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For those in a demonstrative mood: anti-powerpoint-party.com/en
@ZeroTheHero ...last update 7 years ago?
3 hours later…
@ACuriousMind according to wiki: As of February 2021, the party had 4,632 members, making it the eighth largest party in Switzerland. (see en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-PowerPoint_Party)
…so it’s still alive and still promoting flip charts.
2 hours later…
so, here's a change from second edition Sakurai to third edition that i don't quite see the reasoning for:
second edition: "Show that the differential cross section for the elastic scattering of a fast electron by the ground state of the hydrogen atom is given by $$\frac{d\sigma}{d\Omega}=\left(\frac{4m^2e^4}{\hbar^4 q^4}\right)\left(1-\frac{16}{[4+(qa_0)^2]^2}\right)^2.$$ (Ignore the effect of identity.)"
third edition: "Show that the differential cross section for the elastic scattering of a fast positron by the ground state of the hydrogen atom is given by [same expression]."
there's the deletion of "effect of identity", but i didn't understand what that meant in the first place
oh. maybe it's just to avoid any questions of the Pauli principle while the scatterer interacts with the bound electron in the hydrogen atom?
3 hours later…
@Semiclassical yeah, with identical particles you'd also have to include the exchange amplitude, which alters the cross-section
@Slereah I've been looking at the Dirac paper again, it's just simply brilliant, if you want to iron out any points/'sentences in the first few pages this is a good time, e.g. the real motivation for going to 6D etc
@Semiclassical in particular, you'd have to use the Mott scattering formula (with the form factors etc) to get the right $\theta$-dependence
I don't have Sakurai, but I'm pretty sure this problem would be before introducing RQM, so he probably wants to avoid that discussion
They should put a skip button on papers
Skip all the thanks preface, introduction and basics
Strangely a lot of Clifford algebra related articles on conformal geometry
apparently there are things you may do with the extra dimensional vectors
Well the relation to $SO(2,D)$ and $SO$ having spinors is probably why
Apparently one vector they enjoy naming $e_0$ and one $e_\infty$
Point at infinity?
since one of them will help define the infinity
Many such cases
I think the $e_0$ here is the famed homogeneous coordinate such that $(x, y) \sim (x : y : 1)$
Same idea to what Dirac does
The question is, why are we even going from $R^n$ to $R^{n+1,1}$, when you do it the usual way of deriving the conformal algebra from the conformal Killing equation you can see it at the end, but this 'global' way does it immediately but why
If you ignore the signature of the metric (as Dirac does), then $SO(D)$ is the 'conformal group' (associated to the $SO(D-2)$ rotation group)
That's why I think the stereographic example is probably a bit easier to check
Since it's a little more visual
I don't know why we're even doing stereographic projections either
It is apparently a fairly common process?
Get the conformal geometry of something from the projective model
'S is the projective (or Möbius) model of conformal geometry'
In mathematics, conformal geometry is the study of the set of angle-preserving (conformal) transformations on a space. In a real two dimensional space, conformal geometry is precisely the geometry of Riemann surfaces. In space higher than two dimensions, conformal geometry may refer either to the study of conformal transformations of what are called "flat spaces" (such as Euclidean spaces or spheres), or to the study of conformal manifolds which are Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with a class of metrics that are defined up to scale. Study of the flat structures is sometimes termed Möbius...
I'd like to appreciate this as a starting point a bit more basically
I think it's just that if you take $\mathbb{R}^{n+1, 1+1}$, the projectivized version of the null cone has the shape of the appropriate space?
So $\mathbb{R}^{n+1, 1}$ has the sphere $S^n$ if you take the projection of the con
Not 100% sure where the conformal transformation pops up in this mess, but I assume that one of the subgroup of $PO(n+1, 1)$ has it in somewhere
There's just a lot of hand-waving with this perspective, the usual CFT approach at least avoids any doubt
Yeah but I like to have also the global perspective on geometry
The real goal is to describe a geometry where you can measure angles, but distances are ignored right, so in $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 = R^2$ we see the radius is now allowed to vary so should be added as a new variable, which brings you to $\mathbb{R}^5$, these coordinates live on a sphere, so using projective coordinates brings you to $\mathbb{R}^6$,
but how do we add a new coordinate to $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 - R^2 = 0$, hand-waving we view this as the $w = 0$ case of $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 - R^2 = w^2$, but I could have added a $-w^2$
I'm not sure that's particularly less hand-waving 🤔
Dirac talks about ignoring the signature so okay, if we do that then the conformal group of $SO(D-2)$ is $SO(D)$, but if we don't then I could get that the conformal group of $SO(1,3)$ is $SO(2,4)$ by adding $-w^2$ but $SO(3,3)$ if I added a $+w^2$...
So why does the usual infinitesimal method pick out $SO(2,4)$...
I think the basic idea is that if you add $(1+1)$ dimension, the shape of the light cone is gonna be the same shape as the original quadric?
Ironically for once it's nlab that doesn't have much to say : ncatlab.org/nlab/show/M%C3%B6bius+space
I'm not 100% sure if the whole extra dimension thing is totally warranted or if it's just a weird historical leftover because that's how people dealt with projective spaces in the 19th century
Also apparently that model is also used to make the model homogeneous???
A 2-D unit sphere in $(2+1)D$ Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^{2+1}$ is $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1$. By writing this as
$$0 = (z^2 - 1) + x^2 + y^2 = - 2\frac{(1-z)}{\sqrt{2}} \frac{(1+z)}{\sqrt{2}} + x^2 + y^2 = - 2 w_0 w_3 + x_1^2 + x_2^2$$
we are now in Minkowski space $\mathbb{R}^{2+1,1}$, so what's the analogue for 4D Minkowski space of all this
Because if you have say $\mathbb{R}^n$, the $0$ is a special point, but that's not the case in the horosphere
which is the projectivized null cone
@bolbteppa The Minkowkski equivalent is apparently the Einstein static universe
Which is $(S^1 \times S^3 / \mathbb{Z}_2, -dt^2 + g_{S^3})$
If we have $(x,y)$ coordinates in $\mathbb{R}^2$, and we want a 2D unit sphere, we need to add a third coordinate and write $z^2 + x^2 + y^2 = 1$. So with $(t,x,y,z)$ we'd have to add a $w$ and form $w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 = 1$ in 5D, then writing $w^2 - 1 = - 2 x_{-1} x_5$ we now have 6 coordinates
which you can embed into $\mathbb{R}^{3+1, 1+1}$ via... miraculous means?
I think that's probably the logic, it's basically what they do here
It's in there I think
@Slereah the embedding is exactly the same independent of signature (modulo replacing $x^2$ by $g(x,x)$)
it's just that you get different shapes from the projective null cone depending on signature
It looks the same as working with a sphere of radius $R$ and adding a $w$ to end up with $w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 - R^2 = 0$ where the radius is now a variable and we preserve the sphere under transformations $\lambda \eta_{\mu \nu}$...
Question is, if all of this is true, does this mean that hidden in regular special relativity, there is a hidden theory of conformal spheres in there?
or circles, anyway
Careful: Normal relativity is in 4d, so the corresponding "conformal space" would be 2d and for 2d the conformal compactification is pretty useless because it doesn't reflect all conformal transformation
In the 2D Euclidean plane with $ds^2 = dx^2 + dy^2$, to get 2D sphere's we need to go to 3D and work with $z^2 + x^2 + y^2 = R^2$ or $(z,x,y,R)$ satisfying $z^2+x^2+y^2-R^2=0$ and $\eta_{\mu \nu}' = \lambda \eta_{\mu \nu}$. So in 4D SR we need to look at a 4D sphere which means going to 5 and 6 D
So SR is hidden in the conformal theory, not the other way around
@ACuriousMind alas
alas what
The models one can visualize tend to not be the best
I still feel you're fixating far too much on this silly trick to show that conformal trafos are $\mathrm{SO}(p+1,q+1)$ :P
I try to understand its various aspects :p
@Slereah what I mean is that a 2d starting space isn't even a model
Yeah I vaguely remember that it doesn't have an effective conformal structure or something
Like $\mathrm{Conf}(2) = \mathrm{Iso}(2)$ or something
Still technically a conformal structure, just not a very interesting one :p
but you know me, I believe in understanding models by every crazy possible formalisms
the whole reason 2d CFT is so special is because conformal trafos in 2d are very different from any other dimension
so in this case the "simplest" model is an extremely special case that doesn't teach you anything about the general case
I noticed yeah
They are very adamant about $n > 2$
IIRC the 2D model is boring and the $(1+1)D$ model is a nightmare
Infinite dimensional conformal group or something
that's in Schottenloher, there isn't really "a" conformal group
you get the infinite dimensional Witt algebra as (one half of) the algebra of transformations, but it doesn't "integrate" into a nice group
ah, no, wait
there is a conformal group and its infinite-dimensional, yeah
the group that doesn't exist is a "Virasoro group"
How can a group not exist if it's a group 🤔
I mean that you have the Virasoro algebra and the question "what Lie group is this the algebra of?" doesn't have a good answer (because there's no unique notion of the Lie correspondence for the infinite-dimensional case)
anyway, yes, the conformal group of $\mathbb{R}^{1,1}$ is infinite-dimensional - it's two copies of all orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of the circle
Does this have any bearing on SR?
I have absolutely no idea
This paper seems to give the conformal transformations in terms of the Clifford algebra of the homogeneous model
They begin by talking about going from 3D to 5D space as being useful and then introduce extra basis vectors which square to some choice of signatures all out of thin air like everything else
Apparently if you consider the cone defined by the quadric for the Einstein universe, the metric tensor induced on that cone is a degenerate metric $(0, -, +, +, ...)$
And the kernel is generated by the null curves
I think hence the projectivized version is just the appropriate Einstein universe
"The set $\pi(C^{2,n}$ is a smooth hypersurface $\Sigma$ of $RP^{n+1}$. This hypersurface turns out to be endowed with a natural Lorentzian conformal structure. Indeed, for any $x \in C^{2,n}$,$\hat{q}_x^{2,n}$ the restriction of $q^{2,n}$ to the tangent space $T_xC^{2,n}$, that we call $\hat{q}_x^{2,n}$, is degenerate. Its kernel is just the kernel of the tangent map $d_x\pi$.

Thus, pushing $\hat{q}_x^{2,n}$ by $d_x\pi$, we get a well defined Lorentzian metric on $T_{\pi(x)}\Sigma$. If $\pi(x) = \pi(y)$, the two Lorentzian metrics on $T_{\pi(x)}\Sigma$ obtained by pushing $\hat{q}_x^{2,n}
The thing I remain unsure of is why this projective trick gives out the appropriate conformal structure
I haven't really seen any justification as to why that would work
Apparently there are no known primes of the form:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... n

i.e. you construct the number by concatenating the digits of all numbers up to n. This has allegedly been checked for n ≤ 1000000 (though I haven't confirmed this for myself).
Yet another of the strange and probably completely useless problems in number theory.
I think the scaling is done by considering the bundle of the null cone over the quadric $\pi : C \to Q$, and then the scaling seems to be done by a section of that bundle
Or something similar, not quite sure
"Given a point $p$ in $\mathrm{Ein}(n)$, the lightcone with vertex $p$, denoted by $C(p)$, is the set of lightlight geodesics containing $p$. In the projective model, if $p = \pi(u)$, with $u$ some isotropic vector of $\mathbb{R}^{2,n}$, then $C(p) = (P \cap C^{2,n})$, where $P$ is the degenerate hyperplane $P = u^\top$"
In 2D if you go from $x^2 - t^2$ to $z^2 + x^2 - t^2 = R^2$ you then want to preserve $z^2 + x^2 - t^2 - R^2 = 0$, where is the complex analysis :\
Hestenes seems like maybe a cool book to look into for such things
I don't think there's a single thing that GA can do that something else can't
Geometric Algebra
I mean it's just the evil twin of Clifford algebras
Conformal geometry is a bit of a tough thing because there's apparently like 5 or 6 different formalisms for it
Which is true for most things, certainly, but there isn't a lot of unified treatments
I've skimmed a few so far and I still haven't seen what the hell an ambient model is
and few of them even bother actually to give examples of specific conformal transformations
The direct derivation of the global SCT from the $SO(4,2)$ formulation is good, every other derivation of it I've seen is just a mess/guess
is anyone up?
@Slereah Greg Champion - The French Song.
I need help about mechanics
its urgent, if anyone can help
Nataly Dawn, (wife of Patreon founder, Jack Conte), likes to sing in French, from time to time. Here's a nice arrangement of Charles Trenet's Que reste-t-il de nos amours?
Why do we talk about the SCT for the conformal group and not inversions?
Are inversions not a conformal transformation?
"The circle inversion map is anticonformal, which means that at every point it preserves angles and reverses orientation (a map is called conformal if it preserves oriented angles)."
I guess that's why the SCT has two inversions
Inversions certainly preserve angles.
An inversion is a discrete transformation, thus it has no infinitesimal parameter associated to it either and so no Lie algebra generator, but an inversion followed by a translation followed by another inversion is a continuous transformation which has a continuous parameter parametrizing it (the translation) and so it has a Lie algebra generator on doing an infinitesimal translation, this is a SCT
I have a lovely paper I found years ago that explains how to do hyperbolic geometry on the Poincaré disc, using old-school compass & straight-edge constuctions, via circle inversion.
Does that mean you could extend the conformal group with discrete transformations?
same way you can have them in the orthogonal group
They are encoded into the SCT, an inversion is the special case where you do no translation in the SCT
Aren't you doing two inversions, though?
From the point of $SO(4,2)$, a SCT is trivially just a 'Lorentz' transformation
Oh right yeah
But they are still built into it
If $b = 0$ that's just the identity, no?
So that you can't really do an inversion by itself
@Slereah you posted a screenshot not too far up that does exactly that when it talks about the special conformal group
that's the same "special" as in "special orthogonal group"
An inversion preserves $ds^2$ up to a scale factor, a sequence of them similarly preserves $ds^2$ up to a scale factor, the combined effect of them (with a translation in between) is called a SCT, but in reality it's a sequence of 'inversion+translation+inversion'
The past is a foreign country my friend
Let me see if I can find it
i.e. that source does not inherently define a "conformal" trafo to be orientation-preserving, and so has to call the orientation-preserving trafos "special conformal"
So you don't need to append discrete transformations onto it
e.g. Schottenloher also doesn't require conformal transformations to be inherently orientation-preserving, but then calls "the conformal group" the identity component of the group of conformal transformations of the conf. comp.
(orientation-reversing transformations can never be in the identity component)
If you take $ds^2 = \eta_{\mu \nu} dx^{\mu} dx^{\nu}$ and plug $x_{\mu} = \frac{x_{\mu}'}{x'^2}$ into it, this is a discrete inversion, it preserves $ds^2$ up to an overall factor $x'^{-4}$. The SCT is just
$$x_{\mu} \to \frac{x_{\mu}}{x^2} \to \frac{x_{\mu}}{x^2} + a_{\mu} \to \frac{\frac{x_{\mu}}{x^2} + a_{\mu}}{(\frac{x_{\mu}}{x^2} + a_{\mu})^2}$$
I see
so it's not as if there was universal agreement that "conformal" means "orientation-preserving", just people agree that the thing we're usually interested in is the orientation-preserving ones, much like we are usually interested in the identity component of e.g. the Lorentz group
Is that total group related to the Möbius group, by any chance
It seems to pop up a lot on the topic
the Möbius group is just the conformal group of $\mathbb{C}$ (or rather its comp. the Riemann sphere), no?
I think so?
But that one seems to explicitely admit the inversions
For some reasons
idk, it seems strange that this one does but not the conformal group?
it's like people talking about "the Poincaré group" and they sometimes really do mean the full group and sometimes just the identity component
language is sloppy
it is true that I think basically any subset of spacetime transformation has a "generic" version and one that preserves orientation
Just didn't think of the SCT as being one of them
I also don't think that there is somehow universal agreement that "the Möbius group" explicitly includes inversions
I have certainly seen it included more often than for the conformal group
From the point of view of $SO(4,2)$ you define your $6$-vector $x_{A}$ and let it transform under $x_A' = \Lambda_A^B x_B = (e^{\frac{i}{2} \omega^{CD} J_{CD}})_A^B x_B$ and define the SCT as being generated by $K_{\mu} = J_{5 \mu} - J_{6 \mu}$ and figure out the $x_A'$ explicitly using $(J_{AB})_C^D = i (\eta_{AC} \delta_B^D - \delta_A^D \eta_{BC})$
and then just use this in the $4$-vector $y_{\mu} = \frac{x_{\mu}}{x_5 + i x_6}$ for $\Lambda = e^{i \beta K}$ i.e. work out $y_{\mu}'$, it is a direct derivation which is very difficult the Lie algebra way, usually books resort to guessing to find the explicit formula
e.g. wiki seems to think Möbius transformations are orientation-preserving, too
But then here's a terrible and dumb question
If the various discrete symmetries of the Poincaré group have consequences for particle physics, what happens for inversions in CFTs?
Do CFT theories have an inversion number 🤔
Although apparently inversions are connected to the part of the group connected to spatial reversal
it's literally the difference between O and SO
I see
the orientation preserving trafos are $\mathrm{SO}(p+1,q+1)$, the general ones are $\mathrm{O}(p+1,q+1)$
Is it related to the fact that you can perform rotations as series of reflections?
is what related to that fact?
I don't know, you have two continuous symmetries that can be performed as the action of two discrete symmetries?
This discusses them as $\det(I) = - 1$ transformations on page 5
On pages 3-4 that derives the SCT in an ugly way from the infinitesimal result directly, but at least it doesn't guess the SCT
@Slereah what?
the claim is that "inversion" and "reflection" are part of the same connected component - but a lot of the other elements in that component are "reflection + orientation-preserving trafo" or "inversion + orientation-preserving trafo", not "discrete" reflections/inversion
Fair enough
Qmechanic shows here when exactly reflection and inversion are in the same component
@Slereah as for the significance of inversion as a symmetry of a field theory, see projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.cmp/1103860419
something a student just asked me which I'm forgetting the 'right' answer to
whenever we do scattering theory, we have to use momentum states and deal with the fact that they're not normalizable
formally you avoid that by quantizing scattering states in a box of size L^3
and then you find at the end that the size of the box doesn't actually matter, so the actual value of L is irrelevant
nevertheless: is there a good physical meaning to L? even if it's just at the level of "your box had better be at least "this big" to justify scattering theory"
*(some people do scattering that way)
I am not afraid of the continuous spectrum :p
Conformal group has 15 dimensions, that's like... 6 spatial rotations, 1 timelike rotations, 8 translations
6 Lorentz transformations, 4 translations, 4 SCT's, and a dilation
The numbers match up, yes
this is one place where i might be able to justify my fascination with non-relativistic pilot wave theory
I just need to figure out how they fit with each other
the Lorentz transformations are applied to the projectivized null cone
(though that's 1D not 3D)
The SCT is a vector because you snuck a translation in there sandwiched between the inversions
Yeah I guess the translations + SCTs match up with the 8 translations
'(made using unphysical plane-wave states)'...
Is the dilation corresponding to the O(1) symmetry?
I think it might, considering that the scaling is related to the point on the null cone you consider
In terms of $SO(4,2)$ the dilation is $J_{56}$, the translation is $J_{5 \mu} + J_{6 \mu}$ and the SCT is $J_{5 \mu} - J_{6 \mu}$ and Lorentz is $J_{\mu \nu}$
@bolbteppa unphysical in the sense that you can't actually prepare a true plane wave
ah yeah, they don't perfectly match up I guess
But close enough
usually you deal with that by appealing to Gaussian wavepackets
this is in the same spirit, but just a different set of scattering states
We can't prepare free particles (plane waves), but on the other hand all we can do in QFT is measure free particles (using scattering experiments), it does not make sense to try to bypass using free particles
I probably need to draw a little cone and projecting surface to convince myself it works
@bolbteppa i mean, the point is that "free particles" strictly speaking don't exist. it's just that one usually gets past this by not worrying about the distinction
none of this requires pilot wave theory, though. ultimately it's just doing scattering theory with different scattering states
e.g. arxiv.org/abs/0910.1513 doesn't invoke pilot wave theory at all
Strictly speaking, all we can measure is free particles, so strictly speaking they are the only things that exist on a formal level
(From a qft perspective, which at the end of the day is the most fundamental experimental thing we have)
No particle is truly free
Due to interaction with the universe and capitalism
i mean, you can't and don't prepare states with infinite coherence length. you just prepare it to have a coherence length which is long enough that the distinction doesn't matter :P
that said i haven't seen a version of the above story which is directed at the QFT context, so i can't really speak to that
i also don't actually know how you do QFT scattering theory with finite coherence lengths
Preparing something on this level means something like interacting with what was initially a free particle and ensuring it scatters into an asymptotic free particle state where you have some idea what it is
In reality we are burdened with approximations, but theoretically we can always just set up a free particle and blame ourselves for not being able to describe it properly, we do the same thing in classical physics all the time too
@Slereah seize the means of pair production?
How often do you read the preface/introduction of a book
"It states that any smooth conformal mapping on a domain of Rn, where n > 2, can be expressed as a composition of translations, similarities, orthogonal transformations and inversions: they are Möbius transformations (in n dimensions)."
Liouville got my back on the issue
There's two compactifications of Euclidian space
The conformal one, which is the one point compactification $\mathbb{R}^n \cup \{ \infty \}$, and the projective compactification, $\mathbb{R}^n \cup P_\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)$
The Minkowski equivalent of the first is the Einstein universe, but what would be the second one?
As far as I can guess, the Penrose diagram is the injection of Minkowski space into the Einstein universe, and therefore probably the conformal compactification thereof
But is there one for the projective case?
I know Weyl talked about it a lot but I'm not 100% sure he ever went anywhere specific with it
I guess a priori it should be the same boundary as Euclidan space, but it would be separated into a variety of regions
Jan 21, 2021 at 11:22, by Charlie
To write a Marxist QFT book one would first have to seize the means of pair production
The conformal coordinate nonsense is apparently also related to polyspherical coordinates :
@bolbteppa amusingly, another student question just now was actually in precisely the vein i was speaking to
when we do time-dependent perturbation theory with a harmonic perturbation, you need to assume that the perturbation lasts a long time
@ACuriousMind do you have this chat indexed in your brain? :P
but how can that be justified for a particle scattering? "surely" that interaction should only be happening while the particle is in the vicinity of the atom, and therefore only interacting for a short period of time
Check out this suggestive form
ouh la la
the out is that what you're sending in is a plane wave, which has an infinite ("long enough") coherence length
and therefore spends an infinite amount of time interacting with the atom
@DanielUnderwood maybe?
@Semiclassical I think my mind would break if I tried to interpret e.g. qed scattering in that way :p
@Slereah tractors
i mean, the point is that one should just not think too literally about scattering theory :P
or at least not borrow the intution of "scattering events are brief"
I just can't see how to rationalize 2D holomorphic transformations as conformal transformations by going to 4D and analyzing $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 = 0$
otherewise the use of time-dependent perturbation theory in scattering theory is entirely unintelligible
Maybe saying the point at infinity occurs when $z^2 - t^2 = 0$ holds so we have to preserve $(x + iy)(x - i y) = z \overline{z} = 0$ in the 2D plane which for $dz d \overline{z}$ gives $\frac{dz}{dz'} \frac{d \overline{z}}{d \overline{z}'} dz' d \overline{z}'$
@Semiclassical not so sure about the "surely" :P
well that's why they were in scare quotes!
i do find scattering theory very hard to follow tbh
Sure, you need to "switch off" the potential completely in order to return to free states, but that's why we talk about the free input/output states as the asymptotic past/future
everything interacts with everything else all the time, however neglegibly
we're actually making an error when we pretend we can switch off the interaction completely
right, but the point is also that you shouldn't imagine this as "a wave packet comes in, interacts with the particle, and then comes out"
or, at least
you shouldn't think of said wave packet being narrow
yeah, no, you shouldn't imagine some sort of sharp or even vaguely well-defined boundary there
Technically in the Hydrogen atom or something the interaction is there forever right
the "switch off the interaction" part in scattering theory is part of our model, not part of the world
this is very different as opposed to cases where you literally have an experiment where you can turn the perturbation on an off
@ACuriousMind well, you could imagine a wavepacket being something like this:
what I'm saying doesn't relate to the shape of the in/out states at all
i.e., a wavepacket whose spatial extent is reasonably well-defined
not so sure about step potentials, but potentials like $\frac{1}{r}$ "interact" with your wave packet everywhere and forever regardless of how localized they are
hmm, true
you do have to make some assumptions about the potential being local in scattering theory, tho
sure, because otherwise not even the asymptotic future will guarantee that you reach a regime where the interaction becomes negligible
i'm not sure what a good 'generic' incident scattering state would be for something like a 1/r potential tho
iirc you do a partial wave expansion in terms of Coulomb waves for that
$\psi = (1 + \frac{1}{i k^3 r(1 - \cos \theta)})e^{ikz + \frac{i}{k} \ln(kr - kr \cos \theta)} + \frac{f(\theta)}{r}e^{ikr - \frac{i}{k} \ln(2kr)}$
So it's like $e^{ikz}$ with messy corrections
that first one looks weird
would've expected $1+i k^3 r(1-\cos \theta)$ or some such
In terms of scattering cross sections, the extra terms turn out to be irrelevant
@ACuriousMind i'd also expect the Yukawa potential to be what's "really" relevant in most cases
@bolbteppa well. so long as the leading terms don't vanish :P
Is there a version of projective space where directions matter?
the boundary is just a sphere instead of / Z2
What if I only wished to quotient by $\mathbb{R}^+$
Because sometimes directions are important
1 hour later…
It really saddens me sometimes that in the end, there are maybe like 8 math questions totals, but each of them have a billion nuance
something i'm forgetting: in what sense does the Coulomb potential have a valid Fourier transform? obviously one can pass to the Yukawa potential, take the FT, and then pass to the Coulomb limit, but i'm forgetting if that's the only meaningful way to interpret the Coulomb FT
(obviously one can regularize in different ways)
A: Fourier transform of the Coulomb potential

PraanThis is not really a complete answer, but more of an interesting observation which might help to understand the regularized result better. First observe that \begin{equation} \int_V d^3 r \frac{e^{i\mathbf q \cdot \mathbf r}}{r} = 2\pi \int_0^R dr \int_{-1}^1 du \, r e^{iqru} = \frac{4\pi}{q} \in...

That's an interesting hand-waving one that's easy to remember
You can also do IBP and use $\nabla^2 \frac{1}{r} = 4 \pi \delta(r)$ which gives it in a line or two
yeah, i noticed that answer too
5 hours later…
Can anyone here confirm my calculation (tensor product rules)? I have this pseudo-Riemannian metric given:
$g=-(\cos\alpha dx+\sin\alpha dy)\otimes(-\sin\alpha dx+\cos\alpha dy)$

I want to know how it looks like in the "conventional metric representation". Is the following calculation correct?

$g=-(\cos\alpha dx+\sin\alpha dy)\otimes(-\sin\alpha dx+\cos\alpha dy)=(-\cos\alpha dx)\otimes(-\sin\alpha dx)+(-\cos\alpha dx)\otimes(\cos\alpha dy)+(-\sin\alpha dy)\otimes(-\sin\alpha dx)+(-\sin\alpha dy)\otimes(\cos\alpha dy)=(\cos\alpha\sin\alpha)dx\otimes dx-(\cos^{2}\alpha)dx\otimes dy+(\sin^{

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