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@motosubatsu Care to answer a question?
@Mast fire away! :)
Your moderation speech has the following paragraph:
> Not all users are familiar with the SE way or have English as their first language. Many are stressed. So I give the benefit of the doubt in how the questions are written, preferring to try an edit myself rather than leave them wondering what went wrong.
Great story, but you only got 23 edits on your Workplace account.
You write decent posts, sure, but your activity doesn't show you're moderating with the current tools available. How will promoting you to a diamond help?
Take your time, I know I'm asking a difficult question.
@Mast It's the middle of the working day here in the UK. Sometimes work takes precedence over stack participation. Any delay in Moto asking is likely to be due to his work and not because he's thinking of an answer.
@Snow I know, but thanks anyway.
We can't all be having a holiday today.
@Mast yeah I am working today (unfortunately, the sunshine keeps taunting me with that fact), I am however working on a response to your (excellent) question alongside Fun with C# and will post shortly
@Mast you make a fair point.. I actually hadn't realized that my edit count was as low as that! Although in my "defense" I think the edit history I have supports that the majority of ones that I have done have been aimed at making the question answerable as per my statement. I'm not claiming I'm a saint and I could certainly do more (and intend to do so), the extent of the issue surrounding has been something
I've become aware of as I've spent more time on the stack and gotten more familiar with it. Like many users here my SE time is constrained by the demands of life and work and I've tended to lean more towards providing answers where I can during my time here. It is a topic that I have developed quite strong feelings about though, and even proposed a potential solution to the problem here.
Your comment about my low numbers on the existing moderation tools is also a fair one - and @Nec Plus Ultra raised similar concerns on my nomination post and I responded there - unfortunately comments no longer appear on the nomination posts now we've moved to the election phase. The gist though is that yes I have less experience in moderating on SE but that the numbers don't tell the whole story -
my review queue numbers are very low because I've generally carried out my "reviews" by browsing the site more organically (although I realise that for practical reasons that would probably change were I to be elected) and all those questions that I read and despite having the option to do so didn't VTC don't get recorded anywhere (like they would if I had used the review queue and clicked "Leave open"),
the overall effect on the question is the same but my stats don't change. My vote and flag numbers may well be lower than others - but I would posit that is because I don't cast a vote or raise a flag on something without due consideration. VTCs and DVs are not on a hair trigger for me. I've always believed that a moderators actions should be considered and that not acting can be just as valid.
Given an SE moderator's votes are binding is it not a desirable behavior to have them only casting votes or taking actions when they really feel the situation warrants it?
It certainly isn't the case that I'm not involved or invested in the site and the issues it faces I just choose to act judiciously.
Sorry for the wall of text @Mast - I hope that addresses your question though
now I've dropped that Wall o' Text on you I'm just going to nip out and grab a sandwich but will be back shortly in case you have any follow up questions :)
@motosubatsu It definitely addresses my question, thank you.
@Mast excellent :) if you have any more questions or concerns ping me in here and I'll respond as soon as I can.
Thank you :-)
All though they are not the end all be all of a candidate, I do think your moderator SCORE and REPUTATION matter. They are an indicator of your level of participation at TWP.
@MisterPositive Oh I absolutely agree that they matter..just as you say they aren't the be all and end all.
and while they can be gamified to an extent there's no getting around the fact that you have to be here and be involved to be earning both badges and rep points (and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a little in awe of your performance on both fronts)
@motosubatsu LOL Thank you sir. I am in awe of your writing ability. I have improved in that area I think, but I have a way to go.
I am also amazed that my Q&A attracted so much attention. 13 votes overall, shocked that many people read it LOL.
@MisterPositive thanks :) to be fair I do write for fun (not for profit sadly, I'm not good enough to pay the mortgage with it) and my tendency to read just about anything and everything means I've been exposed to many different writing styles and techniques. Add in that I've had a smattering of formal training in both creative and scientific writing and frankly I should be better at it than I am. Your writing is fine IMO, you get the point across clearly and concisely.
@MisterPositive I think the attention on your Q&A was about what I expected - it may come as a shock but you're one of the more visible members of the site (and I mean that in a good way)
@MisterPositive I blew everyone out of the water on the Q&A though. I got 18 votes in total 5 more than the next wannabe moderator. Half of them were downvotes though lol.
@motosubatsu Well said, and thank you. Sometimes I feel like I write better tSQL and C# than English LOL...
@MaskedMan I think I am the only one in the negative though, LOL
@MisterPositive depends.. you do write all your SQL keywords in caps right? ;)
OMG - @motosubatsu you need to get out of my head...
I am here mainly to sharpen my English though. I write answers to improve my writing style, and I edit to improve my comprehension skills.
@MisterPositive SELECT * FROM [Mister Postive].Thoughts WHERE Obscene = 0
@MaskedMan Same here. I still have a ways to go. @AnneDaunted is a good writer too.
@MaskedMan honestly your English is better than many people I encounter here.. in England, if I didn't already know differently I'd never suspect you weren't native to an English-speaking country
I must be awarded that 'controversial' badge now.
@motosubatsu Completely agree. @MaskedMan your English is amazing.
@motosubatsu @MisterPositive Thank you, I hear that a lot. English being my fifth language also helps. ;)
@MaskedMan I wouldn't sweat the downvotes, no-one of any consequence went through life without someone disagreeing with them.
@MaskedMan My 5th is C
@MaskedMan show off.. I've only got English and a light sprinkling of German
@motosubatsu Nah, I stopped caring about those downvotes long ago. I just found it amusing.
@motosubatsu I can stumble through SPANISH at a first grade level...
@motosubatsu Oh, I am adding German at 7th place, and it sucks. I am focussing on Japanese at 6th place currently.
oop.. just realised that we're still in Moderator Q&A and have wandered a bit off-topic, shall we adjourn to the Water Cooler?
When I think of our more visible users, I think of Big Joe, Kate, Kilisi, Drinks, HLGEM, etc. Not me.
Right, let's go there. :P
Whoever wins the election must promise to come back here and move these comments there. ;)
@motosubatsu Oh crap, same here... meant to post the first comment only...
Moving to the proper chat..

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