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Sorry, @ACuriousMind for my behavior, I was in stressed yesterday, whatever I spoken, I take my words back.
3 hours later…
@Slereah are you interested in SU3 CG technology?
2 hours later…
Is there something we can do from preventing people to think theoretical objects are real objects
That the spacetime fabric isn't actually made of fabric
Like here? physics.stackexchange.com/q/517188/123208 I see that Qm has dupe-hammered it. I linked that question, but I didn't nominate it as a dupe target because I'm sure I've seen a better one, but I couldn't find it at the time... maybe it was this one: physics.stackexchange.com/q/3009/123208
1 hour later…
From $(T^2 - X^2) + (W^2 - Y^2) = 1$ we have $W^- W^+ = (W - Y)(W + Y) = 1 + (X^2 - T^2)$ and [why] if we set $X = x/w$ and $T = t/w$ then $W^- W^+ = 1 + \tfrac{x^2}{w^2} - \tfrac{t^2}{w^2} = \tfrac{1}{w}[w + \tfrac{1}{w}(x^2 - t^2)]$ gives $W^- = \tfrac{1}{w}$ and $W^+ = w + \tfrac{1}{w}(x^2 - t^2)$. Now from $Y = W - 1/w$ we get $W = \tfrac{1}{2}[\tfrac{1}{w} + w + \tfrac{1}{w}(x^2 - t^2)]$ and from $W = Y + 1/w$ we get $Y = \tfrac{1}{2}[- \tfrac{1}{w} + w + \tfrac{1}{w}(x^2 - t^2)]$.
These are called Poincare coordinates for AdS. Any motivation for some of the obscene steps, like $X = x/w$ (or wanting $W^- = 1/w$)?
@ACuriousMind I used an outside variable, where in the for loop where i is the main "counter", I didn't use i, but I used the outside variable c, where if I wanted to "loop through the same thing while keeping i the same" i actually stayed the same, but I changed c. Nvm, it works. Howarya btw? (I know we've had some feuds but that's in the past.)
2 hours later…
@NovaliumCompany I'm fine, just travelling back from a weekend trip to my old hometown :)
@ACuriousMind noice
@ACuriousMind Anything new or exciting in your life?
@NovaliumCompany not really, but I'm quite content with how it currently is, so that's okay
1 hour later…
@JMac Got declined by a moderator again
Another flag on a similar answer was disputed
I guess as long as there is just some text with the link then it should stay open. Even if the text doesn't do anything to answer the question.
@AaronStevens I only see a "disputed" among your recent flags, which is the outcome of this review, no mod involved
@ACuriousMind Right. That is the similar one I am talking about being disputed
@ACuriousMind Sorry for the confusion. I was not trying to say the disputed one involved a mod. The one I was referring to about being declined by a mod is a different one
@ACuriousMind physics.stackexchange.com/questions/514392/… It's this answer. I flagged it awhile ago as VLQ since it's basically link-only, but the flag seems to keep getting denied every time people try to flag it. It seems quite link-only to me. It's not like the person asking was unaware that the "the volume of wet rolled cloth contains fibers, water, and air". They wanted know know about the calculation.
@AaronStevens Ah, alright then. I just jumped in because people often get confused which flags get handled by mods and which don't
@ACuriousMind Oh ok, Yeah, I see that happening a lot, especially on meta. Users thinking since their question was closed that a mod did it, etc.
I wasn't declining the flag, but I don't know that the answer was totally useless and not salvageable. Worthy of lots of downvotes? Sure (one of which is mine). Not so sure it needs to be deleted outright though. Sometimes public downvotes lead to behavior changes more than deleted posts.
Of course, VLQ and NAA are sort of fuzzy a lot of times, so I support flagging it for the review queue
So even if the single sentence doesn't do anything to help answer the question, it shouldn't be a link only answer?
@ACuriousMind why take the 3-brane (which leads to AdS5 x S5) when looking at IIB sugra
Is it impossible for the community to edit the answer to incorporate info from the link that makes it useful?
e.g. the way eq 1.6 is introduced here
I don't know, I didn't really look at this particular one in great depth.
Man, last disputed flash for me was back in April. Turns out the post got deleted anyway
Stupid autocorrect
I wonder if I can still dispute flags to help you out there @KyleKanos... heh
Well i try not flagging close items, just easy to see in right ones
@tpg2114 Is it the job of the community to take an essentially link only answer and make it a good answer? At that point I would just write my own answer
@bolbteppa You generally have the odd-dimensional branes in IIb and even-dimensional branes in IIa. They appear because they act as the electric/magnetic charged objects for the higher gauge fields appearing in the respective theories. E.g. the 3-brane should be an electric charge for the five-degree field strength.
@AaronStevens There's no harm in writing your own answer instead really. I don't think the community must edit link-only answers, but if somebody wants to they can. The VLQ flag is for something that no amount of work can salvage. The NAA is for something that doesn't even try to answer it (like a link-only answer). For things in between, downvote into oblivion and move on/answer yourself, or fix the post.
I think it's helpful to flag those types of answers to get more eyes on them in the review queues/moderators. But it doesn't mean that they should all be deleted instead of using other tools
Or, another alternative, is to hack the site and just delete it entirely yourself
Then you don’t need to worry about flags and mods
Though i suspects SE devs might have some concerns...
I'm all for the flags and am really happy you (and @JMac, among many others) are going through posts carefully
Just pointing out that a flag doesn't always lead to deletion, sometimes it's more useful to downvote but leave the opportunity for somebody to fix it if they are interested.
@tpg2114 Does moderator deletion prevent the users from editing their own posts? Deleting it and letting the poster fix it seem non-exclusive to me. Why not delete it, and then undelete if they actually edit it so that it provides an answer to the question? As far as I can tell, they've basically just re-stated some aspects of OPs question then posted a link. I just don't see how that's anything besides a NAA for link-only.
@ACuriousMind it looks like they do use loads of different branes, but the D3 leading to AdS5 x S5 is supposed to be the most incredible thing ever
@tpg2114 I understand that point... I guess I just don't see how an answer with a link and one or two sentences that don't really answer the question is any different from an actual link-only answer that is usually deleted
@JMac That too
@JMac It doesn't, but it does prevent somebody else in the community from editing the post if so inclined. Which I will grant, for that particular Q&A probably isn't going to happen. Somebody would probably post their own answer instead
Gah, I’ve been wondering why this bone broth isn’t boiling after 20 min; turns out I had it on low :facepalm:
No one is going to edit an answer like that because there is no substance to the answer. They are just going to post their own answer instead of editing it
Q: Why am I such a failure at physics?

Mr. NobodyThis is more of a rant than anything else, but I need to, and if anybody wants to answer you're welcome. So the thing is, I guess like pretty much everybody studying physics, when I was younger, like in high school or so, I was always between the best students. During the first years in physics I...

This guy thinks that he's unique in this world...
Well we all suffer that.
A: D3-brane in AdS/CFT correspondance

physicus$3$-branes are special in the following sense: only for $p=3$, the black p-brane solution admits a constant dilaton, while it is running for $p\not=3$. In particular, the dilaton $\phi$ diverges at the horizon of extremal $p$-brane solutions for $p\not=3$, which means that the string coupling $g_...

@ACuriousMind compare eq. 1.22, think this is a bit shocking when you see the dilaton explicitly
@bolbteppa Means, a new physics discovery?
@NovaliumCompany hello
@ACuriousMind You enjoy a life without anything new or exciting in it?
How's your life goin?
In theoretical physics, the anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence, sometimes called Maldacena duality or gauge/gravity duality, is a conjectured relationship between two kinds of physical theories. On one side are anti-de Sitter spaces (AdS) which are used in theories of quantum gravity, formulated in terms of string theory or M-theory. On the other side of the correspondence are conformal field theories (CFT) which are quantum field theories, including theories similar to the Yang–Mills theories that describe elementary particles. The duality represents a major advance in th...
I have to do some coding now sorry
@NovaliumCompany I'm too coding.... now..
@bolbteppa personally, I don't know String theory, but I heard a lot of criticisms that doesn't make me feel good.
@KyleKanos Autocorrect seems to have struck again in one of your comments about the metric tensor (snot instead of about)... I edited it so it makes sense (I think). Let me know if that wasn't what you intended
@KyleKanos Wow, cool that idea is!!
@AbhasKumarSinha it's not a subject for the easily swayed ;)
@bolbteppa hahahah, agree
"Another realization of the correspondence states that M-theory on $AdS_{7}\times S^{4}$ is equivalent to the so-called (2,0)-theory in six dimensions"
"Yet another realization of the correspondence states that M-theory on $AdS_{4}\times S^{7}$ is equivalent to the ABJM superconformal field theory in three dimensions"
@tpg2114 thanks!
A: Very basic question on AdS/CFT

Kenny HHere is an answer to the question of why the $AdS_5\times S^5$ metric is appearing. This is taken almost directly from the TASI lectures I cite at the end. If you consider N coincident Dp-branes, the background solution has a metric and dilaton which we can write as $$ds^2 = H^{-1/2}(r)\left[-f(...

4 hours later…
A: Block on an inclined plane. 1 solution or 3?

Wolphram jonnyIn the way you interpreted the problem, you will not only find 3 solutions, but an infinite number of them. This is because the friction can take any value between 0 and $\mu N$ in both directions. The way I interpret the problem though, is that the force is the minimal force necessary to prev...

Pet peeve activated
3 hours later…
We're having an internal debate at work about whether we can publish something in a conference. The conference submission makes us certify that the work submitted is not published elsewhere nor under consideration for publication elsewhere. My colleague is trying to bundle together the results from two other papers currently under review at different venues and wants to submit it
I'm arguing that we can't since there's no new material here and everything in it is under review. He's arguing that "this work" means the whole paper, which doesn't exist elsewhere because it's a combination of two papers
Uh, is asking the conference responsibles an option?
Well, the submission deadline is in an hour. And he just sent it to all of the coauthors yesterday, while we're all trying to get our own papers done.
Oh, wonderful.
So I'm thinking my best course of action is to pull my name from it. Cause I don't think it's appropriate, and I don't appreciate having so little notice on it

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