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@Secret "$dd \over dt$"
3 hours later…
@Knight The thing that increase is the quantity $\gamma m$. This is sometimes called the "relativistic mass". But in the modern framing of the subject we simply don't assign a name to that quantity and don't frame explanations in terms of it.
Instead we use "mass" to mean only the invariant mass (what would be called "rest mass" in t he old nomenclature).
The big advantage of that approach is that "Invariant" means "the same in every frame", and it is also easy to compute in every frame: just find the square of the four-momentum
This is basically a shift in terminology to follow a shift in focus away from "that which is weird and unexpected if you know Newtonian physics" to "that which is clear to explain and easy to compute with on it's own terms".
Both systems give the same results, but I would argue that it is easier to confuse yourself with the old system. (In fact I have argued this is presentations at minor conferences...)
Hello sir @dmckee
@dmckee can I ask you a question please?
@dmckee sir, I have a question about forces.
@user8718165 Don't ask about asking. Just ask.
@dmckee sir, if an object is moving in +ve x direction, and I suddenly apply a force to it in the +ve y direction, only the object's $|\mathbf v|$ will change. I'm confused about this. Won't the object's velocity increase in the +ve y direction?
Both the magnitude and direction of velocity will change. What will be unchanged is the x-component of the velocity.
And the change coms int he form of they-component changing.
@dmckee yes sir. But, while teaching the concept of work, it's said that a perpendicular force can't change the object's KE... That's bugging me.
@dmckee Okay sir. Thanks
@dmckee sorry, if I said something wrong.
OK, if you applied the force in the y-direction for an infinitesimal time it would generate no work. But if you apply it for a finite time, then for part of that time the velocity is no long purely in the x-direction, so the angle between the force and the motion is no longer 90 degrees, so the sine term is no longer zero and the work is also non-zero, and the KE rises.
You should compare this to the case of uniform circular motion where the force is always perpendicular to the motion and the KE is constant.
@dmckee yes sir. I got the confusion while thinking of it.
YEah. Sometimes just framing the question carefully to ask someone else is enough to work out the solution for yourself.
Programmers call that "rubber duck debugging". The notion being that you should explain the problem to the rubber duck (or other totem) that you keep around for the purpose.
@dmckee yeah sir... I'm having a new idea just now. If we continue applying the force, it will stop being perpendicular. Is it correct sir?
@dmckee Thanks for telling this. Got it :-)
Yep. The path of the object's motion bends in the direction of the applied force, and then the force is providing a change of speed as well as change of direction.
@dmckee I got it. Thank you very much sir for replying to me. Whenever I talk, nobody replies. That's why I was a bit afraid at the beginning. Thank you so much for help.
This week isn't a great time for chatting.
Many regulars will have interruptions from travel and unaccustomed social events.
@dmckee Yeah. (belated) Merry Christmas sir, any a very happy new year and holidays 😊🎄
@dmckee Yeah. Got it.
Personally I have been way down on chat time since I was able to bring my family out to the location of my new job this summer.
@user8718165 Indeed, and to you, too.
@dmckee Wow. That's really awesome. Travelling :-)
@dmckee Thanks sir.
2 hours later…
@SirCumference that is an unfortunate fact that I used d for the distance lol
I should have used s
@Secret Or $\dot{d}$ ;)
actually on second thought the dot looks pretty ugly
2 hours later…
In differential calculus, there is no single uniform notation for differentiation. Instead, several different notations for the derivative of a function or variable have been proposed by different mathematicians. The usefulness of each notation varies with the context, and it is sometimes advantageous to use more than one notation in a given context. The most common notations for differentiation (and its opposite operation, the antidifferentiation or indefinite integration) are listed below. == Leibniz's notation == The original notation employed by Gottfried Leibniz is used throughout mathematics...
In ML, one of the applications of autoencoders is dimensionality reduction. My question is, when I input a 6x6 image (36 input neurons), the output will still be 36 neurons. How is dimensionality reduced here? I understand that the compressed output image is much more simplified than the original and that the whole autoencoder can reduce noise but how are the dimensions reduced?
2 hours later…
@NovaliumCompany It depends on the autoencoder you're using I suppose?
IIRC sometimes it's the number of channels that is reduced
ie 3 channels for RGB pixels to 1 channel
After reading process philosophy, it now make sense to me why the action is just the time integral of the lagrangian
The lagrangian is the tangent bundle of the configuration space, meaning that for any paths in confuguration space, the lagrangian captures all its possible infinitesimal changes
I mean it's just a functional of the configuration space
Therefore any configuration has an associated value
That's why it's so easy to make zero-dimensional field theory
since it's just a linear functional from $\{ p \}$ to $\mathbb{R}$
Which is isomorphic to $\mathbb{R}$
Thus in the special case where the configuration space is just 1D space, classical with no potentials (I.e. free particle), the tangent bundle is just all its tangent vectors at each position. (And then I am missing something crucial here), and hence the lagrangian here is just the kinetic energy
(I don't just get the kinetic energy right away with the tangent vectors. I think I need to make use of the fact that it is a functional and act on the configuration space somehow to recover the expected expression of p^2/2m)
You need a whole bunch of assumptions to deduce that the proper Lagrangian is $\dot{x}^2$
Hmm... seems I cannot just combine the ontology and the mathematical formulation together directly. I better testify classical mechanics again to ensure I am clear of all the assumptions
But basically, the original claim I want to deduce is that in process philosophy, the most basic unit are ongoing processes instead of substances. There they have a notion of action which is a process over a extended period of time. This reminds me of action in physics somewhat and I suspect it can be given an interpretation as the ongoing infinitesimal changes in configuration space over a time interval
and hence it can justify ontologically why action is the time integral of lagrangian and why there needs to be stationary action to recover the equation of motion
(Because if the action is not stationary, then the configuration space has not settle down and the dynamics of the system will not be determined to allow experimental observation)
But I guess this is not a very good argument if it cannot recover all the assumptions used in the lagrangian formalism
Typo: testify should read "reread"
The action is a time integral because the configuration space is a function of time
That's basically what it is
When the configuration space is a function of spacetime, the lagrangian is an integral over spacetime
And when the configuration space isn't a function at all, the action is not an integral
In the $0$-dimensional case you simply have $A = P[x]$, for $P$ some polynomial of the field values
The simplest such polynomial that has a critical point is $mx^2$, for which the Euler-Lagrange equation is just $x = 0$
Or $mx^2 + bx + c$ really, in which case $x = m/b$
I see
Can somebody please answer my question
Q: Tipping while moving forward?

Pulasthi Udugamasooriya(This is a follow-up to this question I asked earlier, but here let us consider a more general situation where the center of gravity is at a height $H$ above the base, and the force is applied at a height $h$.) I understand that if the force applied is greater than $\dfrac{mgr}{h}$, i.e., if t...

2 hours later…
@PulasthiUdugamasooriya From the chat guidelines Don't advertise your recent questions. If you just posted something on the main site, give it some time, and don't tell people to go there and look at it...Those who can answer are already watching the queue on the main site!
Q: Creating a community wiki post for special relativity questions about comparing events in different reference frames

Aaron StevensAs I am sure many are aware, we get a fair amount of questions about special relativity that are essentially variances of Alice sees this event happen at this time over here, and Bob sees this event happen at this time over there, so then how can Alice see this if Bob sees this? Of course q...

@dmckee happy new year!
Friends I want to make an announcement I'm sorry for keeping you all in dark for long but now is the time for truth to be revealed. Friends, I
@Knight Please don't joke about that - using multiple accounts can get you suspended quickly (and most of the accounts deleted) if you use them to do something you couldn't do with a single account.
@ACuriousMind I knew that I have written a very wrong thing, all I wanted was a little laugh with my friends @NovaliumCompany and &@skillpatrol . I know doing such a thing is a disrespect to those honarable people who always help me on this forum, I never made multiple accounts, I wrote it just for fun. I apologise
@Knight wow!
@YuvrajSingh... *Wow wow wow
@YuvrajSingh... Just quoting a certain youtube channel I watch :P
@AaronStevens let me search.
I can, t find a channel name wow wow wow?
@YuvrajSingh... It isn't the name of the channel. The channel is "Screen Rant", and there is a series of videos called "Pitch Meetings" where the person sometimes says "wow wow wow"
Yeah that's the channel, but not that type of video.
@AaronStevens happy new year!
@YuvrajSingh... Happy new year!
Are doing PhD in physics?
@YuvrajSingh... Yes, trying to finish up by August
Cool) doing any internship? Or working on any project? @AaronStevens
My PhD has focused on modeling calcium signals found in epithelial tissues following laser-induced, tissue-level wounds.
I read some thing like this few day ago let me search it, oh yes.
Yep, I deal with models that involve parts of that diagram
Quite interesting, have you done a physics degree too.
My role in the project doesn't focus too much on the "Effectors", but for sure the idea is that the calcium signals are important for "instructing" cells to migrate, proliferate, etc. in order to heal the wound
Yeah, I am in a biophysics lab. My undergraduate degree was in physics and math
So what kind of topic you get in first year of ug
@YuvrajSingh... What do you mean?
@AaronStevens Do you need help to inflict wounds
Actually there are some topic like chapters or units which you read during first year. @AaronStevens
@Slereah We have the wounding down. Why? haha
I'm just trying to be helpful!
In physics and math.
@YuvrajSingh... I just took the introductory physics and calculus classes my first year. It was mostly a repeat from what I had studied in high school, but it was nice to solidify the foundation.
@Slereah Yeah we have a laser ablation system that goes through our confocal microscope system, so we can wound and image at the same time.
It's like that old movie trick of the camera with a gun inside
@ACuriousMind is it same in UK?
And we haven't done it, but I am told that the software developed by a previous student allows one to make the laser wounds any shape they want
We just do a pulsed ablation at a single point for our experiments though
@AaronStevens what after PhD?
@YuvrajSingh... Right now I might be getting a post-doc research position in a biology lab that wants someone who can apply physical principles to analyze, model, etc. the system they are interested in
@YuvrajSingh... No idea, I'm neither from the UK nor have I studied there :P
@AaronStevens wow! What kind of promotion you will get?
@YuvrajSingh... It isn't really a promotion. It is a new position in a different lab
@ACuriousMind happy new year! Sorry but I thought you studied in Cambridge.
A Cambridge Mind?
@AaronStevens have you met with a professional scientist in this field or your inspiration?
@YuvrajSingh... I have been talking with the PI of the lab, yes. They don't study calcium signaling, but I am not looking to stay in calcium signaling. I think physical models of biological processes are really cool, so really anything involving that excites me
Plus if I move onto modeling other processes I get to learn both new physics and new biology, which is always fun too.
You haven, t ask about me. @AaronStevens
@YuvrajSingh... Well I have been answering your questions. And I have read about you in other conversations you have had with people here :)
And your profile
@AaronStevens conversation?
@YuvrajSingh... I don't have anything specific in mind. I just know you have talked about yourself here before. You are an undergraduate studying physics, and you seem eager to learn about many different physics topics
@AaronStevens I love physics that, s correct, but I am not pursuing degree in physics.
@YuvrajSingh... What are you pursuing?
@YuvrajSingh... don’t you think that @AaronStevens is looking very young in his profile picture?
Come on @AaronStevens what’s the secret behind looking so young and handsome?
@Knight Yeah that picture is probably at least 5 years ago
@AaronStevens yes. Look good!
Yeah let's go with 5
@AaronStevens are you having beards currently?
@Knight Yeah, but just one
@AaronStevens hahaahhaaha
@AaronStevens It’s great that you are not punished with wearing specs
@ACuriousMind Would you mind if I ask you something personal to you (about you)?
I would change to a more recent picture, but I am worried no one will recognize me online anymore
@AaronStevens there are many Indians in US specially in science and IT FIELD.
@Knight Don't ask about asking, just ask.
@AaronStevens, it tough to do PhD and give at least 5 to 7 years only for one thing . In india
@YuvrajSingh... How so?
Like what about India makes it harder than other places?
Job. Opportunity.
A middle class family except you to get education and start earning for family.
Or the IITians like we are just running behind million dollar package
A sample of good student goes to that field. @AaronStevens
@AaronStevens You said people won’t recognize you by your present picture, do you look much better now than that profile picture (which in itself is outstanding).
@ACuriousMind Your talks are always so matured. How you go about amusing yourself?
@Knight I was kind of kidding, and I was referring to just people on this site. As in they were used to this picture, and then I would change my picture and then it would be confusing
I don't think I look too different though
@YuvrajSingh... Yeah, that makes sense. Support from others is always helpful
@AaronStevens type kota coaching quora
And you will see how people are earning in the name of exam JEE
You will get shocked.
@AaronStevens What are your views on “Man’s dream of doing something great in science gets fainter and fainter with age and finally gets repacled by family responsibilities and image in society?
@Knight That is probably true for certain individuals, but I would think not for everyone.
For myself that will probably be true, but I am not really dreaming of doing something "great" in science, and I don't really care about my image in society.
@AaronStevens How true is it in your case?
@Knight I will probably eventually have a family of my own and I will most likely care more about them than my scientific impact
I care more about how my scientific career impacts others than just how it impacts the field itself
@AaronStevens Are you going to be married? It’s a very very good news.
@Knight I am already married (have been for a little over 4.5 years now). Might be trying to have children soon.
@AaronStevens First child?
@Knight Yes
@AaronStevens wow great. Oh My God, may you always be happy and your child should become just like his awesome father.
@AaronStevens I have never seen Aaron angry or harsh and therefore I want his child to inherit this great quality too.
@Knight Haha thanks. Yeah I try not to get angry or harsh. Especially online when interacting with people I don't actually know. Although I think I do get rudely sarcastic from time to time on this site.
@Knight Video games, mostly.
@Knight it's true, i told you lalalala
2 hours later…
Plot twist: All of the accounts here are mine and I have been chatting to myself this whole time
told ya
we all know
@SirCumference shouldn't your burning logs be under the pie, Sir Facearea?
btw, would the Sir Cumference of the Sir Facearea be the Peri Meter?

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