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Good morning guys
Am I wrong or did @EvanCarroll quit again!?
@smartboyhw He didn't want to sign the Ubuntu CoC
@Seth That is good.
IMO yes.
@smartboy @journey you can vote for yourself. The voting is via Meek STV, and you get 3 choices(ordered)
@Manishearth I know
@Manishearth:I saw/know that. I'm just unlikely to
Eh.. Give yourself top choice, the other two go to the riffraff :p
@Manishearth I call that a major bug...
@seth why?
@Manishearth Because that isn't the way an election is supposed to work.
How is it supposed to work then?
No one said that this needed to be like a presidential election.
good grief.
To me, STV actually makes more sense here :)
In a presidential election you're only choosing one guy.
That's just not the way an election is supposed to work. An election is supposed to be people voting for you not you voting for yourself.
Ah, but here the votes trickle
obviously if you've nominated yourself you must think you're a good candidate.
You still vote for two other people
@Manishearth true enough. Still, that could be the tie breaker and then it wouldn't be fare.
With lower priority
@seth tie breakers are very rare in stv
They have a way of dealing with it
I'm not going to say don't vote for yourself though.
Not allowing you to vote for yourself--> you give a rather large vote(first pref) to another guy. Allowing you to vote for yourself -->if you get elected, your votes help choose the other mods. If you don't get elected, the votes are worthless :p
that seems like weird logic.
Not allowing a candidate to vote means that s/he has no say in the other candidates' election
I'm not talking about not allowing them to vote.
Again, stv is not a single choice election. Your votes get transferred.
By prefs
I just think it isn't fair to let them vote for themselves.
@Manishearth true.
If they'd obviously vote for themselves, it doesn't mean that it's unfair if they do
room topic changed to Ask Ubuntu 2013 Moderator Elections: for the 2013 election chit-chat. askubuntu.com/election/3 (no tags)
Realised that there should be a link
probably should :)
Heya @jokerdino :)
I like UTT's new icon :D
@Seth: in theory in a normal election you can vote for yourself too
@Seth :) Frank made it.
@jokerdino Which guy is Frank? (I'm actually rather new here)
@JourneymanGeek oh?
Hm, i dont think Frank is in here. He is the icon designer guy in the bigger Ubuntu community.
ah OK. Well its a nice icon :)
no one would know, really. Its just considered bad form to
/me chuckles about all the questions about my flagging rate
@jokerdino Ha! I replaced some of his designs. My power options menu has a psi on it now. Waay cooler :P
there's folk with less >_>
@JourneymanGeek and there's folks with a lot more.
@JourneymanGeek But they have REPS! GLORIOUS REPS!
In the end, unfortunately, rep tends to rig the election :(
@Manishearth Haha, greek letters make anyone geeky ;)
@Seth: @jokerdino has more on AU than I have on SU
Since the "uninformed masses" just vote for whoever is high rep
@jokerdino to me, it looks like a trident sort of thing and kinda scary :P
@Manishearth: eh, in most elections I tend to use "lower rep" "best chance of being awesome mod" as my two determinants
@jokerdino When it boots it also says "Manibuntu" instead of Ubuntu :P
@JourneymanGeek you do
@JourneymanGeek Not a good thing IMO
someone with lower rep and good community spirit would use powers they wouldn't have had anyway for good
The election notice is prominently displayed to everyone
@Manishearth Ah, you personalized the bootscreen? How awesome!
@Seth: not necessarily - I tend to favour comments and voting as a way to handle stuff over flagging
@jokerdino plymouth, yep
I consider flags a bit blunt force from the aspect of being a user
@JourneymanGeek Flags are used to help keep the site clean.
@Seth: Flags basically are a way to handle things that regular users can't
in 99% of the cases leaving a comment isn't going to get someone to delete their question they posted as an answer
@Seth: oh, those are one of the few things that definately need to be flagged
along with spam and such
@JourneymanGeek I disagree.
But then, you come from SU
@JourneymanGeek Well, they should also be familiar with the tools. On a beta site, not a problem -- these guys don't have many immediate modding duties. On a large site -- it's better if they already know how to handle stuff
a rather angelic (in a sense) community.
I don't see how that's a massive downside
To me, anyone without closevote privs on some site (and who knows how to use 'em) is out
@Manishearth oh?
unless the user is an active close vote flagger
@Seth: I also have some presense in SF
@Manishearth Close vote flagger?
@Seth flags to close
@Seth: sub 3k users can/should flag to close
So a good helpful flag count is OK as well
its a way to handle them not having closevote rights
Ah, yeah. 80% of my flags where those.
That's how I got so many.
@Manishearth: Its also useful to keep in mind there that closevotes arn't just to kill off a question, its also, where possible to get the OP to fix the question in question ;p
@Manishearth I agree. IMO Flagging is extremely similar to close voting. Almost the same.
I look for someone who is active on the meta, preferable MSO as well, with either (a) a decent amount of flagging for sub 3ks [most flags are CV flags, so I can just assume that a lot of helpful flags=knowz hiz stuff] or (b) activity in VTC queue/lots of VTCs for a 3k+.
Not really. Flagging is being processed by some one but close votes are processed by your conscience.
@Seth Except that you flaggers are POWERLESS when faced with us mods! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
@jokerdino: primarily cause low rep users generally arn't trusted by default ;p
@Manishearth Only in your own territory. I have more power here than you do. (Well, not in chat)
In chat?
I don't have much power ;p
Power is the wrong word.
but you get the point ;)
privileges perhaps.
@Seth: with great power comes great responsibility ;p
@JourneymanGeek you should have. This is your third nomination or something, rught?
will probably be standing for the next SU elections when they come, regardless of my performance here
@JourneymanGeek So, I guess this this is what I'm getting at: A moderators main job is to clean the site. Pretty much his only job. Your flagging and editing history shows me how well you are already acquainted with this job. That's why I value flagging so much.
@JourneymanGeek oh
I apparently value people more.
@Seth Exactly. Once you become a mod, you may not have time to write answers/etc.
@Seth: and dealing with the community. I just personally favour the softer approach to actual users.
@jokerdino If you know more about the person outside the displayed stats, then of course, vote with respect to that :D
stats display character.
stats are stats
As much as most people here can know at this time.
@Manishearth :D I have left comments on nominations that I don't have a problem with :)
Or I know something others might not have.
@JourneymanGeek Not all character
they don't show comments or on chat actions or actual dealing with people
Rep never displayed anything but quantity*quality. It is a very very rough measure of how much the community trusts you
If I needed to deal with tangibles I'd think meta participation is a better thing to look at, IMO
on SO, there are >10k (even 100k) users that break the rules themselves
@JourneymanGeek yep
it tells you how well someone understands the system
@Manishearth I know, makes me cry.
8 hours later…
@Mahesh broken
@Manishearth :( sob sob sob

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