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08:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

She is a very good friend to everybody and a helpful person.
She is always tidy and she is always on time.
But there is one problem. She is fractious girl. Sometimes she is serious and sometimes she is humorous.
She is self-confident.
She is not a talkative person. <-- (She is not talkative might be a better alternative.)
She is very careful in everything.
6 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
She is a very good friend to everybody and a helpful person.
For countable nouns, we need a before a singular countable noun. For example, you can't say "friend", you need an "a", thus "a friend". The word "person" is also a singular countable noun, so you need to say "a person".
You don't have to use a with plural countable nouns. For example, you can say "friends". However, the plural of "person" is "people".
10 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
She is always tidy and she is always on time.
The place for adverbs is very complicated. Most grammar books will classify position into three main positions: front position, mid-position, and end position.
For indefinite frequency adverbs, you can group them into two groups.
The first group includes: usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally. They can go in front position or end position, but they are more common in mid-position. The mid-position means: before the main verb, but after the auxiliary verb, unless the auxiliary verb is emphasized. (I know, it's complicated.)
The second group: always, ever, rarely, seldom and never cannot normally go in front position. However, always and never can go in front position if the sentence is an imperative.
16 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
She is self-confident.
CORRECTION! She has self-confident is correct. She is is a mistake. My mistake. I'm sorry.
I've seen that your question has lots of feedback. Isn't is a good thing to post it as a question? :)
However, it might be better to ELL: ell.stackexchange.com
EL&U is usually for native English speakers discuss some serious stuff. (Though non-native English speakers are welcome, but basic questions usually are not very welcome there. :-)
@snailboat I wish I can unpin some messages, but I don't know how.
@DamkerngT. Hi
@DamkerngT. Thank you very much
@IceGirl Hello!
By the way, I overlooked this one...
She is a fractious girl.
Oh, I don't believe it. you answered all of the questions
Your tips is very helpful for me
@DamkerngT. Thanks
@IceGirl I normally would not normally use chat rooms for answering questions. Chat rooms should be for chatting. This time is an exception, okay? :)
I think you could get better answers if you ask that question in ELL instead of EL&U.
If you ask it at ELL, they will understand that you are learning English.
Asking it at EL&U, and they might think too deep. (They might think you're a native English speaker. :-)
@IceGirl You're welcome.
Okay, but I ask it at ELL isn't it?
You asked it at EL&U.
I checked your profile, and saw that you have only an account for EL&U.
I think you can open an account with ELL easily.
Just go to this link: ell.stackexchange.com
(I'm not sure how different you will see things there, because I'm already a member. Just tell me if you need help to open an account.)
But here is better
I'm not sure that here is always better.
Because I'm sure that I will not always be here.
And, asking your questions there (at ELL) will get more good answers from many people.
Many of them are better than me. :)
Trust me.
I'm still learning from them too. :)
Thank you. But please consider what I've said seriously, okay?
The place for adverbs is very complicated. Most grammar books will classify position into three main positions: front position, mid-position, and end position.
For indefinite frequency adverbs, you can group them into two groups.
The first group includes: usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally. They can go in front position or end position, but they are more common in mid-position. The mid-position means: before the main verb, but after the auxiliary verb, unless the auxiliary verb is emphasized. (I know, it's complicated.)
can you give me an example?
for them?
Example of which one?
(There are many cases of them.)
One example is enough
Let's see...
for first group
I posted this link as a comment in your question: faculty.washington.edu/marynell/grammar/AdverbPl.html
Maybe you didn't notice it. But don't worry, I will copy some examples from there, okay?
Usually we see him at church.
sorry. okay
We’ve performed there occasionally.
got it
He always takes flowers to his girlfriend.
They are front, end, and mid positions.
I will need to take a break.
I have to tend my garden for a while (maybe a couple of hours).
Otherwise, it will be too cold for me.
See you later.
2 hours later…
@DamkerngT. Thanks
@IceGirl You are welcome!
Susan is a nice person, right?
yes, of course
You can ask more questions there, and you will meet more people. :)
I upvoted your question too!
Congratulation! It's your first question at ELL!
I don't know why but I think my Internet connection looks strange.
Maybe lots of people want to use Internet at the same time around New Year.
It's kind of slow.
When I ask about the whole paragraph that I wrote how to ask and how to write my question in ELL?
The best way is to ask one sentence or two at a time.
Just like the way you just did. (which is really great, in my opinion)
ok. now ask there
By the way, we usually say "I've got it now" or "I get it now".
Saying "got it" is usually only for chat rooms. :)
@IceGirl By the way, can you help me a little?
sure. why not?
Could you click on the star on that message on your right: "Hey everyone, it's time for the Site Self-Evaluation!"
So it can move up to the top.
Ah, thanks. :)
you're welcome
Yes, thank you.
Are these sentences correct? instead of it can you give me another question?
Are these sentences correct?
Oh, you mean how to ask the question?
instead of this question
I see...
Let's see...
Try pasting the sentence here first. (So I can have a better idea about it.)
I think she is a good friend and she has lots of information about everything. Whenever every person need help, she can help them because she want to learn everything that know about it to others.
Okay, I will give you another trick, about asking a question around here...
Instead of asking "Are these sentences correct: ...?"...
just pick the thing that confuses you the most in that sentence.
Any one of them is good.
first sentence is good?
Try to be a little more specific...
For example, which word makes you think that it might be incorrect?
Whenever every person need help, she can help them because she want to learn everything that know about it to others.
Perhaps, be specific about the word, for example, you might be unsure about "every"...
I think she is a good friend and she has lots of information about everything. Whenever every person need help, she can help them because she want to learn everything that know about it to others. So I am happy because I have a good friend in my life. When I have any problem I can ask her and she guides me. I think good friend is very effective in personal life to everybody.
Are you unsure about "every"?
Oh, my Internet is very slow!
Actually, you can paste all the sentences there...
1 min ago, by Ice Girl
I think she is a good friend and she has lots of information about everything. Whenever every person need help, she can help them because she want to learn everything that know about it to others. So I am happy because I have a good friend in my life. When I have any problem I can ask her and she guides me. I think good friend is very effective in personal life to everybody.
and ask: Is the use of "Whenever" ... "So" correct?
for part question?
type this question Is the use of "Whenever" ... "So" correct? there?
Just wait and see. I think someone might help you pointing all the parts that are problematic after you post the question.
The trick is to be specific...
and this is specific, because you're asking about "Whenever" ... "so".
It depends on their opinions.
Different person will think differently.
It depends on their opinions.
But I will give it a pass as a good question.
now i type your question or not?
it's good
Of course, you can do it. :)
for me
Just wait and see my edit...
I will help you edit your question, okay?
(and let others to answer it)
upvote me
Oh my... what happened to my Internet.
edit it here not there
@IceGirl I just edited it. Nothing changed. Just added the question and did some formatting.
It is still your question. Don't worry.
you can help me about my mistakes according to grammar
It's nothing. Don't mention it. :)
Yes. (You understand the meaning, right?)
I'm happy
Are you dancing?
I'm not very good at dancing. :-)
Me too
But you dance. :)
I want to wear a beautiful hat but it can't
Haven't you got any hats?
yes, just one
Haven't you got any hats?
Did you choose "I hate hats" earlier?
(I can't see the snow icon in your profile.)
I think you can change you choice. :)
because it was ugly
Which hat did you get?
oh, you see I got 3 hat
again dances
now got it
see my profile
The "Winter Is Coming" looks nice.
Oh, you love this cat hat too!
Cute ^^
why didn't you wear a hat?
I'm wearing a cat hat too.
You can't see it?
yes. see. nice
Wow. 24 hat
I love these hats. :)
respect hat means what?
it's nice
It means that I've got the most votes on some day in the past two weeks. :)
How can I get it?
Perhaps it a bit too late.
I don't think I can get any more hat...
except for the New Year hat, of course. :)
I think New Year hat is the last hat.
Don't worry. I think they will have some more special seasons soon. :)
I'm waiting for my New Year hat. :)
Oh, my God
see you later
There are lots of good questions and answers here.
Okay. See you soon.
Bye :-)
which questions
Any of them, you can look around and read.
ok, Goodbye
You can try the "Search" box too.
@DamkerngT. here?
Oh, on the main page of ELL.
It's on the top right corner of the page.
@DamkerngT. Do you remember the name of the site that is my essay about differences between men.....?
Which one?
The one that needs subscription?
That is a lot of information into it
@IceGirl ?
What is it?
Is it Wiki?
I don't remember the name of it
You mean you want the link?
Okay, wait...
I need it now
Just a moment, I need to browse back...
@learner Hi!
Hi Damkerng T. and everybody
had arranged, and had set !!! both in the past perfect
@learner Just a moment, I'm looking for some info for IceGirl...
Brain size is one aspect of animal anatomy and evolution. Both overall brain size and the size of substructures have been analysed, and the question of links between size and functioning—particularly intelligence—has often proved controversial. Brain size is sometimes measured by weight and sometimes by volume (via MRI scans or by skull volume). Comparisons among animals The largest brains are those of sperm whales, weighing about . An elephant's brain weighs just over , a bottlenose dolphin's , whereas a human brain is around . Brain size tends to vary according to body size. The r...
Is it this one, @IceGirl?
Is it about emotional difference?
Is it "HOW men's and women's brains are different"?
You pasted this yesterday too: www.shortparagraph.com/dream/short-paragraph-on-my...wishes.../678
Or maybe this: www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/59483.html
@learner had arranged, and had set!!! Aha!
I think I'm close. :)
about mathematics, memory, emotion,happiness,..
@IceGirl Hmm...
@DamkerngT. Oh, I need it
what should i do
I know, but I think we have different sets for each of the topics (math, memory, emotions, ...)
You can scan the log by yourself too...
@IceGirl Okay?
but then we found a site it has all the things,all the differences
not ok
It must be the Wikipedia. (which I just posted above)
The other one is...
I think I sent it for you, the name i mean
"He likes excitement, change, challenge, uncertainty, and the potential for huge returns on a risky investment. She likes predictability, continuity, safety, roots, relationships, and a smaller return on a more secure investment. These contrasting inclinations work to a couple's best advantage."
@IceGirl Is it the link I gave you, or the link you gave me?
I think that's all I can find from the log.
I gave you
1 min ago, by Damkerng T.
@learner I think the zero-point must be 8 a.m.
@IceGirl I think it must be psychcentral.com.
@IceGirl The other link was drjamesdobson.org.
no, i see them but they aren't
@IceGirl The other link you pasted was: www.shortparagraph.com/dream/short-paragraph-on-my...wishes.../678
@IceGirl and this: www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/59483.html
This is about wish
I need differences
That's all you pasted yesterday, really.
Then we switched to Banana Cream, remember?
It's too bad
Must be one of the above.
Or maybe you noted it down somewhere but didn't paste it.
No, even you confirm it for me
It's strange
@IceGirl I think so. But that's all we have.
@learner Are you still here?
I was reading StoneyB's beautiful answers
Oh, his answers are great.
Check it out and if you have any questions please ask him (I think it's HE).
@learner So the answers are: was, had arranged, and had set, then.
I do not want to miss the opportunity to ask him more questions related to the post
@IceGirl Yes, I'm still here.
He's got great answers, this guy is amazing
@learner I just got a few tips around here this last two days.
are they related to perfect tenses?
@IceGirl Be calm. I think reading through this link slowly might help you to remember something: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/7227/2013/12/29/1-16. Please.
@learner Oh, yes. Specifically, past perfect.
It helps me realize one important missing part of mine when I used past perfect.
If possible could you post the links if it is not a lot of work
@DamkerngT. ok
@learner I wrote this sentence...
"Thais pronounce every word in syllables, because that is what we had been taught since the primary school"
and I was corrected...
had been taught is wrong. I'd write "what we're taught in primary school"
If you want to use a perfect construction (showing that a state has been entered and that this state has continued into the present), you could say "have been" rather than "had been"
The latter seems to imply that the state has ended, that it's no longer taught that way.
@learner (Are you still with me?)
i'm crying
@IceGirl Why? Can't you find it?
really I need it
It's impossible
@IceGirl I think you didn't paste the full link.
I was about to ask for the full link when you pasted psychcentral.com yesterday.
I'm reading your post; give me some time
I know I paste
@learner You're welcome. (Actually, I don't know which post. Oh! You mean the one above, perhaps.)
yes above
@IceGirl Be calm. I think this one is what you pasted yesterday: drjamesdobson.org/Solid-Answers/…
Is it the one about being a pilot, a writer, and a chef?
Then, I'm afraid that we really don't have it here.
Are you sure you didn't write it down somewhere and forgot it!
I took picture from them with my mobile and the name of the site isn't there it's hard to write it from mobile
@IceGirl :(
But I thought that what we talked about the differences between men and women together here yesterday is good enough.
@learner Then I explained myself... "I tried to say that we were taught for a period of time, and that period was over, but its effects still remain. (So I wasn't sure how to select the tense. Thank you for pointing this out.)"
"The latter seems to imply that the state has ended, that it's no longer taught that way." Do you mean the former? Because the former construction, past perfect, implies discontinuity while the present perfect with since implies continuity. Am I right or wrong in understanding what you meant?
@learner I think you understand the heart of the problem exactly.
She explained me in more details...
And then I realized that I used past perfect without having a reference point.
You mean StoneyB is a woman?
Oh, it's snailboat.
(I think StoneyB is male, but you can never be sure. :-)
Snailboat is a woman, right?
Okay, I think StoneyB is a male.
But I thought Snailboat a man too
@IceGirl You can ask her yourself. :-)
I have no idea, but this is the impression !
I hope both of you understand me. :)
Why don't they tell us on their pages and save us the embarrassment!
I think revealing too much about our identity online is generally not a good idea.
(Especially for young women.)
There is nothing wrong with that because it is better to know so you can address them without putting yourself in unwelcome situation
you have a point
But I think my profile doesn't say anything about me being male or female. :)
But I can tell you right now that I'm a "him". :)
I knew
for the first time
Anyway, would you still want to know about what snailboat explained to me more?
who are you addressing DT?
I mean learner, but you're welcome too, IceGirl.
08:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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