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@Frank they are expensive to build. several million credits, plus a decent amount of other stuff including the new materials they added
@Dragonrage So, not really feasible for a solo clan at all.
i think the 5th part for the railjack requires 15 argon crystal
@Frank the smaller the clan, the lower the building requirements
i think the railjack is the same cost regardless, but the dry dock costs significantly less for a smaller clan
@Dragonrage What's to stop clans from slimming down, building the dry dock, and then re-inviting everyone?
Although, that means you have less people to contribute to the cost.
So I guess that evens out?
if you have 50 people who can contribute, its easier to meet the large amount of resources, and everyone can be involved
the hardest part is farming for mutagen mass
If the Arqade clan isn't active enough, it's going to be really hard to participate in railjack stuff.
@Frank do you know what size clan the arqade is?
@Dragonrage It can't be more than a dozen people, total. Active? Maybe two or three.
@Frank do you know if it is a ghost clan or a shadow clan?
the costs for building dry dock, and the cephalon arent too bad, but to build the rail jack which every person has to do on their own, is kinda expensive
@Dragonrage Shadow clan, I think
I might have most of that myself.
Tellurium, not so much. Gonna have to farm the crap out of that.
Which I have to, anyways, because I need it for Valkyr and Atlas.
you can get from Tier 4 bounty of fortuna
I was hearing there's a Neptune mission where it drops rarely, too.
Otherwise, it's all Archwing stuff.
the tier 4 bounty can also drop 2x of mutagen mass, fieldron, or detonite
Which I also need.
So doing that sounds like a good idea.
depending on rotation, you can get one of those. its how i farmed all my mutagen mass i needed
though the bounties are bugged atm, so the one where you trap the little rolling disk doesnt actually work, so if it comes up, you have to abandon it and restart
but you can get 1-3 phases done first, each of which can drop the tellerium or the other rare drop
@Dragonrage How'd that happen?
@Frank probably something to do with waypoint and path finding. waypoint are all messed up in fortuna atm
Oh, goody
which i would assume relates to path finding, and i would assume that the little rollie things use pathfinding to get from where they spawn to the trap
and since path finding is all messed up, sometimes they drive into a wall and get stuck, other times they just drive in circles
very rarely do they make it to the trap
im hoping they patch it today
Abandoning doesn't make you lose your resources?
no, so i was still able to farm enough mutagen mass, in a relatively short amount of time though
Wouldn't abandoning also allow you to just re-do the fourth bounty over and over?
yeah, you just fly to the trap, activate it, then fly to the nearest solaris u agent and restart the bounty after the current one fails
takes about 20 seconds to fail after everyone leaves the area
That doesn't seem too bad.
so, its not the end of the world, just annoying
Maybe even preferable if you're farming rare resources.
you could do the same thing if you actually completed the bounty, but less people stay to redo if you complete the bounty
Oh, you can re-do a bounty mission? I thought you did it once, and then had to wait for the rotation to do it again.
i managed to get in a party of 4 that was just farming mutagen, so we just sat their farming the bounties as fast as possible
@Frank no, you can redo them as many times as you want
Good to know
Might see if I can find a farming group tomorrow after work or something.
they just dont count as new bounties when doing stuff like the nighwave missions
btw, you will also need to farm the new materials to build your railjack. need 100 cubic diodes, 120 carbides, 100 pustrels, and 120 copernics
cubic diodes come from ceres eximus, and carbides come from europa eximus. so i would suggest doing the endless dark sector missions there to farm them
pustrels come from PoE mining, and copernics come from Orb Vallis mining
total cost for your personal giant space ship is following
@Dragonrage "Personal"? As in, each person has to make their own?
@Frank yeah
I'm never going to be able to build one any time soon.
Nowhere near 6 million credits.
i can boost you in credits pretty easily
all we need is to get you a credit booster, and ill run index with you
Credit booster, I can do.
I have 4K plat; back from my one 75% off coupon.
oh nice. im down to about 1k, i should sell some spare prime parts i have
Only things I buy are more Warframe and weapon slots.
ill post a Q/A about how to effectively farm credits later
have you ever done index with a squad?
Squad? No.
Index itself, sure.
I will add a guide for index as part of it which gives ideal frames and strategies to use
having a properly geared team makes all the difference if you want to run high index quickly
I have quite a few prime frames, so I'm happy to do what I can.
Not looking to get carried.
1 hour later…
Q: How can I farm credits quickly?

DragonrageWith the new Rising Tide update, I need 6 million credits to build my own railjack. What are the easiest/quickest ways to farm credits quickly?

@Frank ^
> Neptune Distuption
Should that be Disruption?
Maybe a piece on how to find a group would also be good.
Because a pick up group won't be organized to that degree at all.
@Frank added, also added a section on weapons
Are you sure you know what you're talking about when it comes to the Index
Doubt it
If you are running Medium to High risk over and over
you are wasting your time and efficiency
running only a single thing of index isnt efficient. running multiple is more efficient as you dont have to constantly pay the investment fee
eventually you will get higher level enemies as they scale each round
30k investment is nothing if I pull 200k in 5 minutes
@yuritsuki Come on. What part of, "Be Nice" are you misunderstanding?
The time on average for higher index runs can be 15-20
depending on your setups and gear survivability
@yuritsuki its not 30k if you are resetting each time
@Dragonrage What do you mean
30k initial fee
105k return
So I gain 75k
on a 2x booster, that becomes 210k return, 180k gain
then if you pull out and reset, you have to pay another 30k
Yes, you can farm close to .5 mil credits on a high-risk, but the time needed to reach that level can far exceed that of several smaller small risk runs
Like I said, 30k is nothing if you are still profiting 200k every 5 minutes
It's a lot easier to kill low level enemies
or, you could stay invested and not reset and earn the full 210k the next run
than to save 30k and fight level 100+ enemies
level 100+ enemies arent very hard to kill
I've tried that and it's a lot slower
if you are geared correctly
This is coming from someone with 100mil banked
Okay. I think that's enough. You have your answers.
I think your issue is that you're seeing that 30k as a loss everytime. I see it as a convenience cost to quicker Index runs and thus quicker capital gains
Also, you should really try out Inaros with HP mods for Index, you'd really be surprised
The way Financial Stress accrues, you are punished more for having lower health amounts
Inaros has insane base, so even at max financial stress your eHP is still ridiculously high
I have 7.4k total on my Inaros, with max financial stress this brings me to around 500-600
@yuritsuki it is a loss every time if the extra time to kill the slightly higher level enemies is less than the time it takes to leave and rejoin the match.
And you pair it up with an armor mod
@Dragonrage You should probably double check enemy scaling levels
The extra time is signficant enough in my experience that it can easily take up the time for an extra low risk run
and more as well
You are dealing with walking giant piles of meat who wouldn't hesitate a second to 1 shot you
you do you. my farming methods work perfectly fine for me, and i dont have any issues clearing enemies
Then don't try to attack my talking points on my answer if it's a personal issue you disagree with
If that's your farming method fine, so be it. Notice how I only pointed out errors that were factually incorrect on your answer
I disagree with your recommended setups but if that's what works for you that's not something I can argue with
You have your answers.
Let people vote on them.
1 hour later…
They fixed the orb Callie bounty issue :)
I hope to be able to get to that tonight, but I'm not confident; got freelance work after work.
*orb vallis. didnt realize phone auto corrected to callie

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