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hi @maneesh
let's make this group as wounderful
please post the link of past csir NBHM GATE questions here
wait a minute
Let's aim to come top 10 in CSIR :)
I have that
let's find the solved q.p from this site and post here.
unsolved can be discussed here or in main chat.
are you a student?
I will come to this site later.
see u later.
okay , I've to go now.
Q: Let $A=\{\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{a_i}{5^{i}}:a_i=0,1,2,3$ or $4 \} \subset \mathbb{R}$. Then which of the following are true??

tattwamasi amrutamLet $$A=\bigg\{\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{a_i}{5^{i}}\ :\ a_i\in\{0,1,2,3,4\} \bigg\} \subset \mathbb{R}.$$ Then which of the following are true: a. $A$ is a finite set. b. $A$ is countably infinite. c. $A$ is uncountable but does not contain an open interval. d. $A$ contains an open interva...

Q: lim$_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}+\sqrt{6}}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}+\sqrt{9}}+...+\frac{1}{\sqrt{3n}+\sqrt{3n+3}}\right)$

Mohan Sharma Question Edit: My Approach: $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}+\sqrt{6}}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}+\sqrt{9}}+...+\frac{1}{\sqrt{3n}+\sqrt{3n+3}}\right)$ $S_{k}= \sum_{n=1}^{k} \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3n}+\sqrt{3n+3}}\right) \frac{\left(\sqrt{3n}-\s...

Q: The number of invertible linear transformations.

user455480Consider a cube $ C $ centered at origin in $R^3$ . The number of invertible linear transformations of $R^3$ which map $ C $ onto itself is (a) $72$ (b) $48$ (c) $24$ (d) $12$ I'm totally stuck on this question, don't know how to think... Please help.

tifr 2018
Q: Suppose $p$ is a degree $3$ polynomial such that $p(0)=1$, $p(1)=2$, and $p(2)=5$. Which one of the following cannot equall $p(3)?$

Maneesh NarayananTIFR GS-2018- PhD Screening Test. Suppose $p$ is a degree $3$ polynomial such that $p(0)=1$, $p(1)=2$, and $p(2)=5$. Which one of the following cannot equall $p(3)?$ (A)$0$ (B)$2$ (C)$6$ (D)$10$ Suppose $p(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$ $$p(0)=1 \implies d=1$$ $$p(1)=2 \implies ...

2 hours later…
Q: another topology multiple choice

potonLet $S^1 = \{(x, y) \in \Bbb R^2 : x^2 + y^2 = 1 \}.$ Let $D = \{(x, y) \in\Bbb R^2 : x^2 + y^2 \le 1 \}$ and $E = \{(x, y) \in\Bbb R^2 : 2x^2 + 3y^2 \le 1\}$ be also considered as subspaces of $\Bbb R^2.$ Which of the following statements are true? a. If $f : D \to S^1$ is a continuous mapping,...

Q: Uniform Convergence verification for Sequence of functions - NBHM

user87543Following is a list of problems from an exam for admission into Ph.D program. I have just compiled all previous questions on uniform convergence of sequence of functions and i tried to work out . I would be thankful if some one can check the solutions and please suggest if there are any better wa...

Q: Closure of $B=\{ f\in C'[0,1] : |f(x)|\leq 1, |f'(t)|\leq 1 \forall t\in[0,1]\}$ (NBHM $2005$)

user87543If $A$ is the closure in $\mathcal{C}[0,1]$ of the set $B$ where $$B=\{ f\in C'[0,1] : |f(x)|\leq 1, |f'(t)|\leq 1 \forall t\in[0,1]\}$$ Then Which of the following is true? $A$ is closed. $A$ is compact. $A$ is connected. $A$ is dense. for sure $A$ is closed as it is closure of some set...

Q: what is the least value of $K>0$ such that $|\sin^2x-\sin^2y|≤K|x-y|$ for all numbers $x$ and $y$

sumonNBHM PhD Screening Test 2005 Analysis What is the least value of $K>0$ such that $|\sin^2x-\sin^2y|≤K|x-y|$ $\forall$ $x$,$y \in \mathbb R$ How can I solve this problem?

1 hour later…
Q: A problem on chinese remainder theorem (CSIR NET DEC 2015)

pie Which of the following intervals contains an integer satisfying following three congruences $$x=2\pmod5\\ x=3\pmod7\\ x=4\pmod{11}$$ $a) [401,600] \\ b)[601, 800] \\ c)[801,1000] \\ d)[1001,1200]$ (CSIR NET 2015 Dec) I tried this question and I got answer but it is not in the option. I ...

Q: Solution of the problem $y’(t)=f(t)y(t), \; y(0)=1$ where $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ is continuous. (CSIR JUNE 2012)

diguConsider the initial value problem $$y’(t)=f(t)y(t), \;y(0)=1$$ where $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ is continuous. Then this initial value problem has: Infinitely many solutions for some $f$. A unique solution in $\mathbb{R}$. No solution in $\mathbb{R}$ for some$ f$. A solution in an interva...

Q: Which of the following about a permutation is correct?? (CSIR-2015, June)

KayokenLet $\sigma:\{1,2,3,4,5\}\rightarrow\{1,2,3,4,5\}$ be a permutation (one-to-one and onto function) such that $$ \sigma^{-1}(j)\le \sigma(j) \quad\text{for all $j$ such that }1\le j\le 5. $$ Then which of the following are true? $\sigma(\sigma(j))=j \quad \forall j$, such that $1\le j \le 5$. $...

Q: Some inequalities for an entire function $f$ [CSIR-NET-2014]

EmptyLet, $f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}a_{n}z^{n}$ be an entire function and let $r$ be a positive real number. Then, which is(/are) correct? (a) $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}|a_{n}|^{2}r^{2n}\le \sup_{|z|=r} |f(z)|^{2}$. (b) $\sup_{|z|=r} |f(z)|^{2}\le \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}|a_{n}|^{2}r^{2n}$. (c) $\sum_{n=0}^{\i...

Q: Which one is true? (CSIR)

S. Pitchai MuruganLet $a,b,c$ be a positive real number such that $b^2+c^2<a<1$. Let $A=\begin{bmatrix} 1&b&c\\ b&a & 0\\ c & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}$. Then (1) all eigen values of $A$ are positive (2) all eigenvalues of $A$ are negative (3) all eigenvalues of $A$ are either positive or negative (4) all eigenvalu...

Q: Which one is correct? (CSIR June'13)

Neeraj Bhauryal Let $\{a_n\} , \{b_n\}$ be bounded sequences of positive numbers. Suppose if $\{a_n\}$ is increasing to $a$ ,then which one is true ? $$\sup_{n\ge1}a_n b_n=a\left(\sup_{n\ge1}b_n\right), \quad \text{ or } \quad \sup_{n\ge1}a_n b_n<a\left(\sup_{n\ge1}b_n\right)$$ I think that second ...

Q: Solution of an initial value problem (MCQ) (CSIR DEC 2015)

Shivani GoelThe solution of the initial value problem $ (x-y) u_{x} + (y-x-u) u_{y} = u $ with the initial condition $u(x,0) = 1$ satisfies $ u^2(x-y+u) + (y-x-u) = 0$ $ u^2(x+y+u) + (y-x-u) = 0$ $ u^2(x-y+u) - (x+y+u) = 0$ $ u^2(y-x+u) + (x+y-u) = 0$ This is what I am able to do The characteristic equ...

Q: How many connected components? (CSIR June'13)

Neeraj Bhauryal Let $X= \{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^2: x^2+y^2<5\}$ and K=$\{(x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^2: 1\le x^2+y^2\le2 \quad\text{or}\quad 3\le x^2+y^2\le 4\}$ Then, 1.$X\setminus K$ has three connected components? 2.$X\setminus K$ has no relatively compact connected component in $X$. 3.$X\setminus...

Q: Properties of $x_k=\frac{a_{k+1}-a_{k}}{a_{k+1}}$ where $\{a_n\}$ is unbounded, strictly increasing sequence of positive reals

Jesse P Francis Let $\{a_n\}$ be an unbounded, strictly increasing sequence of positive real numbers and let $x_k=\frac{a_{k+1}-a_{k}}{a_{k+1}}$. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (CSIR NET December 2014) For all $n\geq m, \sum\limits^{n}_{k=m}x_k>1-\bf{\frac{a_m}{a_n}}$ There exist ...

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