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@SillyGoose definitely
@qwerty the "gets brighter" has nothing quantum to it. He is absolutely correct. There is nothing weird about it from a classical waves perspective. All the weirdness comes from when you realise that you must have an explanation for how photons go through them one by one.
@Feynmate miao miao rarely deals merely with memes...
Is there a reason why sometimes in order to solve the K.G equation we consider $\Phi(x^\mu)=e^{-ix_\mup^\mu}$ and sometimes a fourier transform of it $\phi(x)=\int \frac{1}{(2\pi)^3}e^{i\vec p \vec x}\tilde{\Phi(t,\vec p)}d^3p$ ?
@User198 You are so close that Tobias did not even want to stress the small difference. You have a weighted sum with classical probabilities, so the equations must be $$\begin{align}\tag1\rho(t)&=\sum_jp_j\left|\psi_j(t)\right>\!\left<\psi_j(t)\right|\\\tag2&=\sum_jp_jU(t-t_0)\left|\psi_j(t_0)\right>\!\left<\psi_j(t_0)\right|U^\dagger(t,t_0)\\\tag3&=U(t,t_0)\left(\sum_jp_j\left|\psi_j(t_0)\right>\!\left<\psi_j(t_0)\right|\right)U^\dagger(t-t_0)\end {align}$$
$$\tag4\therefore\qquad\rho(t)=U(t,t_0)\rho(t_0)U^\dagger(t,t_0)$$ as wanted
Hence, if you postulated quantum dynamics for wavefunctions, then you will automatically obtain the correct dynamics for density operators by this derivation.
1 hour later…
another misleading statement: "the partition function for a system of non-interacting particles factors"
someone needs to take you to fock space...
3 hours later…
@SillyGoose who says that and where?
I've pointed out, again in a link I had posted here, that this is in general only true for the GCE, and the factorization is with respect to the single-particle states.
I really do not know where you got all the statements from ^^. I cannot remember reading such a single isolated statement in any book.
to add: what I refer to was for indistinguishable particles. for distinguishable ones it is indeed much easier, and can be generalized, I think.
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> The first iteration of our benchmark consists of 57 problems of varying difficulty, from undergraduate to research level. These problems are novel in the sense that they do not come from public problem collections.
Why do so many people here have problems in accepting answers? For example, I know like 2-4 users who constantly fail to accept (very good) answers, for the vast majority of their questions (and they have many many, and even like around 10k rep).
I am then trying to point this out, and sometimes it works and sometimes not. I don't consider this fair, given how the site is intended to work. No?
I don't know about the cases you're talking about, but it's possible that the OP might not understand the answer(s) fully and therefore delay or then forget endorsing them

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