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@Slereah They don't have to be zero at infinity, right?
There are clearly exact solutions to Einstein's equations that have gravity everywhere
4 hours later…
What is the form of momentum which is conserved in electrodynamics?
It isn't mv+qA the canonical momentum. Is it mv-qA as mentioned in my2cts answer[here](https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/114466)
I doubt because the field contribution(volume integral of Poynting vector) isn't being accounted there..
2 hours later…
@VincentThacker that's what I'm saying
@ManasDogra it's the Noether current, presumably
Depends on the form of the Lagrangian you're using
1 hour later…
@ACuriousMind seems like my legacy in this room is eternal :P
Well we all worship Satan here
nice to hear.
2 hours later…
there's so many questions on PSE because people confuse the Lagrangian and the action
I really wish universities tried better to explain it
sometimes the question is basically "How can there be a derivative if $f(0)$ is a constant value!"
3 hours later…
@Slereah hm
Is condensed matter a bit underrepresented on Physics.SE?
@NiharKarve You could say that, but I think it's more that hep-th is overrepresented
Most sciences are underrepresented on PSE
There's almost no meteorology or metrology or geophysics or biophysics
it's mostly the "cool" sciences and the ones that are likely to be in undergrad physics classes
there's also Earth Science, Biology which get at least some questions that would also be on-topic here
Yeah I guess PSE is for more the "fundamental" disciplines?
I'm not sure I know anything about meteorology
there's also a founding effect where many of the initial members were hep-th theorists and so the site was seeded with such questions being overrepresented
I think we did the basic model for atmospheric pressure and heat from the sun
that's about it
The earth is at static pressure and homogeneous temperature for me
it's a cool time to be a meteorologist I suppose
You get to portend doom
Nobody worries about thunderbolt singularities tho
What if the spacetime manifold just ends on tuesday???
Dynamically nothing forbids it
@Slereah at least I then don't have to laundry today
I would personally enjoy seeing a few more true , and questions though
there's plenty of those
although check out physics overflow if you want more maybe
well, only around 30 questions per year are asked across all three tags that I mentioned
It's a lot for such a niche topic!
PO looks pretty dead these days tbh
(and I wouldn't be able to answer many of the questions anyway)
a fun experimental riddle (solved):
Q: Peak in beer freezing temperature plot

EyCI left an open beer in the freezer while monitoring its temperature. The first minutes works as expected. But after the plateau, at about −8 °C, a peak appeared: I thought it was an artefact because the can was open and the sensor was inside. So I repeated the experiment with an intact, closed c...

There's no argument given for the gravitational field vanishing at infinity, it's just stated as an assumption. It doesn't seem to be used anywhere else in L&L and it's not even really used except for being framed as an essential difference between a non-inertial frame and a gravitational field, there's something subtle here at least
or maybe he's wrong idk
Sometimes physicists put in weird notions that they have
The comment is actually in the section on non-relativistic gravitational fields and not in the relativistic section, they don't give this argument in the relativistic section, maybe I am wrong thinking it also applies there, but even in the non-relativistic section, why is this an okay assumption if your model is just $L = mv^2/2 - m \phi$,
We can concoct solutions which don't go to zero at infinity right
Non-relativistic may make sense, yes
Laplace equation with not zero at infinity value is Complicated
It's Poisson with complicated boundary conditions at infinity, can you have solutions or are they impossible
If not then that is probably what's going on with the quote, if you can then maybe it's a physical assumption to exclude them because we are biased by Newton
Q: Do we have a policy or guidance for questions with no one right answer?

DanielSankThis question does not seem to have a single correct answer posted. Which of the following are true: Assume that there will never be one right answer posted (i.e. because there is not in principle a right answer). This was a bad question and should be closed/deleted. Leave it how it is. It's ok...

It's one of those issues physicists don't really care about anymore
it was of some concern in the 19th century but then GR happened a bit later so people kind of stopped caring
A few philosophers of physics talk about it and I don't remember if the conclusion is that it's "physical" or not
the rough idea being that if there's uniform matter distribution (so non-zero potential at infinity), then things diverge, and no matter what regularizing procedure you try to use, it will still not make sense in some way
Poisson's equation is an elliptic partial differential equation of broad utility in theoretical physics. For example, the solution to Poisson's equation is the potential field caused by a given electric charge or mass density distribution; with the potential field known, one can then calculate electrostatic or gravitational (force) field. It is a generalization of Laplace's equation, which is also frequently seen in physics. The equation is named after French mathematician and physicist Siméon Denis Poisson. == Statement of the equation == Poisson's equation is Δ...
I think I remember what this gets into
(I think) There's a boundary term missing in the Green function solution they give, maybe even in Newtonian GR this is just an assumption and one can ask why we can't assume it in GR too
As I said, people tend to not be very fancy with Newtonian gravity today
Because it is the dumb child of GR
IIRC there is a version of Newtonian gravity that's the classical limit of the FRW spacetime
Those would be examples where it wouldn't go to zero at infinity, but otoh, those theories differ by more than a surface term
it's actually different phyiscs

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