try to push me around. I like that a little better.
That's just about any conflict ever.
I agree as is, the stunt is perhaps a bit limiting.
that one is too broad now
Will think.
Yeah, I'm looking the character over in general now that I've had a chance to sleep on it and percolate a little.
Changed my dilettante aspect to “Tailor, Tinker, Scrapper, Singer”
Ooh, nice.
Because my high concept already covered the Self-Made Royalty well enough, the other aspect was missing artistic stuff, and this way it rhymes (sorta)
I didn't realize that Tailor, Tinker was a nursery rhyme.
"Tinker Tailor" is a counting game, nursery rhyme and fortune telling song traditionally played in England, that can be used to count cherry stones, buttons, daisy petals and other items. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 802. Its American version is commonly used by children for "counting out," e.g. for choosing who shall be "It" in a game of tag. Lyrics The most common modern version is: :Tinker, Tailor, :Soldier, Sailor, :Rich Man, Poor Man, :Beggar Man, Thief. The most common American version is: :Rich Man, Poor Man, :Beggar Man, Thief, :Doctor, Lawyer, (or "Merchant") :In...
well now you do
Oh! I thought of something cool! Because I am tougher than I look, I get +2 to Forcefully attack when somebody underestimates me.
Which is something I can set up with an advantage if it doesn't happen naturally.
I like it. We'll have to see if it needs fiddling in play, but it's good to start with.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Hello!
We've done a lot of lorebuilding while you were out.
and I think we've got too much stuff starred. Can we make an index google doc?
What we need to do is keep the PC thread updated.
There's a couple of redundant stars
I also need to update and codify our house rules and policies.
Link at “Install this .js...” is broken.
[blink] Isn't for me.
may 26 at 12:49 by BESW
Oh, yeah. That's been superseded by the pinned link:
Which is also the link given in the thread I linked above.
Right. Just noting that the older one was broken in case you wanted to unstar it.
Or whatever. I have no idea how things work here, but I'm learning.
We don't know either.
I... am clicking "unpin."
I've gotten to learn the Q&A interface pretty well, but chat is still new to me.
Spend most of my time at english.se.
Not a lot of chat there?
There might be. I mostly like to answer questions there :D
I ask some occasionally, but most of the stuff I'm curious about is because there are no good answers.
With RPGs, you can always count on somebody to have some answer.
You and Aramis have been very helpful with my Fate questions.
...or, in the case of The Taboo Topics, you can count on everyone to have an answer.
I thought of another one today, but I haven't gotten to the relevant part of the rules yet, so I dunno whether it's already covered.
For that game I'm trying to talk my friends into, I'll probably end up doing something supers- or mage-like
And so I want to know how to handle PCs in different locations (split scenes and/or fast travel to team up)
I got the impression that DFRPG has some stuff about that but maybe not Core
@BESW what needs to go?
3 star chat se dice?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton No, the other starred dice script links.
May 27 at 3:18, by Brian Ballsun-Stanton
May 26 at 12:49, by BESW
Install this .js and "4d6" will read as Fudge dice in this chat!
Those two.
@Cat Hello!
Hi @BraddSzonye
“Consequences as Positive Currency” is very cool.
...why can I delete this post but not that one? [pokes Discourse]
@BESW Maybe something to do with the people in the thread, or whether it's been replied to, etc?
I did ....something kind of workable.
How does that look?
Looks just fine. :)
I kind of want to delete the whole thread and restart; it's really messy under the hood.
Looks good.
Got myself a discourse login: discourse.problematic.io/users/bszonye
Duly updated.
There we go.
I return.
@Problematic I have thoroughly fiddled with the pinned post on Discourse.
I see it. And... a deleted post that looks the same as the present PC list?
It doesn't exist. No.
The... shadow PCs?
I'm pushing updated code to the discourse servers, may be wonky for a tick
I'll take my hands off.
I need to check if I understand Stress right. I have three stress boxes: one for one stress, one for two stress, and one for three (written as OOO). Taking two stress, I could elect to tick off my two-stress box (now it's OXO). If I then take one point of stress, I can tick off my one-stress box (XXO). If I then take one more point of stress, if I don't want to take a consequence to absorb it, I must then tick off my entire three-stress box absorbing just one stress (XXX). Right?
That's how I read it.
Am I taken out now, or the next time I take stress (if I am completely determined not to take a consequence for it)?
p.22: If you can’t (or decide not to) handle the
entire hit, you’re taken out. Your opponent
decides what happens to you.
Alright. :D
Think that means, if you tick off enough stress/consequences, you handle it.
Ah yes. p.23: f you’re unable to absorb all of a hit’s shifts—by checking a stress box,
taking consequences, or both—you’re taken out.
Aha got it :D
So it's not like dropping to 0hp, it's just being unable to do anything to take the next attack.
Good time to have invocable aspects handy.
Just so.
It's interesting how there are so many ways to deal with attacks.
ticking off all your stress doesn't mean you are taken out
@BESW Do you white-star something just by starring it normally, or is giving something a white star separate?
it just means you are taken out the next time you take any stress
without taking a consequence to mitigate or something
but optionally I could just choose to be taken out right at the beginning whilst I'm in perfect health, simply by doing nothing to mitigate the attack.
I think you are confusing that with conceding?
I... broke it.
you can concede at any time
or at least on your turn
If you let yourself get taken out without taking any consequences, then you lose the fight but don't suffer any lasting harm.
and you get Fate Points for it
Although the victor gets to narrate terms for it
that's the thing I guess
Conceding is better than being taken out ... but I think you need to concede before rolling dice.
So it's gambling.
it's a choice between deciding how you "lose" the fight, or getting to not be harmed by your loss
you can concede as long as you have not been taken out
p.24: If things look grim for you, you can give in (or concede the fight)—but
you have to say that’s what you’re going to do before your opponent rolls
their dice.
yeah, thats before they roll it on thier turn
you can still concede if both of you have rolled, lets say, 3 times.
@trogdor I'd briefly forgotten about conceding, but no, I am genuinely interested just for the sake of understanding how stress works. Choosing to get taken out by an attack, instead of conceding, is a terrible choice, but I'm wondering if it's possible.
you just have to make the choice BEFORE they attack you
so you don't gyp a good roll they just made
I'm just saying, you don't get a choice between conceding and being taken out
You can't concede after they've already made the shift that would take you out.
you do,... as long as you make the choice before you would have been taken out
I don't understand.
you are right
Oh, OK.
we are saying the same thing
Right, that's why I said it's gambling.
if you just got hit with enough to take you out, and you can't or won't take a consequence or spent FP you can't concede
Well, it is only really gambling on "that person might be able to take me out or they might not, and I sure don't want to have to be taken out or suffer a severe consequence to deal with it."
@JonathanHobbs Right.
but if you got hit for enough to take you out, and you take consequences to make it so you aren't, you can concede and rack up FP
Yeah, it's probably a good idea to take your chances until you have at least a minor consequence.
it's actually what I did my last session
I took a minor consequence and conceded
I got 2 extra FP for my next session
Of course, if you don't concede when you're out of stress, you take the chance of sucking up a major consequence.
(or being taken out)
I still gotta deal with the minor consequence, and I ran from a dragon leaving it to attack a PC and a princess
but I got 2 FP and didn't get eaten
:D “not eaten” is good.
and scored major good character development ideas
conceding is pretty awesome
especially if you don't think you can win
It's an elegant solution to an issue that most RPGs don't handle well.
Champions has solutions too, but I wouldn't call them elegant.
I do like FATE's ideas
if you can't win, and you can admit it, you profit for it
if you are too insistent that you can win, and you get taken out, it's less good for you
but it isn't considered punishment so much as a moving along with the story
something bad may very well happen that you didn't want, but if that never happened it wouldn't be fun
@trogdor Now that you mention it, I noticed that on the small scale, Fate points are a reward for being able to take a loss - but I guess it does that on the large scale too, like you're describing!
you take compels to do something that complicates things for you
In general, in D&D, not winning is really bad whether on the small or large scale, and not winning a few times in a row can have pretty severe consequences and the players don't like it to happen. But in Fate, it's more OK.
you concede to mitigate loss and gain FP, but you have to actually accept LOSS
D&D has no real way to let you lose and still have fun
not built in anyway
there was one session BESW ran for me and my brother
we were the minions of the Big Bad
the Big Bad was a warlock, my brother was a mishapen, hunchbacked dark cleric
@Problematic The discourse board is having technical problems. It appears I am unable to load topics.
and I was basically Frankenstiens monster
we knew from the start we would lose in the end
18 mins ago, by Problematic
I... broke it.
but it was still fun
@JonathanHobbs Working on it
@Problematic Oh, alright :)
@JonathanHobbs one of the downsides of using beta products :)
Aaand we're back?
Forgot to run the db migrations >.>
Topics list load, clicking through gives server error.
@BraddSzonye I see your exception in the logs, but I can't duplicate
“Sorry, we couldn't load that topic, possibly due to a connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, let us know.”
Yeah, I was getting that before I ran the migrations. Happens even if you go back to discourse.problematic.io and navigate to it again?
Yeah, that's clicking through from the homepage.
I can read my welcome message, but no topics.
Skimming the convo, I think you've missed something about concessions.
@BraddSzonye ... interesting, I can duplicate that if I'm not logged in.
digs around
You have to concede something:
> Your opponent gets some major concession from you—talk about what makes sense in your situation—but it beats getting taken out and having no say at all.
@Problematic Logged out and logged back in, same problem.
Wonder if it's a problem with admin status or not
@BESW Yes, I was aware of that – just consider it preferable to being taken out.
In Kirby's case, it was changing his aspects to reflect his increased awareness and guilt about his irresponsibility.
and running away
@JonathanHobbs Room owners can "pin" comments to the top of the starred-comment column.
@trogdor Running away wasn't a concession; it was Kirby getting to narrate his loss.
It was part of "giving in," but it wasn't the Bad Stuff part.
@BESW Oh wow. That's some nice character development.
@BESW Aha alright
@BESW That sounds worse than getting taken out though, which I don't think is the intent.
When you're taken out, the other guy gets to demand the outcome.
yeah but it was part of the concession
@BraddSzonye In Kirby's case, getting taken out would have meant being eaten.
the reason I conceded was so I COULD run
Instead, he chose to lose the conflict on his own terms: but he still had to lose.
that doesn't make it not part of the concession
that's what I have been saying
@trogdor Technically, you're mixing your terms.
In DFRPG the process is called Conceding.
In FAE, it's called Giving In.
Getting eaten sounds severe for “taken out”
And the concession is the Bad Stuff part of giving in.
I pissed off a dragon
@BraddSzonye Yes, it is.
normally "taken out" does not mean getting eaten
FAE offers “concede” as well as “giving in”
I telegraphed both in and out of character exactly what a spectacularly bad idea it is to repeatedly insult a dragon, and then DARE IT TO EAT YOU.
just don't do anything stupid like me, and you will not be faced with too many "get eaten" taken outs
come on now
So when Kirby continued to do so... he entered an unusually high-stakes conflict that he quickly discovered he was unable to win.
stop rubbing that in
you said that AFTER I did it
and by the way
I only said "go ahead and eat me" one time
it was stupid, but don't make it sound like you warned me about that specific thing before I did it :P
....I did, though.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
May 9 at 13:53, by BESW
...although if you're rude to a dragon, it'll probably eat you.
May 18 at 9:03, by BESW
Heh. Then she knows that if you're rude to a dragon, dragon etiquette says he can eat you.
May 19 at 12:00, by BESW
"I'm a dragon. I don't have to be polite to people I can eat. I think I might eat you."
May 19 at 12:04, by BESW
"And you're rude to everyone, aren't you? I really SHOULD eat you, just so the forest is a politer place. I'm also hungry."
May 19 at 12:20, by BESW
@trogdor This is your choice. Apologize, back down, give Sang some sign of allegiance, something to keep the dragon from deciding to eat you both because it's easier.
but that was AFTER I already said it
Actually, you said it immediately after the third-to-last quote I just linked.
May 19 at 12:01, by trogdor
"just try it then, when you choke to death I will be the one laughing"
And then I gave you two more chances.
you miss what I am saying
Hm, lasting character change isn't something I would expect from a concession.
I dared it to eat me, you didn't say specifically that I should not dare a dragon to eat me
That's more of a consequences thing.
at least not before I actualy said it
I am poking fun, not saying you didn't try to help
@BraddSzonye It's actually quite reasonable, in certain circumstances, but in this case it was particularly good because Kirby was having problems with his aspects.
@trogdor From my perspective it seems like BESW tried multiple times to suggest it really would have no qualms with doing so
and again, I say
Now, if you'd introduced yourself, it might've been different. Etiquette is very strict about the circumstances in which one can some a person one's already been introduced to.
you are missing my actual point
(I also wouldn't expect sudden character death from getting taken out, without advance warning)
there was warning
in plenty
@BraddSzonye Agreed. I really like that you can lose catastrophically without dying. Dying's usually boring.
that's why I say
“Advance” as in “not during the same scene”
he did say things about the dragon before we even started
@BraddSzonye That one was spread across two or three sessions, with discussion before I ever introduced a dragon about how they will eat you if you're rude.
there was warning, some of it in advance, and all of it in plenty
My expectations from FAE would be that “taken out” is not much worse than being knocked out or captured
@BraddSzonye Agreed, that's usual.

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