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07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@SirCumference I am very dumb
wait no
i'm confusing myself on a basic calc problem
it's $D(f \circ g) = (D(f) \circ g) \cdot D(g)$
The fact that nobody questioned this error says something...
I don't know what it says
but it says something...
welp this is embarrassing...
+1 to the physicists
i am a physicist. just not a good one :P
+1 to Leibniz
Can't beat $$\frac{df}{dx} = \frac{df}{dy}\frac{dy}{dx}$$
i need someone more competent in basic calculations to argue my point for me
and $$\frac{df^{-1}}{dx} = \frac{dx}{df}$$
@Slereah and $\int_S \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y} dx dy = \int_S d^2 f$ for all $f \in C^2$
or not :P
@SirCumference Close enough
Oh man
You should have seen the proof I used for the stochastic integral in my master thesis
It was bad and even worse it was common in the literature
$\frac{d^2 f}{dx^2}\cdot (\frac{df}{dx})^{-2} = d^2 f/df^2$
wait shit
i forgot i can't do basic arithmetic
argh whatever
welp i had to edit that 7 times to try and make a point
Slereah is close to 10k
that says something about the point you were trying to make
I don't know what it says, but it says something
@enumaris says more about me than it says about the point :P
Soon I will have ultimate power
the power of reviewing flags
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
What is this $D$ witchcraft
$[D,x]=1$ ftw
@ACuriousMind and therefore the empty set is called Alice, so that everything can be discussed in terms of Alice and Bob
@SirCumference I’m about an hour away from you
'I love the viXra drinking game. Take a shot every time:
1. Someone cites Albert Einstein
2. P=NP
3. P!=NP
3. Paper is a single page
4. Paper is over 200 pages
5. Written in MS word
6. Riemann hypothesis solved
7. Handwritten equations
8. No citations
9. “Unifying theory”'
[lol](http://vixra.org/pdf/1908.0506v1.pdf): "A Calculation of the Spatio-Temporal Volume of the Universe

Authors: Jeffrey Epstein McNutly Comments: 1 Page.

In this paper (see below) I calculate the spatio-temporal volume of the universe and find it to be -1/12 McNutlys, a convenient unit introduced in this paper."

More fun about vixra [on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Physics/comments/cvnlnn/is_vixra_any_good/).
Is this a drinking game or is it suicide by alcohol poisoning?
Probably the latter, I would totally expect to find the RH solved in a GR paper on there
You can define spacetime volume functions
They're used to define time functions
Though it's usually normalized to 1
that second one didn't work out formatting wise
In McNulty units preferably
Well it's a volume of rhe whole spacetime
A big one
approximate as a hypercube
then do xyzt?
Has to be finite
just draw boundaries
manifold with boundary seems legit
It's just not the Riemannian measure that is used
So that the volume of Minkowski space is finite
what's the value?
-1/12 cm^3?
That way they can define a time function by $t(p) = \mu(I^+(p))$
The value doesn't matter
As long as it's finite
isn't that just the volume of the light cone?
should be finite for finite times
no? o.o
Wait...I'm mis-interpreting
Yeah this isn't what a time function is
it's the full volume of the entire future light cone of (p) that's...odd...
A time function is just a function that is monotone increasing on every future directed timelike curve
It's one way to define a time function
right...that's the standard one...
Well there's no standard time function
Bc diffeomorphisms
Also not all spacetimes admit one
Because of closed timelike curves for a start
I meant standard definition
You need to construct the measure Sam mentioned in a special way
I never did understand what HE wrote
I’m wiser now...should take a look
07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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