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Let's say I am dealing with a factorized Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}_1 \otimes \mathcal{H}_2$. I want to generate the Lie group $SU(2) \otimes SU(2)$ consisting of all unitaries of the form $(U_1: \mathcal{H}_1 \rightarrow \mathcal{H}_1) \otimes (U_2: \mathcal{H}_2 \rightarrow \mathcal{H}_2)$. Can this be done by taking the direct product $\mathfrak{su}(2) \oplus \mathfrak{su}(2)$?
I feel I am not using standard notation... does $SU(2) \otimes SU(2)$ usually refer to local operators of the form $U_1 \otimes U_2$?
also I mean to continue...taking the direct product of the lie algebras and exponentiating elements in the resulting direct sum of lie algebras?
Other than using $\otimes$ instead of $\times$, I think I am using standard notation actually based on the wikipedia for direct product.
2 hours later…
Hello Everyone..
1 hour later…
Q: Should we flag a duplicate question if it has more engagements comparing the original post?

Rohan BariLook at this question: Does the universe have a center?. It is the original one. (original, unpopular) Now, look at this one: Did the Big Bang happen at a point?. (duplicate, famous) If you notice, the duplicate post has a comment by a moderator that redirects to the original post: Now, the orig...

2 hours later…
Been looking at prices of coal power, solar power, wind power, utility electricity, and holy fuck prices have been skyrocketing.
Hello @JohnRennie Sir
Just finished a draft of a paper.
First one I've written myself in seven years.
Ohh, what is it about?
My neglect of mathematics all through the semester has finally caught up to me, now I gotta do the first 3 chapters of Hoffman kunze in 25 days
@nickbros123 First 2 chapters should be fine, chap 3 is where you should be sinking some time into.
Bob attached to the string and rotating in circular motion. Is this an example of conical pendulum?
the notation of H&K kills me
@Relativisticcucumber honk
@SillyGoose h o n k
Yes, I started now, 1st chap is a breeze
I guess it's one of those books that exponentially rise in difficulty
@Relativisticcucumber : Yes.
I don't know how to use Tikz properly so I am just moving shapes millimeter by millimeter until they fit
i wonder if there is an ai tool to draw manifold diagrams
would be nice
inkscape manually is a little bit inconsistent
You can just input functions in Tikz directly
But that's some pretty heavy stuff for the compiler
I try to keep things light
i should make an effort to utilize tikZ :P i guess i haven't the need yet though
started the day with linear ending the day with lie theory woop
It is a bit of a pain but a well illustrated concept is always nice
Currently illustrating angle measurement techniques for astronomy in the Ibak tribes of Borneo
The most important illustration
@Slereah What did you want to do, that you have to do this? You know that TikZ gives you freedom to use general vector coördinates, right, not just relative coördinates of objects?
Trying to have a few cylinders inside each others
They are rotated cylinders
The rotation was making things a bit hard to predict
TikZ can do the rotation for you...
Probably but I couldn't figure out how to do it properly
I could only find how to rotate the objects individually and if I did that their relative positioning got messed up
hmm, maybe you should open a LaTeX question about it, hehehe
Probably quicker to just hack something together rly
question about dirac notation.
if i want to write something like
$ <A^\dagger v, B v> $ do i write $ <v \vert A^\dagger B \vert v> $ or$ <v \vert B A^\dagger\vert v> $
No, it is $\left<v\mid AB\mid v\right>$
thats one way
i am trying to show that (AB)^\dagger = Bdagger A dagger
which is EXTREMLY trivial in the standard maths notation
but i cant do it in dirac
$(A | \psi \rangle)^\dagger = \langle \psi | A^\dagger$
roughly speaking
this requires knowledge of the dual space
i want to show it with only the attribute and the definition of the scalarproduc
this is the proof in standard notation
i am trying to translate this into diracs
Why is that a problem? $\left<\phi|AB\psi\right>^*=\left<AB\psi|\phi\right>=\left<B\psi|A^\dagger|\phi\right>=\left<\psi|B^\dagger A^\dagger|\phi\right>$
Well, you are inserting the operators into the kets
which is something that the lecture didnt do
it seems like you also did that.
Yes but i am not using dirac notation
But okay
It is the same thing. Dirac notation is scalar product notation.
No its not
anyways, the way you wrote the first product
should be tho AB^dagger?
what I wrote is correct.
I am not saying its not
the issue is , look, you are using two notations
the dirac notation i know contains always 3 bars if operators are involved
(the right side of the equation)
the left side, you are just using standard notation
it doesnt look right at all
That is simply not necessarily the case. $\left<\psi|A|\phi\right>\equiv\left<\psi|A\phi\right>$
Yes but we did not define this like this!!
Nowhere have i ever read this definition
And you cant even define it like that
I know you are coming from maths, but this is how physics is usually going to be.
because the left side also implies <A^\dagger \psi, \phi>
I am not arguing if this is useful or not
i am just asking to translate what i wrote into what physicsts define
i think you are not understanding
my lecture is based on sakurai, my tutor refuses any kind of notation that is not 100% equal to what he has on his solutions paper. this is simply not using dirac notation with the three bars (as Sakurai uses it)
which includes 3 bars
If you want the more complete version, A is an operator representable by a matrix, $\left|\phi\right>$ is a ket vector that is usually representable by a column vector, and the action of a matrix on a column vector is a column vector, and so $A\left|\phi\right>=\left|A\phi\right>$ always makes sense: matrix multiply vector equals vector.
And it is 1 or 2 bars, never 3.
Thank you
what you wrote would have been very useful
if i did not have a degree in mathematics
Look, what you wrote as the usual mathematical proof, is not even correct. It should be
$\left<(AB)^\dagger\phi|\psi\right>=\left<\phi|AB|\psi\right>=\left<A^\dagger\phi|B|\psi\right>=\left<B^\dagger A^\dagger\phi|\psi\right>$ which then implies $(AB)^\dagger=B^\dagger A^\dagger$
If you want to go into greater detail, you can complex conjugate basically everything there, so then you can express them with the 2 bars.
But as you already wrote down in maths notation, this thing kinda requires the 1 bar version, not the 2 bar version.
2 hours later…
@Mad related: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/502606/… (+ please use \langle and \rangle before my eyes bleed)
@Slereah i have a follow up question to something you said a few days ago. so iirc, you said that $\sqrt{-g_{\mu \nu}\frac{dx^{\mu}}{d\lambda}\frac{dx^{\nu}}{d\lambda}}$ is a valid lagrangian when attempting to use lagrangian mech to get the geodesic equation. however, i see that the einstein-hilbert action is defined by $S_H = \int \sqrt{-g}Rd^nx$ so why, in the first case, do we not have to include $R$? [...]
[...] in that case i believe we are solving for geodesics of free, non-interacting particles, but this is still in a curved space-time, right?
If you include both terms at once, what you have is the couple equations between a point particle and the metric
(it's the Schwarzschild metric if you solve it)
sorry what do you mean "both terms"
For the geodesic equation you need to do it in the test limit, where the energy of the particle doesn't couple to gravity
The action for a point particle and the EH action
@Slereah and what is "it" here
@Qmechanic ok thank you!
@Relativisticcucumber The metric should not be dynamical, ie you don't vary with respect to g
im not really understanding. so R is the curvature essentially, right? so im trying to see why the first action doesnt have an R in it as the einstein-hilbert action does.
Matter doesn't interact with the curvature directly usually
but with the metric
but the metric is nothing physical, right? its just a description of the manifold?
hm wait as is R
@Slereah but then wouldnt we never need an R..?
It is similar to how particles couple with the electromagnetic potential A, but the kinetic term of EM is the EM tensor
Or how classically the acceleration depends on the derivative of the potential, but the EoM is the Poisson equation, with the Laplacian of the potential
@Relativisticcucumber I think we first need be clearer that these are actions for two completely different physical systems
the "geodesic action" is an action $S_G[\gamma]$ on the space of paths $\gamma: I\to M$, the dynamical variable is the path of a particle, the metric is a fixed background here
the Einstein-Hilbert action $S_{EH}[g]$ is an action on the space of all metrics on a manifold, the dynamical variable is the metric itself, and there aren't any particles here
so the question "why does one of these include $R$ and the other doesn't?" is about the same as asking "why does the action for the trajectory of a particle in an electromagnetic field not involve the field strength tensor, while the action for electromagnetism with the EM field being the dynamical variable does?"
okay i think i need to go back and reread this variational method for finding stationary points of the action
i will do so
then i will reexamine your answers. thank you @ACuriousMind @Slereah
How does any other field do it without ArXiv
Why is every object used in experimental GR all the objects that are the worst things to model in GR
Why can't we be made of pure energy
@Slereah what objects do u mean?
i agree that fields are better than rigid bodies
A stick, for instance
Worst object
people study sticks using GR?
It's the classic example of a rigid object
i just think of the universe as fields
but engineers have to study this ugly stuff
@Slereah tbf everything is a field at the fundamental level
a rigid body isnt even allowed in relativity, even in principle. am i right?
because a rigid body has to instantaneously communicate forces
It depends what you mean by rigid
@Slereah I'm fairly sure there are several cults claiming we actually are pure energy; the GR sticks are probably part of the conspiracy to suppress the truth :P
Proclus was right
@ACuriousMind it's not a cult. everything is a field according to QFT
He took the extra step of saying that we are all one to remove the problems due to high cardinality
some spirituality people may also say this stuff tho
@Slereah what is a rigid body in relativity? can it be deformed?
ok but energy isnt even conserved. doesnt make sense to say we are pure energy
It is a body such that the projection operator projecting to a local spacelike distribution is invariant under the motion of the object
everything is a field is the right thing to say
So $$\mathcal{L}_{u} (u \otimes u - g) = 0$$
where $u$ is the velocity field of the object
@Slereah is deformation allowed?
What's a deformation
a body changes its shape under forces
If the body had no force acting on it it would just explode into particles moving along geodesics
yeh. i meant external forces
non-science people think of energy as a substance rather than a property of fields
there are popular sayings like matter is concentrated energy
it has gotten very popular because of E=mc2
there is a thing called the cosmological argument which claims to logically conclude a God
but it suffers from the problem of induction according to Hume
@RyderRude Checkmate: I'm a Weinbergian and believe in the primacy of particles.
Neither QM nor QFT in their formalisms really come with an ontology attached, stop claiming they say such ill-defined things like "everything is a field"
@Slereah the ultra-est of finitists?
Hello Everyone
ACM give me your brain. So i can save my time in understanding physics.
@ACuriousMind how do u explain that particles are only defined asymptotically?
Weinberg builds stuff from particles, but we have to note that particles in QFT are not well defined in the interacting theory
I don't have to explain anything
the QFT formalism works regardless of what ontology, if any, you ascribe to an interacting state
"is" a proton three quarks? or "is" it a mass of sea quarks and gluons? or "is" it an "excitation in a quantum field"? You can argue that the answer to all of these questions is "Yes", but I find the last description the most unenlightening
is there any particle interpretation of the interaction region of scattering experiments?
@ACuriousMind the field ontology is unenlightening because it's more reductive, more fundamental. the particle description is best for the special cases
but when u r in the interaction region, there is no particle interpretation as even an option
I don't know what that even means
what do you need an "interpretation" for, here?
neither the LSZ formula specifically nor the time evolution operator in general cares about what you "think happens" during an interaction
yes, we can do physics without ever talking about an ontology. but if we r going to choose an ontology, the field ontology is the one that applies to all situations.
so i am just saying that it is superior to the particle ontology. im not saying that u r forced to think of an ontology
i can describe the interaction region's ontology using fields
while the particle ontology ceases to be an option
@ACuriousMind about your comments on my question (now deleted). I can choose any amount of time to move the blade through say a chunk of metal. There are lambda primes but they cancel on both sides. As for point 2. You need a finite force you have $1/ r \to \infty$ , the only chance you have is $ r \dot \to 0$
What I do know is the y and x or r relation
@MoreAnonymous my point was that the path of the knife can just be modeled as the trajectory of the knife point $t\mapsto (h(t),r(t))$. I do not understand what $\lambda(t)$ is supposed to represent
@ACuriousMind Yes but newtons second law has $d p /dt $ and not $d p /dh(t)$
hm? the second law would just be $m \ddot{h} = F_h$ and $m\ddot{r} = F_r$, where $m$ is the mass of the knifepoint
Ah I see your point
All the $\lambda(t)$ did was try to account for the variation in speed one may apply while moving the knife
but what is $\lambda(t)$ supposed to be
the "variation in speed" is just you being free to choose $\dot{h}(t)$ and $\dot{r}(t)$ within the constraints of the shape
I think your right there was no need to write lambda(t)
also you're right that you need $\dot{r}\to 0$ at $x=0$ for the forces to work (this is just the observation that the particle moving up the dome will reach the top with zero velocity), but what does this have to do with "infinite velocity"?
i posted this answer about equivalence principle in QM. Is it correct
i will delete it if it's incorrect
the cosmological argument claims that since everything we know has a cause, the universe must too
but this suffers from the problem of induction
Question, does this equation, hold only if the operator is unitary?
Or maybe theres another manipulation i am not seeing
(trace of V^dagger A V = Trace A
Feyerabend's book came in the mail
It's time to end it all and destroy science
@Slereah what do you think about knot theory if anything
sorry to ping you you neednt reply if u do not want
All I know about knot theory is what little I read on Baez' site
thats where i just found out about it XD
well you know as much as I
In astrophysics, spaghettification (sometimes referred to as the noodle effect) is the vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes (rather like spaghetti) in a very strong, non-homogeneous gravitational field. It is caused by extreme tidal forces. In the most extreme cases, near a black hole, the stretching and compression are so powerful that no object can resist it. Within a small region, the horizontal compression balances the vertical stretching so that a small object being spaghettified experiences no net change in volume. Stephen Hawking described the flight...
i love it
see also
In astrophysics and nuclear physics, nuclear pasta is a theoretical type of degenerate matter that is postulated to exist within the crusts of neutron stars. If it exists, nuclear pasta would be the strongest material in the universe. Between the surface of a neutron star and the quark–gluon plasma at the core, at matter densities of 1014 g/cm3, nuclear attraction and Coulomb repulsion forces are of comparable magnitude. The competition between the forces leads to the formation of a variety of complex structures assembled from neutrons and protons. Astrophysicists call these types of structures...
strongest material in the universe
Never eat the antispaghettis
why is it okay to pull the translation operator here from the ket alpha
and why does he choose the translation to be equal to the integration variable
(he is trying to represent the impuls operator in x basE)
the translation variable is not the integration variable, $\Delta x'$ and $x'$ are different objects
and I don't know what you mean by "pulling" the operator
on the left is P alpha
he inserts the completion relation
int x> <x,Palpha>
he pulled p out
he inserted the completion relation in the middle i see
ok nvm
The weak equivalence principle as viewed by experimentalists
i am practicing some homework as exam preperation
one of the questions i met was " write the impulse eigenfunction in the x space"
$\vert p \rangle = \int dx \vert x \rangle \langle x\vert p \rangle = 1/(2 \pi) \hbar)^{0.5} \int dx \vert x \rangle exp [i p x / \hbar]$
Is there a way to check if a singularity of the metric is a coordinate singularity?
Does that look good?
@Amit Depends how broad you understand the term
A fairly broad method is to compute the components of the Riemann tensor along some parallel transported frame of an observer
although a simpler method is to just change coordinates so that it's not singular, if you can find such a coordinate
@Slereah along meaning, covariant derivative?
I see, thanks
@Slereah oh btw, if it is a "true" singularity, the riemann tensor will be undefined too at those points?
It will not converge, yes
Which usually means that it diverges
So it can't also have a coordinate type singularity?
What do you mean
I mean is it a conclusive test
A sufficient condition
That it diverges
As I said, depends what you mean by a singularity
There are singularities for which this does not work
It is for a type of singularities called scalar singularities
some singularities don't even have any badly behaved tensors
I only divide it to those that go away via a coordinate transformation vs those that don't
I'm only talking about coordinate invariant singularities here
The usual tricky example is the cone
The cone minus its apex is a manifold, and the apex is a singularity
But it is also everywhere flat
Yes, I was asking if similar to the metric, the riemann tensor can also exhibit a coordinate dependent singularity
Sure, you can just make up some fake singularities
One easy trick you can use for example is to bring the infinity within finite distance
Like if you take some coordinate $r' = \arctan(r)$, infinity will be at $r' = \pm \pi/2$
Ahhh, okay, nice
So if your Riemann tensor isn't a bounded function at infinity, it will appear divergent there
To hold infinity at the palm of your tensor!
You can also make Minkowski space divergent easily enough
Pick some coordinate like $t' = 1/t$
Coordinates are evil, if only Descrates knew the mischief he had done, lol
In the 70's they just made giant lists of weird singular spacetimes
There are plenty of them
Prog rock and singular spacetimes
Interesting, thanks
Worst one imo is the singularity that is only singular coming from specific directions
1 hour later…
Apparently the PPN formalism is specifically made with perfect fluids in mind
Why must they always omit such things
"We assume throughout that the matter composing the solar system can be idealized as a perfect fluid. For the purpose of most solar system experiments in the coming decades, this is an adequate assumption (see, however, section 9.2)"
Oh no
God there's a truckload of conditions for the classical limit
The sky is the $\lim$

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