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Why Wrzlprmft is not disqualified due to providing a false statement in nomination? Is academic dishonesty not applicable for moderators?
3 hours later…
@SSimon What are you referring to, regarding false statements and academic dishonesty? I have not read all the rhetoric regarding the nominations, so I have most likely missed something relevant. Having said that, your comments against @Wrzlprmft do appear to be grounded in a personal issue, which ought to be beside the point as far as this election goes, right?
3 hours later…
How does this 'primary' phase work? Is it simply skipped due to having less than 10 nominations?
@Discretelizard Correct.
2 hours later…
@SSimon If you really want to avoid me being elected, do not just state that you have a good case to make, but actually make your case. Just vaguely hinting at this chatroom where even I do not know what I could have possibly said wrong rather harms your cause than helping it. Also please consider for a moment that you misunderstood something I said: How can I possibly clarify it, if you’re not telling me what you are talking about?
Hah, 80k reputation on this website and here I am learning that mods are elected for life. Goes to show how much I have involved myself with the meta aspects of the site.
@xLeitix Well, given that this is only the second election, you had no previous opportunity to learn.
I was tightly following the first one never saw any more, and just assumed that I somehow missed them. The more you know.
3 hours later…
If we elected for life the user that publically insults other members, and no one know about this voting, member are kept in darkness, even old members dont know abou this rule.
@PeterAbolins bcs he stated something in his nomination, but in his chat, he clearly shows dishonesty!!!! He is capable to clearly lies in order tto get elected.!!! it is for life lecetio peole should get serious abou it
@SSimon keep adding those exclamation marks, this makes your argument so much more convincing.
1 hour later…
@SSimon I agree with the others that I don't see his dishonesty. Can you explain your reasoning the the posts in question.
@SSimon it is not quite for life. There is an established mechanism for removing mods. If mods are abusing their power, you tell the SE team about the problems and they will take action.
Apart from making it really hard for me to choose who to vote for, I am excited about the users who nominated themselves. Regardless of the outcome, thank you all for taking the time to answer the questions and volunteer yourself for more responsibility.
@StrongBad Yes! tough decision for sure
^^ I agree with this.
And I also want to thank the existing mod team for doing an outstanding job!
@StrongBad Technically, it is not too late to stock up the available slots …

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