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Same doubt ^
1 hour later…
Online aao
Soo any role of lab manual in advanced? no right
@Avka Thanka
What is the n factor of Fe(C2O4)
It's 2 right ;_;
Why has reso given 3
2 + 1 of iron. ;_;
So that way what's the n factor of Fe2(C2O4)3
Chemistry is easy except for a couple of questions which are well very dangerous ;_;
Got it, I was doing silly mistake yet once again
Does anybody have any lab manual ?
Biomolecules is not on NCERT official website
@PolarBear Yes, felt that, and those are going to be rank deciding questions.
@EshaManideep Isn't is available only in Hindi?
lol read in Hindi
Everyone's asking for that
Wait, biomolecules?
Carbohydrates ah yeah right
I read the Hindi one, nothing there
@Dante ;_;
Most of those are from organic I guess and since your organic is strong it's going to be cakewalk for you, so chill!
When is avka's exam?
12 second
Yeah, I'll chill :P
2nd shift?
You must in exam hall by now otherwise
Yeah, second shift
I wouldn't be awake at night until 11 otherwise
Lol, you were complaining about early morning exam yesterday.
@PolarBear I don't know hindi
I've got 2 and 1/2 hrs to do my shit still
Use google translate XD
U got any Allen or such others ?
@Dante Last time I used for Chinese Olympiad papers, I was dead because of the laugh I had
Lol, it can't convert grammar properly.
I have my school lab manual which is for CBSE
so they might have copied off ncert
To detect the presence of carbohydrates in potatoes and grapes and rice and butter very bery good
U wanna send me ?
No mail this time. WhatsApp is easy ?
I'll tell the given tests
Molisch, Fehling, Benedict, tollens, iodine, translucent spot, badouin, huble, biuret, xanthoprotec, ninhydrin, Millon's
@PolarBear You're khatarnak.
what removed o.O
Didn't read agaain
Missed ;-;
I ant it
you ant it
U are interested in sending it ?
Np quick
WhatsApp ?
Thanks a lot !
Now rip
read in peace?
@Dante yup ?
Remember we solved some gravitation in question in one of the recent tests?
Inelastic collision with asteroid.
Do you remember which test was that?
11th second
Yeah yeah
@Dante the satellite one ? trajectory ?
@PolarBear Thanks!
Does anyone know why trajectory becomes eliptical when satellite gains kinetic energy?
My book says elliptical when $\sqrt{gr}<v<\sqrt{2gr}$
That's outer ellipse
This is inner ellipse
Oh, part of ellipse then falls on the ground?
That's what my book says
Btw, question not there in 11-2
It may be in 12th 1 then
Yeh, that's the only other paper I solved, so prolly.
got it.
@AdvilSell Does it fall on the group after elliptical path?
@Dante I think Yes , not sure tho.
@McSuperbX1 For that nucleophilicity question, only the pyridine lone pair is nucleophilic enough to be coordinated; the NH2 is involved in conjugation wuth the aromatic cycle,while the allylic system consisting of nitrogens in the other ring is also involved in resonance
Well.. To see the differences in nucleophilicity of nitrogens.. Draw resonance structures and see partial charges on each... You will find a partial plus on NH2, partial negatives on both the N's of the six membered ring,no charge on the N shown bonded in 4,and a plus on the other N of the histidine ring.. So, negatively charged N is more nucleophilic than uncharged N
@YUSUFHASAN Why is the valance electron in lanthanum in $5d$ and not $4f$ ?
My exam is going to start soon
Good luck!
Thanks it's much needed
@YUSUFHASAN Even cerium
Good luck to everyone including me, going to the battleground
Best of luck @PolarBear !
@Dante Simple (n+l) rule
$4f$ has lower energy right?
Yep... So it will the penultimate subshell... Final subshell will be 5d
Noo..I mean, why is electronic configuration of cerium $4f1 -5d1- 6s2$ and not $4f2 -6s2$ ?
@Dante Have you read JD Lee for this particular chapter?
@YUSUFHASAN I haven't read JD LEE for any chapter.
@AdvilSell ?
@Dante Just for reference
Which hydrolyse more easily ionic or covalent?
This kinda makes sense I guess
But ionic have more charge separation
Better hydration
@Dante ^^
You're talking about inorganic compounds right?
Covalent--->smaller cation (more polarisation)--->high hydration enthalpy--->easily hydrolysed.
I guess
Covalent doesn't have cation and anion
@YUSUFHASAN Ok, so they're just exceptions because of difference in orbital energy levels?
@drake01 Your question doesn't make sense: ionic compounds simply dissociate in solutions of appropriate dielectric constant(like water).. This is not a hydrolysis reaction,as it is not even a reaction(NaCl breaking into ions and getting solvated) hydrolysis is meant for bonded compounds (covalent mostly) cuz it makes sense there as it gives a well-defined product(like H2O+ NO2 gives HNO3, this is a hydrolysis reaction)
@Dante Exceptions due to exchange energy considerations(half filled,fully filled or empty)
Got it!
Exchange energy thingy works in Gadolinium only right? half filled. How does it work in Cerium also?
Yeah right, apparently it doesn't... Cerium's configuration is mostly experimental,as it's oxidation states are +4 and +3
Which solvent is better for aldol condensation, protic or aprotic?
@Dante I am curious now,u had forgotten the reaction of NO2 + H2O?
No, just couldn't recall it at first.
That's why I deleted
@Dante Aldol is acidic medium is faster than badic medium, if by aprotic you mean alkaline medium
@Dante Bro.. Ur approach to inorganic is fraught with problems it seems(to me)
I have no guidance man ;_;
Just doing whatever I can, at home.
But yeah, I'll try to keep improving it, asking doubts here.
@Dante Yeah, right now that's the best we can do... BTW,remember one of the first books I had sent a link for on this grp when I haf just joined? Look into that; it's really insightful (for the reactions in our syllabus,ofcourse)
@YUSUFHASAN Arrow pushing mechanism for inorganic chemistry?
@Dante Yep
It's lost somewhere in the downloads. You think it'll be worth it studying it at this time?
That book is worth studying anytime(believe me) and anyway, only a few reactions from our syllabus have to be seen from there..the entire book is not useful as of now..
Were the options same in the exam?
@Dante I don't think this is from my paper.. But anyway... This question can be easily done by seeing that Lu is the end of the lanthanoid series.. This means that when it's +3 ion is formed,it would have already filled it's 14 electrons... So having no f-electrons,no f-f transitions,and hence no colour for Lu3+.. Hence only one option.. (2)..all others have f-electrons
At what time does shift 2 start?
Nvm about that ^, is resonance down?
Is the above link working for you?
@Dante No :(
working now
Just for confirmation, there's no axial/equitorial in octahedral right?
Unlike trigonal pyramidal
15th one
How is mole fraction of water high for gas with low henry's constant?
Shouldn't it be more soluble ---> Less mole fraction of water?
11th one also seems incorrect.
@Dante In ocarhedral, there is no concept of axial equatorial because all positions are equivalnent
yeah, 11th?
@Dante For eleventh I am getting 10^(-5)
Anyway...the concept mattered
For 15th, should be 4 only
You have eliminated 1 and 2 , I presume, @Dante
@Dante We're you harambe before?
no, that's scathach
@YUSUFHASAN hold on,
eliminated 1 and 3
What was your chat name
dante from the start o_0
harambe --> zerix ---> scathach
@Dante No..At a constant value of mole fraction of water...Mole fraction of gas is also constant... so at this point, partial pressure will be inversely proportional to Kh..so now check partial pressures of all gases at a constant mole fraction value of water and see what is wrong as per given data
1,2 elimination
@Dante and 3 also due to -ve slope
Got it, thanks!
@Dante A advice you don't need to think extensively just compare the slope it will become super easy
@McSuperbX1 Ever since you have received the rep to enter chat.SE, do you stay online all the time?XD
@YUSUFHASAN I think he/she always forget to leave the chat XD
Even I'm always in the chatroom 0_0
My PC wakes up at 5 and sleeps at 11
@AdvilSell Yeah
@YUSUFHASAN What's your score?
According to reso key.
@Jasmine How many did you attempt?????
Does anyone know maximum number of rank clashes?
@Abcd Hey! You must've done well!
@Abcd what about you
@Jasmine ???
@Jasmine 72, you?
@Dante wait
@Jasmine guesses how many??
I dont remember
Anyway I didnt guess any....
@Abcd What does this mean?
I have attempted like: 27+30+15
I think few in Chemistry
In case of rank clash I am screwed
@Dante Rank clash = Two or more people with same rank
Maths score will decide after rank clash
Yeah, it will.
You knew all in Chem then
@Jasmine it was easy, ask your doubt?
@Dante Do you know the maximum number
Cryolite got wrong :(
@Jasmine is cryyolite crkt answer??
I marked cryolite
@Abcd Around 100-500 people get same marks I guess
:49854891 Tell whether Cryolite is crkt or not
@Abcd yes
@Abcd Nice! So, was your paper easy or difficult? I mean..Are marks gonna shoot up sky high or what?
@YUSUFHASAN Easier than Jan............ But my rank is it stake because of maths score.
@Abcd 72 with no guess, amazing man!
You're making it!
@Jasmine You too!
@Dante Chemistry had 2-3 controversial types.
But lets see, I applied logic
I also applied logic
I think the paper was lengthy
@Dante Not going to check with memory based stuff by resonance where I myself don't remember plenty of my answers..and those legends have also got a few of the answers/questions wrong
@Abcd It's a 'clash'. You already have a good clearance with a good score. Nothing much to worry I guess.
@Jasmine How many did u attempt subjectwise
@YUSUFHASAN Yeah, even last time.
@Abcd Okay..well, our paper didn't have much substance..just lengthy..same for urs? and what are the top attempts u have seen?
@YUSUFHASAN Only maths was lengthy.
in physics wavessssssssss
So much wavesssss
Anyone who has left waves would have fainted
In my shift's case, many people are going to go well above 300(I know some of the topper guys)
@YUSUFHASAN Did your paper also have too much waves
@Abcd Thanks, that was the topic I hadn't revised!
In fact 12th was less than 11th I feel, in physics.
@Abcd No not that much..just 2 iirc
Why did I even study environmental -_-
You know the question
I told ya yesterday XD
CO2 causes what?
Answer: Global warming
Some easy question will come
Goobal warming
And you''ll regret
@Jasmine No photosynthesis.
@Abcd -_-
@Dante not choice
@Abcd ah...the value based question..XD..I heard that NTA has been told to include one of that in mains for "all round development of children"(not sure tho)
@Jasmine Did u do that capacitor question
My answer was not matching,I did v carefully.
@Abcd no didnt have time
@Jasmine I think that'll be bonus
So much tym gone on that
@Abcd sorry to interrupt, but are you going to discuss ur paper rn, or could u provide me that advanced paper if possible?
@YUSUFHASAN No, I am not going to discuss. Paper discussion = Wrong Questions = Demotivation before advanced.
@YUSUFHASAN Can you please tell which advanced papers?? Should I send AITSs??
@Abcd Consider me to be the most stupid person born on the planet..And then send a paper which is like, not very beyond, but upto JEE advanced level..I guess aits or some paper like that is fine(I don't know the names of ur tests)
@YUSUFHASAN But will you only solve Chemistry or Full paper????
Full...That's why only upto Advanced level..not beyond
@YUSUFHASAN OK, I will send RTPF PPr 2 at evening, K?
I want to relax for 3-4 hours at least :P .
@AdvilSell @Dante Will u solve advanced pprs after ur mains
@Jasmine R u interested in RTPF PPR 2....The one whose Ppr 1 we did
Yeah obviously
Once in 3-4 days
@Abcd yes
@Jasmine Will u giv 2day or tomorrow
Yeah sure..I relaxed the entire day yesterday after my mains..So no big deal..Take as much time as u need@Abcd
Share today
@YUSUFHASAN So basically you have had a change of mind and have decided to prepare for JEE advanced? Am I right???
I will solve
@Jasmine OK evening.
Yeah alright
@Abcd I always had to prepare for advanced cuz a 10k rank ensures direct admission in iisers..plus iits take bsc at very low ranks (under 10k)..mains is pretty much useless for me...That's what
NITS and IIITs have no bsc
@YUSUFHASAN Oh cool! Okay.
@YUSUFHASAN There was a branch called "Chemistry" in IITs
Is that for BSc
it's rank cutoff in old IITs was like 8000
@Abcd Yep..That's the one..
@YUSUFHASAN It do have it
@YUSUFHASAN Wow man, prepare hard and you'll easily get old IIT chemistry
@AdvilSell Yeah they do..But even IIT's BSc is not that good..So NITS and IIITs are preety much for tech only
@YUSUFHASAN BTW, Was your mains 1 percentile actually 80?
@YUSUFHASAN true that
Because cutoff for advanced is 92
@Abcd No man..was joking
It was 99+ -_-
@Abcd Altho we can't predict...Yet for around 10k rank, marks stay around 150-160 in advanced,right? @Abcd
@YUSUFHASAN I dont know man. You must check from previous years' marks vs ranks available online
I dont have an idea about rank vs marks for advanced atm
@Dante Source Message?
He told it once
I remember.
in Problem Solving Strategies, Feb 9 at 18:30, by YUSUF HASAN
@Abcd I managed to bring my percentile just at the edge of the 99 percentile decimals inspite of my chemistry percentile...That's how "good" I am at the rest of the two..And I am not sharing the entire number...It just sucks
Ice will attempt all 90 I am sure.
Yeah, this one
Everyday life?
@Dante Dont remember and if it was there it was very easy. Most prolly wasnt there
Physics what did you leave actually?
I mean, which topic's questions?
1 mechanics, 1 capacitor, 1 wave.
Capacitor will be bonus
I think
Oh, ok.
I hate capacitors.
Also I think grade 11 was more than grade 12 in physics
I see
Heat, rms velocity, etc too much.
Oh, you forget the formula you're dead!
Paper distribution was very uneven.
Those who havent prepared these chapters .... Hard luck.
@Dante yesterday's ppr had even distribution I think
I see, so I shouldn't skip any chapter!
2 hours later…
Why are the $d_{x^2-y^2},d_{z^2}$ orbitals of lower energy in tetrahedral complexes while it's the opposite in octahedral.
@Dante Because in octahedral complexes,u can imagine the ligands approaching the face centres of a cube... While for a tetrahedral field... Half the number of ligands can be visualized to approach along the alternate corners of a cube(i.e. the ligands do not point directly along the axes,rather they are aligned b/w the axes.. Now see the orbitals accordingly
Oh, okay.
Understood, thanks!
wtf is wrong with reso website
@Abcd Paper?

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