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@Peilonrayz just... ask?
the gallery mode is just so that if people want to talk they ask, nothing more nothing less.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні to be fair, I was just using a very generic prompt
"pointy ears, elf clothes, outdoor, forest" was the core, then I also had "waterfalls, temple background"
Those gave alternating results - sometime you had a waterfall and no temple, sometime a temple and no waterfall, sometime this "ruins waterway" vibe that I kinda liked.
this was also very lucky to get a "sitting/knelling" pose.
@SPArcheon-onstrike wonder where the clothes are from then
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні oh, it just kept sprouting variations of green/white clothes, some more "robe" like, some more fanservice.
still keeping an eye on that reddit, they are reaching the boiling point
some content creators apparently left recently
the sooner the game dies, the better
about time
But i bet it will take long for the bulk of the community to catch up
well, the reddit is in shambles.
basically, all the post are either nonsense that is either players who don't have a clue of what they are doing or more probably bots
then the rest is made up by very angry takes at the game becoming more and more trash
(there is no reason there should be a constant influx of "please suggest teams" without an indication of what the team is used for... as I said this game is well past the "use what you have/like"... every level has to be solved with a set of character that can handle the specific debuffs)
Also caught some angry comments about the Animal Crossing shutdown here
@SPArcheon-onstrike question is how representative it is
@SPArcheon-onstrike to be honest my main takeaway is that one should never pay for subscription-like games or purchases
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні it is the "service" game.
it is not like all those MMORPG are any better.
Someday, even World of Warcraft will shutdown.
And when that happen all you will have left will be screenshots and gameplay recordings.
Alas, this briliant move of killing the AC mobile game may go very bad for them.
Currently Animal Crossing is in a "it is bad either way" scenario.
You can play the console game.
You get a full island that you can decorate by placing item EVERYWHERE.
But the items catalogue is kinda limited.
The game runs on the real world clock, so you can't "play when you want" - it is a job, you have to play each day and if there is an event (very few, just things like new year, halloween etc) you have to play at the correct time.
This has no reason to be and is just a (unneeded) gimmik that has been stuck to the game since the first release more than 10 years ago on gamecube.
So many games (Stardew Valley, Rune Factory) demonstrated you don't need a real time clock for a cozy life simulator game.
On the other side you had the mobile game, which sacrificed everything in exchange for more items.
You can't go swimming in the mobile game. You can't add bridges or decorations outside your camp....
The game is just a camp and an house to decorate and some static locations that are only there to farm resources.
Yet, the item variety is far greater because those items were gacha and thus the devs invested on them.
the console version can't replace this.
Simply because they never put any effort in making new decorations for the console version - most of the item catalogue has been the same since the first game
this "shut down" may have the side effect of making ever more ex players hate the console version because of the stupid time gimmik and the limited customizzation.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні BTW, there is another potential timebomb in the migration to the "offline game"
the Collaboration items from various Sanrio franchises...
depending on the licensing they got, having them in the offline game could require a re-licensing, in what case I would not put past them to drop them...
and people probably would not like losing the items they payed for.
Also pretty sure the devs behind
are probably crying tears of blood right now
thanks to them falling for the Apple Arcade trap (apple always tries to get exclusive for the games on their pathetic platform) they are now stuck with an exclusive for at least 6/12 months.
While this would be the perfect time to release on android (probably 80% of the userbase... who even uses the overprice IPhone today? A trash UI experience that you can't even update over wifi because they know better than you and won't allow you to use a unlimited traffic plan)
Was the game accessible to everyone... the AC gang would have jumped the shark FAST.
Will teach them to not get into dealings with Apple in the future.
@SPArcheon-onstrike if you mean base iOS updates: I've got a work iphone and it will happily update from wifi
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні sorry, I actually meant you own mobile data plan.
@SPArcheon-onstrike I have no idea why they ever thought that was necessary
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні I don't know but it is one of the most annoying things in the game.
I suspect they wanted to go for the "alternate life" vibe.
@SPArcheon-onstrike yes, I got that. Mobile is almost always off, and updates work fine just via wifi.
to see winter you have to WAIT for winter.
that is probably the core idea.
@SPArcheon-onstrike dark souls for coziness simulators :P
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Works for a while. Then you soon reach the point you just want to play when you want, not when you have to.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Also worked to timegate the little content the game actually has.
It has the Minecraft issue - if you look at the actual content, there is not much to do
the fun comes from decorating and hanging around.
The real time clock means that unless you start changing the console clock, you will need a whole year to see every event.
Artificial longevity.
Also something about turnip arbitrage...
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні turnip was pretty useless, that was not the best way to get money.
furthermore it is not like you could not implement the turnip exchange without the real time clock.
just tie them to the "in game calendar" instead
even better since you can no longer timetravel by setting the console clock to a specific date
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike does that also mean that winter can be teleported to?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні in the console games you can change the console clock to any date to play whatever event whenever you like.
But this can cause side effects like villagers moving out (since they think to have been in your town fro months), weeds overgrowing (months without pulling them) etc etc
And if you go back, are those undone? Or does it vary perhaps?
the point is that the game thinks "a long time" has passed since you last played, so it triggers some "long time not played" features.
Like finding cockroaches in your house or villagers asking where you have been.
2 hours later…
very chibi
Also widow's peak, interesting.
2 hours later…
one of the "ebara" class fine tunes (now, don't ask me where these names come from, I am just randomly testing things)
that's a new one
this pose and depth-of-field emulation
I just asked for "pointing"
(and I may have had to put some clothes piece in the negative prompt since the short skirt behaved just like in the games)
oh, funny. Someone asked on Arqade if there is a way to prove if a given level in the game "Baba is you" can be solved or not.
.... found an actual research paper about that.
now... if the company didn't had me into strike...
@SPArcheon-onstrike ha
@SPArcheon-onstrike (I see you've added me to the access list, thanks) I loaded up the room on my alt and I have a button to ask. However I don't know how to get such a button on my main... Sorry
@SPArcheon-onstrike trying to figure out what you meant so I've found an "evolution of Amy Rose" video. At one point Sonic's in a prison cell and asks something, for which she (outside the cell) goes "If I tell ya', will you marry me?". Umm, yikes?
@Peilonrayz #modproblems
@Peilonrayz oh well, as I said, not your fault if the chat is bad designed
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Amy is a VERY weird character
And Sega proved that they have NO IDEA how to use her
granted, this game seems to be from 2001, but still
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні how to put this simply...
overly attached girlfriend vibes
As for "what I meant..."
it's hard not to make assumptions about the interactions the devs must have had with females :D
So... VERY short skirt + platforming game + 3d person camera + running + bending forward as you run fast....
what do you think the result was?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні lol, yeah
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні now you know why in some of the recent games she is playable....
she suddenly goes like May from pokemon and wears bike shorts under a skirt
"She is" or "she isn't"? In the video I just watched there were plenty old ones where she seemed playable.
@SPArcheon-onstrike aaaah, OK, missing half sentence
yeah, I noticed that, given the context
they had sports themes though so it made extra sense
I think this is a legit solution also employed by human females
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні the solution would be a skirt that is longer and not gravity defying
alas. Amy Rose problems are far more complex than her skirt being too short to actual cover her as she runs and jumps around in a Sonic style game.
I find it easy to believe they find it harder to objectify the character with underpants
@SPArcheon-onstrike oh yeah, she seemed really creepy in the little I've seen now
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні in the first game she appears she is just a very clingy fan with a very serious crush on Sonic.
Very clingy meaning that in the single level you meet her at the start of the game she will try to hug you... and keep you there
that escalated quickly
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні to be fair that is pretty common anime troope.
I mean, at least she can't electrocute anyone.
(that said - anyone with a working brain would have no problem at al with Lum. It is just Ataru getting what he deserves)
Alas back to Amy, she gets kidnapped pretty soon so her role in the game is quite limited
Back then she had a different design that was kinda cuter btw
and for comparison
those merged eyes never cease to creep the heck out of me...
year later she was remade in the modern red dress design and became the "Sonic self proclaimed girlfriend" meme material she is today
problem is that while most is played for fun, you have some jokes that gets a tad disturbing.
For example, in the Sonic comic series, they try to explain the change in her art style / outfit.
How they do that?
simple: the comic Amy rose is a kid.
A kid that got a crush on Sonic and wanted to join the rebels to be closer to him.
since she could not do that...
Hehe, "You're too young. He's not too young because even though he's young, his experience makes up for it". Smooth.
She used the "cursed artifact of convenient plot development" to grow up.
well you've got to make any fanart about her legal...
@SPArcheon-onstrike oh, actual magic aging, great
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Body aging - based on her idiocy the brain is the same.
Or she is just stupid.
Then it kind of makes sense if she's still a child iin her mind... yeah :P
Makes it a very different kind of creepy, good job Sega.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Yeah about that...
don't go looking into anything about Bonney from One Piece...
alas, the games never acknowledged the comic plot
this does not mean that they didn't have their odd share of please don't moments
the worst offender probably still is Sonic Boom episode 85 which contains this "gem".
Oh, I'm pretty sure I've seen that one before
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні before I forget: arxiv.org/pdf/2205.00127
I'm not going to read that though because I'm at about level 5 (been there for a couple of years :P)
while looking for the clip above I stumbled on this.
You may recognize the scene from the Amazing World of Gumball show - they replaced the characters with Sonic and the others.
Amy annoyed face is quite funny.
the candy mix is just too funny
Amy Rose, Hello Kitty version.
2 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike might be due to the body proportions but I had to think about why it's fanservicey
@SPArcheon-onstrike it's funny how the pine trees are reflected as perennials
@SPArcheon-onstrike nope, never watched that

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