Well, we basically consider normal conversations to be on topic..
Was that the problem?
And I can assure you the room will be kept civil. Hindi comes as a natural manner of speaking to me and @Arjun. If you want us to change that, please do let us know..
@sai-kartik that's more or less alright. I mean this room here is also not very focused. However, if you talk about voting for each other that can give a wrong impression. I think foreign languages can be fine but in a way there is more risk of misunderstanding. For example above I "called" @amWhy REPUGNANT but it was clear from context that I did not really call her that, If we did the same in Hungarian and somebody uses auto-translate things could be confusing.
I think word games like this would help students learn English a bit better, while having fun!!
@quid In keeping with my last comment, words that rhyme with KITE would really stretch students: BITE, BYTE, BRIGHT, BLIGHT, SIGHT, SITE, CITE, MITE, MIGHT, NIGHT, FIGHT, FRIGHT, HEIGHT, NIGHT, PLIGHT, RIGHT, ...
@XanderHenderson Eight weird foreigners seize leisure at their height.
@quid, @XanderHenderson Now I'm trying to remember the sentence I was taught to type repeatedly to learn all letters on a keyboard: "The quick fox jumps over ...
@amWhy I don't pronounce it, either. The word is "offen". :\
@OmarS I don't think that this makes Arabic any more confusing. Many languages have gendered second person pronouns, plural and singular second person pronouns, and/or formal vs informal second person pronouns.
English used to have plural and singular second person pronouns ("thee" and "thou"; these double as formal and informal).
@OmarS I mean, I can't speak for learning Arabic, but English is also quite difficult for non-native speakers to learn. There are a ton of irregular verbs, weird pronunciations, etc.
@OmarS English is not the international language of business because it is easy to learn. It is the international language of business because England colonized much of the world in the 18th and 19th Centuries, and the US economy more or less powered the world after WWII.
English is kind of a creole of a language: it has old Anglo/Saxon (Germanic) roots and structure, but a very large proportion of the vocabulary is essentially French (thanks to the invasion of the British Ilses by William the Conquerer in 1066). It has also borrowed extensively from other languages, as it has been used internationally for centuries.
English has one of the largest vocabularies of any language in the world, which is a hurdle for learners.
@amWhy Just dropping by to say hello, and that a comment of yours in meta made me laugh. Thought you'd like to know you made someone's (otherwise somewhat bleak) day a little brighter. Hope you're doing well!
@TheoreticalEconomist Try to include some exercise... a long walk/hike, lifting weights, skipping rope. I think the pandemic has affected a lot of us in that it's tempting to not be as active as we normally would be.
And exercise in any form I think helps us each to blow off some steam!
Yea, I was never good at exercise outside of the gym (and I used to go reasonably often). Now basically no exercise. Probably part of why I've gotten so stir-crazy.
On the bright side, I think gyms are meant to re-open here (even if only somewhat temporarily) soon. I can no longer use the excuse of having bad knees (and hence no running) to not exercise
@XanderHenderson pronunciation, not pronounciation.
A pronoun (and using pronouns: pronounciation) is an altogether different animal. :P
Welcome back, @quid!
Ready, @quid to take on the challenge to use my username in a sentence (that is not excessively long) that incorporates all letters of the English Alphabet?
Mathematics Stack Exchange is scheduled to begin an election next week, 20 July, 2020. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is ...
@quid when you get back from getting the "stuff" you need, how can I track down meta posts of election questions? I would like to ask, this time around, not so much how much time can you afford to spend on math se right now, but a question about candidates' commitment to ongoing participation over the long haul (many years to come).
@amWhy you mean posts about past elections? The election should turn up most things. You can also edit the number in the url of the election page to get to past elections pages that should link to the threads.
Other than that I report, ma'am, that I have successfully secured provisions.
I would like to ask something akin to question (6) from the last election this time around. However, I think that the phrasing needs to be improved. Thoughts?
> 6. There are two basic schools of thought regarding PSQs (problem statement questions) - they should be quickly closed and deleted, or they should not be closed or deleted. With which of these two camps do you more closely align? Why? As a moderator, how would you act to enable "your" camp in dealing with or accommodating PSQs?
> There is a great deal of tension on this site with respect to "problem statement questions" (or "PSQs"). These questions are typically short, written in an imperative voice ("Prove this..." or "Solve that..."), and are generally written in the style of a textbook exercise. How do you think that the community should respond to this type of question? As a moderator, how will you help steer the community with respect to the treatment of PSQs?
> There is a great deal of tension on this site with respect to "problem statement questions" (or "PSQs"). These questions are typically short, written in an imperative voice ("Prove this..." or "Solve that..."), and are generally written in the style of a textbook exercise, or copied verbatim from an exam ("47. (5 points) Evaluate..."). How do you think that the community should respond to this type of question?...
> ... As a moderator, how will you help steer the community with respect to the treatment of PSQs?
@quid What is happening on the meta thread, is sheer abuse. I won't sit by to watch it anymore. Thanks to you and other mods who haven't reigned i the truly problematic users on meta and main.
@quid I'm done here. I'm sick of seeing what you've all allowed to happen.
I will not participate in the upcoming election, due to the moderators on this site who have failed to keep in check the most disruptive users on this site. Good night, @quid.
@quid Anyone from CURED speaking or proposing questions for the election is being lambasted. Mods have created this situation. Enjoy your new moderator.
@quid You can occasionally, just as I occasionally refer to you as "sir" ;-)
Anyway, @quid anything I say can and will be used against me and any candidate I support in the upcoming election. I have the right to contact mods, but nothing will come of it.
@quid Mods have allowed one particular user on meta to get away, virtually, with murder (call it character assassination). And in all honesty, I'm sick of it. You'd never let any "trusted user" get way with what you let that particular user get away with. What power, exactly, do they hold over you???
@amWhy some things are best ignored.(I do not really ignore it though), or at least not taken too seriously. It gives a relevance to certain things that they don't even have.
I'm just really sick of the double standards. You likely know who the anonymous letter.letter person is, and you continue to protect them. That's fine. But it is not transparent why. Enjoy the election, and whoever survives the brutality of those you protect.
@quid If an answer has no relevance, then delete it, and stop deleting comments from folks who speak more honestly.
As I said, I cannot afford to participate in this election, because whatever I say will be used against me and the candidates I support. This is the climate you helped condone and protect, @quid.
@quid That's exactly what you want, right? Me to not participate in any way shape or form in this election. You might as well tell me to leave this site. Thanks.
@amWhy As I see it, there is a cohort of sh*t stirrers who are trying to influence the election. My hope is, that as the election gets rolling, their voices will be drowned out.
If you are at all familiar with the science fiction community, this is kind of a "sad puppies" kind of thing.
Having read the linked to meta.se question I am not even sure this is about what one might think it is about.
It is also not quite clear if the user that posted it realizes this.
"Is it the case that SE has or actively does suffer from similar issues? Say for example, would it profit Foo Incorporated, a competitor to The Bar Foundation, to hire a few people to actively monitor their respected tags, looking to harass Anti-Foo contributors, questions, answers, and tags while promoting all things Pro-Bar?"