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09:00 - 22:0023:00 - 00:00

1 hour later…
My thoughts on this election contradict the Axiom of Choice
@RobertFrost Because there are too many candidates?
@RobertFrost Because the set of candidates cannot be linearly ordered?
@RobertFrost Because of Arrow's theorem which requires free ultrafilters to exist?
(Well the infinite case fails when there are free ultrafilters...)
All I know is a choice function does not exist
@RobertFrost You can always force a choice function from a specific family of sets.
In particular, if you don't have much choice, we can force you to choose.
Clicking randomly on the screen with my eyes closed for 10 minutes
@RobertFrost That's one way of doing that.
I need a choice function to first choose which choice function I use
@RobertFrost No, that's just existential instantiation.
You need to question your own existence, its worth, and what were the mistake you've made to end up in this situation.
Too many to contemplate
Besides, that's the whole point of forcing (and why we sometimes use atomic forcing to choose an object that already exists, rather than adding a new one). You just give a generic name to something, and then you force it to exist. You don't need to choose anything from anywhere.
Forcing is witchcraft. Black magic, if you prefer. It conjures stuff out of thin air, even if the stuff already exists.
Sameness and difference are one
@RobertFrost Only if you're nothing.
Nothing is everything. They share the same boundary.
@AsafKaragila There's actually an interesting point here, I think not fully appreciated, namely that the definitions "nothing" and "everything" are the only pair of open and closed sets whose complement has exactly the same boundary.
@RobertFrost Hm? Every clopen set has empty boundary.
Until now, I did not notice that one candidate is from K-PAX and one from the Earth. (And the rest from elsewhere.)
@MartinSleziak It's better to have candidates from Earth. I think that communication limitations might be a bit of a problem if the candidates lives off-planet and require the respond in more-or-less real time.
yeah, the one-boxing of their accounts is helpful for comparison purposes of their main tags
Yeah. Puts the time-zone issue on a whole new level.
that too
@DanielFischer Yeah, I mean, if someone is from a region close enough to a massive object, it puts the whole notion of "time" into perspective anyway...
unless one is in a black hole :P
@user1732 From what I heard, one is the loneliest number.
not as lonely as zero
No. One is the loneliest number that you'll ever know. It's the loneliest number since the number "two".
what about -1?
Interesting fact, Harry Nilsson based the opening rhythm on a "line busy" signal.
facts can be painted with different shades of truth
@user1732 Chat messages can be painted with different shades of making sense.
yup, that's the (an) idea
Well. It's an idea. I don't know about "the".
when someone says "you get the idea," they usually don't quival about the article :-)
@user1732 Yes, but what about quibbling about an article?
@DanielFischer I mean "complement" in the very strict sense that the complement of the integers includes everything which is not an integer.
@Robert and @TheSimpliFire: Can you please fix your culture? Not every sandwich needs to start with a ton of mayonnaise.
@AsafKaragila Can't stand the stuff
I voted for two candidates but don't really care to vote for a third. I'm just checking to verify that my votes are still tallied; that is, I don't need to vote for a third. Correct?
@MarkMcClure That is correct.
In fact the last election saw about 300 people voting for two candidates or less.
How many voted for only one?
@AsafKaragila That's what I thought - thanks!
We're headed for the final lap of a quarter day before the election ends!!!
@amWhy So does that mean the winners of this lap will perform a lap victory dance, or if you will a "lap dance" of sort?
Hah! lol
I see Professor Hamkin has joined you in England.
@SimplyBeautifulArt: @amWhy suggests that winners perform a lap dance. Do you want to make it easy and just quit the race at this point? :D
@SimplyBeautifulArt How about a new type of smiley?
I doth protest!
@amWhy "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
@SimplyBeautifulArt Better. Thank you.
@AsafKaragila :P
@SimplyBeautifulArt :\
that didn't work
@SimplyBeautifulArt :|
@SimplyBeautifulArt :J
@SimplyBeautifulArt BB
@SimplyBeautifulArt First B is a weird uneven, wide open eyes. The second B is a buckteeth smile.
@SimplyBeautifulArt O.o;
@SimplyBeautifulArt @~@
@SimplyBeautifulArt I think it's about time to call it a day. Yeah?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Very good, then!
See you later!
Whatever you do, don't vote for this candidate they really suck
@SimplyBeautifulArt gotcha ;)
@MartinSleziak Yeah that's where I got the idea. Made me chickle
@RobertFrost I know I do, that's why I didnt even try on the 1st place :p
@fonini me too
@RobertFrost When I click the link I get your profile. Odd.
@AsafKaragila Me too!
@RobertFrost But you don't run.
@amWhy Is this about the lap dances?
@Asaf If you want to dance while doing your victory lap around a 400 m running track, be sure to record it so we can all watch!!
@amWhy Do you expect me to dance?
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you die!"
Well you keep referring to a "lap dance", so I thought you meant winners should dance while running a 400 m track victory lap! :P
Are we almost done?
@MikeMiller Four hours.
@AsafKaragila Didn't you see all the buzz on the main meta.se site? Future elections on SE will require mod candidates to submit a videotape of their best dance moves. You lucked out!!
@amWhy [citation needed]
@AsafKaragila I think the intent is to draw more attention to SE site elections, and to lighten up the election process with the laughter of users watching "dance moves" from the candidates, right, @Shog9 ?
@AsafKaragila When I click the election I see my name right there.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Is that a smiley?
mistakes have been made
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yeah. That's how you end up a candidate for moderation... :D
@AsafKaragila I can last that long, I guess.
I have cast only two votes
I'd like to point out that the first candidate to post a video with their best dance moves will win my third vote
@MikeMiller Well, I am going to keep busy for that period of time. Luckily there's dinner to cook, and so on.
I might even cast this 3rd vote as a second option, depending on the quality of the moves
@fonini What if you already voted for that candidate? Will you demote them to a third vote?
@AsafKaragila good point! I'll promote it
if it's already the first, I'll demote the second (doesnt make a difference actually, does it?)
@AsafKaragila What are we having for dinner?
@amWhy he might have stopped cooking to record his video submission, don't interrupt him
@fonini lol !!
@amWhy Some food.
@AsafKaragila d:
@amWhy The exact details have not been determined just yet.
@AsafKaragila Do you accept special requests?
@amWhy Sure.
And do you do delivery?
@MikeMiller Yes. But only kitchen to living room.
@AsafKaragila What's your lat and longitude? I'll send my drone! (@SimplyBeautifulArt has provided me with tasty morsels via my drone, many times.) So, I've added another condition in addition to "showing us your best dance moves": feeding us your culinary mastery! (@SimplyBeautifulArt is the only candidate thus far who has provided me with take-out orders!) ;-)
@amWhy Does your drone do cross-Atlantic deliveries?
@AsafKaragila Of course! It can make it 12 hours forward, and 12 hours backward!
@amWhy That's not enough to cover the entire planet.
Well, it will make it to England!
@amWhy When?
@Asaf Whatever time I choose!! Depends also on whether I select "the scenic route", or "express service".
@amWhy That seems to violate causality and/or relativity and/or uncertainty.
@AsafKaragila don't worry about the actual applications. Leave that up to the engineers.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Are any of you engineers?
not I captain!
I feel that any engineers should have self-reported at the start of their run for moderator.
tick-tock ... tick-tock ... Less than three hours ... tick-tock ...
that's the single reason I didn't nominate
I knew you'd all have a lot of prejudice towards my engineerness
1 hour later…
If one starts watching a soccer match now, one will finish about the same time the results will be in!!!
@AsafKaragila Are we getting impatient now? :P tick-tock, tack-tuck, tick-tock ...
@amWhy No, we were getting impatient two days ago... :P
Now we are getting annoyed by the fact that dishes needs to be washed, and I haven't even started with the actual cooking!
Well you've got a generous 1.5 hours to wash said dishes, and skip the cooking: grab some cereal and milk!
@amWhy The chicken is already bathing in marinate (that will later turn into gravy).
@AsafKaragila My drone is on its way!!
@amWhy Well, I was going to prepare extra anyway...
Unfortunately, I am out of mustard. :(
And my cooking balsamic vinegar is also out, just barely enough for this marinate...
In any case, you can make good use of the next 1.5 hours by working on your dance moves (and if you have to, take some selfies to document them).
Nah. I need to do the dishes and start cooking potatoes so I have something to eat with the bacon wrapped, cheese stuffed chicken.
And you goddamn right. It sounds amazing. It is amazing.
@AsafKaragila depends on the choice of cheese(s) ...
@amWhy Obviously. With chicken breasts, bacon, and grilled potatoes? There's really just one choice: feta cheese.
(Or an equivalent, wet, fairly hard, and salty cheese.)
@AsafKaragila I disagree (not with feta being a great choice). Both mozzarella and Parmesan are also good options.
Do you have fresh spinach? that would be good to include in the stuffing as well! Or steamed, as a side dish!
When I was actively doing coding theory I was happy to let mathematicians to think I'm an engineer, and let engineers think I'm a mathematician.
I do like to think that I'm a mathematician at the core, but...
@amWhy Nope.
Sorry about breaking continuity. I was still a dozen posts up.
@JyrkiLahtonen I think your safe in thinking that! (I haven't recently checked the Mathematician's Handbook, but I believe that one is not penalized if, on the side, or alongside full-fledged mathematics, one dabbles in or explores related disciplines.)
And it's way past dinner time here anyway. I'm enjoying my post-volleyball beer now.
@TobiasKildetoft Maybe. But Parmesan is more of "top cheese", less of a stuffing cheese, and mozzarella is something that I am somewhat ambivalent about using it for non-pizza stuff (maybe also because it has too many forms, wet and soft, dry and hard)
Thanks @amWhy
@JyrkiLahtonen One of the logicians I know is doing something between model theory and set theory. In set theory conferences, he's a model theorist; in model theory conferences he's a set theorist.
@AsafKaragila No!!! Well you best be on your way to the nearest market to get spinach and black olives.
@AsafKaragila Ahh, yeah, I somehow missed that it was for stuffing
@amWhy Nope.
Does anyone use Scilab or matlab?
Summertime ending soon. It's only 10 pm, and already relatively dark outdoors.
@TobiasKildetoft Yes. And it's going to be combined with garlic.
@AsafKaragila Meat and potato man, methinks! Okay, I guess garlic can count as a vegetable. ... parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme...
And of course a twig of rosemary.... :P
@JyrkiLahtonen did you not fancy standing for election?
@YODA I think you may want to ask here instead, this channel is meant for election related discussion
@RobertFrost This election is because he left... why would he run again?
@TheSimpliFire irony is lost on some people
@amWhy I hate parsley. Thyme was also going to be included, of course. I am out of sage, though. :(
@RobertFrost It is known to be caused by iron deficiency.
Ok , sorry!
@RobertFrost This can be solved by receiving a good beating from someone holding a tire iron.
@Asaf If you want to gather it all in a bunch of heather, we have plenty of that.
@JyrkiLahtonen maybe some reindeer moss
@JyrkiLahtonen Who's Heather?
@RobertFrost I could go for some reindeer steak, though.
Next time I'm in Tromso, I'm gonna try a reindeer carpaccio. I regretted not having that last time.
@AsafKaragila Yeah, that stuff is great
@RobertFrost Reindeer moss I never heard of. In these parts Cladonia stellaris is called Reindeer lichen though.
@JyrkiLahtonen maybe that's what I was thinking of
my kids fed it to Rudolph at christmas
The reindeer feast on it.
that'll be the stuff
pound a tub at the reindeer sanctuary
@RobertFrost Did you later teach them that Santa isn't real, and Rudolph's nose is red because he killed and ate the other reindeer, and is now facing the death penalty?
@AsafKaragila You should go to Scarborough Fair
They have Butlins there
@Asaf Another awesome rendition Scarsborough Fair
Stephen Mulhern does a show
I can't believe Yoda got scolded for not discussing the election
Gone he is
I like my reindeer Sautéed. That's an easy dish to make. Even I can do it.
@RobertFrost We're just killing time until the results come in. That person was looking for actual help. It's better that way.
Also, the original recipe calls for beer as an ingredient.
Speaking of Rudolph's red nose, I feel that it is necessary to point out that while flying an aircraft (such as a sleigh) through low-visibility conditions, a bright light won't actually help.
I'm not sure I agree though. Tempting as it is, the hops give a somewhat bitter after taste.
@TannerSwett just dazzles the elves
@TannerSwett It helps you not get hit by other flying reindeer.
@JyrkiLahtonen Go for something less hoppy.
@TobiasKildetoft That's a good point.
@TannerSwett Here is a good comma: ,
(It was preceded by an evil semicolon.)
@JyrkiLahtonen perks up
But if Santa knew that the weather in the area surrounding the North Pole was acceptable, perhaps his best bet would have been to take off and maintain a heading and altitude until reaching conditions of better visibility.
@AsafKaragila Absolutely! No hoppy beer!
That's assuming that Santa is an instrument rated pilot.
@Tanner Don't they have this rule that on a commercial flight you must always be within 180 minutes of an airport? Wonder how Santa manages, assuming he takes off at the North Pole?
@JyrkiLahtonen I think that if you calculate the speed in which Santa is delivering gifts, you will find that he is 180 minutes away from all airports.
@JyrkiLahtonen Is that the start of an attempt to argue that Santa really lives in Finland (rather than Greenland where we all know he really lives)?
@TannerSwett I can't bear to hear Rudolph the red-nose reindeer discussed in the same time-frame of "sauteed reindeer"!! :.(
@Tobias May be? Rolls eyes.
I'm not sure what flight rules Santa operates under.
I'm having a salad with Romaine lettuce, baby spinach, walnuts, feta cheese, black olives, and a vinaigrette dressing for dinner!!
We're the number one chatroom listed under "site rooms!"
^Temporary high-interest or high-activity zone...
Where are the older election rooms in that list?
Powder made of reindeer antlers sells really well in Asia. They think it has... the same effect as viagra.
@TheDarkSide I know, but don't spoil the usurp of the Mathematics chatroom as rare as it is!.
So, I know I promised not to make official announcements. But do you guys want my super-speedy results on the chat instead? :P
@AsafKaragila Go for it!!!
@amWhy Great. Wait 33 minutes.
@amWhy Just noticed, you are the room owner too...
Co-owner with @quid.
@amWhy Black olives. Great! When I lived in the US I learned to love them on pizza. Unfortunately, in these parts if I ask for black olives as a pizza topping, the chef won't slice them.
@TheDarkSide Yoda left now you arrive
@JyrkiLahtonen Where in the US did you live?
4 years in Indiana (grad school at Notre Dame), and then one semester as a post doc in Berkeley.
@AsafKaragila I'll deliver a spoiler: you'll win. The force of The Dark Side is all behind you. :P
Not U of Cal., Berkeley. MSRI (aka "misery")
@amWhy IIRC you from somewhere in the Midwest?
@JyrkiLahtonen Awesome! I'm not far, in terms of US territory, from Indiana. Haven't yet been to Berkeley, but it's on my bucket list of things to do!
Wisconsin iirc :-)
It is/was very different from Northern Indiana for sure.
@JyrkiLahtonen Yes, Southeastern Wisconsin. I can get to Chicago in just over an hour.
@user2646 You're good!!
Election closes in 18 minutes
Yeah... Just relishing the "temporary usurp" of this chatroom ...
15 minutes...
4 hours ago, by fonini
I'd like to point out that the first candidate to post a video with their best dance moves will win my third vote
^ Come on guys. Last 15 minutes...
Still 15 minutes left for us all to have a bust up and somebody to withdraw their candidacy
@TheDarkSide Come on guys and gals!
@amWhy Ah sorry.
@amWhy Are you a girl?
@RobertFrost Wow!! What if all 5 candidates withdraw their candidacy in seven minutes!
@RobertFrost I'm a woman, yes.
I voted for the three candidates with the greatest number of squares in their profile pictures, in descending order by the number of squares.
My reasons for voting for these candidates in this order are unrelated to the profile pictures, though. :D
But I can't say for certain that if @RobertFrost had run, I would not have voted for him first. :D
@TannerSwett Yes, it's true that some users, so I imagine some candidates too, are bigger squares than other candidates.
His profile picture contains a square number of squares. He's, like, a shoo-in.
Okay. Chicken in oven.
@TannerSwett they should include that in the candidate score
When the thermometer reads 85, we're done.
@amWhy The dot on your question-mark is a square. And 1 is the first nonzero square number
@AsafKaragila 85!!!! Like raw!!! Oops, you're across the Atlantic, and hence prone to using Celsius. I'll forgive you.
Oohhh... less than Four minutes!
@JyrkiLahtonen emissary
tick-tock, tick-tock. Less that three minutes ...
@amWhy I'm across the equator and also quite prone to using celsius
@amWhy No, it's you who needs to be forgiven for using those fakakta degrees of yours.
@fonini I get it... Just that cook books must have to target certain additions to certain retailers.
One minute!
a watched pot never boils
@RobertFrost Patently false.
In unison: Countdown!
True. Imagine how hot it would have to be for the pot to boil.
You couldn't stand the heat.
Winners are Asaf Karagila and Aloizio Macedo.
Asaf Karagila, that name sounds familiar. I think I've heard of him.
@Asaf That is indeed fast.
Yay for Aloizio
@AsafKaragila Why am I not surprised?
@AloizioMacedo @AsafKaragila Congrats :-)
Jesus. My heart is pounding like a jackhammer.
;) only joking @AsafKaragila
congrats both
Thanks everyone!
@AsafKaragila Congratulations.
That was quick!!!!! Thanks Asaf. I wonder how @Shog9 will feel knowing you beat him in reporting in chat!!
Yes, I must admit that I thought I wouldn't be extremely anxious. But those last minutes made my heart pound too.
Shog9 is used to that by now.
@AloizioMacedo Congratulations.
@AsafKaragila was this a script again?
@fonini Yes. Why write scripts to help you automatize stuff, if you can't use them?
hahaha of course
Congratulations Asaf and Aloizio. We got double A's this election!!
@AsafKaragila gotta get a drink
@amWhy It would be funny if the script by Asaf was bugged and it sorted people by alphabetical order.
Q: 2018 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonMathematics's 7 moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 2 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! Please join me in tha...

@AloizioMacedo Nope.
Disregarding second letter
Congrats Asaf and Aloizio!
@RobertFrost - In the given context it may be good to ask: Are you the same Robert Frost of "The Road Not Taken" fame?
@TheDarkSide he's long since dead
Perhaps you missed the joke.
That doesn't mean he hasn't been reincarnated.
Congrats to all contenders for volunteering to run!!
@SimplyBeautifulArt I tried to open the .blt file with my Greggs app but it didn't work
Were you born on January 29, 1963, by any chance?
@TannerSwett no, a little later
you can give me a timeout now as your first act
@AsafKaragila not yet.
@quid Already, yes.
I already agreed to the moderator agreement thing.
Now it propagated to chat.
@AsafKaragila Just saying, since it was unexpected for me: You need to accept the moderator agreement on main and on meta. Separately.
@DanielFischer I noted... :P
Quick, as usual.
@AsafKaragila Did I ever tell you how much I like you? And how smart you are? And how funny your jokes are? and how great a Cook you are? :)))
Too little, too late.
@amWhy No. But now you can blame the moderators for listening to my opinion... :P
@amWhy did you mean crook?
@quid That's correct!! ;-)
@AsafKaragila, @AloizioMacedo : It seems you still need to pass a rather strenuous moderator initiation rite of passage... Isn't that right, @DanielFischer, @quid, @JyrkiLahtonen ??? ;-)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Remember how you said your first act would be to suspend me? :P
@amWhy The details are confidential. You won't hear me talking about it.
@DanielFischer hehehe!
My lips are sealed :-)
It's too weird in here
@MikeMiller you're just now realizing this?
@MikeMiller You're not weird. You're welcome here too! :P
I hope the two newly elected A's know they must adhere to respecting, first and foremost, all regular users whose usernames start with the letter "a". I'm just sayin' .... !
@amWhy it's a Q&A site, see Q always comes first.
@quid Oh, no, no ... Okay... I'll allow all mods with a Q or A as the first letter in their usernames, to especially acknowledge and honor regular users whose usernames begin with q or a or Q or A!!
Although, this also holds for moderators whose usernames begin with "D", or "d", or "M", or "r", and if I'm missing anyone... then I'll simply explain I'm tired!
Time to start using my whole name, methinks...
@XanderHenderson As in "AleXander Henderson"?
Yup. That's the one.
But I try to keep it professional and leave the alcohol at home.
09:00 - 22:0023:00 - 00:00

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