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Good morning/afternoon/night for everyone!

I would like to ask you, specially for the people here who deals with General Relativity/Differential Geometry, physical implications about Manifolds.
Well, the most intuitive notion about a manifold as a model of physical reality, is then the notion of the "space of all events". Or even, the Earth itself: localy the world a, priori, appears to be flat, but if you take a high orbital flight you will see a $S^{2}$ space.

But, concerning the mathematics of a manifold, well, We have some ingredients:
@M.N.Raia A topological space is the minimum amount of information needed to set up approximations, which lets you then establish notions like limits of approximations and functions between spaces which preserve notions of approximating (continuity). Given how general this is one needs to restrict the notion of being able to approximate to spaces which end up being like $\mathbb{R}^n$.
Abstractly things like second countability, being Hausdorff, and paracompact, are properties that spaces like $\mathbb{R}^n$ possess that an abstract topological manifold should possess to be in line with properties $\mathbb{R}^n$ possesses. Being Hausdorff means that a given point can be approximated by points near it that can be considered far away from some other point to some error, and vice versa for that point, which is something $\mathbb{R}^n$ possesses, and it ensures limits are unique.
Being second countable encapsulates the fact that in $\mathbb{R}^n$ we can work with open balls of rational radii in finding closer and closer approximations to a given point rather than needing to use an uncountable infinite set of balls to get closer and closer to some point.
Paracompactness is a weakening of compactness that ensures partitions of unity exist (in Hausdorff spaces), where partitions of unity are needed to prove things like Stokes' theorem since you need to integrating over unions of submanifolds.
2 hours later…
I feel thankful for people who reply my emails, which always gratify me.
1 hour later…
@dmckee and @JakeRose I read your messages very carefully and I'm thankful for the advice, but right now my mind and my gut are on another decision. Luckily the time to decide hasn't come yet. I'm keeping an open mind, but as of right now, age 17, I'm on the no college decision. In the next two years maybe it'll change, maybe it won't, whatever it is, I'll make sure to think it very carefully.
I suggest we end this discussion now and come back to it a few years later. Again, thanks for the advice.
did you follow this advice @NovaliumCompany?
May 19 at 2:14, by skullpetrol
@NovaliumCompany sounds like you should talk to a career guidance counsellor.
I meant that^ should be available at your school
Also here is an overview :-)
> The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United Kingdom and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject.
@skullpetrol I know what I want to do. As I said, I have multiple ideas, some risky some not
I had to chose my college like last month
If you're indecisive then just go with the one which let's you explore yourself and have more options later on
I had to chose between cs at IIITD and textile at IITD
@AvnishKabaj I have decided. I'm just keeping an open mind.
Currently I am 99 percent on the side of no college. I doubt anything can change my mind. That 1 percent is what I call keeping an open mind.
I appriciate the attempts to change my mind but I'd suggest trying again 2 years later.
at least go to a career councillor and listen pal @NovaliumCompany
who knows, you may get some more ideas :-)
sorry but nope
@NovaliumCompany man go to a college meet new people
What are the exchange particles in the electrostatic interactions?By exchange particles imean what exactly is causing the force between them(charges)?Im not finding a source to read!!
@ACuriousMind nice thank you:-)
strange, JohnRennie hasn't been seen for 19 hours after this message?
in Problem Solving Strategies, yesterday, by John Rennie
I need to work now for around half an hour, but I'll be back after that.
@skullpetrol I did return, after about 40 minutes, but the chat room was quiet.
@AvnishKabaj no
> And English-speakers, understanding that revenge was a dish best served cold, went on to impose ASCII on the world and destroy dozens and dozens of other languages' unique letters in the same way. All of which could have been avoided if Johannes Gutenberg had stuck to Unicode from the beginning.
Heh. Actually, Gutenberg had a quite similar idea and made many ligatures, special characters and punctuation marks. He had about 290 different characters in his type case.
ASCII has only 95 printable characters.
Now that I research even more, college really seems like the worst thing for me.
@JohnRennie Welcome back Sir :-)
@M.N.Raia hausdorff for having unique limits
Pracompact and second contable to have a metric
Also a lot of theorems are wrong if your spacetime isn't Hausdorff
Ie no partition of unity
No Stokes theorem
I'm actually getting pissed off about how stupid college actually is. Everyone learning the same things, the same way at the same time... it's like they are being prepared to be robots and work in a factory. So many students not knowing what to do with their lives, relying on other people to make decisions for them and tell them what to do. It's so dull...
And in the end, they end up with a shitty degree that doesn't guarantee them a job, a big student loan, thousands of dollars spent... the easiest path to mediocrity.
Anyways, I've made my decision
Thanks to everyone for the advice anyways
@NovaliumCompany That's...not how it is at most universities, at all. You usually get at least some choice over which courses to take, and no one cares how you learn things. The end goal is not to end up with a job (unless the course is very specific to some vocation), but to gain scientific knowledge in your chosen field of study.
None of you is successful in the sense that I value, so why would I listen to the advice of people who haven't achieved what I want to achieve. The people who I find successful are all against college.
@ACuriousMind Alright, thanks, but this doesn't change my opinion at all
If you don't want to go to college, that's fine, but your image of it is seriously distorted.
@ACuriousMind I don't want to go to college and that's fine
@NovaliumCompany Why are you talking about this here in the first place, then? If you don't want to listen to anyone here, don't waste our time and go talk to people you actually want to listen to.
My image of college is not distorted, I just see it from another angle
@ACuriousMind You are right. :p
@ACuriousMind That's the best advice I've heard so far in this chatroom.
@NovaliumCompany I suspect that most of us hereabouts regard our college days as the most enjoyable of our lives. I'm not saying you would too, but I am wondering why you are discussing the issue with us when you already know where we stand and why we stand there.
@JohnRennie I agree. Sorry.
Lots of people I know didn't go to college. Some have ended up richer than me and some poorer, but overall most have enjoyed their life. There are no right and wrong choices, just different choices.
@JohnRennie Agreed
Well, I'm sorry if I have wasted your time. I value your advices and respect your opinions. Thanks.
@PM2Ring well, I've had a go at answering it. Whether this has advanced the role of physics in the modern world is debatable :-)
@NovaliumCompany “none of you are successful in the way I value” harsh comment dude
What is the way you value?
@NovaliumCompany in fairness, none of us know what you want to do. If you want to be a scientist then there’s very little leeway in going to university. It’s just where you have to go for that type of career.
In regards to our success. We are all pretty successful in different ways. But I’d assume most of us are successful in one of the more important things, which is doing what we love. Most of us live happy lives. I think if you don’t value that type of success you’re heading down a path you’re going to be consistently disappointed by
I’d also like to second @ACuriousMind in that your view is quite distorted
We’ve all been there, or are currently there. We undeniably have a better basis to make a judgment from.
my opinion of university has completely changed from when I was 18 to now
@NovaliumCompany @ACuriousMind has a point also. You keep coming into this chat room and telling us all how much you disagree with university (or your idea of it) and how stupid it is. But this is a room that is very pro university. We’ve tried to have quite open discussions but you don’t listen to anybody and don’t engage in the discussions. So what’s the point?
> Gresham's Law of trolls: trolls are willing to use a forum with a lot of thoughtful people in it, but thoughtful people aren't willing to use a forum with a lot of trolls in it. Which means that once trolling takes hold, it tends to become the dominant culture.
source: a harvard CSc PhD
He wants attention yo
I remember a kid from my school who purposefully acted different and you know was gung ho about Steve jobs and made himself look like a genius when he wasn't
Justified his crappy marks by using that Einstein quote
@NovaliumCompany that's a remarkably insulting thing to say, given that nobody is forcing you to be here or interact with any of us. If the only things you're going to do here are to disregard and dismiss the things said here and insult the people who say them, why exactly are you here? (serious question, not for you to answer to me but for you to answer to yourself.)
@AvnishKabaj looks increasingly like that. There's a name for that (trolling) and a clear (if unpleasant) response to it. I hope it's not the case.
Perhaps the minimum age limit should be raised for this site?
@skullpetrol I don’t know if I agree. I was using this when I was 16 as I think a lot of other serious students do. I think we just have to me more strict when it comes to addressing repeat behaviour
@JakeRose Why do you think I do not engage and I'm here to disagree and annoy. I value each and every one of your opinions. I read them carefully and think about them. I understand that you are physics guys and university is definitely required if you want to have a career in a science.
I'm really really sorry if I have insulted anyone.
@JakeRose I really respect scientists, physicists, engineers, mathematicions... but if I was to be guided by someone, it will be the entreprenourial type of successful person.
@JakeRose For me, college has more to take than to give.
I never came here to troll, only to learn and listen, but sorry, I cannot pretend to agree on something, when I actually don't
@NovaliumCompany If you thought "None of you is successful in the way that I value" could be anything but insulting, you need to choose your words rather more carefully.
@ACuriousMind I now understand it is insulting, sorry. I would rephrase it to "If I was to be guided by someone, it would be really helpful if that person was entreprenourially successful."
@NovaliumCompany Even if your ambitions are entrepreneurial rather than scientific (indeed I guess you have chosen the wrong chatroom), college opens doors. Most importantly you'd be networking, and even if you say that the skills you'd learn in college would be close to useless, the piece of paper you get at the end is not worthless as other people do ascribe value to it. I guess the best example of a degree of that type (where extracurricular activity is particularly important) is an MBA.
Hello people:-)
@alarge Networking is one of the benefits I see in college but I see more negatives than positives.
"None of you is successful in the way that I value" haha unbelievable
@bolbteppa :P
@ACuriousMind what’s the acceptable time to label someone a troll on this site
For the purpose of telling other people to stop feeding it...
@bolbteppa Steady on chaps. I suspect that's just an imperfect grasp of English and wasn't meant to imply we're all failures. Just let it drop.
@RyanUnger $\infty$.
@JohnRennie Thank you.
@ACuriousMind we’ll all be dead long before then!
@RyanUnger death solves all ones problems.
Pff, how did I manage to turn my favourite chat forum against me. :(
@NovaliumCompany So what are the negatives and positives that you see, and what major would you be going for, anyway?
@RyanUnger I, for one, plan to live forever
@NovaliumCompany can you even describe what success is to you
@RyanUnger I can't
@NovaliumCompany "Ive decided" vs "Im keeping an open mind" are mutually contradictory dont you think? for anyone with intellectual abilities think college is the way to go, but was not fully enthusiastic about it myself both before, during, after. 1/3 of adults are college educated, it puts you in a select, even elite group. but yes there is the issue of conformity & groupthink which you raise. & yes entrepreneurial success is sometimes much different than college mentality... sometimes much harder...
It's your life, nobody said you had to go to college, it's up to you
@JohnRennie really? I don’t know a single person who didn’t go to college
Responding an earlier comment about rich people who didn’t go to college
@bolbteppa Thank you. I'm here to get more opinions by different people.
@ACuriousMind there’s more to university than Science :P
Consider a Young diagram with two horizontal boxes (labelled $i,j$ and one vertical box (labelled $k$), representing a tensor $T^{ijk}$ which is symmetric in $i$ and $k$, and anti-symmetric in $i$ and $k$. Based on this alone you're supposed to know that $T^{ijk}$ will satisfy $T^{ijk} + T^{jki} + T^{kij} = 0$ because 'it consists of tensors which are anti-symmetric in $i$ and $k$ which are not in the totally anti-symmetric representation', how does this generalize?
If you set $T^{ijk} = M^{ijk} + M^{jik} - M^{kji} - M^{jki}$ and then write that sum out it all goes to zero, kind of astounding something could be predicted just by knowing $T$ was anti-symmetric in $i$ and $k$ and symmetric in $i$ and $j$
@RyanUnger In IT it's quite common to skip college and go straight into a job. College IT degrees aren't that highly regarded in the UK. Experience is far more value.
Oh I take it back, I know Bernardo
He did that @JohnRennie
@RyanUnger Yes, but you could get the orgies elsewhere, too...
@RyanUnger And he's doing very well!
ACM back to his old ways
Not a very PG13 comment!
I don't see what's not PG13 about it as long as I don't elaborate :P
lol maybe we should nickname him "NC-17"
@JohnRennie yeah but I’ve talked to him and he wants to finish college
I think if you actually value scientific knowledge, getting at least one degree is inevitable.
← fully endorses orgies as the best alternative to college :P
@ACuriousMind the concept of an orgie isn’t PG13...wtf would you be elaborating on
Hmm I think it might be obvious actually
Greece ia nice
He meant an orgy of COBOL coding.
ugh COBOL orgies are definitely the most twisted o_O
@JohnRennie COBOL definitely isn't PG13!
I’m staying in academia to never have to program again
@ACuriousMind it's likely to corrupt and deprave innocent young programmers? :-)
@JohnRennie Bernardo seems to be doing well but hes said hes having thoughts about long hours/ work life balance/ immigration status (not in here much anymore) ... :|
@JohnRennie Most definitely. One needs a fortified mind to look at it and not be taken by madness
Last thing. Am I allowed to ask questions and participate in the chatroom?
I do COBOL so that others don't have to ;P
@NovaliumCompany yes, of course.
@JohnRennie Thank you.
@NovaliumCompany theres a longrunning game that goes on in here called "hot indignation at the outsider + n00b" so to speak :P
No there isn't
I think you should have to pass a basic physics test to talk in here
>Derive the fine structure constant from first principles
May 18 at 17:03, by vzn
@RyanUnger (lol!) I would never want to be part of a group that would allow me to be a member --Groucho Marx
@vzn Princeton became much less prestigious in my mind after they gave me an offer :P
@RyanUnger lol exactly! am thinking less of princeton myself lately also :P j/k :P
Hello gents
@RyanUnger a noble dream
Twas mine once
But alas it was not to be
Is there something discussing elastic collisions in GR outside of sachs wu
Seems a rare topic
@Slereah sw does it?
p. 92
A few papers talk about it as toy models for interacting matter
But I can't really think of a good general thing on the topic
@ACuriousMind my goodness the 2016 deus ex requres 74 GB
@RyanUnger Modern AAA games seem to really not care that they are competing for space with a ton of other games
@JMac Hitman 2 is taking 126GB
GTA5 is taking 83
Skyrim (with mods) over 100
@JMac They don't have to care since they no longer have to pay for physical media containing them.
I got hitman 1 with all the DLC for like $10 or something, installed it for later; but had to uninstall because it took up a ton of space and I didn't play it yet
I have a TB of SSD space but it's almost out
Hitman 1 and 2 are fantastic
Hitman 2 contains all of Hitman 1
hence the immense size
i have about 1.2 TB of SSD, but it's 3 SSD's i've just added onto my system over time, so managing the space is a bit annoying since I need to fit any new install onto one of the SSDs
the problem with hitman is that they store assets for each level separately...so you have the same tree stored 15 times
the idea is that one can just install levels separately but this is stupid
@vzn Has any movie ever been rated NC-17 in practice
Cannibal holocaust...
yeah, kinda weird they didn't try to optimize it or anything, but that was probably a lot of effort, and on ACMs point, it's not like they companies are paying for storage space anymore
I still have Apex Legends installed...do I need that
it was fun at first...
BR's are not my thing I've found out. Apex felt pretty generic as far as BR's go, I probably played like 3 games until I gave up
the whole pace of BR games is too... inconsistent for me. I find the looting aspects and fighting aspects contrast too much, and I get into a loot mindset or a shooting mindset; but can't put the two together well
I just want Halo to finally be released
I'm probably gonna give it a shot, haven't played much halo on PC but it's more my type of FPS. I know Reach is coming out soon, but I haven't heard anything about actual dates yet, just a lot of "MCC is coming out in 2019!" with sequential releases
I haven't played Halo in many years
last one I remember playing was halo 3
I don't have an xbone so I never played 5
But I played all the others a lot
@ACuriousMind To be fair, they do usually care how you learn the material :P Instead of just reading the textbook I am required to go to 9:00am lectures that I'll be too tired to pay attention to.
Attendance costs up to 10% of the grade in a lot of classes.
@SirCumference That's university-dependent - I've never had mandatory attendance for any lecture
@SirCumference its a real rating but the "kiss of death" for mainstream viewing, it tends to decrease the audience very substantially, so hollywood typically prefers to edit movies to take out the objectionable content. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NC-17_rated_films
@ACuriousMind That sounds like a wonderland
It's almost every class at my uni
@SirCumference uh what
I know where you go
I don’t believe a good university like that would have attendance
@RyanUnger I don't believe a good one would either :P
Sometimes it'll be a small amount, e.g.
Other times I get classes like this
If you can, feel free to look up some of my physics syllabi. You'll see this trend a lot
@SirCumference pretty sure [redacted] is an excellent university
For math and medicine anyhow...
@SirCumference take home quizzes? The fuck?
@RyanUnger Well that was for a class known to be unusually easy :P
@SirCumference so this is for physics classes or also math?
@RyanUnger Math tends to not have that problem. Actually math classes tend to be better altogether
Nicer curve, etc
Ah well it’s the superior field of study
Tho I assume the curve is because the math major is far smaller than the other majors here
It’s a small department
Which also causes things like inconsistent course offerings
Math would still be Euclidean geometry if it wasn't for physicists
And it would be better for it
Math had nearly 2000 years of being Euclidean geometry until Newton applied math to the real world inventing calculus out of necessity and so the modern era, 400 years of physics-based math has got us to e.g. Langlands etc should be a lesson to math people not to neglect physics
That's a...peculiar reading of history
I avoid all math that has to do with physics
pde's is physics-math
I don't see people doing discretized pde's over finite fields, for some reason it's using numbers that arise in physics :p
Any physics older than 50 years isn’t really physics
lol! and you were just complaining about trolling. ps QM is over 1 century old at this pt o_O :P
@vzn I'd totally go to an NC-17 movie just to say I've been to one
Is a quantum computer a non-deterministic finite automata?
@ACuriousMind lmao the recap video at the beginning of mankind divided
I forgot how convoluted human revolution was
@taritgoswami The automata of conputer science do not really correspond to computers, they correspond to programs (e.g. parsers for regular languages are usually finite automata), so that question doesn't really make sense.
@RyanUnger human convolution
@ACuriousMind Ok, can u give an example of a real use of non-deterministic FA?
@taritgoswami NDFAs are equivalent to DFAs, so there are no examples where a DFA would not also suffice.
@SirCumference lol newsflash, porn (rated X, more than NC-17) is widespread on the internet.
@ACuriousMind $\mathrm{human}*\mathrm{machine}$
@ACuriousMind quite old proof really
Turing did a proof that a non-deterministic turing machine was equivalent to a deterministic one back then
Same proof works for all machines rly

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