The short answer is that the division operation on reals is only defined for certain inputs, namely the first input is a real and the second input is a non-negative real.
In other words, it's our choice to define the division operation that way, and that is that. However, one can then ask why that is the 'best' definition.
The answer is that it gives the neatest algebraic properties. It's not like we cannot do mathematics if x/0 is defined as 0. We can, but our theorems would have to be changed accordingly.
For example...
Sorry I don't know why I wrote "non-negative" above instead of "nonzero".
Similarly multiplication can be defined to capture replacing each object in one collection with a copy of the other collection. Alternatively, use a rectangular arrangement.
Okay so that's addition and multiplication. Division is not so 'natural' as those. For some kinds of objects, we simply cannot divide one into many pieces.
If the amounts we are handling are multiples of cups, then we can use our original intuition for solid objects. For example, p·q is the volume of water in a rectangular arrangement of p times q cups, each of which is filled to the brim.
@student Haha I'm just being cautious, because with modern science we sort of know that water is made up of molecules of H2O, and if there are an odd number of them then we can't exactly get half.
In any case, under this interpretation of fractions we already can see that there can be no such thing as 1/0, because it is asking for whether there is a volume v such that 0 times of it gives 1.
And since we assumed our cup has nonzero volume, that's just impossible.
@student I'm not sure what your question is then. My main point is that we define arithmetic operations to capture something about the real world, so that we can investigate it with predictive power.
So we won't arbitrarily define 1/0 unless we can interpret it to mean something in the real world that we are interested in.
Yea try base 2. But don't start now; counting to 1023 would take some time.
Counting can be described as follows: You first have an unbounded supply of some standard blocks that you can arrange in a straight line. To count a collection of items, you place them one by one next to a block, such that no two are next to the same block, and if a block has an item next to it then the previous block in the line also has an item next to it.
This may take a while to digest, but I am basically trying to describe in a relatively non-circular way a process of counting.