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@ManishEarth any chance the user (I think this one: physics.stackexchange.com/users/24353/ahmedmolvi) behind the recent spam could be eliminated?
Q: adding a spam flag statement on the community collumn on the right

anna vWould it not make life easier for moderators if a banner were displayed on the right requesting users to flag spam, making clear that six flags would get rid of the offending entry?

also, wasn't the previous registrant part of the spam? physics.stackexchange.com/users/24352/molanafakir
or am i misremembering
At the time I'd not destroyed those two because it's easier to catch them when they aren't making new accounts
But yeah, time to destroy both
well, time to get a nap in before the chat session...
@ChrisWhite oh there's a chat session? yay!
Anyone around? We need spam flags
@dkbose let's continue in that room
7 hours later…
Hello chatters
Shhht. Do not distrub the silence . ;)
Hey everyone
Turns out I'm actually on the road today, so I won't be able to fully participate
But I'm here as long as cell coverage holds out
... really nothing?
Bit on the quiet side today. The usual riff-raff haven't turned up :-)
I guess not
OK chit chat it is then: Are you permanent academic staff or post doc David?
Grad student actually
so neither
Oh well, wasn't far off! How much longer've you got to go?
Probably a year
I'm planning to start writing my thesis this summer
I just remember how painfully long it seemed to take to write up. Agonizing over each page (and mine was only 120-130 pages or so - no data, just maths)
I can only imagine
At least I like writing, to some extent
That's a serious bonus! Do you fancy continuing the academic stuff, or might you sell out and go to industry/rock music or whatever?
I'd like to continue in academia but I'm not sure the jobs will be available
Ah well I guess things haven't changed much - they were few and far between when I finished in '84.
... oh, my phone's battery is running low (already!) gotta run, sorry
We'll continue this later :-)
Hi every body.
a have a question but i dont have enougth reputation to post it .
I hope that somebody can help me. My question is about a an application of Toeplitz operators.
@BreitnerOcampoGomez you should be able to post a question. Does it contain an image?
You should be able to post the question then.
my reputation =2, you must have reputation =5 to post a question. but i will try again
You must have at least 5 reputation on Physics Stack Exchange to ask a question.
could you please post my question and send me the answer to my email?
anybody there?
@BreitnerOcampoGomez you should work on building a bit of reputation so that you can post your question.
how to build up my reputation,
Do you have reputation on any other stackexchange account? If you link your accounts you get 100 rep for free.
@BreitnerOcampoGomez answer a few questions or propose some edits.
I am not a physician, so I am not able to answer any question
Proposing edits will get you 2 rep for each approved one.
I have 19 reputation on math.stackexchange
besides: You must have at least 5 reputation on Physics Stack Exchange to answer a question.
I see people post questions and answers with 1 reputation all the time.
Q: A double-sided lever and multiple forces

Andrew RetainerAssume a double-sided lever where the left arm has a length of a and the right arm has a length of b + c. Please refer to this link for a picture. a, b, c and F are known and F1, F2 and F3 are not. F is a force acting upon the lever as a whole. How do I find the F1, F2 and F3 forces? I was thin...

For example ^^^
ok thanks
sorry but the page where i was trying to post is called physics meta. I suppose that the problem.
thank you for your help
@BreitnerOcampoGomez yeah, meta.<subject>.stackexchange.com is for discussions about the managment/implementation of the website <subject>.stackexchange.com
@BreitnerOcampoGomez any reason why your Toeplitz operator question belongs here and not math.se?
2 hours later…
@BreitnerOcampoGomez No, 1 rep users can post questions
Yeah, you need 5 rep to post on meta
1 hour later…
Q: An application of Toeplitz operators

Breitner Ocampo GomezI want to find an application of the Toeplitz operators. All I need is a known problem (not an open problem) which solution use the theory of Toeplitz operators. I don't need all the details but I need the reason why the Toeplitz operator becomes important in the solution.

Anyone else think that question is not constructive? Just asking for an example of something isn't really an SE-style question.
@BreitnerOcampoGomez Why do you need an application of the Toeplitz operators? What would you do with the example once you find it?
@DavidZaslavsky I can't speak to whether it applies to SE in general or not but at best it seems like a math.se question.
1 hour later…
@ManishEarth Bug?
2 votes, 1 view?
The views value may be a bit older basically
SE caches heavily
Caching=using an older value for quick retrieval and display

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