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@Abcd but isn't that for iodisation of an alkyl halide? How do I get a fluoride from it?
7 hours later…
3 hours later…
@AbhigyanC Which chapter is going on at your centre?
@J_B892 Please upload straight pics. Please.
@Hema No
@J_B892 I think more of no3- will react with H+ to form HNO3
Finckelstein reaction:
$\ce{RX + X' <=> RX' + X-}$
For Fluoride preparation:
treatment of alkyl halides with:
1) Anhydrous HF (for allylic and benzylic only)
2) $\ce{AgF}$
3) $\ce{KF}$
4) $\ce{HgF2}$
5) $\ce{Et_3N.2HF}$
-> Equilbrium shifted to right because of $\ce{F}$'s poor leaving tendency
@J_B892 I think that since water is the solvent, it will probably kind of 'solvate' the NO3 ions preventing them to attack and meanwhile since water is in excess it will attack.
@J_B892 Please mention the source of the question.
@J_B892 First of all, I have checked the reference book. The nucleophilicity of $\ce{H2O}$ is given to be 0.0 and that of $\ce{NO3-}$ is given to be $1.00$ calculated from some Swain-Scott equation.
SO obviously $\ce{NO3-}$ is a better nucleophile than water.
@J_B892 Since difference in nucleophility is small so both reactions will run in paralllel (attack by nitrate and water) unless water is taken in excess.
But they havent mentioned excess.
Thats their fault.
Yeah sorry it will kind of solvate
not HNO3
@Jasmine Are you agreeing with me or not
@Abcd reading
@Abcd isn't N having a positive charge in resonatinng structure
@Abcd Found this question on a youtube tutorial...
@Jasmine Oh messed up AgNO2 and AgNO3
@J_B892 What did they say to explain it?
@J_B892 I think your answer is correct.
@Abcd yeah both should form but major The model anseer
@J_B892 There's a comment on that video
He hasn't replied to it yet.
@Abcd Is it necessary to actually know which compound has a higher nucleophilicity to perform a SN1 reaction or will it be mentioned in the question?
@Abcd Yes I initially thought of posting the question over there but on seeing on reply decided to put it up here
@J_B892 well NO3- , H2O is very uncommon thing. Rest you dont need to learn, you will automatcially remember them
@J_B892 Assuming that that person ( the uploader) is correct. We can justify it this way:
First of all nucleophilicity of oxygen is already reduced because of covalent like bonding with Ag.
then its already reduced because of resoanance as well!
The nucleophilicity order I mentioned must be in ideal conditions like you have $\ce{KNO3}$!
Therefore water is being the attacker here.
@J_B892 Do you get it?
@Jasmine Now do you agree
@Abcd hm
but another problem is developement of Finckelstein reaction like situation because nitrate ions are even being free after Ag bonds with Cl to form AgCl precipitate. . Yes @Jasmine?
So its a very vague question.
I think you should just leave it and move on.
@Abcd I can't understand how you have covalent bonding between Ag and O
@Jasmine Fajan's rule
@Abcd yeah that's more in support to no covalent bonding between Ag and O
@Jasmine Ag+ has pseudo noble gas configuration => more covalent character.
@Jasmine Didnt your sir teach you RX+ AgNO2 vs RX + KNO2 ?
If major part of Ag is forming AgCl then it can't bond with O
@Jasmine Thats why I said the question is very unclear and vague.
We dont know what to accept.
@Abcd I don't disagree
@Abcd yeah
:45426674 yea
@Jasmine Okay so I'd just advice @J_B892 to leave it because IIT wont ask such vague stuff.
@Abcd So if we had KNO3 then NO3- would have been the attacker?
@Abcd Well, my preps are more towards Olympiad. We have just entered phase 2 in FIITJEE so I'm doing this parallely so that I cover most of organic before NSEC
@J_B892 Amazing!
@J_B892 Yeah, thats what I'd except.
Q: Action of hot alkaline KMnO4 on tert butyl benzene

Avnish Kabaj Side chain oxidation of aryl alkanes takes place if there is at least one alpha hydrogen present by all accounts I presumed that there would be no reaction. However the answer given was trimethyl acetic acid. Is the answer key wrong?

@Abcd @Jasmine
This is from the fiitjee package
@AvnishKabaj Its clearly mentioned in Solomon Frhyle that it doesnt take place.
@AvnishKabaj I think FIITJEE people wanted to test this reaction instead:
@Abcd thaaaaaanks
@AvnishKabaj what are your fiitjee timings?
@Abcd 3:30-7:45
1 hour later…
@Abcd oh you really read a lot at books

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