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my internet gives out when everything goes online...
2 hours later…
@PM2Ring hi
Can you help?
2 hours later…
@JohnRennie hi.
@YuvrajSingh... hi :-)
@skullpatrol @ACuriousMind ok to clarify why that particular post lead to so much facepalming. It is because of the non mainstreamness implicated due to relating dipoles with dimensions and then only extrapolating the tangential meaning of these analogies, despite the whole thing is not meant to be interpreted as there is such thing as "dipoles in negative dimensions". Thus that paper quoted does not do my post justice
The importance is what new users think when they first saw that
They don't know me and my weird quirks, and will end up as Acuriousmind said it will give a bad professional reputation for h bar
Thus the true system you cannot fight is not the mods, but the way normal people react to weird things
and the mods in this case are innocent
as PWring elaborated previously
A strangely meta MSE question for the 1st of April:
Q: Why does this very Meta question lack a duplicate target?

Robert ColumbiaThe question https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/345815/336163 (asked less than ten minutes ago) was closed as a duplicate less than five minutes ago, but it lacks any semblance of a duplicate target. The header shows: This question already exists: The expected link to the duplicate target is...

@PM2Ring hi how are you? I saw you pin me yesterday related to my question!
This is now an example of a question which itself demonstrates the bug it's reporting :-D — Rand al'Thor 16 hours ago
also typo PM2ring, not PWring
Speaking about April fools...
Can you make April fools fool itself?
@YuvrajSingh... Hi. I'm ok today, but for the past 4 days I had very bad back pain. Even trying to stand up straight was agonising.
@YuvrajSingh... Which question was that?
@PM2Ring bottle water one!
@YuvrajSingh... No, I didn't respond to that question. Your question is not very clear, but I think you have a water bottle with small holes or cracks, and it doesn't start leaking until you open the lid of the bottle. Is that correct?
@PM2Ring it was leaking a bit, and bottle cap was closed earlier.
18 hours ago, by Yuvraj Singh...
Hi guys today I was on my terrace with bottle filled with water, and bottle had holes in its bottom, and earlier the bottle was sealed pack but some amount of water was coming out, and I open the bottle Cap and water start coming out from the holes at very fast rate. And suddenly the bottle had felt down.
@YuvrajSingh... this question?
@JohnRennie yes.
Yes as I saw that water just stopped coming out from the bottle as it falls.
It is like the gravity vanishes
If the bottle is falling then the bottle and the water inside it are in free fall i.e. the gravitational force they feel is zero.
I'm confused why the bottle is "suddenly" falling down. Are you just holding the bottle and letting go of it?
@ACuriousMind yes.
Ah. Well, "suddenly" and the passive voice sort of implied surprise on your part about this happening...
@loong yes sir!
I read some where this was the bass of Einstein GR theory.
@YuvrajSingh... it is!
@YuvrajSingh... see for example:
Q: If gravity isn't a force, then how are forces balanced in the real world?

Karthik Balaji MConsider a simple situation like this- an object is sitting on a table. In classical mechanics, we say that the net force on the object is zero because gravity (treated as a force) and normal reaction force are equal and opposite to each other, and hence, it's acceleration is zero. But according ...

What confuse me us "Einstein think Newton apple drop experiment. Is Newton head rushed towards the apple and they collide.
@Loong wow, it's remarkable how suddenly the water flow cuts off. Well ... not remarkable really ... but still very striking.
@YuvrajSingh... check out the question above, because that's exactly what it is about.
Home schooling in the grip of the virus outbreak:
Though if it was me I think I'd chloroform myself and let the children get on with it.
in The Periodic Table, Oct 14 '16 at 12:24, by Loong
That reminds me how some students I was supervising tried to anaesthetize a fly with chloroform.
in The Periodic Table, Oct 14 '16 at 12:25, by Loong
Capture a fly in a test tube, add a few drops of chloroform, close the tube, and let the chloroform evaporate.
in The Periodic Table, Oct 14 '16 at 12:25, by Loong
That actually worked! So they could put the fly under a microscope.
in The Periodic Table, Oct 14 '16 at 12:27, by Loong
However, when they tried to do that again, the fly dropped into the liquid chloroform.
in The Periodic Table, Oct 14 '16 at 12:27, by Loong
And then we learned that fly is soluble in chloroform.
Judge Doom intensifies
@Loong Skin is soluble in chloroform as well. At Unilever we used a mixture of ether and chloroform to extract skin lipids for analysis, but keep it on the skin for more than a minute or so and it feels as if your skin is on fire.
I have tried it, and I can vouch for the intensity of the pain it causes.
@JohnRennie That's a lovely answer.
suffice to say an accident that involve falling into a tank of chloroform will be an agonising way to go
@PM2Ring though notice that he who shall not be named was unconvinced. There's just no getting through to some people.
The only thing that bothers me about chloroform is why it is not light green in color as its name imply
also... chloroform has a watery smell with a sharp ending at least in lab atmosphere
still much less pungent than benzyl chloride
@Secret described like a wine connoisseur
When I was a kid, there was a popular brand of over-the-counter throat lozenges (LLC) which contained a small amount of chloroform.
The temptation to sniff whatever you're working with can be irresistible, though if it smells of almonds you might be well advised to back away.
I still like the smell of benzene. Smells like old ball pen ink.
interestingly, propane-1-ol smells like strawberries to me
I have in that past inadvertently sniffed hydrogen fluoride and phospine (at very low concentrations). Sometimes I wonder how students ever survive the lab work.
@JohnRennie I noticed. Stuff like that is bound to trigger his "argument from incredulity" circuit. But to be fair, it is pretty mind-blowing the first time you encounter the notion. :)
@Slereah Excellent :-)
@Loong Toluene's got a nice smell too.
formaldehyde has a watery smell, though I don't want to go blind thus I immediately move away from the area when I smelled it
@Slereah Ah, so methanal smells like formaldehyde. ;-)
Apparently iodo-ethane smells "ethereal"
I'm not sure what kind of smell that is
Perhaps if you smell it you go to the astral plane
ethanol has a "deep watery" smell
diethyl ether smells like drowning
I felt like someone is putting gassy oil into my lungs when I smelled ether
and if I don't get out of the area in 5 s, I felt dizzy and drowning like
that's ether for you
All the thiols smell terrible it seems
skunks extraordinate
Lactones are the good stuff
Asparagus doesn't smell of anything much until it has been through your kidneys, when it suddenly produces the characteristically rank thiol smell.
If you go outside after a long day in the organic laboratory, you have adapted and now the clean fresh air has a taste.
I like the smell of diethyl ether, but it gives me a headache within minutes, even at low concentrations.
@Loong Novelty detection
@PM2Ring Do you smell it from an American flag
@Slereah No. :D
Smelling dimethyltryptamine will actually send you to the astral plane
When it comes to stinky, thiols are just appetizers. Go down the periodic table to selenium & tellurium for the serious contenders. ;)
@PM2Ring does the moon stink
Sure, it's made of cheese after all
oh apparently there isn't a particular large quantity of selenium on the moon
@Slereah I'm sure I remember reading somewhere that dust collected from the Moon does smell bad.
@JohnRennie I also seem to remember that due to a lack of erosion, dust on the moon is like tiny knives
and will shred your lungs like asbestos
From Things I Won’t Work With: Selenophenol A few years ago, Gaussling at the Lamentations on Chemistry blog referred to it as “The biggest stinker I have run across. . .Imagine 6 skunks wrapped in rubber innertubes and the whole thing is set ablaze. That might approach the metaphysical stench of this material.”
Maybe that's what causes the unpleasant smell i.e. a physical mechanism rather than a chemical one.
Asbestos crystals look very threatening
"The Moon is made of green cheese" is a statement referring to a fanciful belief that the Moon is composed of cheese. In its original formulation as a proverb and metaphor for credulity with roots in fable, this refers to the perception of a simpleton who sees a reflection of the Moon in water and mistakes it for a round cheese wheel. It is widespread as a folkloric motif among many of the world's cultures, and the notion has also found its way into children's folklore and modern popular culture. The phrase "green cheese" in the common version of this proverb (sometimes "cream cheese" is used)...
it's on wikipedia
it must be true
The respirable fraction of lunar dusts may be toxic to humans. NASA has therefore determined that an exposure standard is necessary to limit the amount of respirable airborne lunar dusts to which astronauts will be exposed. The nominal toxicity that is expected from ordinary mineral dust may be increased for lunar dusts due to the large and chemically reactive surfaces of the dust grains. Human exposures to mineral dusts during industrial operations and from volcanic eruptions give researchers some sense of the relative toxicity of lunar dust, although the Earth-based analogs have serious limitations...
@Slereah Yes, it's all produced by shattering, with virtually no processes happening that can round stuff off.
That's it, no more doing lines of moon dust for me
"Feel it—it's soft like snow, yet strangely abrasive."
No, don't feel it!
Mars dust gets a little bit of rounding by being blown in the wind; OTOH, it contains all sorts of fairly active chemicals (like oxides) that are very happy to absorb any water they can get.
One thing I wonder is
What do individual smell receptors smell like?
Because smell doesn't work via individual receptors for each smell
Each chemical activates every receptor to some degree, and the smell is just the set of all those potentials
So we never really smell anything that activates a single receptor
Actually, some of the moon dust isn't produced by shattering. Really big impactors will splash up molten rock, and you will get some smooth droplets forming when the rock re-solidifies. But you'll also get some very jagged stuff too.
this means that, much like impossible colors, there are impossible smells
Q: What does chlorine trifluoride smell like? A: It smells like your nose is on fire.
do you seriously smell that?
Q: Why does it smell like your nose is on fire? A: Because it is.
that thing burns concrete in seconds
hmm impossible smells...
problem is unlike the eye which is mostly 3 cones and tons of rods, the nose have over 1000 receptors
so it is very hard to isolate the effect of just one receptor
I have yet to found any scholarly research on single ofactory receptor response
Impossible smells could possibly be generated by hallucinations, but there aren't a lot of drugs that give you olfactory hallucinations
Apparently Diphenhydramine does
One of the most terrifying thing I've ever seen is the test they administer to dementia patients where they ask them to draw a clock
This is how you know you're going mad
...indicates a reduction in the ability of coordinating motor movements, and distortion of the sense of space and time...
that's my thought when I look at those diagrams
the way they are distorted though, seems to suggest some things are emphasised while some things are lost
makes me wonder what that guy who drew the multihand clock in 3III is thinking
No, that's not the issue
The point of using a clock is just because it tests a variety of abilities
Shapes, sequences, positions, etc
@Slereah My maternal grandfather suffered from Alzheimer's for the last 5 years or so of his life. I didn't see him very much towards the end, it was just too distressing, and he didn't recognise anybody anyway. :( He stayed with my mum & step-dad, until he got too difficult for them to manage.
it is not very fun
Yeah that was what I am thinking, Alzhimers usually recall very old memories but not stuff in the recent past, so I am suspecting that whatever features in the clock that looks remotely normal may be a hint of memories they still retain
Dementia doesn't just affect memory
e.g. perhaps the person in IV4 love sequences, so that part don't get degraded alot
Novel approach to Room Temperature Superconductivity problem. I. Timokhin and A Mishchenko, arXiv:2003.14321 (2020).
↑ makes the annals, for sure
It can get fairly bad
He was a builder, and specialised in roofing for most of his career. When he was in the nursing home he gave the staff a hard time because he was such a good escape artist, and had no qualms about climbing out of windows & strolling around on the roof. :)
My niece Bianca has done some work on genetic markers for Alzheimer's, eg researchgate.net/publication/…
seriously, no stars for high-TC superconductors?
These days, she's got a baby to look after, but she has done some work with her husband Nathan on respiratory viruses. hmri.org.au/news-article/…
Isn't room temperature superconductivity old news by now?
processing stars in progress
If it's cheap room temperature, that would be great
@Slereah go and look at the preprint
Does he have to work from home because of the virus
you did look at the date, right?
@EmilioPisanty Cute, I assume that's an April Fool's Day paper.
@Slereah presumably, yes
The date isn't actually on the paper, but yes I got it
Oh also 2003
Wait, is it 2020 or 2003
Oh 2003 is submission number
@EmilioPisanty The non April fools response to that is: assuming we don't die first, the amount of liquid nitrogen needed will leave our earth with no atmosphere
Also april fool doesn't excuse papers made in MS Words :p
> Acknowledgements | The authors acknowledge unprecedented circumstances of at home lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak.
I don't follow at all the superconductor scene
@Slereah Probably not, but I haven't spoken to him for a while. I figure he's kinda busy right now. His lab is equiped to handle pretty dangerous stuff. Eg, the air pressure is kept below ambient, so nothing nasty can accidentally leak out.
how are superconductor nowadays
@Slereah arXiv IDs are of the form YYMM.nnnnn
Speaking of COVID-19, I am still annoyed that having more phenomenologists at home still failed to give new physics
@PM2Ring huh. attoscience labs are normally kept above ambient pressure (when possible), so dust doesn't get in.
Surely for a virus that can take down economies and whatnot, physics is no match to it lol?
@PM2Ring that sort of thing I talked about indeed
@EmilioPisanty Indeed. Nathan's lab may suck a bit of dust, but that's better than potentially infecting the neighborhood with some respiratory bug.
yeah, that's fair.
for us it's more a matter of, if a speck of dust settles on a mirror, and is then hit by an IR pulse at PW peak power, that bit of mirror isn't gonna mirror anything at all at any time in the future.
@Slereah could also be used as a reCAPTCHA
does that part of the mirror become charred when that happens, I don't know but normal char can be wiped by suitable cloths that are not abrasive to the mirrors
but I don't know if laser grade mirrors have specialised wiping cloth
unless, you mean the irradiated dust actually melts that part of the mirror due to the IR output that is concentrated on it
@EmilioPisanty Got it. :) What do you make lenses etc out of that can handle petawatts of IR? I know salt (NaCl) is used for some low power IR work.
I am looking at a propagator in the Hubbard model and my timescale is beta. I see that for longer (imaginary) times tau, the particle can propagate further away.
However, it can't move infinitely far, as the time is limited by beta. If I increase beta I would assume the particle can propagate further away. Now, when I think about beta not as a time scale, but as inverse temperature, I struggle to understand what is going on. If beta -> 0, and temperature goes to infinity the particle can't propagate at all and if beta goes to infinity the particle can propagate far. But is this how temperature works, it is not very intuitive to me.
@PM2Ring what matters is more the intensity than the power
but generally you try to avoid transmissive optics once the pulse has been amplified and re-compressed
i.e. you try to work with reflective optics as far as possible
That makes sense.
this isn't quite so much about damage thresholds as about dispersion
transmissive optics are generally dispersive, and will tend to mess with the temporal envelope of your pulse
damage is also a concern, but dispersion comes up first
when you do use transmissive optics, you normally pre-compensate for them by adjusting the pulse compressor
... with all of this within the framework of Chirped Pulse Amplification, as described in my answer about it
damage is definitely a concern on clean optics, but mostly within the amplification stage
Ok. I'll take a look at that answer. I guess even with a fairly monochromatic beam you still get dispersion with short pulses.
Ah, that was easy to find: physics.stackexchange.com/q/432137/123208
@PM2Ring "fairly monochromatic" and "short pulse" are essentially antonyms.
"fairly" and "short" are weaselly, undefined adjectives, but as soon as you give them quantitative meanings, there's a strict trade-off between the two.
@PM2Ring ;-)
@EmilioPisanty Sure, Fourier and all that.
@EmilioPisanty So how do you do that recombining step without blowing stuff up? "Finally, you pass your pulse through a reversed set of gratings which will undo the relative delay between the longer- and shorter-wavelengths of your pulse"
Is that cuneiform?
It's a clock
I think that AI may have dementia
> suspected frontotemporal dementia
@PM2Ring you use reflective gratings
and you work with reflective optics after that
@EmilioPisanty Ah, right. And make sure there's no dust on them. :)
and you consider very carefully the dispersive and Kerr-lensing effects of any transmissive optics you introduce after the compressor
generally, you'll need at least some transmissive optics
most notably including any windows into vacuum chambers
... unless you fit the compressor inside a vacuum chamber, of course, which will be quite expensive and a lot of hassle, but it does happen, e.g. at ELI Beamlines
do the dust just dispersed the beams or it actually get heats up and damage the mirror since you said dispersion will be a bigger issue compared to damage?
@Loong I have a question about tritiated water that I keep meaning to ask you. I understand that it's somewhat corrosive, due to self-radiolysis. I've tried looking for the pH of tritiated water, but with no success. Is pH even useful in this context? Or should I say pT?
@Secret as I understand it, dust is mostly a problem when it settles on optical surfaces, and not if it's just floating around
(but keep in mind I don't directly work in a lab)
Ah right
1 hour later…
Q: Breaking the light speed barrier

HellfireA question I put to a physicst who didn't know the answer. Assuing that our current understanding that the speed of light can't be matched or breached is correct, if you were travelling at the fastest possible speed in a space ship, say 99.99% of light speed, what would then happen if you were t...

I am quite sure that someone would have surely asked it before ☝️
The answer was Korea, not China
I guess it breaks down to textbook stuff yeah
@NovaliumCompany There's still a lot of animosity in China towards Japan due to the atrocities committed during the World War 2 era. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Sino-Japanese_War en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731 Etc
@PM2Ring hi.
@YuvrajSingh... Hi, again.
Do you agree with physicists like brian Greene that, we live in world of parallel universe. And there are enormous number of universe and big bang we know is only the origin of our universe ;-)
@FakeMod Re: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/540816/… It's quite appropriate for someone to update their answer in response to comments requesting clarification, etc. But if the comment is asking a follow-up or tangential question, then sure, it's probably better to respond with a comment.
The third clock in I is a masterpiece
@YuvrajSingh... Does Brian Greene claim that we actually live in a world of parallel universes, or does he just talk about the possibility and the science that suggests that we may, and how such situations might seem?
@Jmac he didn, t use the word parallel.
@PM2Ring Yeah! Now seeing my comment again, I admit my comment was too "straightforward" and short and I was just lazy to explain :)
@YuvrajSingh... I just copied your words.
@Jmac but he said our universe is part of these universe.
I am sorry to use parallel I should had remove that!
...on what type of keyboard is , next to '?
@JohanLiebert Why did you delete your answer to that meta question?
@YuvrajSingh... Where did he say it though? Was he presenting it as a fact, or a possibility? I don't remember Brian Greene pushing any one interpretation over others as if it were true, but I only read one of his books and it's been awhile.
@Jmac it was in some class!
I'm pretty sure he's careful about what he says about parallel universes, "MAY" etc
I have the video!
@YuvrajSingh... Maybe. ;) I'm not a fan of the Many Worlds Interpretation, but I did write an answer about it recently: physics.stackexchange.com/a/536580/123208 In that answer, I assume there's a single Big Bang that created an infinite number of universes. In general, I'm not that attracted to theories with multiple Big Bangs, but some of those theories are intriguing, like Lee Smolin's Cosmological Natural Selection
@ACuriousMind On this XKeyboarCD 👇
@bolbteppa he even compare our universe like a sandwich!
@YuvrajSingh... Right; but it's important to pay attention about the specifics about what people are saying. Especially with QM interpretations. The statement "Do you agree with physicists like brian Greene that, we live in world of parallel universe." implies that Brian Greene openly supports that interpretation over others; but for the sake of accuracy most physicists only talk about that as a possibility, because we have no way to prove that over other explanations.
"My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose". — J. B. S. Haldane
@FakeMod: With respect to your comment: Thanks for letting me know that. I was wondering why \Sigma didn't auto resize to the good looking \sum :-)
What I feel is physicists try to explore nature, and use his imagination that what is happening and how is thing happening.
So yes he said this words and then said about multiple universe!
@GuruVishnu You are welcome! :)
BTW whoever deleted the comments on the Meta post by insomniac, please also delete my last comment, because now it looks meaningless......
@PM2Ring That's one thing I find really interesting about physics. It's about such fundamental things that it's really not clear if you could ever possibly get to a good enough level of understanding.
@FakeMod You can delete your own comments (though it might be a pain on mobile).
@JMac No worries! "the system" did it!
I saw.
I was gonna write that I didn't want to sound condescending, but I ran out of space, in other words, the margin was too small....:P
@YuvrajSingh... Do you have a link to the video you're talking about?
@YuvrajSingh... You're doing that thing again:
Mar 18 at 14:49, by PM 2Ring
@YuvrajSingh... Hi. You said: "that, s what I am saying". But you should write that with an apostrophe ' not a comma , and there should be no space after the apostrophe because it's inside a word. Like this: "that's what I am saying". I notice that you often make this mistake, and it makes your posts harder to read.
@FakeMod Flags, not chat for moderator interventions, please
I am not sure, because I got just 2 minute clip I searched on YouTube and I find this.
@ACuriousMind Sorry! But I have flagged it now!
You have some work to do :P
I often happen to be looking at chat when I'm on the site, but few other mods will. There is nothing wrong in using custom mod flags, we can handle a few surperfluous flags :P
@PM2Ring it is an habit, I must admit I am very weak at literature because from my small town I did not get proper education in literature and grammar.
Damn! "the system" is really unhappy with me. It constantly keeps on deleting my enlightening comments, arghhhh....:P Jk, do as you please, you make better decisions
I would advise "the system" to "relax"....... Don't kill me, this was intended as a joke
@FakeMod I'm personally avoiding writing comments on that question. The OP is clearly heated, and most comments seem to just be making things worse.
@YuvrajSingh... Personally, I am fond of Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory and the Transactional Interpretation. Unfortunately, nobody has been able to achieve much with that interpretation of QM.
@JMac I doubt that the system is just waiting for the OP to finish everything and then delete all those comments at once...... The system is intelligent
@Jmac have you seen that video.
@JMac metoo. I have given up. The system's surely gonna delete my comments
@FakeMod I'd advise you to disengage. Snark is not the answer here (it's never the answer).
4 hours ago, by Slereah
Here is a handy smell chart :
I keep on reading it as "handy smelly chart"...hahahaha
@YuvrajSingh... I think I've seen parts of it before. I don't know where the part about Brian saying we live in a multiverse is though.
@ACuriousMind Yeah sure! (But was I being snarky?(that's an honest question))
@PM2Ring certainly
They are good.
Snark reminds me of Snarky Puppy ;)
@FakeMod The comment about the chat room struck me as snarky. If you meant it in earnest, let me clarify that chat is definitely not the place to have such conversations - meta discussions should stay on meta where people can see them.
@ACuriousMind Even long winding conversations like this?
We won't agree with strung theory credibility, but it is giving correct result for 20 numbers.
On the main site we'd move to chat, but on meta we usually don't do that - it is for discussion, after all.
@ACuriousMind Oh!!! That's something new! Thanks!
Mar 12 '16 at 11:44, by ACuriousMind
"'Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.'" - from Eric, by Terry Pratchett.
(by which I mean to say I don't see what's so exciting about this information that it's worth a '!!!' :P )
@ACuriousMind what about a separate chat room for meta only?
@ACuriousMind Ouch !!!
@YuvrajSingh... what about it?
@ACuriousMind I am not meticulous enough to weigh the worth of exclamation marks before typing them!!!!!!!!!!
Don't get me wrong, mods can move meta comments to chat just as well as they can main site comments. We just don't usually do it because "comments are not for extended discussion" doesn't really apply on meta.
@ACuriousMind room which directly meta site related problem.
that sentence no verb
@FakeMod The easy solution to that is only ever use one. It seems to work very consistently.
Why has "the system" stopped working? Why is "the system" no longer deleting comments? PSE wants to know!!!! :P
@JMac Hmm..I am willing to try that!
@ACuriousMind that's a nice reply stating the mistake using the mistake!
Thank you for pointing out my Very Clever Rhetorical Device.
@ACuriousMind You have a comment flag to handle. Please check it! Even if you don't act, still the custom text is worth checking out!
@FakeMod Moderator flags can be seen by all mods and should not be used in jest. Also, please stop using chat to try to get me to take moderator actions. I don't want to repeat that a third time.
2 mins ago, by FakeMod
@ACuriousMind You have a comment flag to handle. Please check it! Even if you don't act, still the custom text is worth checking out!
Just don't get angry...
Also, "And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head." — Terry Pratchett, Maskerade.
@ACuriousMind oh! You did get angry. Why am I so bad at humour?
@PM2Ring Your comment made me imagine stuff which I would never like to see :)
@FakeMod Knowing when to be funny and when not to be is a non-trivial skill, don't beat yourself up over that, just try to learn for the next time
@ACuriousMind I would rather be serious always. That never hurts.
Q: Groenewold's derivation of the star product (On the principles of elementary Quantum Mechanics)

Yousef Lin$\newcommand{\dd}{{\rm d}}$ In the paper "On the principles of elementary Quantum Mechanics" am trying to get from equation EQN 4.25 to EQN 4.27. I need help on exponential identities and integration by parts. Basically I need to get from part (9) to (10) of my calculations (Full details after th...

what happened there?
that's odd
it was showing MathJax errors but they disappeared when I reloaded the page
looks like error-free MathJax to me :P
¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
ah well
Reusing \f from the post instead of \fracing like you should've? tsk, tsk. — Emilio Pisanty 12 secs ago
I don't support \fracking
@FakeMod actually the answer there didn't added much to the other answers there. Also I thought of it as a clarification to the OP (and by the time he had seen it I deleted it).
@JohanLiebert Well, that's absolutely your choice, but if it were me I wouldn't have deleted that answer.
Q: The scope of \newcommand changed

Emilio PisantyIt was pointed out earlier today on chat, by Martin Sleziak, that the scope of MathJax new commands changed at some point in the (recent?) past: it was switched for Math SE in January of last year and on this site at some point in the intervening months. The short of it is that answers now start...

@FakeMod I un-deleted the answer. Though I believe that the OP should be suspended to cool down.
@JohanLiebert I think we should leave the modding to the mods. That's what we elected them for.
@JohanLiebert Please do not call for the suspension of specific other users publicly.
But I agree that a quiet word from a mod to that user might be useful.
If you have concerns about moderation of a specific post you are, once again, welcome to raise a flag.
@JohanLiebert Yeah I saw. Most probably the OP has "self-suspended" (disengaged) him/herself. There's a high chance that they may have requested for account deletion as the hate was evident from their comments.
But let me assure you that the moderators are well aware of this post and do not need another reminder that it exists every 5 minutes :P
Q: How to check $\renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \vec{v'}\cdot\vec{V}$ and $\vec{v}'^2$ are time derivatives of some other functions?

ChipotleHSFrom Landau, Lifshitz Mechanics p.127 $\renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}L'=\frac{1}{2}m(\vec{v}'^2+\vec{v'}\cdot\vec{V}+\vec{V}^2)-U $ He states that "$\vec{V}^2(t)$ can be written as the total derivative with respect to $t$ of some other function.". I understood that but the point that I cou...

that's some awful MathJax-ing right there
any ideas?
luckily nothing is explicitly broken
\renewcommand in the title?
good lord
but still, it feels like the kind of extraneous MathJax that needs to go
@ACuriousMind yes.
change all \vec's to \mathbf's?
sounds reasonable
On the other hand, is anything lost just deleting the \renewcommand and just leaving the standard $\vec{v}$?
Q: How to check $\mathbf v' · \mathbf V$ and $\mathbf v'^2$ are time derivatives of some other functions?

ChipotleHSFrom Landau, Lifshitz Mechanics p.127 $$ \renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} L'=\frac{1}{2}m(\vec{v}'^2+\vec{v'}\cdot\vec{V}+\vec{V}^2)-U $$ He states that "$\vec{V}^2(t)$ can be written as the total derivative with respect to $t$ of some other function.". I understood that but the point that I...

@ACuriousMind consistency with the question body
I'd just have deleted it everywhere. I mean, intention of the author is all fine and good but I doubt anyone really cares whether vectors are arrowed or bolded in a post they wrote six years ago :P
too late
But this is fine too
if you want to edit then go ahead =)
I've just gone through 120 posts, I'm not spending more time on that one =P
@ACuriousMind please it will help us if we have a new chat room for meta!
Whom will it help? What will improve?
For user who have queries related to their meta post!
You're free to make a coherent argument for whatever exactly your proposal is and post it on meta to see what other users think.
@ACuriousMind OK cool, do I need to add some specific tag for such kind of post!
Meta has done fine - within the restrictions of the SE system - for the last decade or so. Please consider any change to our meta habits carefully and present evidence for its necessity.
@YuvrajSingh... In what ways is the current combination (this room plus the backup room) insufficient for the purposes you're describing here?
@YuvrajSingh... If you don't understand enough about our meta habits that you need to ask what to tag proposals with, maybe you should re-evaluate whether you understand meta enough to make a proposal for changing it.
@ACuriousMind you misspelled maybe
@ACuriousMind yes?
Is that a question? The result of a (very fast) evaluation? A random reply not related to my post?
Honestly, I'm getting very frustrated with the way you're communicating here. Please try to talk in complete, coherent sentences that one can understand without having to try to read your mind.
I understand English is not your native language (neither it is it mine) but that's not really an excuse for not even trying.
I'm sorry to be so blunt about it but you've ignored all my (and others') more subtle attempts at this so far.
What does one mean by the phrase "scaling solution" in physics?
@NanashiNoGombe That's not a generic term from physics, and a quick Google (e.g. books.google.de/…) suggests that it's a term in cosmology for some solutions of cosmological equations that scale with the Hubble parameter
@ACuriousMind sorry for incomplete sentence I was about to right the upcoming part, there was a Internet issue in my area, and I am shocked by this.
This mean your claim regarding my incomplete sentences
I would say it is not your fault may be my poor hold on language and grammar error make me feel hard to convey what I want to say some times but there were a only few incidence where I wrote four words sentence and I am sorry for that.
@ACuriousMind I am curious, what exactly did you search with Google? I use DuckDuckGo and I searched for <meaning of "scaling solution" in physics> and got nothing. 🤔
@NanashiNoGombe I just searched for physics "scaling solution", this was on the first page for me
The quotes are important though, I only get irrelevant things when searching for physics scaling solution
Here's a lovely sweet acoustic guitar song by 60s rockers, Pete Townsend from The Who, and Ronnie Lane from The Small Faces. April Fool.
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