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But I've also spent the past 6 hours retyping the paper from my summer intern after spending all weekend rewriting it... Somehow MS Word changes the formatting of everything when I export to PDF. Entire paragraphs change to captions, tables reformat, pictures change their word wrapping...
So maybe I'm just in a pissy mood
@tpg2114 Is it more than just a combination; If the results per se are not new, is there new discussion or something to justify a new paper (say, something along the lines of a literature review)?
@alarge Nope -- in fact, the wording was originally copy-pasted from the other two papers until I told him that's a horrible idea, so he tried to paraphrase it instead. And replotted all the figures with a different colormap, but otherwise left them the same
The guy works for a different company than me, so I can't express my displeasure in ways with more impact than telling him I want nothing to do with it...
@tpg2114 I think a design philosophy of MS office is to find a way to make everything frustrating; especially if it seems like it should be simple.
@JMac Heh -- I've never seen gremlins like this one. It didn't change the formatting in the exported PDF only, it actually changed the entire word doc
@tpg2114 use latex.
@KyleKanos I usually do. The government makes that pretty hard though
@tpg2114 I've never seen that happen in particular, but it definitely sounds like a Word thing to do. It finds a way to get to you.
@tpg2114 their problem. :D :P
I googled it, apparently other people have had the issue. The recommendations are to 1) Convert to .doc and try again (that failed), 2) change the printer to something different so you can set the page flow and try to export again -- even though exporting shouldn't care about a printer (that failed), 3) lock the file for editing and it can't change the content (locked it, it still managed to change the formatting)
My undergrad advisor submitted a paper to a journal which was required to be written as a Word doc. I was disappointed in science that day
Sooooooo, the solution was to retype it word for word into a new file. If I copy-pasted anything, it would redo it
Required to be word? Ouch
Somehow made it easier for them to touch it up for publication or something
My pet peeve is journals that require figures in TIFF, even though neither Latex nor Word can use them
I just give them a 1200 DPI PNG and tell them to figure it out
I know headhunters in finance prefer word doc resumé’s because they can remove your contact info and shove their header into it
I've heard that about most recruiters
ugh, png sucks too. Just give them an EPS
Or a PDF image.
Contour maps from paraview are horrible as EPS/PDF
@tpg2114 I assume Print to PDF doesn't work/isn't an option instead of exporting?
I cringe at work bc people take low-res screenshots of their graphs and paste that into some abomination called LyX
@JMac Did the same thing. And so did saving as PDF instead of docx. Exporting with the built-in one and with Adobe do the same things too. I've never seen anything like that
@tpg2114 The file is haunted.
@KyleKanos I've used LyX before. And I die inside when I review papers where somebody screenshot's their meshing software and doesn't even bother to crop the toolbars and windows bars out of it
I don't believe in ghosts, but that's a ghost.
I should probably do an exorcism on my hard drive. Burn some sage and blow the smoke through the case fans
I recently realized that i can actually use pure tex at work, so i touch lyx on “legacy” documents (though they’re still new models we’re documenting, so not really legacy in tech sense)
@KyleKanos If you want to give up the nice salary in the finance world and come do some combustion research and code development on slightly-better-than government salaries, let me know ;) I've got many open spots
@tpg2114 yeah, having just had my 6th kid, not sure i can justify leaving a good paying job just yet
@KyleKanos Even without a new baby, I'm not sure I could blame you... congrats by the way. Several of my friends here have had their 3rd/4th babies in the past few months and they are ragged
A professor friend of mine has tried convincing me i should join his tier 2 university as a faculty. But teaching kids physics (or even math finance!) sounds kinda awful to me
No offense to the teachers who read this!
Just not my cup of tea
I've thought about going to academia. But my experience with summer interns has been supremely frustrating for me. Not sure how I would handle grad students whose capabilities determine my future
And conversely, being responsible for their futures!
I understand there's a big learning curve and lots of training is needed to become a researcher. And I'm sure I was horrible, and I probably still am. But when stuff needs to get done, it's really hard for me to be patient and provide instruction
At least with my kids i kinda don’t have a choice in that; but being an advisor is a little different
7 hours later…
@PM2Ring Again, sorry for the very late reply. But the spacing between the times I'm not working on my very large project. Well a project that several are aware of (ITER) will make the worlds first working and ppwer generating thermonuclear reactor through the process of fusion. I could say they stole my idea back in 2009. But I never had the money to do testing. I juat had theories. Well there reactor will be up and running in 2025.
@PM2Ring But mine with my improved ideas, And theories. I've divised a plan that will make my reactor work by 2024. Lets just say I really don't like people taking my ideas and making lots of money off of it.
@PM2Ring My recent tests has shown that can maintain fusion for 10 and a half minutes. But it collapses and fusion isn't occurring. This is that very very large project I'm working on. I don't want to give specifics out about it right now. But the results are a lot more promising than I ever could have imagined. Which is great. But I will say a great sum of money has gone into it, and I've been working on this for 10 years. And I really don't want all of my work to mean nothing.
So with that said And my delayed responses explained. I must get some very much needed rest. As I'm only getting closer. I've designed schematics, engineered my own materials and fusion chamber. And I'm going to assemble it. I like doing my experiments alone, and I work best alone. If I'm honest, it feels kinda good getting this off my chest. 10 years of hiding it was hard, and it feels great getting it off of my chest.
Its a good break in the action I guess. Anyway, night everyone.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@Slereah you should be doing AdS/CFT
is it very cool
I have tried doing it a few times
It's one of the coolest
I don't remember much
Something something symmetry group of the CFT ~ symmetry group of AdS space
which sounds cool but otoh I'm not sure how that generalized
Skim those notes from pdf page 142 on
Do a lot of spacetimes share their symmetry groups with field theories???
It's not really the symmetry group thing that's the crux of it, that's usually stated as a basic check
Currently I'm making kittens frolick around a field
Not complete yet but feel free to witness the pathfinding
5 hours later…
@Slereah ewwwww, javascript :P
In the UK at least Javascript is where all the jobs are these days.
More precisely the frameworks like React and Node.js.
I firmly believe COBOL is the future
While you're here, dare I ask you about Rammstein?
I'm unsure how they are viewed by the metal community.
@JohnRennie As with everything, some like them, some don't, but they're certainly metal-adjacent enough to perform at metal festivals even if their genre is usually called Neue Deutsche Härte and not seen as a subgenre of metal in the narrow sense
@ACuriousMind alas
Can't avoid it for browser stuff, though
i mean, Typescript is there, but about as shit
@Slereah The new WebAssembly stuff is neat.
@ACuriousMind I don't know how well implemented it is yet
The radio station I listen to played some Rammstein this morning (I forget which track) and it reminded me that Lindemann's accent while he is singing sounds a bit odd to my English ear.
I have run Rust programs in my browser without having to write a single line of Javascript!
Does it also sound odd to native German speakers i.e. is he deliberately singing in an usual style?
@JohnRennie It's over-enunciated for effect and not a real accent that anyone would speak in ordinary conversation
@ACuriousMind aha, thanks, that's what I guessed.
The metal end of rock has never been my thing. I'm more interested in the bluesier end of the spectrum. But I have always admired Rammstein's commitment to self-immolation.
Their live performances are pretty neat, yeah
@tpg2114 so sad to have had bad internship experiences. Unfortunately not uncommon. The best part of my job is dealing with intern students.
Rammstein may have invented a subgenre of metal due to their keyboards, but they are a far cry away from inventing a new language for their music like Sigur Ros :p
I don't think I've heard a good Rammstein song tbh
What is a-goin' on around here?
Quick, someone teach me something cool!
I promise to reciprocate.
@ACuriousMind lolwut
@ACuriousMind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@DanielSank There has to be a reason all the banks still use it! :P
@DanielSank It's pretty neat. Now if only I could focus on one hobby project for long enough on one thing to make something worthwhile running... :P
2 hours later…
I think I just accidentally proved to myself that one of the quiz problems my students had this semester for intro physics is unphysical
so that's fun
(it assumed that a certain setup would relax to equilibrium when I don't think it actually does. but I guess I should be allowing for dissipation)
okay, yeah, this scenario needs dissipation for relaxation. (duh)
3 hours later…
come on why does Nature need to have a paywall
if people are funding research through taxes, they deserve the results

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