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03:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

@JohanLiebert That's what I was talking, there is polarization and that's what I dislike.
I give up my mind of posting answers here
Q: An apology to our community, and next steps

David FullertonI’m David Fullerton, Stack Overflow’s CTO, responsible for the product, engineering, and community teams. I joined Stack Overflow in 2010 because I believed in the vision and mission of Stack Overflow. I wanted to be a part of building a community where programmers come together to help one anot...

@JohanLiebert it's a bot, no human curates it and it is a time honoured tradition to downvote its Community Ad every year ;)
@AbhasKumarSinha what happened to him(Chandrasekhar)?
@JohanLiebert nothing
@JohanLiebert he reached a limit
@ACuriousMind I wonder why you don't inform everyone here to address you in a gender neutral way?
@JohnRennie He's newly appointed, I think.
@JohnRennie @JohanLiebert Let's move to physics parliament.
@AbhasKumarSinha it was a poor attempt at a joke. So poor that no-one noticed :-)
@ACuriousMind "it is a time honoured tradition to downvote its Community Ad every year" I can't comprehend it (is it a joke?)
@JohnRennie lol, okay, I now get it...
@JohanLiebert Just downvote, that's it.
@AbhasKumarSinha why would I? I'm fine with being called 'he', though given my profile picture I can't take really exception to people calling me otherwise at first
Since God is gender neutral I would like everyone to call me God.
@JohanLiebert no, it's just what happens. Every year the default ad for the Twitter account gets posted, and every year it gets downvoted because no one really likes that twitter feed
@ACuriousMind But, CoC says, tht Gender Neutral Chat should be promoted. By citing a useless US Law.
@ACuriousMind okay I got it.
@AbhasKumarSinha no, that not what it says. Just call people by the pronouns they ask you to use.
> Use stated pronouns (when known).
@ACuriousMind Okay...
@JohnRennie God please help me!
I was once lectured for using gender neutral words by a moderator in other room.
I didn't like it! :(
@JohnRennie God, What did you have at dinner? :P
@JohanLiebert I bring words of comfort to all physicists: "don't study fluid dynamics"
@JohnRennie Why? Fluid Dyanamics is cooool! :P XD :D
Mods, we have a bot in the room! :-)
@JohnRennie :P XD
@JohnRennie @AbhasKumarSinhA God is the God of GR and SR!
@JohanLiebert God is the God of the God of GR, SR
There is a relativistic version of fluid dynamics of course - magnetohydrodynamics
@JohnRennie God, help me XD
@JohnRennie What is the name of your kid?
@AbhasKumarSinha God is the God of GOd of God! (Now after sometime it would become meaningless!)
> Magnetohydrodynamics combines the intuitive nature of Maxwell's equations with the easy solvability of the Navier-Stokes equations. It's so straightforward physicists add "relativistic" or "quantum" just to keep it from getting boring.
@JohanLiebert God is the God of GOd of God of God is the God of GOd of God!
@JohnRennie K, it's very boring now.
@JohnRennie God have you voted to close this homework question?
@JohanLiebert If god says, follow.
@AbhasKumarSinha okay bye!
@JohanLiebert aha, thanks, I've voted to close now.
@JohnRennie Resnick Halliday Walker 3rd Edition, chapter 1 question 10 (exercise), we were asked to do that in 8th grade!
"Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!" Donald Dick
@Semiclassical Hello sir, Is there any stuff on Quantum Entanglement in Landau and Lifshitz?
@JohnRennie lol xkcd, 21st century wisdom with stick figures humor on fluid dynamics + collatz, more than anyone realizes, ahead of its time™ :) explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/710:_Collatz_Conjecture store.xkcd.com/products/collatz-conjecture
@vzn <3 Number Theory
@AbhasKumarSinha \o .<3 .. so what parts do you like? :)
@vzn collatz conjecture, prime numbers and distribution.
@AbhasKumarSinha sometime when you have free time check out riemann hypothesis + physics too (QM) :)
@SarveshAhuja space time is not QM
Electrons move in continuous paths and don't teleport but thy don't have definite paths
How exactly does the electron move
@vzn riemann hypothesis? I give up, its insanely hard and requires analysis... I tried doing long way back...
@SarveshAhuja it takes one of infinite paths from one point to other.
there is new cutting edge research/ experiments measuring electron transitions that have mainstream physicists agreeing that bohr didnt have the complete story, and that new revisions to the theory are here. see eg quantamagazine.org/…vzn 40 secs ago
Is it like a spiral or a jump?
@SarveshAhuja It's non definite movement is the cause of existance of resonance structures.
@SarveshAhuja No one knows, no one has seen, so we don't assume both, but generalize them.
@SarveshAhuja But these paths have certainly a pattern, which causes interference.
Unfortunately nothing in real world/classical object can be used to explain it...
What Ki was thinking if such resonance structures occur,what resonance structures?:)
Sry..what kind of resonance structures
@SarveshAhuja Resonance structures are needed in chemistry, because the electrons can be everywhere!, even at your hands, but there are different probabilities of having it at different places. When we draw resonance structures, we keep in mind to draw structures where electrons have most chances of being there (for example near electro negative elements)
(coincidentally) recently emailed 5 top physicists leading/ investigating the area about an experiment that may reveal electron jumping dynamics using classical fluid dynamics, havent heard back from any yet... "the search goes on..." :(
@vzn lol
I'll be back.
No..the type of resonance(waves)I was talking abt in my questions physics.stackexchange.com/q/522694/187127is different
pits abt the resonance in space time
I don't understand ur question.
if possible?!
@SarveshAhuja Our classical ideas about trajectories don't apply very well to electrons. However, we can say that electrons move smoothly, they don't jump around in a discontinuous fashion. Please see knzhou's excellent answer:
A: Do electrons really perform instantaneous quantum leaps?

knzhou Do electrons change orbitals as per QM instantaneously? In every reasonable interpretation of this question, the answer is no. But there are historical and sociological reasons why a lot of people say the answer is yes. Consider an electron in a hydrogen atom which falls from the $2p$ state...

In in case of rather instantaneous or extremely quick motion,the curvature in space time due to the electron’s mass would relax(where it was present initially,and then cause curvature at the final place it has moved to...
Thanks , I will read it and check back..
It makes kind of sense..but I don’t know what these symbols mean... |𝜓(𝑡)⟩=𝑐1(𝑡)|2𝑝⟩+𝑐2(𝑡)|1𝑠⟩.
cuz I haven’t learnt all of this
still in high school
@SarveshAhuja It's Bra-Ket Notation aka Diarc's Notation.
Practically speaking, we can generally ignore the changes to spacetime curvature due to the movement of electrons. The electromagnetic effects are far greater, by around 40 orders of magnitude. So unless your experiments can measure stuff with 40 significant figures you won't even see those gravitational effects.
It's just superposition principle which says $$ \psi = \sum_n c_n \psi_n $$
Where, $c \in \mathbb C$
@SarveshAhuja Quantum Gravitation is very controversial, but we generally don't see those effects.
@AbhasKumarSinha, all I see is sumbols and $ signs in ur reply..
@SarveshAhuja Use Latex Plugin
What’s that
from where
ψ=∑_n c_n ψ_n
^ this one
So basically our quantum theory and general relativity show some effects through math but might not nessecarily model our world
is it?
@SarveshAhuja no
@SarveshAhuja applies to all theories, we may get some results which might be useless, but the thing you are talking about, holds both correctly.
but together..as in the question?
@SarveshAhuja yes, it's called, Quantum Field Theory
then I was just wondering, if we are able to replicate the motion of the electron, is it possible to create more significant effects in space time and perhaps create such resonating depressions to tear space time(to create a temporary black hole)
@SarveshAhuja I don't see any point of thinking about spacetime, it's a altogether a different thing and has nothing to do with quantum mechanics
@SarveshAhuja Ok. That equation just says that at the start of the transition the electron is in the 2p orbital, and at the end of the transition the electron is in the 1s orbital. During the transition the electron is in a superposition of the 2s and 1s states. If you try to observe the electron during the transition you will always observe it in either the 2p or 1s state, never in some other state.
And the equation tells you the probability of measuring it in each state. So near the start of the transition, the probability is close to 100% that you'll see it in the 2p state, near the end of the transition, the probability is close to 100% that you see it in the 1s state. And in the middle of the transition the probability is 50% that you see it in 2p, and 50% that you see it in 1s. This is fundamentally the way that probability works for any quantum transition.
But if such motion exists in the quantum world shouldn’t we be able to do the above
@SarveshAhuja I'd suggest you to read some stuff on QM/QFT (the mathematical way) so that you won't get confused...
Where can I learn a of this for beginners ,cuz I don’t have much mathematical knowledge besides till 12th Std of Indian high school
@SarveshAhuja I read in 12th std. Indian High School. I think mathematical part is okay for it.
@SarveshAhuja Quantum theory and general relativity are both very good models, but we don't know (yet) how to combine them into a united quantum gravity theory. But that's mostly ok, since we only need quantum gravity to model very extreme situations, like at the core of a black hole, or conditions during the very early phases of the Big Bang, when the universe was less than 1 nanosecond old.
QM is very easy, easier than classical mech...
Thx for it time
*your time
get back to you soon
@SarveshAhuja Ok.
Does $U \times U^{\dagger} = I$?
or $[(1,1,1,\dots),(1,1,1\dots),\dots]$
@AbhasKumarSinha Does this help? physics.stackexchange.com/a/494763/123208
@PM2Ring Oh yes, thanks :)
2 hours later…
Q: Can this question be slavaged?

Yulia VI am making an analogy between the history of arts and physics and wanted to make sure that the physics side is correct. As such, the question is probably not a good fit for this site, but maybe it can be salvaged by rephrasing? Or maybe someone can answer it here? We can try and see the prog...

Q: Do we imagine the World?

AjaxIf yes, please elucidate what must be the case such that we can make the statement : "We imagine the World". If no (or if the question is meaningless/absurd) please demonstrate using logical arguments that it cannot be said that "We imagine the World".

Looking at the this (👆) question it seems to me that it is quite hard to close question on the basis of meaningless-ness on Philosophy.SE (the OP might ask what does it mean to be meaningless?)!
Q: What kind of propulsion would a Scrubbing Bubble use

LegitRFacoonThe brand name bathroom cleaner Scrubbing Bubbles has a mascot, that is a bubble with a rotating bush on the bottom. Please view this video to see an example of the motion. I would like to know what this kind of propulsion is called, and or what it would take for a real life device to move arou...

I already used an off-topic(blatantly off-topic) flag for the above 👆 question. Should I use the spam flag?
@FakeMod it looks to me that the post has been created for promoting the product!
@FakeMod I'm going to flag it as a spam.
Q: Determine Earth's radius with stopwatch at sunset

GDDThis question appeared on Bangladesh physics Olympiad 2014, Sylhet, Bangladesh for students of class 9 and 10. I really tried to solve this but i failed. Please help. Suppose that, while lying on the beach near the equator watching the sun set over a calm ocean, you start a stopwatch just as...

Meh! It became a HNQ.
@FakeMod i don't think it's spam, but i don't think it's on topic either (mostly because it relies on one to either watch enough TV to be familiar with the product & commercial or jump off-site to watch a commercial)
@JohanLiebert I have flagged to be removed from HNQ
I want to plant a long-term financial seed that will grow overtime. What are good options? Index funds seem to be the choice for now.
@AaronStevens I'm really disappointed how many upvotes have been given for those answers... It's just "I tried to solve this but can't help please", like a super blatant homework question.
@JMac Yes, I agree. And they are from users who I would think should recognize this.
@JohnRennie I need you on this one
@AaronStevens i ran out of close votes before i saw this, but i left some comments
@KyleKanos Always the worst
Rob saved the day
that he did.
Can anybody explain this in a nice way? I can't see it myself
$\bf [\delta a \cdot P, X] = \delta a \Rightarrow [P_i, X_j]=\delta_{ij}$ as it is true for arbitrary $\bf a$?
don't use \bf, it's deprecated
Whats the new syntax?
@KyleKanos Do you know anybody in cambridge??
I'm currently doing astro there
no i do not
Lot's of computation astrophysicists!
ahhh sad
i mean, i've heard of longair (through his book), but don't know him
He's in the other astrophysics department so I haven't met him sadly
A lot of the people in my department are simulation based actually come to think of it
1 hour later…
@NovaliumCompany See people.smp.uq.edu.au/TamaraDavis/papers/SciAm_BigBang.pdf by Tamara Davis & Charlie Lineweaver, and maybe also their classic paper: Expanding Confusion: common misconceptions of cosmological horizons and the superluminal expansion of the Universe. The paper does have a fair bit of mathematics, but you can probably skim over the equations & look at the relevant graphs.
03:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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