I am wondering why it is stated that double encrypted message with 2 DES keys is possible to break in worst case in $2\times2^{56}$ time using meet in the middle attack.
Here is my reasoning:
Example plaintext & ciphertext pair: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA & 35E16A5E44161DB8 (keys to break: BABABABABABABABA & CDCDCDCDCDCDCDCD), additional plaintext & ciphertext pairs to check in step 4 because keyspace is large enough that it is probable that there are many key pairs that would succeed with just one pair: 0000000000000000 & 84EC2BA1A2748F7B ; 1111111111111111 & 549A6B5696E02B5E ; 2222222222222222 & 7BB2C14B23A807C3 ; 3333333333333333 & 3BD27AAF1E0EB4F7
I generate array with 2^56 entries, n-th entry is pair (n-th key ; DES encrypted plaint...