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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

It took me a while but I finally found the source of that, he wasn't referring to MWI, he was referring to Bohm's pilot wave theory! The more exact quote is: “a physical fairy-tale for children” lol
Hey, that's not cool, I thought that it should embed the text
i think you have to reply to the message to embed D:
oops sorry
i was replying to my own emssage didn't think it would ping you 0.0
I see i guess one should allow for an introduced relative phase…
no i don't think you can reply to ur own msgs
i think maybe the hbar is just closed for the weekend so it's not 100% functional
@Amit embedding works only when the link is the only thing in the message
ahhh, gotcha, thanks
@SillyGoose you can reply to your own message, but it is a bit complicated: The syntax for replying is :<message_number> reply and <message_number> is the number you see at the end of the URL when you get a permalink to a message
Ah i didnt know that
lol, epic fail
@Amit test3
ahah! that's a self honk right there!
so it's :<message_number> and without the <>
i've mistaken the : in your explanation for this: kind of usage :)
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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