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Q: What does the work "An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Lattice Problems Achieving Subexponential Approximation Factor" mean?

user77340In An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Lattice Problems Achieving Subexponential Approximation Factor, the author claims they give a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for solving the Bounded Distance Decoding problem with a subexponential approximation factor on a class of integer lattices. What d...

8 hours later…
Q: Does hashing an ECB encryption with a strong hash function produce a secure MAC?

ManRowDoes applying a strong hash function like SHA-256 to the ECB-encryption of a message (using some secret key $K$) produce a secure mac? For example, given a message $m$, would a simple mac construction $H(E_K(m))$ be considered a secure mac if we used a strong hash $H$ like SHA-256? Compared to st...

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