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Q: In planetary and astronomical science, what exactly is, or is not, a tidal force?

uhohI'm wondering exactly in which situations forces between bodies are, and are not consider to be tidal forces in the context of planetary and astronomical science. If two rigid, non-deformable spherical masses with shperically symmetric mass distributions orbit each other, can we say there are n...

2 hours later…
@Abcd Why you think like that? see some example of implementation of linked lists.. the name itself is very suggestive that it will look like a linked chain
We use user defined data type here.. as we need at least two space in a unit(what we call a node ), one to hold data and one to hold address of next node..
@taritgoswami He thought nextLink is a memory-allocated-object of Link class. The point here is, it simply remains as a variable of class type which can hold addresses. Only if a constructor is used, the process of "object creation" takes place.
@Blue You are talking abt Java implementation ig
@taritgoswami Yes, abcd was talking about implementation of a linked list in Java.
@taritgoswami we should probably discuss your question here rather than in the problem solving room.
@Blue Ooh
@JohnRennie Ok
Are you free now?
@taritgoswami particles are neither particles nor waves, they just sometimes behave like particles and behave like waves. The best description we have of particles is from quantum field theory, and that describes particles as states of quantum fields.
States of quantum fields means? can you explain it with some more details?
Are you an undergraduate, still at school, or at some other point in the education system?
I am an Undergraduate
OK, do you know what a Fourier transform is?
Don't know very well actually
OK. Suppose you have some function that is a function of position in space, $f(x,y,z)$. We can Fourier transform $f$ and what this does is express $f$ as an infinite sum of plane waves.
That is, we write $f$ as something like:
$$ f(\mathbf x) = \int a(\mathbf k) \sin(\mathbf k\cdot \mathbf x) $$
where $\mathbf k$ is the wave vector.
Now, if you remember back to when you first learned about quantum mechanics you probably started with the Schrodinger equation for a free particle, and you discovered its wavefunction was an infinite plane wave, just like the infinite plane waves in the Fourier transform above. Yes?
OK. What we do in quantum field theory is to say that the function $f$ represents a quantum field, and the plane waves in the integral are kind of the wavefunctions for free particles. So our quantum field is built up from the states of free particles.
By function of position in space do you mean the wave function itslef?
These individual states in the integral are called Fock states and they behave like quantised simple harmonic oscillators. The ground state of a Fock state is when no particles are present.
The first excited state is when one particle is present, the second excited state is when 2 particles are present and so.
So quantum field theory describes particles as the excitations of the Fock states from which the quantum field is built. Each Fock state describes particles with a particular momentum $\mathbf p$.
So you can create a particle of momentum $\mathbf p$ by adding energy to the correspnding Fock state to excite it to a higher energy level.
If you're now thinking WTF I sympathise :-)
Yeah I will need some time to digest it :p
When you get the hang of this it makes a lot of things suddenly a lot clearer.
For example suppose you collide two electrons in a collider, how do extra particles get created in the collision?
@JohnRennie No idea :p
It happens because the Fock states describing the incoming electrons can transfer their energy to the Fock states of other quantum fields, and this creates new particles corresponding to those Fock states.
So the creation and annihilation of particles is just shuffling energy around between different Fock states.
The individual states in the integral are Fock state, and that's the quanum state of free particle .. means Fock states are quantum states of Free particle.. am I correct? please correct me
I find examples illuminating: if you solve the equations for a free real scalar field (Klein Gordon) you get something like $$ \int \frac {d^3p}{(2\pi)^3} a_{\mathbf{p}}e^{-ipx}+a_{\mathbf{p}}^\dagger e^{ipx}$$
whoops I pressed send way before my message was ready lol
didn't mean to intrude myself so rudely
@taritgoswami yes, though this is all rather arm waving and approximate. But you can think of the Fock states as describing free particles.
anyway if you then calculate the hamiltonian you get $$\int \frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3}a_\mathbf{p}^\dagger a_\mathbf{p}+\frac{1}{2}[a_\mathbf{p}, a_\mathbf{p}^\dagger]$$if you interpret $a$ and $a^\dagger$ as the usual ladder operators you can see that the field is a continuum of quantum harmonic oscillators, and that the operators can create particles at any momentum
@user2723984 I suspect this might be a bit much for @taritgoswami :-)
@JohnRennie Yeah :(
@taritgoswami I'm giving you a oversimplified and potentially misleading "pop science" description in an attempt to give you that basic ideas. @user2723984 is doing it properly :-)
oh sorry
no it's just that having already took quantum mechanics
I thought seeing that the hamiltonian of a certain field is an integral over hamiltonians of harmonic oscillators might make clearer what you meant by what you said before :)
but if not ignore what I wrote
@taritgoswami if you're just calculating the wavefuction of a free particle you get a plane wave, and you get the amplitude of the plane wave by normalising the wavefunction. Yes?
You normalise to one because you know there is one particle and you know the particle must be somewhere, so the integral over the whole wavefunction has to be one.
The Fock state is a bit different. It can represent one particle or two particles or $n$ particles for any integer $n$. So when you normalise it the result is one, or two, or $n$ depending on how many particles are present in that state.
@taritgoswami anyway, the point is that particles are complicated things in QFT, so you have to be careful about describing them as waves or particles.
They are objects that can behave like waves or behave like particles depending on the system. It is sometimes convenient to use an approximate description of the article as a wave, and sometimes use an approximate description of the particle as a particle.
Polarisation is easy to understand when describing the particle as a wave, so that's the wave we'd normally describe it.
@taritgoswami could you clear my doubt regarding that?
@Blue How do you know that : "it simply remains as a variable of class type which can hold addresses"
@Abcd Because classes are reference types in Java. No new memory space is allocated by Java unless you use a constructor. Where's the constructor for the variable nextLink? The diagram you drew doesn't make much sense. It seems as if you think (say) a 4 bit memory can be embedded within another 4-bit memory, which isn't possible. Think of a node as an object with k-bit memory where k is a constant.
@Blue isnt constructor automatically created for ever obj??
No, let's take this example:
A: Java default constructor

sunilJava provides a default constructor which takes no arguments and performs no special actions or initializations, when no explicit constructors are provided. The only action taken by the implicit default constructor is to call the superclass constructor using the super() call. Constructor argumen...

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Cube1 cubeObj1, cubeObj2;
    cubeObj1 = new Cube1();
    cubeObj2 = new Cube1(10, 20, 30);
    System.out.println("Volume of Cube1 is : " + cubeObj1.getVolume());
    System.out.println("Volume of Cube1 is : " + cubeObj2.getVolume());
The first line Cube1 cubeObj1, cubeObj2; is simply declaring the variables of class type. There's no memory space allocated to them yet. This is exactly what happens when you write public Link nextLink;.
The second line uses the default constructor: cubeObj1 = new Cube1(); and a memory space is allocated to cubeObj1.
The third line uses a user-defined constructor: cubeObj2 = new Cube1(10, 20, 30); and a memory space is allocated to cubeObj2.
Oh I see^
Suppose we have: Node start;
Then we have Node t = start;
What is happening here^?
@Abcd The memory address of the class-variable/object start is being assigned to t.
@Blue What about the data inside start? Will t take that also?
@Abcd No, t will just point to the memory location of start. No new node-size memory is allocated for t.
But you can of course still access start's parameters using t. Like t.data will give you the same result as start.data.
Actually consider this instead:
Node start = new Node() // A new object is created using the default constructor and memory is allocated.
Node t = start // The address of start is assigned to t. No separate memory is allocated for t.
My explanation was meant for this case.
public void insertAtFirst(int val)
        Node n;
        n = new Node();
  //  And in Node class we have:
    public void setNext(Node n)
            next = n;
@Blue Another variant^
next = n; ??
Write up the question. I'm going for lunch. Will be back in 10 minutes.
@Abcd Yeah, so what's the confusion?
@Abcd This seems to be missing out a lot. Where is next defined? Could you give the whole code?
:48477224 class Node
    private int data;
    private Node next;
    public Node()
        data = 0;
        next = null;

    public Node(int d, Node n)
        data = d;
        next = n;

    public void setData(int d)

        data = d;

    public void setNext(Node n)
        next = n;

    public Node getNext()
        return next;

    public int getData()
        return data;
Okay, so here they're using separate functions for setting the data and next parameters of the nodes. That's not really necessary.
@Blue Do you want linked list code also
@Abcd This is fine. But what's your question/confusion here? It looks clear to me.
17 mins ago, by Abcd
@Blue what does this line do^^
@Abcd Let's start with this: What is n? Has memory been allocated to it yet?
@Blue 1) n is Node's object 2) yes
@Abcd Now, notice that setNext is a function of Node class, and n is an object of Node class. So you can call any function of Node class using n, to set its parameters data and next.
@Blue ya
@Abcd Now what is start?
@Blue its just declared as private Node start
@Abcd Cool. So start is a variable of Node class. You're assigning the address of start to the next variable of object n. That is, now n.next and start are pointing to the exact same location in the memory.
start is similar to the first_animal we spoke about yesterday.
@Blue what does n.next actually mean??
@Blue no without analogy please
otherwise i get lost in the analogy and forget the original thing
@Abcd n.next is the address of the next node in the linked list which the object n is holding. Every object n has two data parameters: next and data.
@Blue I am facing trouble in distinguishing address and object
@Abcd I don't see the problem? Every object of Node class has an address itself and it also holds the address to the next node of the linked list. Every object has two data parameters: data and link/address/next.
@Blue start = n; Does this give start full n including its data or only the address of n?
@Abcd Only the address. start and n will now point to the same memory location. However, this statement doesn't mean, n's address is being assigned to start.next, if that's what you're confused about. start=n literally means "now start points to the exact same memory location to where n points" .
You need to get rid of the notion that variables of class type are memory spaces. They're not. They're simply pointers to those memory spaces which hold the actual data.
@Abcd Here's an image which will make this hopefully clear.
#X154, #C350, #Z123 are memory addresses. node 1, node 2, node 3 and first are simply pointers to those addresses.
@Blue yes its helpful. Let me complete it and ill ask you if i get more doubts.
@Blue See if we have a pointer t pointing at some object
@Abcd Okay?
Then that's a pointer. How can it access the object's stuff using it?
Like how can we say t.getNext() or t.setNext(n);
> See if we have a pointer t pointing at some object
This statement is a bit misleading. In Java you can think of the pointers as objects. And these objects are reference types (class type variables) which point to fixed-size memory locations like #X154 in the image.
@Abcd Of course, t being an object of Node class has access to the functions of the Node class. That function goes to the memory location where t points to and extracts the data parameters from there.
Say node2.data (in the image), will return Data 2 from the memory location #C350. node2 is an object of class Node.
The fact that Java only has pointers to objects has always vaguely annoyed me. C++ is much better in this respect.
@JohnRennie That's what you get for an OOP language. :P
@JohnRennie Ehhhh...I'd argue that you really shouldn't need to manipulate any object directly
@Abcd Actually lemme modify my statement a bit. It's the variables of class type which act as pointers in Java. Variables of class type, like node1, node2, etc. point to fixed-size memory locations.
@Blue whats the difference between variables of class type and object
@Abcd Object would be the data (state/attributes) + methods (behaviour).
Variables of class type can point to the data in the memory. But with that variable name you can also access the methods of the object.
@ACuriousMind it should be up to me if I want to pass an object by reference or by value.
A: How are functions encoded/stored in memory?

DougvjThey are in fact stored into memory as 0's and 1's Here is a real world example: int func(int a, int b) { return (a + b); } Here is an example of 32-bit x86 machine instructions that a compiler might generate for the function (in a text representation known as assembly code): func: ...

@Abcd In case you were wondering how functions are stored in memory.
Every object has its own copy of data parameters and methods. These "objects" share the same name as the variables of class type, which store nothing more than the addresses of these memory locations where the data+methods are encoded.
@JohnRennie Is there any good introductory book you prefer for QFT which explain concepts clearly and suitable for an Undergrad
@taritgoswami the problem with all QFT books is that to do QFT properly is really hard. The maths involved is pretty deep. So there is no such thing as a simple QFT book.
Not need to be very simple, but a step by step approach maybe
If you're an undergrad I would recommend you don't try to learn QFT unless you plan to study theoretical physics.
Does your college offer a QFT course? It would probably be a final year option.
No, there is no QFT course
Yeah I am planning to study ThPh
@taritgoswami It's there in BS-MS courses I think? Or are you doing a separate BSc?
Separate mean?
I am doing dual degree in Math and Phys
@taritgoswami Oh. Is it a 3 years course?
I see. Then you'll not get QFT I guess. 3 years is too short for a math+physics dual degree.
@Blue Yeah, needs lot of efforts
I have told you before also ig @Blue
@taritgoswami have a look at:
Q: What is a complete book for introductory quantum field theory?

Andy BaleThere's a fairly standard two or three-semester curriculum for introductory quantum field theory, which covers topics such as: classical field theory background canonical quantization, path integrals the Dirac field quantum electrodynamics computing $S$-matrix elements in perturbation theory, d...

But bear in mind that you're letting yourself in for quite a lot of work.
@JohnRennie Ok, if it seems too hard then I will leave it for now and will try to understand later
@JohnRennie Thanks
I think the best way of studying quantum field theory is to join a research group in the themes of quantum field theory you are intereted in.
because every professor researching on quantum field theory teaches different contents of quantum field theory, probably because they all teach based on what are used in their research.
1 hour later…
@CaptainBohemian well that's if you want to really go in depth, to begin with if you are comfortable with quantum mechanics and special relativity you can simply follow one of the standard textbooks
I have a doubt which I dont think would be suitable if I ask in physics SE
Can a system have an non-zero angular acceleration even if the magnitude of angular velocity be constant? It seems quite trivial question.
Like if a body A is rotating with some angular velocity X and another body B is rotating with some angular velocity Y, axis of rotation of A is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of B. Then it is asked to me find the relative angular acceleration? Intuitively it seems that the direction of angular velocity of changing, but how can I express it in equation, the definition β = dω/dt seems insensitive of that change
@Blue Are you free for 30 seconds?
@Abcd Yep.
int pop() // Function to delete element in Stack
        if(top == -1) // Condition for Underflow
            return -999;
            int val = ST[top]; // Storing the element which will be removed
            top = top - 1;
            return val;
@Blue I feel that to pop element from stack we should do ST[top] =0; (that is we should set the top element to zero and then decrement top by 1) but why do people do that^^^
@taritgoswami Student friendly quantum field theory is a good book
it was written by Robert D, Klauber
@Abcd You can set it to zero before popping if you wish. But it's not necessary.
@Blue why is it not necessary??
@Abcd Why would it be necessary?
@Blue empty states of stack are denoted by 0 right?
@Blue when you implement stack using array, initially all elements are 0
and then we add elemnts to stack, we add non 0 numbers
So 0 denotes empty state
@Abcd It can be zero or any garbage value. We don't care about those values. In a fixed size array, you're not saving any extra space by assigning 0 to those array elements.
@Blue K thanks.
@WangYun You want to ping Tarit Goswami, not Ajay Mishra. Edited it for you. ;)
@ACuriousMind I didnt get the time derivative which is expressed as a cross product in the answer by brian moths
That expression seems dimensionally incorrect by the way.
@AjayMishra The equation is correct - the cross product of two angular velocities has units of inverse time squared.
anyone with the book a guide to feyman diagrams in the many body problem? im going through it and i have a few questions
p 43 the last 2 mathematical expressions (hamiltonians) are supposedly equal, but i find that they are not equal
is there a typo somewhere or am i missing something
basically it boils down to check whether p^2/(2m_0) is equal to p^2/(2m)- m_ep^2/(m(m_e+m)) where m_0 = m+m_e. i verified that it's not equal unless m_e = 0 or something like that, but we assume that the masses are different from 0 and infinity, so the equality does not hold
i wonder whether im missing somethng
i found no errata of the book . i found a typo and possibly many more. im just extremely unsure
it's the 2nd edition so i assume someone went through the book
basic electrodynamics question
say we have a circular wire with an emf producing a current
is it possible to help the emf with a magnet? by applying a B field at some part of the wire, with the lorentz force we have a term that goes like vxB which is perpendicular to both v and B. so at first, it seems that the electrons are not going to be pushed along the wire
but as soon as they are deflected, their direction v' is not along the wire anymore. so, $v' \times B$ could be in part along the wire?
i.e. we would be able to help the emf with a magnet?
@tttt Please use MathJax in chat.
is that better?
i don't see in latex
@tttt You need to install either the userscript or the bookmarklets I linked.
A: Any chance of MathJax in chat?

Ilmari KaronenAs a workaround while this request is pending, there exist several client-side workarounds that can be used to enable LaTeX rendering in chat, including: ChatJax, a set of bookmarklets by robjohn to enable dynamic MathJax support in chat. Commonly used in the Mathematics chat room. An altern...

thanks but id rather use my brain as decoder rather than installing a firefox extension which would increase my fingerprint uniqueness
but ok ill use mathjax from now on
@tttt What? Fingerprint uniqueness?
You don't necessarily need to install the Firefox extension. Robjohn's bookmarklet is a good alternative too and is quite light-weight.
@tttt Blue gave me this, it worked for me and it's not an extension, just a thing you put in your bookmarks
that looks like magic lemme try
does not seem to work $\text{test}$
does not work.... what the heck
Works for me.
i restarted firefox
i have the 2 things in my bookmarks . to no avail
@tttt Is it in the bookmarks bar? Just saving them as bookmarks won't work.
i dont have the bookmarks bar. but i right clicked and added them in the bookmarks, as mentioned
"^^drag this^^ to your bookmark bar or right click on it to add it as a bookmark. " i've done the latter
@tttt Oh, then that won't work. Activate the bookmarks bar in Firefox.
damn it. no freaking way im gonna add that useless bar eating precious vertical space of my small 1080p monitor
you have to click on the bookmark to render mathjax
Yeah, alternatively you can do that. ^
i had clicked on one of them (not sure whether to start or not)
ah lemme retry
that works oOOOOOooo
wow thanks a lot
do i need to manually click on the bookmarks everytime i restart firefox?
@tttt exactly my reaction lol
eh, more often than that
ok i just tested. yes i need to reclick on the bookmarks
@tttt Yeah. That's why using the Firefox extension or userscript is better.
it keeps it rendered for some time, I don't know for how much exactly
ok then ill use my brian as decoder, it will be faster in the end
I just click it whenever there are equations I want to read
> "start ChatJax" installs MathJax and starts a loop that renders LaTeX as needed.
This is intended for use in chat, where the contents of the page are not static.
Reloading the page will stop the loop, so the bookmark needs to be run again.

"render MathJax" installs MathJax and renders LaTeX once per execution.
This is intended for use on web pages where the contents of the page are static.
Mmm ...
What does normal incidence mean in optics?
im sure I’m misinterpreting it
@JakeRose It is perpendicular to the surface
I.e. parallel to the normal line
@SirCumference I got a question about normal interference in thin film interference. How would that even work?
@JakeRose What's the confusion?
@JakeRose You can use the menu to the left of your message to edit or remove it within a two minute window.
Is it good to use desk lamp in dark room
I can't seem to wrap my head around this: on a smooth manifold with an arbitrary connection, what does the parallel transport of a vector along a curve represent? I can take some Christoffel symbols and a curve and solve the equation and I find myself with a vector that varies as a function of the parameter of the curve, say like $v(\lambda)$. Should I interpret this as $v(\lambda_1)$ is "parallel" to $v(\lambda_2)$? What does parallel even mean in this context?
is this simply the definition of what it means to be pointing in the same direction on the manifold?
@user2723984 Yes.
oh ok, then I already had it, thanks
@ayc fyi science backs it up, heres a brand new study. some philosophies are healthier than others. they can have causative effects on health. The Power of Purpose and Meaning in Life— A new study reveals the pervasive effects of feeling that life is worthwhile. psychologytoday.com/au/blog/brain-waves/201901/…
and what about the Lie derivative? Why bother with a connection and not use the Lie derivative to define change of direction? I found this question but the answer just talks about the metric, I'm wondering about an arbitrary tensor field
@user2723984 How would you define it using the Lie derivative?
Well if $\mathcal{L}_X Y=0$ then $Y$ is parallel transported along the flow of $X$
hey guys, what is a good (introductory) book on quantum information?
we got a reader, but they don't explain anything, it's just exercises
@ShaVuklia Nielsen and Chuang?
@user2723984 But we want to say what it means to parallel transport a vector along an arbitrary curve.
@ACuriousMind I'm not sure I understand, usually we say that if $\nabla_X Y=0$ then $Y$ is parallel transported along the flow of $X$, how is that different?
the vector $X$ is arbitrary, we could take whatever curve and find the vector field of which it is the flow
Not every curve is the flow of a vector field
ok that surprises me, but then the covariant derivative has the same problem
@Blue ah nice, thanks
mmh if I have any smooth curve $\gamma$ on the manifold, I can define a vector field by $X_{\gamma(t)}f = (f\circ \gamma)'(t)$
and then $\gamma$ is the flow of $X$, or am I missing something?
mmh maybe it's not obvious that $\gamma$ should define a one parameter group of diffeomorphisms
@user2723984 Sorry, I misunderstood what notion of connection you are using. A formalistic reason is that the Lie derivative doesn't fulfill the axioms for a connection. For more, see physics.stackexchange.com/q/245675/50583 and the links in the answer.
@user2723984 I would use "flow" only for a vector field defined on the entire manifold
@ShaVuklia Watrous's lectures are also good but they're grad level. I just got through the first chapter.
On the other hand, Nielsen and Chuang is the gold standard for introductory courses.
@ACuriousMind the links in the question have some interesting answers, thanks. What I gather from this is that we use the covariant derivative because it's a closer fit to what we want physically
still if someone (like, completely unrelated example, a professor in an exam) asked me to explain what does it mean that $\mathcal{L}_X Y=0$ I'd answer "the direction of $Y$ doesn't change along the flow of $X$"
> Much to their amazement, it got automatically accepted after paying the small fee of $150.
money well spent
$150? I could get it published for lesser than that. :P
"I'll do it for 100$ in the Blue's Journal of Advanced Computer Technology"
user image
One of the few times I find something worthwhile on my quora feed :P
@Blue Didn't even notice the axes labels on the "graph"
@Blue About that cheating issue, I told his advisor. He immediately called him, expelled him from the lab, and told him he has to email Max Planck Institute and tell them he can't come for personal reasons.
@Mo_ Great! Getting expelled from a lab in their hometown is several times better (for them) than getting expelled from a PhD program in another country and running into legal issues. Glad that it went well. :)
does anyone know why they write $M_m^+M_m$, and not just $\langle\psi\vert M_m\vert\psi\rangle$?
@Mo_ I suppose he can continue with his Masters degree though?
@Mo_ woah
Assuming this isn't all a random internet story (which is not clear at all haha), just think how bad it is for someone to do something like that, there could literally be up to 100 PhD students applying for and willing to take that one place, takes months to apply and wait, then in the time wasted waiting for the person to accept all those people could have their plans totally changed etc, it would be simply terrible if the story were true
How could anybody even waste their time doing something so stupid, the story is so ridiculous, how could anybody even think it could work out
@Blue He defended his these 3 months ago, but has not yet graduated. I think he will have problems with that too for some other (cheating-related) reasons.
@ShaVuklia because if $|\psi_i\rangle=\sum_n a_n |n\rangle$ then $M_m |\psi_i\rangle=a_m|m\rangle$ and $\left(a_m|\psi\rangle\right)^\dagger \left(a_m|\psi\rangle\right)=|a_m|^2$ which is the probability you want
@bolbteppa I don't know what would have happened If I didn't see the transcript he sent to Max Planck. He could get expelled from there, or maybe he could somehow forge fake (hard copy) transcripts for them
But this is a true story! I was struggling with it and what to do for 3 days now
@Mo_ Sigh...godspeed to them.
^ Oh I meant his thesis (typo!)
@Mo_ Yup, noticed. :) Are you joining any PhD program this year (I remember you applied to some programs)? Or will you be joining the military?
I will never join the military :)
still applying
@Mo_ Hah, how? That got waived in exchange for your scientific work?
No (I can do that but haven't yet). I mean I will start my PhD; here in the worst case.
@Mo_ I see. So you'll be staying in Iran for the time being?
Yes. Until Fall 2019 if I get admission from a university abroad
@user2723984 oh whoops, I was thinking we were dealing with the expectation value. thanks!
@Mo_ Cool! Keep us updated. :)
Our university is pretty good (ranked 1 nationwide and 45 in ARWU engineering), but I prefer another country for reasons Indian students probably know :)
Ha-ha. ;)
@ShaVuklia there's a typo in there but you probably noticed, it should be $a_m|m\rangle$ not $a_m|\psi\rangle$
@user2723984 oh, yea I read past that, but thx
@user2723984 oh wait, why don't we have $M_m\vert\psi_i\rangle=ma_m\vert m\rangle?$
because $\vert m\rangle$ is the eigenvector of $M_m$ with eigenvalue $m$ right?
I don't think I understand the subscript for the measurement operator
@Mo_ Did you come clean and tell the advisor that you were actually helping the guy cheat?
@ShaVuklia I just called the eigenvalues $a_m$ instead of $m$
no wait
I have to look at the equation in the book
@ShaVuklia Sorry, I misunderstood the notation and I told you something wrong: here $M_m$ is a measurement operator, how these are defined is given at page 84
If $M_m$ is a normal projective measurement then you have $M_m^\dagger M_m=M_m^2=M_m$ and the probability is the one you expected
sorry, I should have thought more
@alarge We didn't bring that up, but I could have said I didn't know that question was for his application. I made a big mistake, but as I said, if I knew there would be even the slightest chances of him being accepted I would have never helped him.
If I have a amplitude that has a complex phase shift, is the intensity the square or the magnitude?
Do you address a graduate lecturer as Mr. or use their first name?
(I just started their class)
Just use Sir ;)
like "Sir, I had a question"
One of these professors that I contacted is getting very friendly in the emails; I'm thinking about using "Later alligator" as closing in one of my future emails to him
@SirCumference I think that is very culture specific. At my grad school I got a little of both plus things like "Teacher" and even "Teach".
QFT for dummies is a good book
Or QFT for your dog. Even better.
@Mo_ Sir sounds even more formal than Mr. :P

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