it was mentioned in an article about the definition of convex roofs, "The proper, unambiguous generalization of a pure state monotone, that also we will use in
the following, therefore uses the infimum over all decompositions into pure
states - the so-called convex roof
$\mathcal { M } ( \varrho ) = \inf _ { \left\{ p _ { i } , \mathbf { V } _ { i } \right\} } \sum _ { i } p _ { i } \mathcal { M } \left( \Psi _ { i } \right) ,$ with $p _ { i } > 0 ,$ s.t. $\varrho = \sum _ { i } p _ { i } | \Psi _ { i } \rangle \left\langle \Psi _ { i } |\right.$"