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@AvnishKabaj haha ;P
@Jasmine there's two pi bonds... Explained by MOT.. Google for it...
1 hour later…
@AvnishKabaj please don't reply to trash messages. I send them to trash coz I have got their answer
So sigma bond is not always the first bond to be formed @GaurangTandon
@Jasmine Does stability of carbocation depend on steric hindrance .
@Abcd please unpin the current pinned msg
@Jasmine actually it's by MOT; a lot of sigma bonds form already, pi bonds are the last two iirc
@Koolman depends on the carbocation; do you have an example?
@GaurangTandon option a
@Koolman i think you are talking about the previous to the latest question i sent. I think not steric hinderence but the nature of the group attached has got sometihibg to do with stability. You go for steric hinderance while checking existance of molecule and rractivity
@GaurangTandon my concept in mot is poor i cant get what you mean to say
@Jasmine then option a should be correct
@Koolman yes i think it should be correct. Today i will ask my teacher and confirm.
How are you saying @Koolmanthat A is correct? Whats your logic?
? @Koolman
I didn't mean that steric hindrance has got nothing to do with carbocation stability
-I effect of alkyl group
No resonance possible in one to stabilise the positive charge so you check for alpha h. But its same
Tell me which is more electronegative sp2 hybridised or sp3 hybridized?
Sp2 of course as more s character closer to nucleus more force applied by nucleus
So in third the cation stabilised more or firs
@AvnishKabaj can you please help out
Alkyls = +I effect not -I effect
@Jasmine Please share your problem
@GaurangTandon @AvnishKabaj $\ce{Ph-CH2-NH2 + EtO- -> ? }$
@Jasmine You won't understand C2 without knowing MOT. You should know how to write the electronic configuration using MOT at least. That much is in JEE syllabus. Around 2014, they had even asked the structure of the molecular orbitals.
@Jasmine @Abcd I'll get back to you two in a couple of hours
@Jasmine Phenyl's +M effect dominates over its -I effect. Therefore it's an activating group in EAS
@Koolman the last structure has strong steric inhibition of resonance (SIR) effect, so the positive charge won't delocalise all throughout the ring; in the first structure, it will; more delocalisation of charge => more stability
@Abcd hehe what in the world is that o.O what's the answer? is this msc question? if so, page number?
@GaurangTandon $\ce{PhCH2NH-}$
@GaurangTandon so you mean SIR affect the stability of the cation
(It's quite obvious it does)
@GaurangTandon anyway that question is controversial ... there's strong +I effect of alkyl stabilising the carbocation
Alkyl is stronger activating group than phenyl. So in all probability option A order is wrong
@Koolman yeah +I and not -I effect
@Abcd I know mot its just like I am very confused
Between c and c in c2 how many bonds exist?
I know to write the configuration as I have seen in jd lee
Is the theory of mot in accordance with all other theories?
@Jasmine Huh?
@Jasmine please see the Wikipedia page on C2
@Koolman it does, that's what i said
@Abcd meh, it probably just abstracted the acidic hydrogen on N atom (ethoxide is strong base)
@Abcd but SIR plays a stronger role. There's a question on main site, let me share
Q: Which of these carbocations are more stable?

paracetamol The line of text that follows this figure in my work-book reads: Cation (A) is more stable than cation (B), since the former is resonance stabilized but the latter isn't (due to steric effects). Don't both carbocations show resonance stabilization? More importantly, isn't cation (B) more ...

@Jasmine I agree with Gaurang Tandon it's most likely SIR
Is the answer (a, c)
@Jasmine what third?
@Abcd dunno
@GaurangTandon How is that H even acidic
@AvnishKabaj she doesn't have the answer key
@Abcd i just made a guess based on the answer :/ is the question from msc?
So according to answer should be c and d
Finally got the c2 thing as the 4 electrons enter pi bonding
@AvnishKabaj why not d?
And b is pakka more Inductive effect
So abcd should be the answer
I am not sure
But b I effect is very less affective oh so confusing. A is pakka
C is sure
in b option the compound will have hyperconjugation
so it should be a,c,d
Yeah hyperconjugation dominates
A and c surely. But d is controversial
@Koolman whats the given answer for that carbocation stability question ?
@VikasRv I dont know the question was posted by Jasmine
@GaurangTandon No. Its from my FIITJEE sheet
@Jasmine d is definitely not the answer primary carbocations are very unstable
@AvnishKabaj Huh? There's no primary C+ in option D
You mis-saw probably
@Abcd misread xD
@GaurangTandon but there's nothing to read that's why mis-saw
But still if we have to choose between M and I effects, M effect is given priority so D cant be the answer na
@VikasRv Huh?
@VikasRv Thats absolutely incorrect
@VikasRv SN1 with 3 degree is MUCH faster than that with primary allyl or benzyl
And you know whats formed in SN1
A: Why is allyl chloride more reactive towards substitution than alkyl chloride?

Abcd But how allyl halide is more reactive than alkyl halide? Reactivity towards $\ce{S_N1}$ The key to reactivity towards $\ce{S_N1}$ is the stability of the formed carbocation. Allyl system stabilises the carbocation through overlap with the vacant p orbital (@gsurfer999 has shown the resonanc...

That questions seems to be multiple-correct options..
@Sid it is
which should mean, the answer is "All"?
I am not fully confident but fairly sure.
@Sid d is controversial
I will ask a question about that tomorrow after returning from fiitjee
What's the controversy?
@Sid Some say allylic one than benzylic is more stable due to "equivalent resonance structures"
@Abcd You mean, Allylic is more stable than Benzylic?
@Sid what else have I written?
@Sid I don't mean that, some people say that
@VikasRv What?
the rates given here are different :/
@VikasRv Are you sure all of them are the same as the one in my table
9 mins ago, by Abcd
A: Why is allyl chloride more reactive towards substitution than alkyl chloride?

Abcd But how allyl halide is more reactive than alkyl halide? Reactivity towards $\ce{S_N1}$ The key to reactivity towards $\ce{S_N1}$ is the stability of the formed carbocation. Allyl system stabilises the carbocation through overlap with the vacant p orbital (@gsurfer999 has shown the resonanc...

@VikasRv Please tell me the mismatch one .
Please also mention the book name
I think we had a question about stability rates of carbocations in JEE-ADV 2017. I know from there that Tertiary, then Benzyl(Primary) and then, Allyl(Primary)
@Sid Good.
That's the order I support too
There's probably some nice reason as to why that is true. I don't care enough right now to go searching for it.
The reason is:
Phenyl is better at conjugation than allyl.
@Abcd that doesn't explain why tertiary is better than all of them.
But okay.
@Sid Huh? Tertiary not also Has +I effect but also so much Hyperconjugation
Q: How is a free radical on allylic position more stable than at benzylic position?

Dhruba Banerjee Which is the most stable free radical among the given species? I was totally baffled as the book claims the answer to be option 1. How is a free radical on allylic position more stable? Moreover, the number of hyper conjugations is also way more in option 3 and also its a tertiary free...

Allyl free radical appears to be more stable than benzylic one as per ron's answer
@VikasRv look we cant trust any random sites and pdf
In the end, you have to refer to those data and then choose which one satisfies the data. You can't compare Resonance effect and Hyper conjugation effects all on their own.
Clayden is a great book
If it came in previous jee then I agree with it.
@Sid .... It's quite intuitive to me
even this book says the same
some are saying benzyl > tert and others are saying the opposite :(
anyway we should follow whatever was in previous jee questions
hey, it's true that tertiary carbocation is more stable than the benzylic carbocation
@VikasRv duh, dude that's ion affinity
Less stable one will have MORE ion affinity
Are you happy now?
@Carrick yeah...
@Abcd I have a question btw...got some time to spare?
@VikasRv quora is one of the worst site to refer to for chemistry
@VikasRv "follow"? What are you confused about in the order?
@Carrick I am doing Maths at the moment. You may post the question ... I'll see or someone else will answer
@Abcd oh okay...
The question is: Is the nitrogen in this structure a chiral center?
It is @Carrick
It's tetrahedral and 4 different groups are attached to it
Also, Nitrogenous inversion is prevented by constraining it to be the part of the ring
@Abcd The book says there are only 4 stereogenic centres in this molecule(N isn't counted)
well I think the answer's wrong...N should be a stereogenic center right
Maybe ...
anyways thank you for your time
9 hours later…
Sorry for the bad pic. Just see the second question ignore the rest please tell me what will be the order of reaction in 2nd question.
Is the answer 3/2
Yes @Koolman i got something else show me how
r=[A][B] and Keq = $[A]^2 / A_2$
substitute [A]
Can you send me handwritten pic?
Li ion or mg ion whose size bigger?
Ok @Koolman it was a liitlle tricky for me thanks though
Question 4 please send handwritten solution.
Number of chiral centres in resperine?
2 hours later…
@Jasmine I dont get why you have marked the sp2 carbons as chiral centers in your diagram.
@GaurangTandon : $\ce{CH3CH2MgCl ->[CH3CH2Cl] CH3C#CMgCl}$, how ?

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