@SSimon There is no such thing as placing an embargo on your data on Academia Stack Exchange. If you don't trust the moderators of this site to follow the moderator agreement which dictates what they may do with your data (or if you don't want them to use that data even in accordance with the moderator agreement), you can delete your account and cease using this site.
@SSimon That’s not even remotely what I said. Let my try again: You accused Fomite on his nomination – which is one of the most prominent and public places on this site. Yet you are unwilling to elaborate your accusations to others, claiming that this is a matter between you and Fomite. With other words: If you want to accuse somebody in private, don’t do it under an election nomination.
@SSimon The details of your accusations would surely help inform @Wrzlprmft 's decisions on how to vote. He is also a user of this site and a voter in this election.
@SSimon I am also interested, despite having minimal activity here, because you have made your grievance as public as it is possible to do on stack exchange.
You may have heard of the Barbara Streisand effect...
You involved not only the local Academia.SE community but SE generally, the mod community and more.
@SSimon The core issue is that you publicly (anyone can read the nomination page, also my random student) claimed that candidates are in various ways unfair, biased, hypocrites, detached from reality, condescending, liars and possibly threatening without further elaborating.
After such a load of accusations, we candidates and all the other users that participate in this election are expecting to read your reasoning and examples supporting your claims, so that the candidates can defend themselves and we can all make a more informed voting decision. I think that if you want your claims to be taken seriously, you should take the time to write down an elaborate response.
(not a member of this community, I only come here to flag spam, so take this with a grain of salt) I think your conduct here is pretty appalling @SSimon. You accuse candidates of serious missteps without any presented evidence, you expect us to take your word for it, and you go as far as considering filing a false police report for cyber bullying as well as attempting to legally force stack exchange to remove the candidates. All over what turns out to probably be a mod message because one of
your comments got flagged and you got a (presumably) warning in the form of a mod message. From the outside this looks like a child-like petulant tantrum and attempted blackmail.
So yeah. This is why everyone suddenly is chiming in. You made this as public as is possible on SE so don't be surprised when people react.
@MassimoOrtolano I elaborated pretty well, provided both links (Wrzprmft) and conversation (Fomite) both of them clearly remember and know the situation as well as moderator, Regarding you, you are clearly openly using your profile publically, this is why I think should retract my opposition,
@SSimon you said, "both of them clearly remember and know the situation as well as moderator". What is this situation that a moderator had to intervene? I'm guessing those moderator messages are sent privately to you, but you've already made this very public, and if you wish to share the details of that communication, you should do so pretty soon, as the election ends in 4 days. You have many people curious now regarding how you were allegedly wronged ...
@SSimon if you don't wish to share those details, then there's really not much people can do to help your case