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Q: Show that $g(x) := |f(x)|$ is differentiable at $c$ if and only if $f'(c) = 0$.

mca2211Suppose that $f\colon \mathbb R\to \mathbb R$ is differentiable at $c$ and that $f(c) := 0 $. Show that $g(x) := |f(x)|$ is differentiable at $c$ if and only if $f'(c) = 0$. My attempt: We know that $f$ is differentiable at $c$ but we do not know what the value of this derivative is so $$\left|...

bartle solution
Let'us publish a solution manual for bartle :)
Q: Prove that the derivative of an even differentiable function is odd, and the derivative of an odd is even.

Yellow SkiesProve that the derivative of an even differentiable function is odd, and the derivative of an odd differentiable function is even. Here are my workings so far. Lets prove the derivative of an odd differentiable function is even first. Let the odd function be $f(x)$. We have $f(-x)=-f(x)$ and...

1 hour later…
@ManeeshNarayanan that will be a big help!
Q: example that the existence of the limit of this sequence does not imply the existence of $f'(c)$

potonIf $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ is differentiable at $c \in \mathbb{R}$, show that $f'(c) =\lim (n(f(c + 1/n) - f (c))$ However, show by example that the existence of the limit of this sequence does not imply the existence of $f'(c)$ I want to know the only second part of the question. I t...

I think almost all the solution of bartle are found in stackexchange
can you post here, if you find.
just copy the questions from pdf book. paste it on the google search engine. :0
after that we can move to rudin :)
then munkres :)
Rudin, Munkres have their sol manual! @ManeeshNarayanan
can you send the munkres solution manual?
also, Dummit and Foote has sol manual. web.archive.org/web/20170423155735/https://…
in case
thank you very much.
I have the solution manual for gallian.
Why I am not able to upload pdf here?
@ManeeshNarayanan This was big help. D&F is surely not the first algebra text to go, i needed some easier text, thanks!
N.P :)
2 hours later…
Q: Dimension of $Image(T)$ and $Image(T^2)$

Jesse P Francis Given a $4\times4$ real matrix $A$, let $T:\mathbb R^4\to \mathbb R^4$ be the linear transformation defined by $Tv=Av$, where we think of $\mathbb R^4$ as the set of real $4\times1$ matrices. For which choices of $A$ given below, do the $Image(T)$ and $Image(T^2)$ have respective dimension 2 a...

My approach was giving arbitrarary $a,b,c,d$ number to the $*$. then find $A^2$.
But it is time consuming.

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