note that OP is not asking about spin-orbit or electron-spin-to-nuclear-spin coupling (fine and hyperfine structure resp.), but rather the electron-spin-to-electron-spin magnetic interaction, which is weaker than both of the above
unless I missed something huge, this is because (i) spin-spin coupling doesn't have any clear qualitative effects on the spectrum (say, splitting degeneracies the way FS and HFS do), and more importantly (ii) because it's weak, it's overwhelmed by the electrostatic structure, which separates spin and orbit, and when you couple this with the coupled spin-spatial structure of the coupling, it essentially averages out to zero once you start taking matrix elements
there's probably an interesting question to be asked there in terms of why spin-spin interactions are so damned weak
(for starters: the Bohr magneton is larger than the nuclear magneton -- so why is electron-electron spin-spin coupling less important than the HFS electron-spin-to-nuclear-spin coupling?)
almost certainly with an answer along the lines I just outlined, but it'd be nice to get a solid grounding in the literature for it
if it exists, though -- it's very likely that the precision-spectroscopy-theory literature just kinda moved on, say, to the Foldy-Wouthuysen manipulations here, without ever bothering to stop and explain why this was happening
Still, I suspect asking such a question is beyond OP's powers
oh, and also: apologies if anybody is put off by the sometimes-slightly-rough tone. But frankly, this site's tolerance of the repeated posting of misinformation by that OP, and the abuse of this site that it represents, is beyond my understanding.
@EmilioPisanty I think your language in that answer is perfectly acceptable. People who come to this site looking for help in understanding physics should be ready to accept that help. This is not a site for people to be reassured about their faulty understanding.
@EmilioPisanty Me neither, but let's be optimistic. ;) At least he's prepared to accept correction when his misinformation is pointed out. So while I agree he's annoying, he's not beyond redemption.
Dark energy as expressed by the cosmological constant is, as the name implies, a constant of space. Therefore, in a cup of coffee, we get, for some static observer $t$, and a spacelike hypersurface $\Sigma$ (I'm assuming that in our universe, there exists a neighbourhood that can be foliated in s...
Fixed the uncertainty and significant digits
that guy who downvoted me for forgetting significant digits better vote >:|
@Slereah I saw that comment. Sometimes people get uptight about parts of answers that don't really matter. The OP didn't ask for an answer with the correct amount of digits, and certainly you won't be using that number in any meaningful way anyway.
@Slereah guessing that $u = 1/r$ which gives $ \int \frac{r^2 }{\sqrt{1-\frac{a}{r}}} dr = \int \frac{1/u^2}{\sqrt{1-u a}}(-du/u^2) = \int \frac{1}{u^4 \sqrt{1-au}}du $ can be evaluated using this
@bolbteppa do you mean research proposal? but the position offered by principal investigator almost already has research project and doesn't require the applicant to write a proposal.
actually I can only make proposal in the fields I have some knowledge.
@CaptainBohemian lol so you're asking people to trust you wont be a 3+ year burden who does nothing and takes the place of a better person based off a paper trail which is compared to maybe 80+ other applications and that's it, why wouldn't you do doing things to minimize the risk factor on their end
actually I find no matter what topics I express to wish to work on, they would just direct me to the available position in their institute disregarding what the position's topic is.
@CaptainBohemian at the end of the day, all it comes down to is convincing someone to take you on, all the rest is fluff (wading through the fluff is by no means easy at all and it's likely one will just give up), but there are other routes than applying to pre-proposed projects where you can't do anything to affect the process
@bolbteppa do you think the positions funded by institute without predetermined project good? Will that kind of position fund you to attend conference if you are admitted?
@CaptainBohemian applying to a pre-written project is pretty much the exception as far as I could ever see, like that's the one you should expect to fail, you really should be doing everything you can not just these pre-written ones which box you in before you even start etc
@NovaliumCompany I also think applying for pre-written project has rare probability of success, but a person in SE thinks the opposite to me---they thinks that kind of position has fewer people to apply so they have higher rate of success. But I don't agree with them.
@Slereah My sense is this kind of thing comes down to knowing whether you're working with the analogue of a sixth degree polynomial or a fourth degree one even if Ferrari's formula is hard to derive and use, with the fourth degree one we can find a formula for the roots easy enough, for the sixth degree one you have to go through insane hoops to get any kind of formula even for a single root or approximate it etc...
Physics is a good way to lead you to fourth degree ones not the sixth degree ones :p
Anyone have any god writing tips? I am writing up a fellowship application, but I feel like I am getting in my head too much. So my writing is progressing very slowly and with much uncertainty on my own part.
sorry, the above message "I also think applying for pre-written project has rare probability of success, but a person in SE thinks the opposite to me---they thinks that kind of position has fewer people to apply so they have higher rate of success. But I don't agree with them." is to you @bolbteppa
@bolbteppa indeed, maybe in that person's field, positions with predetermined projects have fewer applicants, but in theoretical (high energy) physics fields, it's not the case.
actually I don't usually have intrinsic interest in those predetermined projects, but I just try.
in some cases it's because some professors I contact direct me to those positions.
Obviously, the color / energy of a light source does not impact its behavior when reflecting off of a mirror. However, the energy of a light source is relevant in iridescence, and when traveling through certain mediums, like prisms.
That is, the energy of a photon traveling through a prism deter...
OP wants a purely physical explanation without a derivation from an equation.
I feel like one of the cool things about Maxwell's equations here is that the reflection and refraction aspects just fall out of the boundary conditions and wave properties. Oh well.
One way to justify the minus sign under the square root properly is going from 5.7 to 5.10 here but Goto seems to see this as so obvious it's not worth mentioning
There is a GR way to show $g_{00} > 0$ should hold, does $g_{ii} < 0$ always hold in GR and is there a way to prove it
He's using the $(+,-,-,-)$ metric due to $g_{00} > 0$ right
So I think the argument around 2.4 to 2.5 shows that $d x_{\perp}^{\mu}$ is perpendicular to the time-like direction and so should be space-like and so we should have $g_{11} < 0$