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so when you say dimension N, youre saying the dimension of the hilbert space?
i see, so for an infinite dimensional hilbert space, the remaining eigenvectors would just be an (infinite) basis of states orthogonal to the state vector, that, together with the state vector, span the entire hilbert space
is the reason that the parity (?) of the number operator commutes with quadratic terms in c/a operators because if the c/a operators always come in pairs, then you can only ever (i) not change the particle number or (ii) raise or decrease by $2$, which obviously leaves the parity invariant?
@Allie that's true in both finite and infinite dimensions, but yes
by parity of number operator i mean $(-1)^N$, which I think maybe is not the correct word but im not sure
yay thank you
lol u are being authoritarian
@SillyGoose in the interest of fairness: my counterargument as written doesn't make a lot of sense, either - I said something very silly there but you didn't catch it :P
did someone say silly
hm wait what is the silly thing
@SillyGoose the particle at rest is not $p=0$
hm i still do not follow
$p$ is a four-vector constrained to the mass shell $p^2 = m^2$
oh relativity
and indeed, for any two such vectors you can always find a Lorentz transformation $\Lambda$ such that $p_1 = \Lambda p_2$ ($\Lambda$ is not necessarily a pure boost); this does not mean I think your construction with the iterated $K$ makes any more sense to me but the argument I gave there isn't an argument
i implicitly was thinking of galilean in the quantum instance, in which case your counter argument does actually hold right
so does the (spinless) second order reduced density matrix $\rho(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2)$ represent the probability of finding any of the N-1 electrons at $\mathbf{r}_2$ given that one electron is at $\mathbf{r}_1$
but like the probability distribution integrates to $N-1$
so that each of the other electron's probabilities integrates to $1$
what a funny notation :P
4 hours later…
boring night
also i think I should have written that as $\rho(r_1r_2, r_1r_2)$
hi john
Morning :-)
Probably very early morning for you!
i consider it night
im reading this nice book i want it so badllyyyyy but its $200
isnt that a shame
$200! What's the book? Is it printed in pure gold? :-)
parr and yang dft
no its a fucking softcover...
i wish i had it
im enjoying it
Ah yes. The Z-Library has the pdf but the physical book is £202 here.
@Allie it is quite complicated, actually, and that matter is often wrongly presented in many textbooks.
regarding the normalization, see my answer to an analogous question here: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/695049/…
One paper discussing the probability distributions for identical particles is M. Testa: "Identical particles, projectors and probabilities".
@TobiasFünke so what i said wasnt correct?
The point is that you physically may ask something like: what is the probability to find $k$ out of the $N$ (indistinguishable) particles in a region $\Omega$. Then this is not a reduced density matrix
then what would be?
See e.g. G. Sperber "Analysis of Reduced Density Matrices in the Coordinate Representation .I. Definitions and Basic Formulas"
no, but what you said is correct
(I did not check the normalization, though; there are different conventions and I cannot recall right now which one is the correct in this context)
oh okay i was gonna say i think this paper says what i initially thought
but thanks for the reference!
im gonna head to bed and read more closely tomorrow. have a good... day?
okay, good night :) yes, it is 8 am here
E.g. Sperber gives the probability to find $2$ particles in $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^3$ and the other $N-2$ particles in the complement $\bar\Omega$ to be (ignoring the spin) $\frac{N-2}{2}\int_\Omega \mathrm dx_1\, \int_\Omega \mathrm dx_2 \int_{{\bar\Omega}^{N-2}} \mathrm dx_3\ldots \mathrm dx_{N} \,\Gamma(x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots,x_N)$ with $\Gamma$ the density matrix of the $N$ particles.
Naively, I'd guess that if we make $\Omega$ smaller and smaller and thus $\bar \Omega\to \mathbb R^3$, until $\Omega$ is only a point, so to say, then we can approximate the above quantity by the $2$-RDM (care for the normalization, though)
Although e.g. Stefanucci and Leuween give in their book (appendix B) give the probability with the $2$-RDM without the $1/2$ as far as I can see...perhaps it has something to do with the fact that they give $p(x,y)$ and not something integrated over a region or so, but idk right now
Huh, why would you find the probability of finding 2 electrons at the same point?
I really need to go to bed i probablt misunderstood LOL
@Allie ? I never said so
Well you said the formula was for finding 2 particles in a region omega
But in any case, I think Sperber's equation is correct (if I did not introduce any mistake in typing). I also saw other references giving this equation. And since you are a chemist: People work with "maximal probability domains", if you search for it, you'll find some sources I guess
@Allie yes
If you shrink that region to a point, dont both those particles have to be that exact pointt?
ah yes, probably what I said made no sense in this form. You are right
I just thought about how one could recover the expression for the 2-RDM... but yes, you are right, it was silly I suppose
Ok good night bestie
In any case, what I wanted to point out is that working with the 2-RDM from the beginning (only in this context, regarding probabilities) seems not so plausible to me. Because the physically relevant quantity, at least for my naive soul, is the one by Sperber, which you don't get by integrating the 2-RDM, as far as I can see
good night
maybe one could say that starting from the 2-RDM (with the N-1 normalization), and integrating over a (very) small region $\Omega$, and dividing by $1/2$ (or in general $1/n!$?) due to the symmetry of the distribution function, one resembles the equation by Sperber, approximately (since the RDMs integrate over the whole space)
$N-2$ normalization ofc*
do you think of the universe as a platonic mathematical object like a manifold
ah yeah, indeed. and then if we not integrate over the same, but over disjoint regions for the 2 particles (and thus not taking the 1/2 factor), we should also resemble the corresponding formula Sperber gives, again approximatively since we integrate in the 2-RDM over the whole space
Salve, Ragazzo!
yes I learned a new Italian word. Ragazzi, Ragazzo Ragazza
also Fratello
@TobiasFünke aahahahahah this one killed me
It means "brother", but you can use it as "brother" in the "bro" sense
yes Ik :p
@TobiasFünke This makes you sound 60yo though D:
I heard "fratello" and was like "ah, makes sense. Just like in french with the ending changed to ello"
(pls don't hate me)
I mean, that's true. Same etymology
(I mean as in" fraternité")
Frater in latin
okay, I g2g now. Have a nice day, see you later
Have a nice day, bye
4 hours later…
do you think theistic (like Spinoza's) ideas have any explanatory power for explaining our observations?
I haven't observed God sonfar
@Slereah i am thinking that, in the atheist materialistic universe, things like the existence of humans is pure accident. while in ideas where nature is attributed a purpose (like Spinoza's or Schelling's philosophy), the existence of humans is the intention of the universe
@Slereah I thought you loved drugs
I can't observe accidence v. purposefulness
@HerrFeinmann spinoza was abstract deistic god
It's no drug-induced spirit visions
@Slereah i mean that the atheistic universe has no explanation for the state of the universe. it can't be explained in terms of a simple set of premises
e.g. it is consistent with the atheist universe to have a state where no complexity exists and time evolution is trivial
the atheist universe explains time evolution using simple premises (which are the equations of physics), but it doesn't explain the state of the universe in terms of simple premises @Slereah
What is an "explanation"
an explanation for something is a set of premises from which that thing follows. a "good" explanation is when the premises satisfy parsimony
sorry. i think I should say "small set of premises" instead of parsimony
Would God be a smaller set of premises for that
when the premises are small and compactly describable, i say the explanation is good
@Slereah suppose the universe intends for things like conscious beings to exist. then it serves as some explanation for why the state of the universe is the way it is
I don't think you can derive the initial conditions of the universe from "God exists"
so by assuming "intention" ,we gain some explanatory power
u have medieval peasant brain
@RyderRude why do you have this specific scope
@Slereah yes, i recognise that. The God idea is too vague to derive the exact initial conditions. but still, it helps rule out some forms of materialistic universes where nothing interesting happens
This doesn't "explain" the distribution of hydrogen in the universe
Maybe the explanation should be a Desire for Specific Hydrogen Distribution
The greatest good of all
All this does is just recast some set of initial conditions as preferred in some human-specific terms
@Slereah the way i arrived at this argument was by considering the current understanding of the universe. Zthe current understanding says the universe is explainable from he premises : "initial conditions + diff eqns" (contd...)
It has zero explanatory power
(cond...) now the diff eqns can be written on a t shirt ,but the initial conditions are too arbitrary. so the current understanding of the universe doesn't satisfy the criterion for an explanation being "good"
so i thought, can we do better than this? it is possible that in the future, we discover some laws which constrain the initial conditions as well. That would be an improvement
The differential equations are just as arbitrary
You suffer from the typical brain worm of imagining that the universe has to be "likely" on some uniform distribution of physical laws
This is insanity
sorry. what I mean is that the diff eqns can be written on a t shirt. while the initial conditions are too much non condensable information
You cannot apply probabilities like that
Why should brevity to be written [a notion that is entirely system dependent] be important
That is a fake rule
this rule is pretty much something I take as a given...
the smaller the premises, the better
Yes, see my mention of medieval peasant brain
I don't even require the universe to be intelligible at all
do you not agree that, if in the future, we found a deeper theory which equations put a huge constraint on the initial conditions, if would be an improvement over the current understanding of the universe?
if u agree that this would be an improvement, then you agree with my rule?
It would be nice, but I don't think it is necessary
The universe would be nicer for physics if it was one dimensional
But I don't think it is
i too don't think it is necessary, yes
but since we recognise that it would be an improvement if it were true, then are we not justified in looking for such explanations of the universe?
That way crankery lies
you should avoid trying to tell the universe what to be
i think Schelling has also expressed these ideas... it is not necessarily crankery
Plenty of people have expressed similar ideas
Schelling identifies the universe with God's body and attributes a purpose or intention to the universe
Doesn't make it any less cranky
anyway, thanks for discussing
I personally think the universe would be better if classical physics was true, but believing it to be true just for that would make me a crank
@Allie oh, re-reading my comments above, you must replace $N-2$ with $N(N-1)$--I don't know what my brain did there lol
@Relativisticcucumber oO whut
@TobiasFünke America is an insane land of madness
Quantum technologies are 😭
already on it :P
hehe yeah, thanks ACM
Please just go to a philosophy chat room if you want to keep bringing up philosophy out of nowhere.
@HerrFeinmann hmmm?
Noun: eigenbrane (plural eigenbranes)
  1. An operator that, when applied to the boundary of a brane, produces that same brane tensored with a fixed vector space.
interesting podcast on academic fraud.
@ACuriousMind I finished the theoretical part, now I should learn about quantum technologies using superconductors
I couldn't care less :P
I...don't really know what "quantum technologies" means
do you just mean practical uses of superconductors?
Oh yeah, some CM people call practical use of CM "quantum technologies"
At least the ones in my uni
people love "quantum X" buzzwords, I guess :P
Quantum coherence is the worst
Because I don't have an idea of what is exactly means!
They use it to mean that there are observable quantum macroscopic phenomena
It's definitely the opposire of decoherence
Tim and Sean are discussing the origin the of "shut up and calculate". They say Bohr's original idea was "say some incomprehensible stuff and calculate", but when the idea arrived in America, it became "shut up and calculate"
There is apparently so much fraud that the above example was not even mentioned :p
as in, Bohr did try to give answers to the questions. but when the idea arrived in America, it transitioned to "don't ask those questions" :P
@bolbteppa close to home for me :-)
Be careful :p
@HerrFeinmann decoherence has itself become an immensely loaded term
Hi everyone. In this answer, how did the answerer obtain $T_i + \frac{T_f-T_i}{N}$? Can anyone help me out?
@SillyGoose loaded and loathed :P
@JohnRennie I recently purchased a $180 book, but to be fair it is longer than the bible :-)
wait @TobiasFünke and @ACuriousMind does ur response to my patriotic song message mean that there is no analog where u guys have lived?
i thought a lot of countries had something like this
that would make it even more weird
@Relativisticcucumber presumably North Korea
@SillyGoose im seeing a pattern w u
first north korea then the US
@Relativisticcucumber The only "patriotic" song I was ever taught to sing was the national anthem, and we would not randomly just sing it. You might wager a guess why Germany in general is not big on symbolic expressions of patriotism :P
Then there was this Prof of mine who once yelled at us because somebody's parent accused her of being a communist
GPT completely and utterly fails massively when you bring it near the topic of Dykin!
I can't believe the gibberish this thing spits out
Some lectures later she was singing a communist song with her hand on her chest
Just ask it to draw say E6!
Bolbteppa, have you seen my Latex Landau? :P
It drew G2 as A2 for me :\
@HerrFeinmann I seen it, I definitely prefer the old style whatever style it is!
I understand, it has that old school aura
If there was a latex package that wrote things that way, it's all I'd use :p
You have been given the great duty of creation, bolbteppa
I think there is a bug in the mobile version. I thought I was confused but it turns out that @Allie has two profile pictures
I can see both the black and the golden one
do you guys mostly think climate change is a hoax like one hears in the media recently?
I just have 2 accounts
@misternobody 🤦‍♀️
which studies are most thorough in your opinion?
Im inclined to believe the overwhelming body of scientists who say its real as opposed to… the news…
@Allie can you either give substantive response or save you some typing
@misternobody You can take your climate change denialism elsewhere.
Cannot believe people really think that
well to be fair it is also ridiculous to appeal to authority when someone might be asking a scientific question. it should be very easy to find (on the part of mister) or to give (on the part of interlocutors) sources that provide empirical evidence for climate change
@Allie scientists can certainly be absolutely wrong about topics they are not experts in
Yeah he can do that on his own if he wants. It’s out there
@SillyGoose yeah, Im talking about climate scientists… 🙄
@SillyGoose It's another case where bad faith actors have poisoned the well thoroughly - every time I've engaged someone who was "just asking questions" about climate change they were just attempting to push their denialism. Might there be people who ask these questions in a random internet chat earnestly? Yes, but the probability is vanishingly small.
@Allie but an appeal to authority (which is what you did) is the same level of wrong as blindly believing the news
(in my opinion)
@Allie Ah, the funny thing is that it makes me ping you both at the same time
well yes it is a different case if they actually were not planning to engage in a discussion and just wanted to attempt to convince others about a belief that they hold in the face of empirical evidence that says otherwise
@SillyGoose yeah no
@HerrFeinmann :3
@Allie "yeah no" is also not a response that says anything :P
but it seems you do not care about this point so i will disengage as well
Is denialism pseudoscience? :P
You cant just debate and logic your way out of these things, it never works. Not with a person who won’t do the work to look through the evidence themselves.
Listen to innuendo studios videos
I love catss
@ACuriousMind ok to be fair i am not sure i'd call it random. it was like part of the classroom routine. ironically i dont think ive ever sang the american national anthem in my life. i feel like thats reserved for people who can actually sing xD
thanks for adding me back after being unfairly kicked out
i still think @ACuriousMind should apologise
yes, and insulted me
@misternobody oh
Im hungry
@misternobody did you get kicked for a few minutes
I’m gonna read about DFT today
it does not matter, i am not a climate denialist, and that was completely rude
@ACuriousMind acm, can i ask why you jump on this message in this way? im not advocating that climate change is false, but i dont find the question posed unreasonable so im curious.
I kicked them for a minute. Since there is already a meta post I ask everyone to keep the discussion there, and not here.
lol, im fighting against them, but im not so narrow minded
not trying to doubt your authority just wondering
@SillyGoose You should have checked that the very definition of the appeal to authority fallacy is in that the authority is false. Appealing to a true authority is NOT a fallacy.
Hi nI!!!
@Relativisticcucumber thanks. neither i was
Meow meow
i've read the list of changes of my country until 2030 and gave them feedback
and that includes more strict measures, not less
Zero is not gauge invariant
but i understand the moderator is not going to apologise
i feel like the atmosphere in this chatroom lately makes me afraid to have discussions tbh.
@naturallyInconsistent can you cite a source that says this
wikipedia disagrees with you
i've just raised a question about the doomsday clock yesterday, i doubt to be a climate denialist lol
in fact, 2025 includes climate threats in the clock
also i stated explicitly in my opinion it is a weak argument to appeal to authority (in the sense described in wikipedia)
i think the accusations of climate change denialism were too quick
Maybe so, but look at how the question was phrased
Maybe it was a language barrier thing though
yes. i think so
it was asked in purpose that way, so that anyone believing so would feel fine saying what they think
@Relativisticcucumber because usually there is no way to argue with denialism, I'm pretty sure that was ACM's point
sorry, but he was and still is wrong
that particular phrasing deserved to be attacked rabidly as climate denialism. If you had a legitimate thing to discuss, it is up to you to phrase your discussion in a term that does not trip one of the most reliable indicators of climate denialism
Again, he made a meta post and I have answered it, please discuss it there and not here.
my issue is why do people like RR get to do what they do but users that seemingly do nothing wrong get attacked. and if someone questions any mainstream idea in an intellectual way they are also attacked. if we have the mentality "hbar isnt the place for this", that should apply equally to everyone
@naturallyInconsistent so what is your response to the wikipedia's definition (which is what I use) and also to the fact that I even qualified my statement with in my opinion
Yes, so I read ACM's action right
@SillyGoose the wiki page also includes the part I said. I am specifically highlighting that part out.
i mean the main rule of hbar is that anything can be talked about, no? so saying "take your climate change denialism elsewhere" seems to be deciding that this is a topic that cannot be discussed here, and im asking what the basis for that is
why do i have to discuss this on meta and not here? is that also an arbitrary rule?
I dont think anything should be able to be talked about
@naturallyInconsistent i disagree, but i wont waste my time, sorry.
I dont want people debating whether homosexuality is a choice here
@naturallyInconsistent can you point me to where on the wikipedia page
Remember: this is never about people, it's about what they say
@Relativisticcucumber RR is routinely short-banned. Of course, I'd push for stronger penalties, as I have always done
It's not a personal attack
@Relativisticcucumber I mean, at this point ACM warns RR daily and kicks him out weekly :P
it is a wrong action dude, that's the point, and it's rather simple.
@SillyGoose the very 3rd and 4th paragraphs, hello
If someone said “
do you guys mostly think gender transition is irreversibly destroying childrens bodies like one hears in the media recently?”
people look a bit like climate denialists about being honest.
"While all sources agree this is not a valid form of logical proof, and therefore, obtaining knowledge in this way is fallible, there is disagreement on the general extent to which it is fallible - historically, opinion on the appeal to authority has been divided: it is listed as a non-fallacious argument as often as a fallacious argument in various sources.[3][4]

Some consider it a practical and sound way of obtaining knowledge that is generally likely to be correct when the authority is real, pertinent, and universally accepted [1][5][6][7][8][9][10] and others and others consider to be
i would never come back if that was tolerated
@misternobody no, you are wrong, and this is warranted.
i have no idea how these two paragraphs make your point?
I agree, lord.
you were making an absolute claim about the meaning of "appeal to authority"
at the least these two paragraphs, which you are citing, actually contradict that with its qualifying statements "Some..."
@Relativisticcucumber who said that hbar is where "anything can be talked about"? I've never had that impression.
let me remind you of verbatim what you said "You should have checked that the very definition of the appeal to authority fallacy is in that the authority is false. Appealing to a true authority is NOT a fallacy."
@misternobody i think you are in the right but i dont think the way you are proceeding is the most productive way to go about it
that i accept, i just got sad and angry
@SillyGoose and im literally forcing you to realise that there is another stance on it that you hadnt considered in your opinion
im quoting the meta post rules: "Yikes, that's a lot! What can I talk about then???
Anything! As I mentioned earlier, conversations are not restricted to physics, though we do like to move the homework and meta-physics SE-discussions elsewhere. Don't ask about asking, just ask! Really, The h Bar is full of people who're interested in all sorts of things."
I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding here: ACM did not attack mister nobody on a personal level, nor were his motivations personal
@Relativisticcucumber The part about "move the homework and meta-physics SE-discussions elsewhere" is very much a restriction from literally anything.
@naturallyInconsistent you made a claim about the genuine definition of a fallacy. i made no such claim. you are literally wrong based off of something you cited to me. i am not sure what is unclear about the situation. you are now in this message making a distinct claim about the fact that there exist multiple considerations of whether appeal to authority is fallacy or not, which is fine. but that is completely different from your original claim.
i just dont think the events that ensued were appropriate or in accordance with the established rules of the chat. i believe that, as a frequent user, i should be allowed to question this type of thing when i see it.
@Relativisticcucumber It's me saying that certain ways of discussing a topic are not welcome here - not necessarily the topic itself. In this case I specifically wanted to prevent a specific unproductive pattern of discussion about climate change that I've seen play out (here and in other contexts) before.
Oh geez
@ACuriousMind i think that's reasonable but i dont believe your actions were the best way to achieve that goal
i said "which studies are most thorough in your opinion?" and still hold that
And yes, everyone is allowed to question this, but I would also ask everyone to consider whether jumping in on this cluttered discussion right now is productive
if there is any study that disagrees with climate change, I want to know it, not ignore it
@SillyGoose your very assertion that Allie made a fallacious argument is the very reason why we had this conversation at all.
@naturallyInconsistent meta physics discussions 🤔
@naturallyInconsistent and you have ignored now for perhaps the 3rd time that i explicitly said in my opinion
@SillyGoose and so im pushing back against your opinion. What's the relevance of it being your opinion?
if you are not willing to actually follow an argument through and you want to keep jumping around and changing what claim you want to make or attack then i will also disengage with this discussion.
@SillyGoose I have not been jumping around and changing what claims I'm making or attacking. What part of an argument are you claiming that I'm not following?
I just want to know if @ACuriousMind can simply say: I did a mistake, I'm sorry.
I don't need money
@SillyGoose i complete agree with this. Things like appeal to authority are a necessity. it is not infallible, but nothing is either. one can attack the specifics of the situation instead of attacking an appeal to authority as a general rule
@misternobody He had done that multiple times. This is not one of the situations he should be apologising for
Not a question to you, let him reply please.
If he doesn't want to, sure, I will know it from his words.
@misternobody He had. On the meta post you made. You will not likely get another reply from him on this topic, especially in hbar. It is extremely clear cut. If you want to have a productive conversation about your climate issue here in hbar, you can start it. But you will not likely get the apology that you do not deserve.
but that meta post makes the comment mister made seem unfair
@naturallyInconsistent your first claim was that (1) appeal to authority is not a logical fallacy. this is actually just wrong if you use the wikipedia's description, which is what you used as a citation. in particular, the wikipedia says to some it is not considered a logical fallacy. secondarily, it does not matter if it is a logical fallacy or not. my claim was that Allie was being a hypocrite, which is reflective of Sir Cumferences behavior recently as well.
@SillyGoose I cited another source.
it is annoying that all these people who claim to be champions of science are doing exactly what they are oh so upset about others doing
it is reflective of people in general who mask their real beliefs behind more just causes so that they seem better than they really are
@naturallyInconsistent you cited the two paragraphs to me later as supporting evidence. you are once again jumping to a completely separate point.
@misternobody No, as of now I do not believe I made a mistake. I'm sorry if you feel hurt but I don't consider a one-minute kick from a chat room a grave insult. I have nothing against you personally - I don't even know you.
when you are in jeopardy of being incorrect, you jump to another statement or claim.
that is why i will disengage with this conversation now.
@SillyGoose I have not jumped. You said that I cited Wiki. I only cited wiki after you totally did not engage from the source I cited.
@SillyGoose dial it back on the personal attacks please.
i am writing a meta response that i believe reflects what actually happened @misternobody
apparently mister nobody was just the archduke :P
ACuriousMind acted on a balance on probabilities. it was a 1 minute kick. i would've protested it if it was a suspension. but I'm not sure about the current situation
i think ACuriousMind is slightly in the wrong though
because the accusation was too quick
@HerrFeinmann jumping off from the heated argument we are currently having, if you ever see someone use that irl, remind them that they sound exactly like cold fusion advocates.
and the accusation was false too
so that alone should warrant an apology
because the accusation is false. but the reason u made that accusation at the moment might have been rational
Can anyone help me on my question?
but the accusation was false in the end, as @misternobody is not a climate change denialist
@Relativisticcucumber thank you
@misternobody for what it is worth i myself did not have the impression that you were doing anything other than genuinely asking for evidence for a claim.
@Bml what answer are you even hoping for?
@ACuriousMind that's fine, i've requested the deletion and wish you the best moderating onwards
@SillyGoose thank you, i do personally suffer when people are unfair and unjust, and it does help.
@misternobody i have posted it
doesn't surprise me that you have -1 already from the bots
@naturallyInconsistent I asked: in this answer, how did the answerer obtain $T_i + \frac{T_f-T_i}{N}$? Can anyone help me out?
@naturallyInconsistent I have an entire department doing that buddy
@ACuriousMind indeed
@Bml I already saw that. I'm asking you what do you think an answer that will satisfy you, would have to have.
tbh i think allie should have been the one kicked. we already know that user is a bully. the moderation is backwards here.
@naturallyInconsistent I would like to understand where that result came from. It is not intuitive...
@Bml What do you even mean by "not intuitive"? or "where that result came from"? It is the most obvious first choice to try of an attempt to have continuous change from one temperature to another.
@naturallyInconsistent "It is the most obvious first choice to try of an attempt to have continuous change from one temperature to another." Why? Could you expand on this?
@Bml I definitely can; but we need to know what you would accept. How good your maths / physics is, etc.
@Relativisticcucumber yeah, i agree, not to add that Allie was basically insulting me days ago (actually, on about all our interactions.), and had its comments removed
@HerrFeinmann why are you in a place that even has that? How fast can you run from there?
@misternobody i have blocked said user from the first convo i had w them. i suggest u do the same.
but then in find him/her reading the extended threads from my questions, interestingly. maybe it is a social study.
time for me to get to work. sorry this situation happened.
@naturallyInconsistent quantum coherence, not cold fusion
@Relativisticcucumber have a good day, and thanks for caring.
@naturallyInconsistent Undergraduate level. However, if I don't understand something I'll tell you, no problem.
@HerrFeinmann remind everybody in the building that quantum coherence is one of those buzzwords that cold fusion advocates love to throw around. Hopefully they'll get annoyed enough to find a different name for the department instead.
@Bml Then, shouldn't you see that it is the linear interpolation between the two temperatures? Isn't a linear transition function the most obvious first choice to try?
@naturallyInconsistent I will, after making sure I don't have them in my graduation committee ahahhaha
@Relativisticcucumber If you had blocked, you would have not been able to take the screenshot you took. Also, I'd totally agree with you that the room is insufficiently moderated; but I'd argue for more suspensions to remove the double-standard, rather than less.
@HerrFeinmann yes, that's important.

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