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vote me moderator please
7 hours later…
@DeanYang ok. you're in.
2 hours later…
Does anybody know when tomorrow night get here?
2 hours later…
@AsafKaragila tomorrow night?
@quid Ugh. Fine.
Other than that the voters count passed 2k recently.
@AsafKaragila the election ends at 20:00 UTC if that was the question.
@quid Oh. I know that. I'm just tired of waiting for the results already...
@quid I count 1998.
6677 - 4679 = ?
6677 + (–4679)
Maybe the badges are lagging.
@quid What other "total statistics" are there on the election page?
eligible, visited site, visited election page.
Yes. I meant what are they?
Nick Ivoted for u
"25,945 voters were eligible, 8,516 visited the site during the election, 4,417 visited the election page, and 2,001 voted"
Why did I vote for Nick do you ask?
It's 6678 now, the badge count. But there were no votes recently, I think badges are lagging.
Because he has aptly pointed out there are a large number of questions being closed for vague reasons
"insufficient context" appears to be being used as a catch all reason for arbitrarily closing questions
@quid 1 out of 13 people vote?
@quid, I just voted like 1 minute ago
@user2646 No, it's 1 out of 4.
@Kenshin How do you think having Nick as a moderator would change that?
@AsafKaragila one of his dot points was "Lessen suprise closed/on-hold qns with generic close reasons."
@Kenshin You didn't answer my question.
sure he did
@user2646 No. He only said that Nick believes that this is an issue.
@user2646 "eligible" includes all users with at least 150 points. Many of them are inactive by now.
@AsafKaragila, nick doesn't just believe it is an issue, but he will attempt to "lessen" the issue
The more meaningful number is those that visited the site during the period, as Asaf said.
@Kenshin And how do you think a moderator would do that? That's my question to you.
Thanks @quid
By what mechanism will he attempt to lessen the issue?
@AsafKaragila, tone is set from the top in these sites
Nick alone may not be able to change things
but if over time more and more moderators are elected like Nick
Then things will begin to change
That's particularly naive.
That's your opinion
That's politics
@Kenshin Backed by eight years on the site.
I have more experience than you then
@Kenshin Really? You were on this site before August 2010? How?
chill out guys
Not really. Moderators have minimal relationship to close votes; because their votes would immediately close a question, most prefer to close less or not at all than they would as a user. Conversely, they are unlikely to vote to reopen by binding votes. The point is that these are community jobs.
Guys, culture sin't like mathematics
it isn't all direct links
My view is that the moderator's behaviour influences the culture of the site
@Kenshin How old are you, if I might ask?
@AsafKaragila well somebody claimed they use the site since more than a decade...
55 and yo?
@Kenshin What moderators have affected the culture of the site and how?
This is not my experience.
all moderators affect the culture of a site
I've seen users leave because of the moderateors
me too
@Kenshin 33. And I've been on online communities, of all sorts, for the past 20 years. I've seen them rise and fall. I've created them, and destroyed them.
when you have high rep users leave a site because of the actions of moderators, that shows how moderators influence culture
Ok. You're just saying vagaries.
Gotta love the vague assertions...
@AsafKaragila, I have my own site online community outside of stackexchange which I run
@XanderHenderson, yes culture is a complex phenomenon, not everything in real life is as black and white as mathematics
@XanderHenderson That's a vague assertion. :P
I tend to think whether or not users leave a site has more to do with their experience with questions on a site. And whether or not those are closed depend on the userbase, which is not led by a moderator charge.
@Kenshin That has nothing to do with what I wrote.
it does, you have have to search for the link
I am not interested in using a site with a flood of bad questions. Some people prefer this. vOv
@Kenshin Exactly. Not everything is black and white. There is a lot of grey.
4 mins ago, by user 2646
chill out guys
@AsafKaragila Like I said, we just gotta love 'em!
Anyway this strikes me as a waste of time. Nobody here is going to convince the other.
@XanderHenderson Gotta love who? That's vague! :P
@MikeMiller of course it's a waste of time
@Kenshin I have no idea what you are on about. If you don't want to clarify, fine, but don't blame the reader for your lack of clarity.
@MikeMiller What isn't a waste of time?
@XanderHenderson yes it's a barbarity that clarity is a rarity
I did enjoy that rhyming scheme.
@XanderHenderson, my point was that vague assertions are inevitible when talking about super complex ideas in a concise way
Which has nothing to do with culture...
To talk about complex ideas precisely requires alot of talking
@XanderHenderson, no culture is a complex idea
@MikeMiller Dr. Seuss meets a Bond villain.
Culture is an amalgamation of individuals and their interactions, super complex
But we try and examine these interactions in a simplistic and obviously rough and vague way
8 mins ago, by user 2646
That's politics
I think the point is that your estimation of how culture changes is as simplistic and rough and vague as it could be.
@Kenshin: Nobody is happy with the amount of closures, I promise you. Those who close these questions would have rather them being asked in better form from the get go, or not at all.
The moderator team is the simplest and smallest piece of the puzzle.
@AsafKaragila, I'm not arguing that closure is wrong
I have yet to see change in this community that comes from a single moderator in a way that can be traced to them.
@AsafKaragila, I'm arguing that arbitrary closure is the problem, where arbitrary is the key word
closure of questions is fine
but there should be some objective process in doing so
because currently I see bad questions remain open, and good questions being closed
Yes, and what are you doing about it?
What is Nick doing about it?
i'm going to vote nick
Yes, you voted for Nick. We got it.
I'm just trying to make sense of your claim that Nick "gets it right".
my observations on the site is that I see alot of heard like behaviour
in Homotopy Theory, 21 hours ago, by Harry Gindi
Politics is the worst thing ever. It's poison
(Partly because it seems to imply that the rest of us candidates got it wrong.)
I see alot of heard like behaviour, in fact I can show in the data that questions that have been upvoted are more likely to be upvoted
because people follow the heard
but furthermore, not only do I notice that people follow the heard
I also notice that people follow the powerful
I believe users are more likely to close a question where a moderator has posted a negative remark, and keep open a question where a moderator has posted a positive remark
Yes, herd behavior is a very well documented phenomenon. I still don't see you point.
these are my obsverations accross multiple sites, not just this one
Can you back this up on this site?
I've told you my conjectures, i'll leave the proof as an exercise for the reader
there are sql tools you can use to verify my claims
i'm just giving you guys hints in the right direciton
I claim that all pigs can fly now... I leave the proof to the reader. It's a trivial exercise, really.
Proof by intimidation :P
I was explaining why I believe Nick can make a difference, not why you should believe nick will make a difference
I've seen enough cases to verify my conjectures, which is why I believe what I believe
but I haven't gone to the effort or proving this to others
not a goal of mine
My experience is different. And when a moderator was trying to suggest something should be left open, or be closed, and the community disagreed, the result was that the community got their way.
When said moderator got frustrated with the community, unilateral reversals were issues. This ended up generating a lot of friction in moderation, and eventually the moderator stepped down.
yeah there's a balance
I am not saying moderators cannot be leaders of the community.
moderators must be fairly representative of the community
I just want to know, how does someone plan on achieving that.
Mikey said that too
but moderators also move the community towards their stance I berlieve
I might as well run on the platform of trying to bring back the old theme. And everyone will love me for that. Great. But that's a naive point of view. The question is how does someone plan on approaching these problems.
And not take it personally
Anyway, this is great motivation to go write.
Especially someone who is comparatively very inactive, and has literally no meta participation.
"Herd", not "heard."
@AsafKaragila, I think if he's elected is activity will increase
@Kenshin I sure hope so.
btw i'm not really 55
tricked yas
I know you're not.
guess my age
Nah, probably 24.
24, that sounds like the age of peak iq
i take that as a compliment
good chat
bye all
Well, if that's what you present as peak...
Wow... your entire user profile consists of you begging for bitcoin...
@XanderHenderson Peak IQ.
What safe guards do you have in place to not take things too personally as a moderator? @AsafKaragila
Oh! Oh! I know!
Lots of alcohol!
@XanderHenderson You know what?
(That would be my solution, probably.)
@AsafKaragila I was trying to play @user2646 guessing game.
@XanderHenderson I still don't follow. But I have the user on ignore, since their "contributions" were mostly distracting.
Ah. @user2646 asked a question. I answered it.
@XanderHenderson Right.
Thank you for ignoring me
@user2646 Oh, you've earned that many years ago already.
@user2646 None, except for my word to try and not take things personally (unless they are aimed at me personally).
Good luck.
Thanks to the candidates for volunteering their time and running for position of nerd elite among the nerds.
Have the candidates shared who they voted for? (Is it appropriate to ask such things?) Does anyone feel comfortable doing so?
All votes are confidential.
It seems kind of inappropriate for anyone to ask anyone else who they voted for.
@SimplyBeautifulArt: Who did you vote for? :P
Yeah. The exception to that case would be elected officials/candidates. As their politics are on display. But of course no one needs to answer anything.
@Mason I don't see how it's helpful.
The answer is trivial and left as an exercise for the reader (also I'd guess that the order of the votes are what really matter.)
I am interested in who my elected officials voted for in MSE election.
If I voted for someone and then someone else got elected, how is this going to be helpful for anyone?
In particular, that my elected officials use MSE.
@Mason I don't see why a candidate's vote(s) should be any less private than anyone else's.
@SBA How did we know that a face was going to be an answer to that question.
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.
@Mason ._.
@XanderHenderson I voted for Baal and Xasthur.
@XanderHenderson. It needn't be. They can decline. My point is that it's the case that in elections candidate's votes are often less private.
@Mason Not really. Not when there are several votes available.
Sure, if there is only one vote, then I assume that @SimplyBeautifulArt used it to vote for themselves. But with the 2+1 method here?
Say that @SimplyBeautifulArt voted for me and not for Aloizio. If Aloizio gets elected, what good does that public information is going to make?
2+1? What do you mean? I heard to 2+1 was prime?
@Mason You vote for two candidates, and an "extra vote" in case your options were disqualified at some point.
Essentially your first choice gets like 2 points, and if they can't win/get disqualified, then your second choice gets like 1 point. (numbers may not be exact, but they are likely accurate to ±1 $\ddot\smile$)
Sure. We have to trust that our moderators won't hold grudges for stuff like that. And we might interpret that SBA values you as a higher candidate than Aloizio which might be insightful if he would expand on that decision.
Eg: I think they're both good candidates and Asaf's longer history with this site won the day.
Insight in to the candidate's thinking would be the goal.
Anyway. It's a dangerous game theoretic game to play because if one person answers and then somebody else doesn't and blah blah blah. I was just hoping to spark conversation which would be insightful into the mind's of the candidates.
Last opportunity! Who are these people?
Regarding the missing badges I have a new theory, maybe it's deleted users.
@SimplyBeautifulArt. Your username is very long and SBA just rolls off my fingers. Sorry. I am not that sorry. Please don't hold an angry grudge against me for not typing out your username.
no problem, people use that for short all the time.
good guess @quid
including me
If you type @s (or maybe one or two more letters, then you can autocomplete with tab to get @SimplyBeautifulArt
Oh, sorry, @SimplyBeautifulArt, I pinged you again!
You only need the first 4 letters I think
so @Simp tags me
nope nvm
(That's just for comments, plz excuse me)
Does @SimCity ping you?
Oh there we go
:/ guess I'm not crazy
:\ or maybe I am
@AsafKaragila ._.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Well, you're running for moderator. Of course you're crazy!
True facts.
@AsafKaragila and @SimplyBeautifulArt
3 hours later…
how to operate?
1 message moved to trash
4 hours later…
~22:30 hours left before the election wraps up. (I guess I'm trying to give @Shog9 and company 5-6 minutes to get us the results; that will seem like an eternity compared to previous elections, particularly last year's feat by Asaf, but we need allow the community managers a bit of a learning curve to get up to speed.)
@amWhy Well. I don't know about you. I will know the results pretty much the instant the voting file is public. :P
@AsafKaragila Yeah, Yeah... but I consider "final" upon the posting of the results on MSE: :P (And I'll be popping popcorn about 19:50 tomorrow (UTC), and waiting and munching, to watch how adeptly/quickly the CM's are at getting us quick results.
@amWhy Yeah, I know. Everyone wants to have a CM sign on the validity. They use the same voting file, you know... :P
I'm looking at how quickly the CM post comes, compared to your post in October 2017! I need something to hold over @Shog9's head for at least another year! ;-)
@amWhy Well. True.
I have tricks up my sleeve to make it quicker and quicker, of course. October was particularly fun, since I got to write a small script to parse the voting file even faster. :P
No, it's not any puzzle I want to waste time trying to figure out. I wouldn't worry; and trying to engage the user there to figure out what he means will likely play right into his game.
@AsafKaragila Just curious: Have you seen this newest meta post?
@AsafKaragila underappreciated genius
@quid Like Abel?
@amWhy No, I have not trawled meta in the last few hours...
@AsafKaragila wouldn't be my first association, but why not.
@quid Because it wasn't your association? :P

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