@YouKnowMe There is no idea of "larger" or "smaller" here...The shielding effect doesn't change in going from a neutral atom to an anion, as shielding is done by inner electrons, and so any variation in shielding will only occur if you somehow were disturbing the inner electrons(those jusr behind the valence shell). But electrons are being added to the valence shell, that is, the outermost shell...So the shielding received by them is more or less similar as before
it may have become a bit worse, but certainly not become more prominent. More important is looking at the nuclear charge, that is, how much can it attract the valence shell
Since their is an imbalance in the number of attracting particles
so, overall, the repulsive interactions b/w electrons dominate
and lead to an overall increase in anionic size
it's all a game of numbers here