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[huggles FATE]
would you like some T?
not unless it has been slowly burninated over an open cottage
a T pot would work too
whatever those look like
that will do nicely
1 hour later…
Okay, I'm available from 15 minutes from now until at least three hours from now, if anyone wants to make a PC or do a session.
Oh, and I will not be available this weekend, from Friday night on. Got a National Convention to attend.
I would be good with a session
but I am not sure what I would do by myself
cause, dragon
i would be, but i think i'm gonna spend my time in nap for gig tonight. that being said, gnight.
I'm around, but I can't handle a super-long session
@BESW and this is amazing
Hmm. Let's see.. Thursday... quick session...
1-1.5 hours should be fine
I just meant I don't have the full three hours :p
this is perfect
action hero princess should be able to help bail me out
actually, I guess she might be good at diplo?
I didn't stick around for the whole creation process, all I remember is that diplomacy bonuses were mentioned as an option
Actually, I'm thinking that we should just get Kirby away from the dragon at the end of the last scene; he was ready to run, right?
She's not bad at either, but she prefers to think of herself as an adventurer rather than a hero :P
he was thinking of running
We can say that he ran and Sanguine kept the dragon from going after him--Brian can handle that in his next session.
actually I guess that might be the best option since Brian's character isn't around
poor dragon :P
it still gets what it wants,.... I think
well, it gets the other princess
I was technically trying to help the miserably useless princess who it sorta kidnapped
technically it didn't do any of the work in getting her there, but she is there now
So, as I recall, Kirby has nothing in particular in terms of immediate goals and @Sohum wants Thursday to fail to save Wednesday in this session.
but honestly, she's miserably useless enough that she's bound to have a Heroic Love or something swoop in soon enough
not true
@BESW it doesn't have to be this session; I'd prefer that to be a solo session, actually
@Sohum Okay, so this is "Welcome to the Forest!"
he has the goal of finding a reasonable place in this forest to live
@trogdor Yes, but that's... not exactly actionable.
You've set Kirby up as the guy who wanders around and butts in on other peoples' stories.
I like it that way for now
maybe after more things have happened I can develop his goals further
isn't that what wandering oracles do?
@trogdor I might have to ask you to step out of the session because this is @Sohum's first. First sessions are... special.
I didn't get a first session
I'm special!
(pouts) :P
it's cool, honestly
I can just spectate
@trogdor You did. You got a full-formed solo first session that would've ended when Zemenar showed up.
that will still be fun
Then a second session was immediately attached to it.
that doesn't count
Okay. @Sohum, do you have any particular desires in terms of setting, theme, conflict, etc, for this first session?
but just to be clear, I am only messing with you
sorry, no
No problem.
there is the whole rescue sister thing?
yea, but that's heavily thematically solo
I already agreed to step out for this
Okay, I have an idea. Gotta put together an NPC and I'll be ready.
I assume you're still playing
I just can't refuse the chance to give BESW a hard time right now
yeeah, don't give me a hard time when I'm trying to put together a game on the fly.
but anyway
I think the point is that I am at least staying out of this until you have had a proper "first session" like everyone so far has had
so I may not be stepping in for a while
I don't honestly remember how long this takes, and he's throwing it together more last minute than the others, I think
Okay! [cracks knuckles]
Acting on the desperate pleas of her sister's raven, Thursday entered the Enchanted Forest against her better judgement.
The trees are thick and tall, with wide spaces of deep moss between them. The light through the leafy canopy is dim and green, and the forest is filled with the sounds of distant animals.
Well, against the better half of her judgement. The other half is all oooh forest of doom...
Despite the soft moss, Thursday's leg quickly begins to ache.
"Ugh, leg. Get it together, will you?"
"You: carry me. I: eat to nourish you. This is how our relationship has always worked."
"Is it bothering you so?" A familiar and oily voice interrupts her argument with the recalcitrant limb. Antorell, clad in dark blue robes and sporting a tiny brown goatee, is leaning on his staff on the other side of a small stream. "It can all be better quite easily, you know."
Staff out, pointing at his face --
"Antorell! How not nice to see you here!"
Let's make this a conflict, eh? It can start out social.
sure sure
initiative on social combat is ... Careful, I think
Sounds good to me.
which Thurs is +0 on
Antorell is +1, so he'll start.
oooh, four stress markers
he's a beefy one :P
Antorell begins by attempting to Forcefully Create an Advantage.
what kind of advantage?
He wishes to place the "Cowed by my Power" aspect on Thursday.
"My darling Thursday, you know it's pure foolishness to fight me. I am a Wizard, and you are... not." He smiles--even his teeth seem oily--and gestures with his staff.
You Won't Catch Her Napping, so she's going to Defend Quickly with +2 stunt bonus
Excellent. He rolled +2, with a +4 in Forceful for +6.
So now you roll.
"And I am sane, intelligent, and not a creep. We're listing things the other isn't, right?"
+1 roll +3 Quickly +2 stunt is only +5
That roll is -1, actually.
eep, so it is
So you've got a +4 vs his +6.
+3, actually
-1, +3, +2 = +4.
I.. .cannot math apparently
do ties go to the defender?
If you spend a Fate point, you'll tie with him, meaning he'll "succeed at minor cost."
("action point," bah. Spent too much time in 4e.)
and if I spend two, I can win...
@BESW (yea, I was about to mention :P)
and I start with 3?
that is correct
Let me say what he's doing with his magic.
Oooh, I want to change what aspect he's trying for: "Stranded."
I am less interested in defeating that, actually
Antorell raises his staff, and the stream's level rises with it, overflowing its bank on the east side and rushing toward Thursday.
Stranded in the ... right, physical sense
mmm, let's see if we can't make that aspect better.
"At My Mercy"?
Sounds good!
So, he's flooding the river at her, and she's down by 2 on defending against it.
okay, spending a fate point on Perfect Poise to bump it to a tie
Okay, so "minor cost." How about mitigating the aspect?
He's going to have only one free invoke on it, and the aspect fades as soon as he invokes it, so what's an appropriate "fragile" aspect in this situation?
Maybe instead of an aspect on her, he's changed the river's aspect?
Spluttering is good!
The river rushes at Thursday, soaking her and sending her spluttering, but her grace and poise let the princess dart away before it can wash her downstream.
(meh, did not like it)
Antorell snarls at Thursday.
Thursday snarls right back.
Your turn.
"Seriously, go away. I don't like you, I don't want you, and I can't bear to look at you."
Just narrate what you'd like her to attempt, and we'll find the mechanics for it.
She's Attacking Forcefully, I think
Social attack, okay.
+2 forcefully
forceful social attack?
I guess yelling
those words don't seem forceful to you?
Antorell defends flashily, attempting to assume a devil-may-care attitude against her insults.
That's a 0, with +3 for Flashy.
So unless you spend a FP, he's successfully defended.
shouldn't it be +1?
that's -2
Oh, sorry. You're right.
I can't math either!
Okay, so... he's going to use his free invoke on Spluttering. Thursday's words are forceful, but her delivery... not so much.
After this action is completed, Thursday will lose the Spluttering aspect.
she's going to invoke Cursed, because fuck this guy
wee down to 1 FP
That is language unbecoming a princess, young lady!
Good thing I'm an adventurer right now, then, huh?
He will also invoke Cursed, spending a FP that Thursday will receive at the end of this action.
Now it's +4 vs +5, Antorell's favor.
what's he invoking Cursed on?
this attack is about how he's a creep no one likes
Mmm. Fair enough. I retract.
Instead, he will invoke Proper Ladies, because she isn't behaving like one.
And she can invoke Princess Who Saved Herself in response exactly as above :p
Antorell's out of FP and free invokes, so he's going to take 1 stress.
the FATE point arms race
yea, but that last bit was fate-neutral for me
still at 1 fp
what a jerk
Despite being inexperienced in the art of direct insults, and spluttering wetly, Thursday's conviction and rage clearly unsettles Antorell.
You are able to move one zone as a free action, if you want.
Otherwise it's Antorell's turn.
would there be any reason to?
if you were going somewhere
If you wanted to get up close to him, you could start by moving into the stream and then closing with him next round.
and want to ignore him
that too
I could attack him
that is tempting
next round
Yeah, physical combat doesn't do so well across two zones--and if Antorell wants to attack, his magic would easily cross those two zones.
I mean, my better instincts should be telling me to get away
but only if you want to escalate the conflict
feel like compelling Learn By Doing?
I do.
Narrate wading into the stream?
She moves into the stream - because hell, she's already wet from that ass's water thing - and plants her staff into the riverbed for support.
Antorell looks a little nervous, then hastily makes a complicated gesture his staff.
He's Creating an Advantage by placing an aspect on the environment: Giant Water Snake Construct.
that doesn't sound good
I think that's Flashy.
+1 +3 = +4
That's my math as well.
I think I can activate my stunt here as well
How is Thursday going to roll defense against something he's doing to the river?
by trying to get out of the river?
I guess that's not defending against the creation of the aspect
Basically, he's placed an aspect against a difficulty of 0, and you're going to want to do something on your turn to mitigate it: Overcome, maybe.
So, Thurs is now surrounded by a giant water snake construct?
The water just downstream of Thursday bunches up and rises into a roughly snake-shaped form that towers over her, spreading a watery hood like a cobra and bubbling.
so on her turn
Its tail forms upstream and curls about, cutting off her retreat.
but not her path to Antorell?
On her turn, she's going to move a zone and thwack him.
Either intending to do damage or to knock that silly thin staff out of his hand
not sure yet
Okay, decide before you roll; one is Create Advantage, the other is Attack.
take his little toy away
mmm. I'unno, stress sounds good, but advantages also sound good
Handy hint: in Fate combat, free invokes are always good.
"Oh, look at the shiny things your staff can do!"
"This is what mine can do."
The general structure of combat is to create advantages and then make an attack that takes advantage of them, while trying to get others to spend their free invokes on defense instead of offense.
and quickly
so +2 +3
So what are you trying to do? Knock it out of his hand?
yea, create advantage
Antorell's water snake moves to intercede (using Antorell's Flashy modifier, with free tag if necessary).
That's... +1 +3, so he'll use the tag for a +6.
I'll tag... mmm. Learn By Doing
That's all he's got, so you win by 1.
What's the aspect?
(Narrate, please.)
Thursday rushes in from the stream, staff out, focused. At some point, there is a giant water snake in the way, but she guesses a strike at its ... hood? thing? will force it to retreat, and it does.

Then there's a clatter of wood vs wood, and then Antorell's staff is flying through the air, coming to rest in some distant part of the forest behind him.
he is now Destaved. Or should he be At My Mercy? :P

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