Where can I find details about the chordal distance of AdS? It appears in equation (2) of "Local bulk operators in AdS CFT_A boundary view of horizons and locality by HKLL"
I learned that the chordal distance is invariant under AdS isometries...is this a special feature of AdS space or is it valid for some other special spaces also?
@ManasDogra "chordal distance" is a general concept for embedded manifolds, not exactly special to AdS - it's just the length of a straight line in the ambient space that joins two points
@fqq You are correct, it's not right, because you cannot remove p_x outside of the integral, since we are also integrating in relation to p_x, but I still don't know how to solve it, keeping the same expression, that one uses for any other operator
then where does 04 comes from? Cuz I am pretty sure, you find out the result of the comutator between momentum and position, once you know how the momentum ie expressed in position space, something that we want to find, or idk, it's known in this case?
@ACuriousMind I made a threat about how to find the momentum operator component, in position space, using $\langle \vec r|$ and $|\vec r'\rangle$ . But someone said, and rightfully so, you cant find it that way, because you can't move p_x out of the integral. So I guess consistency is thrown out of the windon in this case. Considering how the basis switch happens for a component of an arbitrary operator
Oh, regarding the *classical Schrödinger field we've recently talked about it seems I can't find any place where it is discussed, only KG or Dirac field
So I wondered since the Heisenberg equations look exactly like the Schrödinger equation, does it mean that the field operators above are the quantized version of the classical field?
Eh, I already tried to explain the obvious difference between This $\hat{P}\psi(x):=\langle x\lvert\hat{P}\lvert\psi\rangle$, which gives me an expression for the momentum operator in position space and this: $\langle \vec r|P_x|\vec r'\rangle$ which, should,as you said that it has as a result, a component. And I want this last one, which is not what the link you gave me has,
since it utilizes this :$\hat{P}\psi(x):=\langle x\lvert\hat{P}\lvert\psi\rangle$ and not this: $\langle \vec r|P_x|\vec r'\rangle$. But it's ok.
@imbAF The link I gave very obviously derives an expression for $\langle x\vert p\vert x\rangle$ which except for using different symbols is exactly what you want. I don't know what your problem with that is.
Maybe their problem is that a component of momentum is acting on $\lvert \vec{r}\rangle$ and not on $\lvert x\rangle$
In that case, nothing changes
I mean that $\langle\vec{r}\lvert\hat{P}_x\lvert\vec{r}'\rangle=-i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\delta^3(\vec{r}-\vec{r}')=-i\hbar\left[\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\delta(x-x')\right]\delta(y-y')\delta(z-z')$
and how does it make sense to use the position representation of the momentum operator, in order to find the expression for a matrix element of it, in the position space.
curvature (whether scalar or tensor) is always a function of position
now, if there was only the cosmological constant (=dark energy) in the universe, then it would be a de Sitter space with constant positive scalar curvature
The curvature of the universe is sourced by every matter/energy present in it. This curvature is a local quantity, that is, it is time and position-dependent. de Sitter is the solution our universe asymptotes to at late times.
this is definitely breaking my brain... I understand the example of holonomy via parallel transport and how that can be used to measure curvature. I also understand that curvature is a local quantity (i.e. more curvature near a star). However, you then refer to the "curvature of the universe" which I am failing to understand as being "local" in any way...
so when we refer to curvature there are really two components: 1.) local, which arises from mass-energy densities and 2.) global, which arises from a "background" cosmological constant
and since we know Einstein's equations work in most other circumstances, we have to add a constant energy density to the stress-energy tensor to produce the cosmological constant through them
Observations show that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, such that the velocity at which a distant galaxy recedes from the observer is continuously increasing with time. The accelerated expansion of the universe was discovered during 1998 by two independent projects, the Supernova Cosmology Project and the High-Z Supernova Search Team, which both used distant type Ia supernovae to measure the acceleration. The idea was that as type Ia supernovae have almost the same intrinsic brightness (a standard candle), and since objects that are further away appear dimmer, we can use the observed...
@Asklepian if by "gravity" you mean "ordinary matter" then...sometimes yes, sometimes no (there's still dark matter, after all, depends how small your scale is and what you're looking at)
and electromagnetism isn't like gravity - it doesn't act on all mass-energies, there's no scale at which a bunch of uncharged objects will start interacting electromagnetically
I'm not sure there's a good explanation for that other than "that's what you get when you plug a constant energy density into the Einstein equations"
I mean, I can wave my hands that an energy density should be associated with a "pressure" and that pressure is what expands space but that doesn't even convince myself :P
that's unusual as well, because my assumption of the effect of an energy density would be as a negative pressure that contracts space, causing curvature (like a star)
you're playing a word game here where you use "expand/contract" in two different meanings: 1. In the context of universe expansion/contraction, it's that distances change over time. 2. In the context of gravity, you're talking about distances changing when you get closer to the mass, but this difference stays the same forever (unless the mass moves, gets bigger, whatever)
i.e. in the first case, there is a difference between distances at different times, in the second case, there is a difference between distances at different positions
these two phenomena are not at all the same, and so we shouldn't use the same words to describe them
(I don't mean the "word game" as an accusation: I just mean that describing physical facts in natural language is a game where we have to try to pick the least misleading option)
ok, so overall curvature really takes 3 inputs: 1.) how distances change between different positions 2.) how distances change between different times and 3.) something something rotational curvature
(mathematically, this is most directly connected to the vielbein formalism, where you express the metric not via a tensor but via a field that assigns to every point an orthonormal basis, the basis vectors of a coordinate system: the distances are represented by the vectors' length, the rotation by the coordinate system rotating)
@Asklepian "de Sitter space" is what we call a universe has that has just a positive cosmological constant and nothing else
yeah, there's all sorts of arguments about that (note that arguments about "encoding information" require quantum arguments - in classical GR you can evolve the universe both "forwards" and "backwards" from any spatial slice)
it's one of these questions where you can find plenty of people who consider them settled but they won't agree about what settles them ;)
that's really philosophy, not physics - you could also interpret classical mechanics (pre-GR) that way because, after all, the initial conditions at one point in time determine the state at all other times
i.e. it's definitely not the case that GR forces you to take the block universe interpretation - GR has, like classical mechanics, a formulation as an initial value problem (cf. Cauchy surface) with unique solutions (for most/nice spacetimes)
well, in the sense that time does not arise from the dynamics in GR, GR is a classical theory in the same deterministic sense
since we know that in QG time must arise from the dynamics, my question is really about whether GR is a good approximation of gravity because this is what an unentangled observer would see
In that paper, they show that time arises from entanglement
but still, what's the difference between an observer that is entangled with the universe they are observing and an observer that isn't? How do their perspectives of that universe differ?
entanglement arises from interaction. as interactions accumulate, entanglement spreads until the entire system is described by a single wave function. these entanglement events result in the energy equipartitioning that explains the statistical mechanical arrow of time.
what you get from decoherence is that after interaction with the environment, it is plausible that there are several possible states and their probabilities acts "classically"
the selection of one of these states as the "realized one" still requires a measurement of the system, and the question of a) what constitutes a "measurement" and b) how measurement induces that selection is the measurement problem
I mean, there are several interpretations in which essentially every interaction is a measurement if "you"/the observer is one of the entities interacting
all of this doesn't really nail down the resolution of the measurement problem: What happens during a measurement? Why do we on one hand (the external viewpoint) describe the outcome of the measurement interaction as an entangled state (in which multiple different outcomes of the measurement are superposed) but to the observers involved it seems that their measurement yielded a definite value?
examples of possible consistent answers include: "Every time we get such an entanglement, the "observer" too splits into as many versions of itself as the possible result of measurements and each of these versions is simultaneously realized but they cannot interact with each other" (many worlds), "there is no such thing as a "quantum state" or objective state of the universe, all that a "quantum state" is is a subjective quantification of our knowledge of a quantum system" ($\psi$-epistemic)
"I don't care, this correctly predicts what my lab instruments will measure" (operationalist)
precisely because there are so many different consistent interpretations I would be very careful to pick a particular one to try to argue about quantum gravity or the nature of time :P
if superpositions (potential futures) are only visible while unentangled, then entanglement is the process whereby a single history becomes encoded from these potential futures
and so "observers involved" would already be entangled and only able to access the already encoded history
if you measure the spin of a particle and that spin is either up or down, then when you describe the interaction of the measurement apparatus and the particle from the outside the result is "apparatus says spin up and particle is spin up" superposed with "apparatus says spin down and particle is spin down". This is an entangled state because you cannot assign a unique state of "up" or "down" to either the apparatus or the particle.
both of these are consistent histories, since the particle and the apparatus agree
but the process of interaction doesn't decide which one of the states of the apparatus is the one the poor grad student that we're forcing to repeat this experiment for the thousandth time observes when they look at the apparatus
entanglement alone doesn't solve this (again, Wigner's friend) - if you describe the grad student as a quantum system, too, you get the entangled state of "student sees spin up and apparatus says spin up and particle is spin up" superposed with "student sees spin down and apparatus says spin down and particle is spin down"
nothing about our description of measurement as interaction that leads to these entangled states explains how I find myself in the history where the particle was spin-up and not in the one where it was spin-down
it sounds to me like you want to argue for a classical collapse interpretation similar to the folklore often called Copenhagen - when I interact with the entangled system, one history is chosen at random (according to the weights of the superposition) and the others are discarded
this would require another detour into thermodynamics that I'm not really up for after 1 am :P what you say is sort of true for most thermodynamical systems but it is not a general feature of quantum mechanics
if superpositions are different possible futures, then "future states" would connect to the possible measurement results... whether or not this feature is a part of quantum mechanics though is something you can explain another time