so, upon some further reflections on the stuff about the tautological 1-form of yesterday. Effectively, the tautological 1-form can be thought of as attaching a number to every triple of (1) basepoint $q\in Q$, (2) covector $m\equiv(q,p)\in T_q^* Q$ attached to $q$, and (3) tangent vector $v\equiv(q,\tilde v)\in T_q Q$ attached to $q$. So why define this mapping as some $\theta:T^*Q\to T^*(T^* Q)$, or as $\theta:T(T^* Q)\to\mathbb R$?
What I mean is, why bother double (co)tangent bundles for this? Isn't it easier to understand it if we define it as a "metric-like object",mapping each $q\in…